Friday, March 20, 2020

CMPD Pledge Fund Continued

Need some help with the ground work on the pledge fund case. Consider this the crime of the week on PD Live.

Who was really in charge of the Pledge Fund? And why did a certain Major suddenly resign with only a couple of years left to retire? Anyone care to fill in the blanks?

How many total officers have been wacked by this Ponzi scheme?


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Anonymous said...

WTF?! What Major would that be????

Anonymous said...

So I have received word that we are going into a national shut down. Make sure that your family has food and dry foods. Grab your favorite hoe and stay low.

Anonymous said...

Ed Williams the hire back detective in cold case has ALL THE ANSWERS. He was in charge (the treasurer), retired, made sure he jumped ahead of everyone else and got his money, then came back for more then it all went in the toilet..

Anonymous said...

Since schools are closed, let’s have a math lesson...

1500 officers contribute $5 a week to a fund.
15000 x 5 x 52 = 390,000
1500 officers x $10 = $15,000 payout
$390,000 / $15,000 = 26 payouts per year funded

If more than 26 officers retire, the fund is short and payments are delayed.
If more than 26 retire the next year, the delays get longer.
Not a Ponzi scheme. Simple math.

BUT, were people being paid the right amounts?
Were people who didn’t do a full 30 getting the full payout?
The answers to those questions are what we really need to know.
The pledge fund was destined to fail when more than 26 retired but did it fail sooner than it should have?

Anonymous said...

*1500 x 5 x 52 = 390, bad. Wasn’t so simple I guess

Anonymous said...

Question for aka ED WILLIAMS: what date did you issue yourself a check and who was in line before you?

Anonymous said...

The email we got from DC Jennings on 1/29/2020 said there would be recommendations made and information sent out to all pledge fund members in 30 we are in the middle of March and not a peep from the Ivory Tower...SMH

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Ed quit trying to distract us all from how u skipped the line given ur position as treasurer

Anonymous said...

Ed Williams and the Russians are in the scam together. I'am waiting for the Communists parachutes to be raining down on Charlotte. The Police Pledge was just the start.

Anonymous said...

If I were ED Williams, I would be getting a lawyer on retainer. May have to be deposed.

Anonymous said...

You all love Ed Williams more than you love the money itself. Get over it and go talk to the shrink. He is a nice guy. It's only money, comrades.


Anonymous said...

Not a Ponzi Scheme??? Really???

Do some googling on that my friend... When is the last time we only had 26 people hired in a year? That's an academy class and we run 3-4 per year... A system that takes in payments from 1500 and can only pay out 26 is, by definition, a ponzi scheme... If you paid into it, get over it and just accept you got taken and move on with your life.

Anonymous said...

^^^Finally and officer that fucking gets it^^^

Where does the money and manpower disappear to at CMPD? Why do all the majors and DCs leave the office at 2pm everyday?

Anonymous said...

Looks like the brass is finally going to reap what they’ve sown. Maybe someone will hold them accountable. 3 hour lunches, 6 hour work days, abusing their power etc. The rank & file are going to look to you for leadership on this virus thing. I bet you won’t find that procedure in our policy. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

@3:59.... this is incompetence, bad math or embezzlement. Doesn’t make it better but it’s not a Ponzi scheme.

Anonymous said...

What I really want to know is how much money Dance got in his settlement. Why is he smiling so much?

Anonymous said...

11:35. You mean Captain Dance? What did he get a settlement for???

Anonymous said...

If the schools are out of service, all those SROs are coming back to help us answer calls, right? They aren't standing around handing out meals like old ladies, right?

Anonymous said...

at least i got my 10,000.00, tax free, pledge money. bought weed with it.

Anonymous said...

11:59. I heard Dance sued the city for discrimination

Anonymous said...

Dance sued reference sexual harassment because Vicki Foster said he had a micro penis.

Anonymous said...

Micro Penis!
That's some funny shit...
Speaking of penises, I would like to show Vicki mine!

Anonymous said...

12 hour days moving forward through the RNC? What about all the off duty cancellations?

Anonymous said...

