Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Uptown Charlotte Thugs Vandalize Cars Attack Pedestrians

On Sunday in the middle of the afternoon a gang of teenagers on bicycles and a gas powered scooter terrorized pedestrians and vandalized more than twenty cars in Uptown Charlotte.

This wasn't a late night attack but rather a broad daylight crime spree on a Sunday along several Uptown Streets.

In a video posted by Reuben Jones the gang of more than a dozen roaming kids seem to have no purpose expect to destroy and damage vehicles .

Cedar's Take: Seems CMPD was MIA? You're telling me the largest City between Washington and Atlanta has zero law enforcement presence on Sunday Uptown unless there is a event planned? One can only assume these little thugs ran wild in the streets because Charlotte's police department is clueless.


Anonymous said...

Like someone eluded to in the precious thread we need more officers and the ones we do have are afraid they too may get fired for stupid shit so it’s “see no evil, hear no evil”. This is what the city leaders and BLM wanted..... enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Cedar this isn't new. These little thugs come from the nearby "affordable housing projects" most game days and "hang out" harassing fans for money while acting like a bunch of primates in the zoo.

This was as you pointed out a non game day. Central is run by an clown. There where zero officers available on Sunday in Central 1 and only three total in Central. CMPD relies on secondary for most of the weekend but they are only there during the evenings. These punks know this.

But imagine the outrage if someone had shot one of these kids.

Anonymous said...

You don't need to shoot these noggies someone just needs to give them a door prize and serious beat down. That would do the trick.

Anonymous said...

Basically CMPD isn't clueless. Their desire to do police work has been curtailed by terrible leadership. Fear of internal and external repercussions especially if a poor little baby teenager would ever get hurt by big bad police officer actually maintaining the peace.
With all under 18 being juveniles now. Can't remove from the streets for this minor stuff. Awesome decisions from city to state leaders abound

Anonymous said...

And last night Charlotte City Council debated for hours banning the use of "bullhooks" on elephants.

The city needs to increase CMPD wages by 17% and budget to add an additional 700 officers in 2020. Mayor Lyles stop making excuses.

Anonymous said...

Those little shits are always riding around getting in trouble and you can bet several of them are already mugshot proud.

Anonymous said...

Who is the captain over this area? This is rediculous. I've seen them cycling around the LEC before.

Anonymous said...

The demographic makeup of this group is shocking. The timeframe turn around before anything will be done is about 4 years. Just look at the dirt bikes and ATVS clan for that stat. They now have the attention of the helicopter.

What a disgrace Charlotte has become. Hopefully it makes national news with that convention due to arrive in 6 months.

Anonymous said...

Did they do DTP reports for the vehicles damaged? I assuming the victims insurance companies need report numbers. Oh wait. One set of numbers were made for 20 damaged vehicles to make it look like there isn't a problem. Its a numbers game folks, make it look like 1 crime and they can justify not having the numbers on Sundays. Romo was a master at hiding true crime numbers.

Anonymous said...

Get used to it. It's going to get worse. This is what city leaders have asked for and now they are getting it. I for one dont give a shit. I'm going to go get a coffee and hide somewhere until the radio crackles. Cant get fired or make the news for that these days...

Anonymous said...

Uptown used to be pretty nice, now it is no man's land. Sure people show up for the Panthers and Knights games. But the Hornets haven't sold out in forever. A number of good restaurants and closed. Unless Charlotte City Council steps up Uptown will face a rapid and swift decline.

Anonymous said...

We will need to see a big jump in murders say 200 before the mayor and city council take notice. If the people in South Charlotte would get off their collective asses and vote the at large democrats out of office it might not come to that.

Anonymous said...

Bad news 11:01am...South Charlotte/Ballantyne has turned democrat. All the of the New York/New Jersey people that fled there have brought their dem voting ways here. They're voting for the same crap they fled up there so go figure.

Anonymous said...

You are so right. These dumbass Yankee idiots left their shit hole cities came to Charlotte to escape the filth and crime and I guess missed the smell and nightly body count.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully Sanders will get elected and we wont have to worry about crime anymore. And everything will be free!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 1101:
"We will need to see a big jump in murders say 200 before the mayor and city council take notice" We could start with those vandal hood rats.