Thursday, September 18, 2014

Greensboro Speeding Ticket Earns Woman 1 AM CMPD Wake-Up Call

Charlotte's main stream media looking anyway possible to shame CMPD Officers.

Take WSOC's report on the arrest of Mazoe Anderson. Anderson had an outstanding warrant out of Guildford court for failure to appear on a traffic ticket.

For some reason Anderson's warrant found its way to CMPD, let's assume her DL address and Officers came to her home to make the arrest.

As you might expect Anderson wasn't happy about going to jail at 1 AM over a traffic ticket. Now she's charged with resisting and assault on a CMPD Officer.

WSOC's interest in the story comes from after her arrest when she took a bus to the hospital for a shoulder injury she sustained during the arrest.
WSOC's report below:

A local mother and veteran says Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department officers woke her up at 1 a.m, arrested her without showing her a warrant and then separated her shoulder while taking her into custody.

CMPD is investigating.

Mazoe Anderson told Channel 9 two CMPD Officers banged on her door to arrest her for an outstanding warrant on a speeding ticket out of Greensboro.

She says when she refused to step out her front door, one of the officers pulled her out of her home by her shoulder.

Her son recorded the incident.

Anderson said officers refused to show her the warrant and one wrestled her to the ground.

She showed Channel 9 a picture of her in the hospital after she bonded out of jail. A medical record shows she has a separated shoulder.

"Somebody pulling you out of your home, out of your sleep in the middle of the night, and you never having any issues, you're confused," Anderson said.

After serving and retiring from the Army, Anderson suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. She said the experience caused her to have flashbacks.

CMPD released this statement following the incident:  “The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is currently investigating the complaint from Ms. Anderson to determine if any policy or procedures were violated.  The department has and will continue to hold its members to the highest level of professionalism and accountability as they serve the public.”


Anonymous said...

She had a warrant...whats the problem?

Anonymous said...

So she cleared the jail nurse with a separated shoulder?

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can make an arrest for a warrant anytime but come on, really? A speeding failure to appear one....must have been rookie officer on this one. Pick and choose battles, if your going to serve a warrant that early in AM make it a good one. This could've waited for first or second shift. The court system would've understood and I'm sure the DA's office wasn't biting their fingernails itching to make sure justice was served on this outstanding speeding ticket. Now as far as the separated shoulder; I think the jail nurse and the detention officers would've picked up on that right away.

Anonymous said...

There used to be a standing policy not to serve a Misd warrant after 12AM

Anonymous said...

There's no way in hell a couple of rookies decided to serve a 99 for speeding on this lady... There's gotta be more to this one

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right, People are bitching when we don't arrest they are bitching when we do?

Anonymous said...

This woman has been arrested at least twice in Georgia. Once for failure to appear. Now she fails to go to court for a ticket in North Carolina? You would think that she would know better. She has a history of not showing up for court...

When is a good time to serve a warrant? When the chances are high that the person is there, but now an officer can't serve the warrant at her residence at night. A time when she is likely to be home. I wonder if the officers should have went to her place of employment? My guess is there would have been a complaint about that too.

So again I ask if a person simply decides to not show up for court more than once in more than one state or county when does law enforcement serve a valid court issued warrant?

Another policy thought up to keep complaints down even though case law and general statute is on law enforcement's side.

Go ask the average citizen who pays their tickets, fines, and shows up for court when they are told what they think about this.....

Anonymous said...

Wow. I cant believe you people. I hope you're not police officers, but obviously you are. You justify this, and completely ignore the fact that the officer refused to show the warrant. Have you considered that if he had just shown the warrant, he never would have had to drag her out in the first place. Of course she was confused, and I don't give a damn what time it was! A Police officer on a power trip is a recipe for disaster.

Get your hearts right! It is situations like this that make situations like Ferguson seem believable when the media and witnesses decide to spin it (regardless of agenda). Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

@12:52pm- You are obviously not a police officer. Warrants are digital. The only paper are search warrants and involuntary commitment papers. Idiot.

Anonymous said...

12:52...please reference a law class ASAP, as long as a officer has knowledge of a valid arrest warrant one does not need the warrant in hand to make an arrest.