10:08, cite your source, otherwise it's hearsay and rumor.

Unknown said...

Got to love all the cops on this board complaining about who got their funds stolen. There's a reason the force doesn't hire those who score high on their civil service tests, and a bigger reason that these sheep got taken to the sheering.

Anonymous said...

What I have always thought was fucked up was how officers get injuried on duty and go to the hospital. Very few people actually care that the officer was hurt. No one donates money to their medical bills. But if a cop doesn't get their paycheck or a pledge payout...everyone goes crazy at Ed. Thirst for money shows the true motive of the officer all along, and that is not a good thing for anyone. Many of these officers hasn't really worked hard in 10 years before retirement anyways.

Anonymous said...

Doan is 73.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend at CMPD leave to go to another agency and work. When the agency asked IA for his civil service record, IA refused to hand over the records. They were trying to screw over a man that risked his life for years.

Anonymous said...

2:16. Cause CMPD don’t give a damn about you. They’ll wear the black ribbon over their badges for police week or when one of us dies but that is it. Your a disposable line item on the budget.

Anonymous said...

@17:20. Totally agree. I left CMPD about 7 years ago. The brass are a bunch of hypocrites that couldn’t care less about the officers actually doing the work. While they sit in the LEC with their white shirts we are out there shoveling the shit. Do yourself a favor.. if you got your 4 year degree, go federal ASAP.

Anonymous said...

I think the situation got worse when they starting giving free expungements to criminals that CMPD was putting in jail. It's like the crime and hard work never happened at all! What a joke.

Anonymous said...

Who’s enforcing the “stay home” order? PS I heard Bellamy got the clap this month

Anonymous said...

What’s with special ops units and patrol K9 being told they will be answering calls for service in the divisions to supplement patrol?

Anonymous said...

That’s about the 7th time Bellamy has picked up an STD during his tenure with CMPD.

Anonymous said...

And here I thought the only love affair Bellamy had was with pizza , hot dogs, and sloppy joes !

Anonymous said...

Watch your mouth about the next assistant chief bellamy.

Anonymous said...

Belly band Bruce Bellamy😜... thought he had retired??

Anonymous said...

1244, D-O-U-B-L-E-D-I-P

Anonymous said...

So our division did not receive the alcohol wipes to clean the thermometers. we all basically just bumped foreheads. Germ control officers will you please make sure ALL divisions get alcohol wipes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Cedar Posts is place for honest comments about situations and people.

Anonymous said...

So it starts with them taking your temperature. Where will it stop? Will they force us to be tested? Will we be forced to take a vaccination? We are way past the slippery slop. We have fallen off of a cliff with this over reaction

Anonymous said...

This is a tough time to be a cop. Good luck brothers and sisters in blue. I plan on getting the Coors virus this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed our crime stoppers “detective” videos on Facebook? He acts like a complete THUG and caters his way of communication toward the same people that commit crimes and WE arrest. What a waste of position. “Bout to head to da house, shelta in place, I’m out peace”...really man?

Anonymous said...

They might as well get the rectal thermometers since they are already fucking us.

Anonymous said...

Whats the deal with all the mandatory temperature taking? Not a doctor but you can have the virus without symptoms for 14 days. By then because of their foolishness most would be infected, missing work or worse yet dying! How about reducing human contact? Makes more sense. No more roll calls, hanging out inside building/offices, training events, group activities or worst yet, reporting as a group for temperature taking. Now is not the time to reinvent the wheel. Also don't look to command staff to keep you safe on this one. Be safe out there!

Anonymous said...

Stay on point people, I happen to want the true info on the Pledge Fund. Yes, I got screwed out of mine in the 11th hour. Has anyone else that got screwed contacted an attorney? If so, do we have a case? I personally think that we have a case against the city and the police department.

Anonymous said...

If Cordula Lutz can sue for some total BS and probably get paid, why can't we?

Anonymous said...

If you are a CMPD officer responding to calls, then you are like 80% likely to get corona virus and bring it home to your own family. This is a fucked up situation, Cedar.

I don't see any leadership answering calls.

Anonymous said...

