Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October 5, 1993 CMPD Officers Andy Nobles and John Burnette Were Murdered In the Line of Duty

On October 5, 1993, Officers Andy Nobles and John Burnette  were responding to a call about a suspicious vehicle in Boulevard Homes.

After the officers confirmed that the vehicle had been reported stolen and that the driver was a wanted person, the driver ran into a nearby wooded area. 

The officers caught up with the suspect, and a struggle ensued. During the fight, the suspect was able to grab one of the officers' service weapon and shoot both of them. The suspect was later apprehended after an intense manhunt.

Officer Nobles was 26 Officer Burnette was 25.




Anonymous said...

I was just thinking about them this morning and then looked on here and saw this. Thank you for posting and reminding folks. They were both great guys and so young.

Anonymous said...

Thank You Cedar Posts!

Anonymous said...

Much appreciation for you posting!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Cedar for remembering...its always a very sad day for all of us, I find myself as the day goes by remembering hour by hour where I was and what call I was on and feeling more emotional as the hour was one of the sadest days of my life...

Anonymous said...

same here 6:22. remember that night like it was yesterday and how it all seemed to go in slow motion. Angry, scared, sad, and confused all at the same time. And it wouldn't be the last time I felt that way. Be safe brother. Rest in Peace John & Andy. We haven't forgotten you guys.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

A post of rememberance of two officers, but yet someone has to leave a comment to take the attention away from two officers that gave everyday at work for the years they were there until their murder. For the one that posted that, where is your website to keep cop killers and other killers behind bars? You don't have any, step somewhere else and quit disrespecting John and Andy and their families. Please no one else respond to that previous comment for the obvious.

Anonymous said...
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Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition said...

Normally I would just sit back and let the comments do their thing but not on this post it is a little too personal.

KellyO said...

Thank you Cedar!

Anonymous said...
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