Saturday, March 26, 2016

Charlotte City Council To Hold Special Closed Door Session Monday

After months of behind the scenes rumors and water cooler conversations it seems as if Charlotte Fire Department Chief is about to get the hook, or at least a serious poke with a pike pole.

WSOC ís reporting that Charlotte's council of potted plants will hold a special closed door session on Monday.   

From WSOC: 

The Charlotte City Council will meet for a closed session Monday, March 28th, regarding a personnel matter, a city council source confirmed to Channel 9.

That source told us the matter involves Charlotte Fire Chief Jon Hannan and his future with the fire department, but couldn't go into further detail.

This comes after some council members have raised questions and requested an investigation into who leaked a confidential city memo.  

As Channel 9 has investigated over the past few weeks, the memo was from City Manager Ron Carlee and was written to the vice president of the Firefighters' Union, Marty Puckett, telling Puckett he could no longer work for Councilwoman Claire Fallon as an intern. In the memo, Carlee said the arrangement was inappropriate and a conflict of interest.

We don't know if Monday's closed session is related to this leaked memo.We also do not know what time this meeting will be held. The only meeting posted on city council's website is its regular Monday meeting, starting at 5 p.m. and a council committee meeting at noon.  

There is no mention of a closed session, or anything related to the fire department, in the agenda.

We have reached out to the Charlotte city fire chief, mayor, city manager, deputy city manager, and members of the city council for more information on this special session.



Anonymous said...

Will the Teflon Jon pull another manic trick?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mayor Jim Roberts is unveiling a new convicted child molester who will be the face of all things Charlotte? And if youy do not agree that molesting children is a God given right, then you are not welcome in this all encompassing town.

Anonymous said...

yeah, pretty quiet on that front from the local media and all the politicians trumpeting the organization fronted by the known, convicted child molester, sexual assault perpetrator with multiple unprosecuted charges pending. Funny how complicit the media and politicians are in helping criminals that help their causes.

Where is the outrage from Apple, Google, and companies about that?

Where is the outrage about the City of Charlotte retaliating against an employees for pointing out dangerous conditions (real, provable conditions--not hypothetical) for employees of the City? Such hypocrites. A bunch of criminals covering for each other. Typical. Liars. All of them.

"closed door sessions" must be disclosed to the public.

It's against the law not to disclose them.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the City can move to a new Chapter. The Fire Department is in the news every other day. I have never lived anywhere, where the fd gets this much legitimate bad press and the Chief continues to cause more havoc. Charlotte seems to keep its problems and get rid of its resources, like its historic buildings. Turn the page City Council, Mayor, Manager or whoever needs to there are too many pressing issues out there and one person is not worth all the time you all are putting into it to save him. Save the 900 firefighters.

Anonymous said...

This chief has gotten away with too much bullying, lies, threats, and fraud. This one person is costing City of Charlotte taxpayers hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's his turn now..... DUMP him and his cronies !

Anonymous said...

Firefighters "ordered" to show up in uniform today by the brass..... No explanation why.....
That's how the chief operates...... Intimidation or you're FIRED !

Anonymous said...

When you put ordered in quotes it is as though they we not really ordered...but more suggested. Which is exactly what happened, it was suggested to wear Class A's. What's even funnier about your post is that no one has been fired for not showing up to an off duty event...ever. You're an out of the loop idiot, go pound sand.

Anonymous said...

When people talk about CFD receiving "bad press", are they talking about achieving and ISO rating of 1? The reason I ask is that the lower the rating...the better, I wasn't sure if the fence posts sitters realized this. How about the rating officer stating that CFD was the most efficiently run department he has been around? Sounds like bad press all around to me. CFD has implemented the most successful CPR protocol in the country and responds to around 100k calls a year with very little flack. The only people who get upset about the administration, are the dumbasses that try to screw up the best damn job in the world.

PS-Eschert joined the union after she was fired, that's like buying homeowners insurance while your house burns

Anonymous said...

8:30, There's the agency and then there's the politics of the agency. You can have the best agency in the world, but there will be two problems that always remain: The people who are never satisfied and the politics of the agency, which is the way good people actually get screwed. Congratulations on the CPR Protocol. You seem pretty upset. Is there any Asprin or Bufferin available? If there is someone there with you, have them go get it now.