Blue Flu!! Your family is more important than these thugs. I’m staying home.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does Estes look like a f@#$%*$ zombie!?! I just saw the press briefing he gave regarding Covid. Somebody please get this man a cheeseburger! He looks like the walking dead...

Anonymous said...

Leadership traits, Lead by example, Honor, Knowledge, Loyalty, and Etc. Hahahahahha. Ok, you went to College and took a written test. Any Used Car salesman can be a CMPD chain of Command.
Protect your asses by sitting on them,time will pass. Win the game and take care of your family. Stop about the Pledge Fund, you got screwed and now move on. Have you ever asked yourself why the brass wear uniforms? They all need to were suits, not cops anymore.

Anonymous said...


The reason Estes looks horrible is because he knows what is coming. The corona virus will deter so many prospects from becoming police officers, which will destroy the recruiting system that CMPD has in place. Also, the corona virus will cause 100+ officers to resign this year. Once a few people get sick, the domino affect will take place. Third, officers will use this virus as an excuse not to work or resign. Those cops never wanted to be here anyways. Finally, the brass has no excuse not to go out and assist will service coverage.

Estes sees the writing on the wall.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. He looks like Achmed the dead terrorist!

Anonymous said...

White shirts answering calls?? Yes!! Bring it! I’ll show these fools how to police

Anonymous said...

White Shirt has no idea how to do all the proper paperwork needed for a DV Assualt case with kids. Report, Statements, Photos,and etc.. They would spend more time on the phone trying to figure shit out. Then take him or her to jail. And to see them go and sit in court. Joke

Anonymous said...

Does Rodney Mondick look like Curious George? Both have the same ears.

Anonymous said...

SRO back 2 the streets? Looks like 21 Jump Street is over...

Anonymous said...

So when will someone just email Jennings asking for an update?

Anonymous said...

Cmpd = sinking ship

Anonymous said...

Here is my take on this Police Pledge Fund topic.

Most of the cops in their last 5 years of work basically get paid to do nothing. There are several veterans that collect pay checks for longer than 5 years. It is like stealing tax dollars from the civilians. So why are some many people complaining about this 10k pledge money? The answer is that other people got the 10k, so why not them? The other people sat on their asses and stole their pay checks. Two wrongs make it right in the eyes of many at CMPD.

The chief of police said "So many other people have done it", in regards to his double dip scheme with RNC. It was total scheme, but he said other people have done the same thing, so why not him? That mentality is shared by so many at the CMPD.

Thoughts everyone?

Anonymous said...

RIP to the NC SRO that lost his life to Covid 19. Stay safe out there brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the pledge money went into the same void as the money for the "CMPD yearbooks." Those were to have been published about seven or eight years ago.

Anonymous said...

Not much social distancing with the recruits at the fire and CMPD academy classes. Recruits are no good if one that is a carrier infects the entire bunch. They are all sharing sweat and everything else. Academy is a hot zone and leadership should please consider keeping these young men and women safe and practice the same ordinances the city and county leaders said

Anonymous said...

Just want to say a big LOL to the secondary email looking for officers at Walmart on Wilkinson. You have to be pretty damn desperate for money to take that gig. Get ready for thugs, uses of force etc. to earn that money.

Anonymous said...

You can thank Medlock for the yearbook fiasco. That was just one of his last major F@#$ ups before departing the dept. Just one.. That red faced screaming idiot left his shit stain on this dept for years. Together with his butt buddy Romo left this place a mess and now we are paying for it. We saw it coming then and called it. We will continue paying for it for many more years with the idiots they promoted to "command staff". The folks on the upper level now couldn't lead a group of girl scouts at a cookie sale. Do yourselves a favor and just fly low for the long term. It's going to get worse before it gets better. Until we get some real leadership this place is doomed. If I didnt have so many years invested in this dept I would be seeking employment elsewhere...

Anonymous said...

