Wednesday, December 4, 2019

CMPD Deputy Chief Vicki Foster to Retire

CMPD's Vicki Foster will retire as the year comes to a close. No word on a possible hire back for the RNC 2020. 

DC Foster's retirement party will appropriately be held at the Solid Waster Services Assembly Room. 

Please note:

 "Gifts are not expected, BUT for those who wish to contribute, please consider giving her a GIFT card". - Classic


Anonymous said...

Solid Waste Services.
Pretty much says it all....

Anonymous said...

Well now she can be a full time real estate agent. Oh wait. She already was, and part time cop.

Anonymous said...

I seldom dislike anyone. Even people I don't trust I get along with. But DC Foster is in rare air and I can't think of a better place for a final send off than the garbage collection ballroom.

Anonymous said...

Don't trust her as a cop/command staff but I'd like to break myself off in that booty. She fine!

Anonymous said...

Don’t agree with how she abused her position but she is pretty hot and would hook up with her for sure.

Anonymous said...

She has some pretty amazing instagram photos that display her awesome tramp stamp and flap jack boobs.

Anonymous said...

The classic triple dipper. Bye bye and please stay gone.

Anonymous said...

Cedar Mouth why are you always hating on Chief Foster?

Anonymous said...

Ain't no way I'd touch that - see Cedar's Black Woman joke.

Anonymous said...

Why aint she married with a body like that? Is there an STD or crazy situation at hand?

Anonymous said...

OK I'll bite what is the Cedar Black Woman Joke?

Anonymous said...

Is the public welcome, and if so, what gift card is the proper one to bring? She looks like an Applebee's lady to me.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between a black woman and a bowling ball?
You could eat a bowling ball if you had too.

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly Foster sued Cedar a few years back because CP posted her unpaid tax bills. Exposed her sideline businesses and posted a raging youtube video her she said she'd not assist certain victims.

Anonymous said...

Knew this article would draw some good comments. Carry on folks, just make sure you’re not hooked into CMPD’s WiFi network while visiting...

Anonymous said...

More like a $5 gift card to Family Dollar or McDonald's !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Blake Holmes is gonna be there..

Anonymous said...

But Grant Holmes won't

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing she was told flat out that interim Chief wasn't even a remote possibility.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Holmes. Yall niggas be trashing the fine ass ladies of CMPD. I would get wit Vicki on date #1.

Anonymous said...

Gifts aren't Expected but of you wish to contribute you can give her a gift card?

Keep it Classy San Diego!

More like Ding Dong The witch is dead, the wicked witch is dead.

Anonymous said...

I heard Estes will be Interim and that we’ll all be wearing Class A’s for the RNC.

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping I get called up and then deployed to Afghanistan it will be safer than this shit show CMPD is going to get.

Foster well I'm sorry to see her go at least we had an excuse.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Foster was just a bad joke. Everyone knew it and everyone allowed it. She was promoted to DC for no other reason then being a black woman. Be honest about it, Foster is political correctness gone crazy. How many careers had to take a detour because of Foster? She couldn't command a group of cub scouts. Second only to Rodney Monroe in amount of damage done to a once excellent police department, it will take years if at all to regain the stature CMPD officers once had. But many of us remember a time when the number of rejection letters was more than double the number of acceptance letters. Now the only qualification to become a CMPD officer is speak Spanish and not smell too bad. God help us.

Anonymous said...

Putney says he's staying through RNC 2020. Ought to be fun.

Anonymous said...

So I quess he has finally conceded that his earlier plan is not legal with the N.C. retirement system. My question is how are all these officers that are hire backs still working.

Anonymous said...

There goes half of division 28! lol.

Bleep bloop said...

Eliminate the part time hire backs and the department will be in a terrible hole trying fill fill.
Yes the Airport, Cold Case, and all the special events they have to work.
.Putney was coming back full time and we all know it wasn't at off duty rate. Plus he is an special case employee with a single contract. Wonder if that made a difference?

Leave the Airport to as many hire backs as possible. We need body's out In the real world. Like here in North.

Anonymous said...

I retired from CuntMakesPromotionDoable. I now work for another agency. Some at new agency believe that CALEA certification made for negative changes. When I look back, that's when CMPD started turning into a crappy place to work. Too much affirmative action and too many rules or restrictions to follow.

Anonymous said...

I say our hire backs need to start looking for another job soon. If the state nixed Putney I assume it'll be across the board.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Is Officer Green is allowed to come back from Mars, now?

Anonymous said...

You talking about Teresa Green? She been gone long time ago. I heard she went to medical school. she 73 as hell.

