Friday, September 20, 2013

CMPD Arrests Officer Michael Thompson

CMPD Officer Michael L. Thompson is accused of falsifying time sheets while working at his second job in the Berewick Homeowner’s Association. He has been arrested and faces eight counts of obtaining property by false pretense.

The department hired Thompson in 2007. He has been placed on administrative leave pending a criminal and internal investigation.

 “The actions of this officer do not reflect the character of the dedicated men and women that wear the badge of the CMPD with honor.  We will continue to hold officers to the highest standards and accountable for their actions,” said Chief Rodney D. Monroe.


Anonymous said...

What's the story behind this?

Anonymous said...

I think the story speaks for itself. He's a dipshit. Not sure why folks think they can still get away with this stuff these days. Not worth pissing away your career!