Getting back on track here. The Police Pledge Fund was offered as a voluntary supplement to bridge the gap of employment separation to retirement. The funds were drawn from weekly pay, after taxes on your paycheck. That makes it a federal document. For those who say get over it, let it go, it’s lost in a Ponzi scheme or “suck it up, buttercup”. You are stupid. That is your money, earned and
paid for after taxes. To let the excuse of, “it’s gone”, is a lame tactic to scare you. Man up, get a federal, forensic payroll lawyer involved. Your low wages are bad enough. Are you are going to let someone take that away from you? It’s robbery without the weapon.

What a sad state. No one gets together and fights. We all complain and moan but no one sticks together. By the way, not even part of the fund, just pointing out the facts. Remember this, a wage garnishment cannot happen without authorization. That’s Federal law.

Anonymous said...

I think the reason that no one has banded together is because the ones that retired and got screwed are few in number compared to the ones still employed. The ones still employed and were contributing are too damned scared to say anything about it. They are afraid that if they join together in a lawsuit, the department will find a way to burn them. Sadly, they are probably right.
The officers that did a full 30 years, retired, contributed for the entire career are the ones that truly got it up the ass. We are the ones that need to join forces with an attorney and go after our money.

Anonymous said...

The CMPD fired a recruit in the academy because he supported Donald Trump on Facebook. The academy staff said he was a racist. Now, the guy works for the SBI and hates CMPD. What a smart way to build relationships with outside agencies.

Anonymous said...

909response: Brother, you dont work on the northwest side much? There are thugs everywhere. The walmart in freedom is just one example of 100s of places that cops go to everyday. We get called to the fights, walmart just attracts the fights to us.

Anonymous said...

Voluntarily give your money to a bad investment.....HR helped to streamline the process....good luck boys

Anonymous said...

2:43-Did you donate for 30 years? If not, shut the hell up!

Anonymous said...

9:02, check the records man. Plenty of times officers have banded together. Few years back the airport officers sued the fook out of CMPD and won. The RAC Sgt’s. That’s another suit. Tinsley, Captain Dance etc. from what I hear now another airport officer is suing the city currently. So this one shouldn’t be any different. If you sue, you’ll probably win.

Anonymous said...

411, what about the "the city obtained an attorney and an accountant to disperse the money" don't you fucking understand?

The attorney gets 33% and the accountant gets 33%. The rest of the pot will go to the officers in equal disbursements. Go get an attorney for nothing.

Anonymous said... the city to do what is right....

Anonymous said...

if there has been wrongdoing--or even if the City just obstructed access to funds and documents so that an attorney was required, a good attorney should negotiate that the City pay for all expenses in addition to to the funds rather than removing their expenses from the funds.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1444 hours, cite sources or I don't believe this.

Anonymous said...

Sources probably is the email Putney sent saying two officers have it.

Anonymous said...

There is no PPE N95 masks or alcohol hand cleaner. Sounds like stay home from workn until basic protective equipment is provided. Maybe the local news can put this out & we can have a business donate to keep us safe.

Anonymous said...

Homicide can work from home but everyone else is told that you must report to work?!
There are tons of masks at the warehouse but officers are not allowed to get any?
Using bottle of alcohol from CVS to disinfect thermometers because we do not have alcohol wipes.
No masks to wear when we respond to calls at the hospital. We have to ask hospital staff if they have any to spare.

Command staff........NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

This is the time you will see true leadership in the dept...still waiting.

I love the thermometers. Body contact and transmit to the next person. The poor sap Lt giving the temp test has no ppe either. No face mask or gloves. Command staff sucks....thanks for leading and letting us know. You know nothing about leadership.

Anonymous said...

Most officers have PPE at this point. Go thru your COC or to Property, and they'll give you the sergeant's name who has them. Most of the people bitching now maybe didn't have them the first week or so, but now all have them and in fact are the ones refusing to wear them.

Anonymous said...

8:35. The divisions gave ONE yes ONE mask to each officer. U really think that is sufficient for the long haul??? What is the warehouse holding out on? Do they have our backs or not?

Anonymous said...

8:35 FALSE. Property control & warehouse had NO masks to give out TODAY when asked. There is no virus killing alcohol hand cleaner either. Everyone should be wearing masks in our line of work, both in the public & around co-workers. Start taking this seriously. Protect yourself! That means staying out of the hot zone academy, training classes, lunchrooms, elevators etc.