But, you got me on Escert joining the union after the fact. That's pretty funny.

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:19 asshole..... It was your fellow firefighter on TV being interviewed by the news who used the word "ordered", therefore the reason for the quotes. Who's the idiot ???

Anonymous said...

Hey 8:30 guess you were not informed correctly, do your research because apparently you still hold an elementary education. Eschert joined the union prior to the incident. But our fire dept has leaders and it has followers like you whom are brainwashed by an unethical leader and command staff. Like at the council meeting, our leader, I mean loser Chief. Had to order us to come for him. One would ask why, since he got himself in this mess. Don't leak info to the media, don't lie about firefighters and don't lie about an arson investigator. At some point it catches up to you. He got burnt by his own fire and I don't feel sorry for him. He looked like a little girl courting to win prom queen.

Made me ruin my day off to put on this uniform and ordered me to support him, shit on that and him! Most of you looked like a bunch of kiss asses with the shit still on you noses. Most of you talk out one side of your mouth and swallow his crap on the other side.

Hope he is gone and hope many of you join him

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:37... I commend you for stating the TRUTH ! Too many so-called leaders of the Dept lie and cheat to cover for the big guy and his friends or they are threatened with their jobs.

Anonymous said...

This might be the most conspiracy-based blog on the interwebs. If people believe the accusations in the comments on this site, you would believe that Chief Hannan killed the Loch Ness monster and Sasquatch. What lies are being covered up!? Who is being threatened with their job? God, you people over-dramatize everything the administration does. All I'm asking is, where are the bodies buried? Wipe the cheetos dust off your fingers and go outside, the truth is out there.

Anonymous said...

Was there a request or an order by email or in writing in any way? Or was this at a meeting or word of mouth? How were people told to wear their class A's today? And to come to the City Council Meeting? And what was the message? And who sent it? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm at Rock Hill and we are an ISO 1. We ride three on engines and two on the the ladder sometimes. We didn't pencil whip any NIMS training or make any phone calls when the inspector left. We weren't a two when he left either. Charlotte is smoke and mirrors. It's just big and hides behind the good work of the firefighters and a 100 or so disciples that can't survive without their prophet hide the truth.

Anonymous said...

Rock Hill, that's awesome that y'all are ISO 1. The reason its a big deal for Charlotte is we have 10 times the number of personnel, and 9 times the response area to cover as well as running almost 15 times the number of calls that Rock Hill does, so yeah we are bigger than you, by a lot. Go pencil whip some more accusations.

Anonymous said...

The fire chief never ordered anyone to come support him.......period. Once word of what was going on got out, members organized the support. As far as Class A uniforms, we don't go to events of high importance without them. All you folks that have all this privileged information implicating the Chief, turn it over to the city attorney. To all you CFD members on here, please tell me how you have personally been wronged by this dept. Greatest job in the world but it is easy to see where the saying, "a fireman will screw up a good thing every time", comes from. I suspect that most of you would run a perfect dept that never had personnel issues or hard decisions would never have to be made or everything you did pleased everyone all the time. Please. If the chief does lose his job, apply for his position. You know all the answers. You would be perfect. I do not agree with all of our policies. I am one out of over a thousand. I suppose I should demand policy change since all the policy's do not benefit me. The position of Fire Chief in a dept this large is a political position. Pressures from every where. Do this. Don't do that. Hire this person if even you have to drop the standards. Promote this person even if they were never a good fire fighter and sure as hell won't be a good officer. You people don't have a clue what that position entails.

And you other dept's, what the hell. Why are you on here putting in your two cents. Rock Hill??? Really???? Apples to oranges my friend. You don't know shit about the everyday workings of this department. Sounds like you may be just a little jealous.

Anonymous said...

Well said, if you have evidence, turn it in. These ghost allegations have no basis and are coming from a bunch of butt hurt underachievers.

Anonymous said...

