Bodies are hitting the floor setting a record pace as Charlotte puts murder number 57 on the books late last night.
CMPD what the hell are you doing?
Guess what Charlotte, no amount of police work alone is going to stop the next homicide.
Anyone with a basic understanding of law enforcement knows police investigate and arrest murderers, but they are powerless to stop the next killer from pulling the trigger.
57 Murders so far this year, 39 of which resulted in arrests and of those arrested 25 have prior arrests for various weapons charges including attempted murder and armed robbery. Many who have never faced a judge or jury and of the few with convictions for violence most saw little or no jail time.
The system is broken because leaders like Vi Lyles have remained silent for fear they would offend their constituent base of minorities and criminals. They have embraced minimum sentencing and rehabilitation over lengthy prison sentences. Offering second, third and fourth chances to repeat violent offenders but supporting liberal judges and prosecutors.
The fact is democrats like Vi Lyles and her friends have turned the courts and jails into a day camp for repeat offenders where even the most violent are shown the back door without any real consequences.
Thank about it - 25 lives could have been saved had the violent offenders been given long prison sentences rather than a free pass.
Cedar you fail to point out that most of the victims are just thugs and hood rats with priors. Take your victim number 57 Kenneth Nathaniel Armstrong age 22 DOB 3/7/1997 PID No 0000434126 a dozen arrests most for weapons, drugs and crimes of violence. Even his momma is saying Good riddance you POS.
Funny he doesn't have a hood name like Trayvon which means dead in the park in bro-speak. Maybe his momma should have named him Yomissme or Isawu-Coming. Quintavious is still my fav hood name ever. Nothing like being doomed since birth and being hated at Starbucks.
F#@% em all. I say give the hood rats some more ammo so they can make quicker work of cleaning up the streets for us.
You see here is the trouble Armstrong is well was a thug, he needed killing so the killer we now know as McDonald did us all a favor. DA Mary Weather gave Armstrong a free pass as CP says on dozens of charges including armed robbery. Case dismissed again and again the only conviction was back in 2014 for felony B&E he got probation because his momma said he was a good boy.
So 7 arrests most recent 8/2018 and no none zero convictions. These cases didn't even go to trial they were just dismissed.
So it all works out the thug is gone and taxpayers don't have to support him in Raleigh for the rest of his life because the POS is DEAD!
Time to celebrate!
Cedar, look at the Murder increases in Norfolk during MJ reign as Manager. Peaking at 46 his last year from the 30’s when he arrived. His policies, and no care attitude for public safety is a direct correlation to the increases. It’s no different in CLT. Don’t blame yourselves. The City MGR sets the pace for the city.
The District Attorney and the JUDGES are letting these violent, armed criminals roam our streets until they kill someone and often after. Why no mention of them?
Mecklenburg County breeds criminals, period!
Officer June looks like Bruce Bellamy with fuzzy hair. Right?
Hey Jeter, I heard a patrol officer in your division has a take home...but lives in South Carolina.
How come he can take his car home out of state but you can’t?
probably cus Jeter fucked up that homicide case. you put someone in a job because of demographics and murders walk free
CFD has take homes outside the state!
OK 7:16 Enough. At least form your question with a little less X-Rated language.
ie She's laid more pipe than a Texas Roughneck in the Permian Basin.
Jesus. The dude with the hard on for Stukey all over this blog has freaking issues. Go get evaluated. CMPD has Psychologist on staff at the LEC. Please. I don't want your dumb ass backing me up one day
The department has been a fraternity/ sorority party of sex and screwing around for decades. Nothing new. Nothing new that unqualified people get promoted.
We have more important issues to fix and bring to light than freaking Stukey's sex life.
Promotion processes are one. Nepotism is the other. utilizing staffing for pet projects instead of staffing patrol, disconnect from reality with command, health insurance sucks, pay gaps, unequal discipline (see Tinsley case), unequal distribution of take home cars (see nepotism). No support from council, no support from public, no support from DA, Hollywood McFadden releasing our arrests. And more Stuff on a scale much larger than one woman's sex list. Chill out man and go see the shrink.
5:15pm: Luv this.
Its probably that guy breaking in houses and assaulting women.
It sounds like someone got in trouble with her and they are making her dirty laundry a relevant story on here. Katrina Graue has been put on blast on here, too.
Anon 5:15 PM
Yeah. What he said.........
And CP.......UN-FUCK your goddamned 'I'm not a robot' captcha! I don't need to go through 23 goddamned screens playing the fucking clicking game with pictures that look like they were taken with a 1957 Brownie Delux!
Now STOP it! Or I walk.
Why don’t you ask her yourself you creepy stalker?
Garnes told me fuckin Lt. Stukey is just like fuckin Aquino with the lights off. I wouldnt want to be in either situation, but men go to dark places sometimes in this mad house.
Steele Creek Proud...
Last night in my dream, dispatch requested me to switch over to Steele Dumps for a priority call.
Norman Garnes is a liar. He prob fucked a hole in the wall.
Who was the police pledge fund treasurer? Other signatories? And where are the by laws? (Do they exist)....better questions then who banged who
Ed Williams. He is now a hireback in cold case. I’m sure he got his money. Explains why he walks around the LEC with his head down. Pussy.
I don't understand why yall can't understand how the pledge fund is broke. Its a ponzi scheme just like social security. No one scammed anyone, it just went dry. It's basic mathematics.
I heard Monroe dipped into the fund a handful of times....
How is Garnes running a division? He made blatent racist remarks about white people. The guy is a fucking idiot, beyond that racism.
Bro, Garnes has been Vicki Foster's lap dog since he was a SGT. That's how.
Jesus. Please stop talking about one bad black person on the CMPD. There are so many other things to complain about besides the disfuncton of one black person and his career. You can talk about the low pay, take home cars to blacks, crap insurance, or nepotism. But god damn, leave that little nig alone and pick on someone your own size.
Fuck I failed the reCAPTCHA photo test on this mother trucker.
police pledge-
RoMo $100k Chiefs office remodel...
Mexico City officer voyage for immersion and understanding the culture-
Putney paid for officers including outside our department after the original sponsor backed out. Its my understanding that he spoke up and called for the tab before he knew the costs involved. It was over $100K but I'm not sure where the funds came from? more then likely the general fund. *Foster went to Mexico City with the group as a chaperone and fell off of a bike injuring her knee from what I hear.
Now command staff wears business suits and dresses to avoid being associated with the department and all of inequities.
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