Anonymous said...

COMMAND STAFF: U need to SUSPEND academy classes. We see the recruits and academy staff daily. They are NOT practicing social distancing and are elbow and elbow everyday. YOU are placing these recruits and staff at RISK. Then the staff go to local restaurants and spread whatever they have incurred that day. Send academy staff to patrol divisions that are short and send recruits on some days off.

Anonymous said...

I’m retired but still have several connections. That said, I’m hearing admin sergeants are allowed to work from home? Crazy

Anonymous said...

I believe they were trying to let some office staff work from home to delay the spread of this virus. Someone in command complained and now those employees are back in the office. Everyone was told that they would be going back to patrol as soon as all the patrol units become infected. Total lack of planning by command staff. They plan on all of us getting this virus and DO NOTHING to protect us or our families.

It’s fend for yourselves. Wear masks if you have them to protect yourself but we were only given one mask so good luck. I would stay away from the office gyms and the academy.

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting case study at CMPD.

Who is valuable vs expendable? It looks like the order of elimination is..

1. Patrol(obviously)
2. CRU
3. Spec Ops
4. Investigations
5. Sgt
6. Staff Sgt
7. Lt (Oh no!)

If I was a recruit in the academy I would quit right now. No shame in avoiding a disease.

Anonymous said...

Being on patrol right now just feels like being an abused prostitute from the west side! I personally feel that the CMPD has let us down during this time. Where is our “hero pay”? Harris Teeter is giving people hazard pay, what do we get? Not enough supplies!

Anonymous said...

7:33 it’s ok to name names. Estella Patterson. That’s the command staff who decided being at work was more important than staying healthy.

Foster 2.0 here we go.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been around this place for a while now (20+) years and have seen many come and go and have seen all types of people in command staff roles. I don’t have stripes on my shirt, I don’t have a gold badge I simply answer calls and try to make sure I get home safe everyday, that’s been my motto for over 2 decades now. However that creed has become increasingly harder to do as of late and it starts with the top, those making descions for boots on the ground who haven’t actually had thier boots on any ground aside from the second floor hallways for years. Command staff stopped caring about the heart and souls of this organization (the men and woman on the front lines) a long, long time ago. What is more important to them is how does the public perceive us and what are we doing to gain trust in a city that averages 100+ murders a year. It doesn’t matter who is up there, once that command kool aid has been sipped common sense and street smarts goes down the toilet along with those dumb food truck lunches they love so much.
Take care of each other out there, get hole to your families safe everyday and know that while command is really only worried about padding thier retirement checks, some of us recognize the hard work and effort we put forth everyday and are grateful for it.

Anonymous said...

Bottom Line: Wear your fucking PPE and stay away from infected! You better get smart fast or you are absolutely giving it to your family! To hell with proactive enforcement! Major crimes against persons matter, the rest is bullshit. Protect yourself!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

CMPD is always there to bust you on policy violations. When a nigga needs a face mask and alcohol wipe, they are ghosts. Where ya at casper?

Anonymous said...

Cedar... you gonna mention the miscarriage of justice today at the abortion clinic on Latrobe? Who is the gutless officer who made those arrests? This was a peaceful prayer meeting with the occupants 6' apart... if the opening of this murder clinic is considered "essential" then the folks praying and assisting women in their times of need must equally be essential. I know some of you will scream... "well, hey.. that is the law". "Their breaking the law". Maybe the evil command staff is now enforcing laws unequitably like it does their SOP and policy. Are we officers arresting the dude loading 15 bags of mulch into his truck at Home Depot? You can't say that mulch is essential, or any of the other folks out and about at the hardware stores. Point is, this is just an excuse to persecute Christians or anyone who dare speak out against the killing of innocent babies under the guise of "women's choice". I for one will take a stand against this. Let a sergeant tell me I am to make an arrest for this sort of non-sense... see what my response will be. I want to see the city enforce this law at the Mosque on Friday night.

Anonymous said...

