Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Construction Worker Impersonates CMPD Chief Rodney Monroe

File this under "SMH" - CMPD's Command Staff strictly enforces the department's regulations regarding social media. A dozen or so Officers have been suspended for harmless twitter, facebook and instagram posts. The basic concept is that no officer or civilian employee shall post anything online that could be considering disparaging to the uniform or the department.

2headedmonstar "Type of Stuff U do, when U work at the Chiefs House! (Lol)
he said he gone let me do a Ride Along!" #ThatsWhatsUp #CMPD

So why is this guy, (who is apparently doing some remodeling at Chief Monroe's home) posing in the chief's duty jacket? And the cut out? Seriously? Like I said just "SMH".


Anonymous said...

Did Rodney post this to his Facebook page? And am I to understand that's a life size photo of him back at DCMetro? Sgt Monroe? And he has this at his house? The Rodney shrine?

Anonymous said...

What disciplinary action would be levied against a Patrol Officer, Sergent, Lieutenant, Captain or Deputy Chief for allowing the same actions to occur.

If we accept an "I did not know" response from Chief Monroe than what does that say about who he lets have unrestricted access to his house.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so surprised that he would keep a life size cut out of himself in his home. Remember folks, this is a narcissist. Im sure that he has some type of altar in his home with his portrait hanging above it. Candles, incense and all!

Anonymous said...

Hey! You're talking to my guy all wrong, it's the wrong tone

Anonymous said...

Did Romo know this guy was wearing his jacket?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not FAKE! In fact that is Rotney's crib. And yep that is a life sized photo of his holiness this guy is posing with.

Looks like Rotney wasn't home at the time but who knows maybe he was the one taking the pictures.

Anonymous said...

So the chief has people doing a renovation at his home and let this guy pose "Charlie's Angels" style and then offered this guy a ride along?

Can you get any more unprofessional?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care about this?

If you do, Why?

Is it just because you feel like there is a lot of double standard and this is something that you can point to?

This particular incident was really just poor judgment for hiring someone that calls himself a 2headed monster. then giving them access to his house. but really no harm was done.

The chief did much worse and did cause harm as noted in the previous blog post. Be mad about that.

Anonymous said...

Off topic but the airport officers are about to become CMPD and come out on top with the current lawsuit. Any thoughts good or bad? Please share them. My thought is the academy can't teach these folks anything "basic" that they don't already know. Please for the love of --- just lateral them over already!

Anonymous said...

The guy posted a funny picture for his friends...what are you supposed to do? Give this one a rest. It was funny.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Cedar, its a Negro thing lighten up!

Anonymous said...

This is not a rookie right out of the academy...its the chief of police...great example he is setting for his officers...or should i say convicts.