Anonymous said...

1:45 and 3:44

You two are just too smart for your own good. huh?

My mistake if showing an arrest warrant is not necessary. He still should have told her why, not to mention serving the warrant earlier. But You're right. That's not an area I am familiar with. I have no need to be.

Clearly you (and CMPD) support yanking someone out of their home at any time, for something as minor as failing to appear for a speeding ticket, without giving any clue why. Your position is noted.

Still, Common sense should tell you that's morally wrong, unnecessary and just overkill. Just because you can do something, does not mean that you should.

Anonymous said...

I didn't say I agreed with the hour or how it was done. I only said it was legal. Maybe talk to legislature about when and how officers can serve legal process. Maybe they will change the law.

Anonymous said...

So, let's say you are the average officer walking into work for a night shift after watching fellow officers get locked by the department without enough evidence to get a magistrate or the DA to hold the charges (while seeing other officers acting much worse and getting no real punishment).

This is followed by watching the city give the Hornets and Panthers millions of dollars for renovations, build the trolley car line, and then there is the light rail money pit. All while the city reduces what they want to pay for your health insurance. You are used to it now because this is the game that has been played each year...the city gives you a small raise only to reduce the amount they pay towards your health insurance by an amount that almost negates the raise. It could be worse because you remember some years when didn't get a raise and they reduced the amount paid towards your insurance equaling a backdoor pay cut.

You were looking forward to your small incentive check because your child's birthday is coming up, but the department tells you the week prior it has been eliminated because there is no more money. This as everyone from Lieutenant and above gets a lump sum 3.5% pay raise this year.

You read email after email from your Lieutenant telling you to make traffic stops, citizen contacts, and zone checks in the "hot spots" because the monthly meeting is this week. Then you remember you latest legal training where you were told that if you hold a person's ID too long you have committed an illegal seizure of their person...oh and by the way here is a pamphlet to read because you need to be nicer even in the face of ever increasing disrespect for law enforcement....but get out there and make some numbers.

Somehow you have enough work ethic that you still want to be a cop and decide that you will serve some warrants during your shift. Nobody can complain about an illegal seizure or ask why you initiated contact with a citizen when there is a warrant right? Wrong...Now you are told that can't serve warrants at night or when it is dark because a citizen with a warrant complained when they were arrested at home at night at a time that was too late and inconvenient.

Guess decide to stop working at all and just shag calls or avoid them when you can...and that is how you make a worker bee into a slug.....just in time for the body cameras..

Anonymous said...


The issues you just mentioned regarding lack of pay increases and insurance cuts are happening all across the board (from gov't to private businesses).

As far as insurance goes, the cost is going way up for group insurance(BCBS around 25%). so that's not really a pay cut, its an insurance cost increase. But I understand how you would feel that way. Everyone is being touched by those insurance issues weather they know it yet or not.

The price is being driven up to support Obama Care rules and costs. And all of the people that think they got some great reduction in insurance costs by signing up for Obama Care coverage, well they are probably going to get nailed at tax time. this due to the monthly tax credits they received to cover the cost. Often times deductibles were super high so they didn't get to use the insurance. So yes it sucks. for everyone.

Anonymous said...

§ 15A-401. Arrest by law-enforcement officer.

(a) Arrest by Officer Pursuant to a Warrant. -

(1) Warrant in Possession of Officer. - An officer having a warrant for arrest in his possession may arrest the person named or described therein at any time and at any place within the officer's territorial jurisdiction.

(2) Warrant Not in Possession of Officer. - An officer who has knowledge that a warrant for arrest has been issued and has not been executed, but who does not have the warrant in his possession, may arrest the person named therein at any time. The officer must inform the person arrested that the warrant has been issued and serve the warrant upon him as soon as possible. This subdivision applies even though the arrest process has been returned to the clerk under G.S. 15A-301.

Anonymous said...

Can you explain (2) in layman's terms? It sounds like they must still serve a copy of the warrant after the fact?

Anonymous said...

Yes the warrant is served on the arrestee at the jail

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Speeding Tickets