I love dogs, and know most of my neighbors by their dogs. Many I don't know their name, only the names of their dogs.
But for one individual, his/her/their stupidity gives all dogs and by association dog owners a bad name.
IDIOT ALERT! - This is not a place to toss your dog's bag of poop!
But for one of my neighbors it all seems like a logical place to toss that nasty plastic bag of doggie doo.
So this NEWS FLASH is for you Einstein.
When in rains in our neighborhood, (as it does all over Charlotte) the water from the street runs down a curb and gutter along the edge of the street into the storm drain, which empties in to a concert pipe that sends the water after 100 feet down a dry creek bed behind my house and eventually into Four Mile Creek, then McAlpine Creek then the Catawaba River and then 200 miles down stream the Atlantic Ocean.
That pipe dumps the street rain water run off (aka storm water) along with your dog shit into my back yard! The water keeps moving but your bag of dog shit gets left behind.
Have you tried returning it to the owner... Either via mailbox or dropping it off on their front steps? The latter is highly effective, in my experience.
If you ever discover the dog poop bandit using the storm drain as the drop off point. Place it on their porch lit in a paperbag.
Ask Chuck Adkins how that solution works out....
Chuck got a raw deal on that one... I would have done the same thing.
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