Rock Hill, I apologize for the way some of my CFD members act and treat you. As I'm sure you are aware, we think our shit doesn't stink. We are used to patting ourselves on the back just for breathing. Never mind if we can actually do our job. We forget that the fire service is a community bigger than the city limits of Charlotte. We forget that being a firefighter is more than ISO ratings, response times, clean trucks, and tucked in polos. We forget that sometimes, we don't know the best way to do everything. Keep doing good work and serving your community and thank you for supporting the silent majority.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:44........why are you apologizing to Rock Hill????? You don't have enough pride in your department to defend it when someone takes swipe at it??? No one owes him an apology. He stuck his nose in this blog and discredited our department. If you are so unhappy here, take your ass to Rock Hill where apparently the grass is greener!!!! But be careful. Could have been fertilized with bullshit!!!!!

And do not for one minute think that you speak for the majority of this department!!!!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to those with the most cake job in municipal government to get butt hurt and start bitching. I don't know what's worse...the fact you have to put up with/tolerate your administration or face the challenges of concurrently operating a small business on the side, waiting on your pension.

Some brotherhood...especially when you bash other agencies. "We run more calls than you with more people....blah fucking blah." And when your capabilities get exceeded, who are you going to call, CFD fraternity pledge hazer? "Well screw Rock Hill," you say as you get crushed in a structure fire...O'Doyle rules!" Is that the mindset adults should be using in response agencies?

11:44 has the right idea.

If "your agency" (ie, the one you work for right now until something happens to you) appears to be better (to you) than some other agency, you may very well end up working for them one day. Then what? These posts are anonymous, but when you fall, whether it be from DWI, others succumbing at a scene though it is not your fault (but the brass needs 'someone', or 'water cooler FD middle school girl-esque estrus spraying,' you may find yourself on the wrong side psychologically. You'll experience feelings of failure, only due to your own ignorance of how we are all in the fight together (going too deep, aren't I?). "What fight together?! We only have our jurisdictions and mutual assistance agreements?!" ***And there we have a look into a small mind that ponders medium sized questions without any depth or sense of others.

Of course, instead of saying "But what about how great my fire department is and screw your bitch ass pumper!!" blindly, you could shut the fuck up, do your thirty and realize you could have done a lot worse with your individual abilities. Conversely, 7:39, you could go polish some chrome, eat a dick (which I believe those skills go well, hand in hand together for people who like to have their mouths open so much) and thank god someone didn't give you an IQ test and make sure you were digging ditches in between fertilizing some sow of a wife who you could only otherwise hope to keep in cheap jewelry and drive her to somewhat cheaper boyfriends--due to you not having a stable occupation and income.

I see a lot on this blog about the day to day shit and the subsequent peacock feathers. Yes, things suck, and yes they could be better. But when you bash another agency because you essentially "want to feel good about having more agency resources available to and your high school diploma," well...I think you're missing the point. But at least you're a firefighter and you can do your job and shut your trap!

From the bashing and bitching it sounds like some people have too many days off per month to think about how their access to accident and fire scenes makes them all knowing about everything else. Just remember, many of us are working harder.

No disrespect to the decent firefighters out there. Some don't know how good they have it. The others take pride in their agencies and don't bash others to make themselves look "good." The selfless ones don't know how good they have it, don't care, and will do the job no matter what happens. awh anyways naysayers, feel free to lash know, on your days off....if you have time.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the City Council hearing resulted in CFD Chief retaining his position....and thank you to all CFD staff and firefighters for the excellent work that they do.

Anonymous said...

He hasn't retained it, it's still undecided and awaiting word from city manager still.

Anonymous said...

Not hardly!

Anonymous said...

Wow, CFD is sounding a lot like CMPD ! Did Rodney leave and become Fire Chief ! LOL😜😜

Anonymous said...

he would be an improvement, you have no idea.

Anonymous said...

I guess all them people that showed up Monday night need to read Saturday's Charlotte Observer.

Anonymous said...

Back when the Fire Dept did it's hiring,it was a well oiled machine. When HR got involved, the dept became dried and rusty. Give the hiring back to the FD and out of the hands of civilians that know nothing about the fire service, get rid of Cheryl Brown, she is a costly liability.