Anonymous said...

The hirebacks are part of the problem. First off, how about bettering yourself through your career by learning things other than LE, so when you do actually retire it will be in another field & not at CMPD. Second, simple supply and demand. Bottom line if there are no officers available to work, obviously it comes down to starting salary. If no one wants the job then starting salaries must increase. Third, aside from a handful of hirebacks, most are worthless and retired on duty years ago. Such a sham...illegal as hell..the State will see to it that this ends....

Also where is all the money allotted for new officers go when they don't fill the positions? Seems like we have been "180" short for years. If this correct then the math is around $8 mil per year. Where does this cash go? How about paying your veteran officers that you f'ed over on pay raises. ( 3 in my time there, and been there over 20 years!) Did anyone notice the next raises for "topped out" officers won't be until December 2020?? Long after the city is destroyed during RNC. City could at least paid up in July 2020 before RNC.

Anonymous said...

At 6;52. So eliminate all the hire backs because they aren't super cops like you?. Then back fill the airport with all full time Officers leaving the districts even more shorthanded. Good luck getting a vacation day.

You sound like you are command staff material with that genius.

I hope to not be a hire back and go elsewhere. But can you blame them?. It's decent money, hoards of off duty oppourtunites and tremendous flexibily rather than taking a 9 to 5 elsewhere.

I say chillax brother and thank the Lord we have them to fill up spots so we aren't even more shorthanded.
If you are jealous they are retired
take the 25 year retirement and join them.

And who is the racist pig making us look bad calling Assitant Chief the N word. Yeah she was useless. Selling homes on duty, sucking up to c list celebrities and owning security compaines against state law. Taking care of #1 was always her thing over doing real work. But being all that has nothing to do with her Race. Plenty of suck face self serving slackers around here wearing different color skin.

Anonymous said...

Race has everything to do with Foster. Calling her a name is not good juju.

She forced hires to sections of the dept simply because of their race. Many of those hires were terrible choices who weren’t qualified for the jobs they were hired for and it goes back to Foster. She was bound and determined to get more diversity hires on no matter the cost. That in and of itself is racist.
Working on the clock at side jobs and getting away with sleazy comments and vile behaviors towards other subordinates was just the icing on the shit cake that was her career.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Medlock's shoulder and nice consulting gig have him off the bench for Putney's job

Anonymous said...

I heard Ferrell did her, a bunch.

Anonymous said...

@10:34pm. No man.. What I am saying is get rid of the hire backs all together and start recruiting more than just "diverse" (and we all know what that means) officers to fill the slots in the divisions. As for the airport, I think we as CMPD have no business doing that. We should pull whatever manpower we have out there back and let them original "officers" out there go back to being security guards as before. That was a RoMo deal and it was wrong then and its wrong now.

SteveN said...

I always thought MCSO should have taken over the Airport. They've wanted their own 'patrol' division anyway. Round peg-round hole. Regarding ain't a question of 'who can blame them....lots of great $$$ and off-duty''s a question of, GTFO out of the business and work for a living. And yeah,.....if there's a chronic shortfall, then the city needs to step up on retention and hiring and make patrol the focal point again. Being a 'sweet gig' ain't justification for perpetuating an illegal program like the hireback program. Hell......if you're retired you're pulling in enough money to at LEAST survive on. If you need more, get your goddamned CDL and drive a truck part time. There's a crying need for truck drivers.

Anonymous said...

The great Rodney King once said," Cant we all just get along?".

Anonymous said...

When bad people kill other bad people its one thing but what the fuck? Nursing student, kids,business owners(Scott),store clerks, and etc.....Arm yourself

Anonymous said...

Is Officer Ferrell that fat dude from Steele Creek? What are those slap jack titties like, Ferrell?

Anonymous said...

I thought Bellamy was corn-holing Ferrell?
Will Ferrell, right ??

Anonymous said...


WTF you talking about? Go see the shrink at the LEC. Its okay to cry there.

Anonymous said...


Bleep bloop said...

The airport wasn't ROMO. That was city council and a state senator state senator who didn't want a separate airport authority. They ranted $$$$$ in the city's control. I mean it actually makes money so.
Then the police staffing became a CMPD mess when the authority was disbanded.

SteveN said...


I didn't want to see an 'Authority' either. Nothing but a license to steal wherever they pop up. Glad the city fought that bullshit tooth and nail. That was an outright attempted grab of a lucrative operation (airport) by the State. Which they would have turned over to an 'Authority' made up of political donors and other 'connected' dickheads making boatloads of $$$ for doing absolutely nothing.

Anonymous said...

Responding to 8:59

Actually the politics were the reverse of what you are describing. There was concern that the city would start robbing the profits of the airport to pay for city needs--desires. The airport pays for itself but if the city invades its profits the biggest economic draw of this region--the airport will start to decline.

The city has huge spending plans made mainly by people who are community activists. Here is a list of what is ahead--a billion plus dollar football stadium, a $300 million soccer upgrade, a multi billion dollar train from the Gaston county line to Matthews, "affordable housing" and the list goes on and on. Ever notice that every tax increase is explained by a "need to hire more police officers" yet the total head count doesn't reflect the increase?

The idea of the Authority was to keep airport money for airport needs. Not as big a concern now as the airport renovation is underway and will consume the profits for the foreseeable future but it was at the time. The Authority was to make sure the money stayed with the airport.

Bleep bloop said...

At 6:03. That's actually what I was syaing. City Council and certain state Senators the represent their districs saw a cash cow that could be milked. So now CMPD has the airport whether we wanted it or not

Anonymous said...

So is there any validity to the rumors I am hearing around the LEC? CMPD is going to dissolve the airport and McFadden and his crew are now taking over duties at the airport? What is going to happen to the officers still out there? They going back to divisions??

Anonymous said...

WEll, since most of them are hire-backs, its hit the road jack!

SteveN said...

6:03 PM

Are you high???

You really believe the State attempted to take over a cash cow over 'concerns' on how the money there was being spent by the city???

The city had the airport for over 70 years. This was a fucking power grab, pure and simple.

The entire 'Authority' fiasco was STARTED over Jerry Orr (who wanted to be aviation director for life) being in an ongoing pissing contest with the mayor and some local politicians and being forced out of his position.

End result. Orr forced out. City got an injunction over the state's placement of an 'Authority' and retained control.

Don't sugar-coat or romanticize what this power grab really was.

Angry Midget. Seriously??? The city had the airport (again) for over 70 years. All of a sudden, they were like 'hey....a cash cow that can be milked'!....?....Really?

Yes. The city makes money off of the airport. Grow up. Is this a surprise? Or even wrong? Nope. The state wanted the pie for themselves. Period.

Bleep bloop said...

At 1:40
Well sh@#$% I may have remember that backwards.
So much bad stuff has happened in city leadership over the years my memory wants to blame city leadership by default.

Yup the state wanted the city's cash cow.

I'll eat my hat on that one. It was 2013. The city has killed off my brain cells with all their inclusiveness training and 4 hour state training videos

Lets.go back to bashing Viki please donate to Me in a gift card foster.

Anonymous said...

@8:00am. You heard right.. I am hearing some pretty good sources tell me that MCSO is taking over the airport. Stay tuned I guess.

SteveN said...

Angry Midget:

Well-played, sir.......I apologize for my tone. I had my balls in an uproar when all this crap was going down. And I am any stretch of the imagination.....a booster for City government. Oh, HELL no!

Hire-back employment at the Airport aside......Security was a joke at the airport. For YEARS. Under Jerry Orr. I mean they'd be lucky to field 2 or 3 officers on any given day and had to call a Division for 'transport'. And whenever (after 9/11) any kind of threat level was made, officers from divisions had to go over there and help staff.

IMO, staffing by CMPD.....or better yet....MCSO......was warranted for a long time.


Anonymous said...

Yes I know there was concern that Patrick Cannon and his buds on council would raid the purse. The state was not taking control, they were setting up an Authority in the region controlled by people other than Braxton Winston and Lawana Mayfield types to keep the money at the airport.

It is not too late they city may still try to raid what is left in the purse after renovations. Community Activists are good spenders and even better at taking your money to buy pretty toys. You hold tight because we have some big funding needs coming. They will need to raise taxes or find other sources or both/

So, yes Steve, I know for a fact what I am talking about.

Anonymous said...

Foster can retire, she's got plenty of money and one day the truth will come out that she raided the pledge fund but she'll be long gone as is our money.

SteveN said...

Angry Midget

I'm just glad that a) I don't live in the city or county anymore, and b) I don't fly (and if I did, Raleigh-Durham is a hop-skip-jump away).......

Anonymous said...

Damn Foster looks strung out in the Gala photos and some serious flappy flapjacks

Anonymous said...

THEY say THEY hold us to a higher standard, the way some of THEM were dressed at the Gala, THEY should be ashamed! Some of those pictures have been pushed to the local news channels so who knows what will come from it. I’m curious who all 55’d home and who drove Putney home cause he was definitely having a good time! Not mad at it....