10:46 .... if you’re so fucking worked up, then just sign your name to that garbage you just wrote. Otherwise, shut the fuck up. What a fucking tough guy you are .... pos.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thought command would do ANYTHING to protect their people is delusional... Other agencies were modifying their response policies and CMPDs talking heads were ON TV telling everyone that we were going to every call.

"Public Perception" is all the third floor cares about and it's all they ever will care about. It's no wonder they've been bleeding officers since Kerrick. Those who aren't close to retirement but have too many years to be idealistic are finding other jobs. I remember before I retired, the guys at recruiting would talk about how they had 1500 applicants per class. Now it's more like 100. What's hilarious is that CMPD remains 200 officers short and can't draw flies but they still treat their people like nameless, faceless uniform fillers who are easily replaced. My friends tell me about this bullshit 5 day quarantine policy at CMPD??? Love how the CDC says 14 but CMPD says 5 is fine. Another great example of stupidity in command since RoMo set up the policy of "never promote anyone who is smarter than you." I had such high hopes for Patterson. She was my Captain and was legit. I guess it's in the third floor water or something.

Anonymous said...

11:30. I don’t see you signing your name either. If I’m called over to Latrobe you’ll know my name then.

Anonymous said...

I just watched the arrests on Latrobe. U can kill babies but not stand on a sidewalk??. If I was called there I WOULD DEFY THE ORDER TO ARREST AND CITE MY CHRISTIAN BELIEFS! Who is the Major that was there? Never seen him before

Anonymous said...

8:52.... just do your job and STFU.

Anonymous said...

Negative 9:22. There is mans law and then God’s law. Look at history. (Not that this will happen but it’s an analogy) What happens when the government says all officers must round up the citizens guns? or take into custody those with Jewish last names? Are you gonna say STFU and do your job or are you going to do what is morally right ? There will come a time where you have to decide what is more important , looking yourself in the mirror everyday or your paycheck.

Anonymous said...

9:22 I pray that you surrender your life to our Lord Jesus Christ. He can be your savior and forgive all your sins. He offers us everlasting life.

Anonymous said...

Proverbs 6:17 says one of the things the Lord hates, "hands that shed innocent blood". Many of us took this job to protect the innocent, others took it to carry a badge and gun vindicating some insecurities from high school. Either way.. if you are a true Christian/Jew you abhor the taking of any innocent life. No where is that more clear than the unborn baby. Possibly the reason we're in the condition we're in now (Coronavirus) is because God is issuing a wake up call. I pray when that day comes we will stand for what is right despite the consequences.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Isn’t god whether you believe in Christ , Allah, or whomever just an adult version of Santa Claus ?? Maybe it’s time to grow up and quit living in a religious fantasy world.
I’ll pass......

Anonymous said...

10:25. Me either. Religious beliefs aside, arresting a Christian praying at an abortion clinic is selective. You can’t tell me everyone at Lowe’s and Home Depot is buying “the essentials”. I call BS on that. Don’t use your power to target Christians during this time. If you’re gonna enforce the law, do it across the board. Otherwise we become the selective enforcement police

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You're a dumb motherfucker if you think it was a good idea to arrest somebody outside latrobe. Same people are saying issue citations instead of arrests to mitigate spread of corona. Won't do jack shit to mitigate officers coming in to contact with it either. "we gave them PPE, what more could they need?". How about sending 90% of the calls that come in to 311 where they belong to begin with? People in charge are such cowards when it comes to decision making. All reactive, never thinking ahead.

Anonymous said...

Arrest a rap “artist” for having weed and a concealed firearm without a permit and command staff lose their minds. Arrest some protesters at an abortion clinic and its job well done. Only in the great state of mecklenburg. smh

Anonymous said...

Look guys this is very simple, talk to officers in other departments, not just in this state or S.C. Ask how they have been prepped to combat the virus, ask what steps their command has taken to protect officers. I have spoken with various friends from throughout the country. Chicago has demanded officers stay in hotels paid for by department and aren’t supposed to be going home to families, another buddy of mine works 1 day a week and and is on call for two other days the whole week, and he is patrol, still gets same pay. There is a constant trend we have all seen with command staff here in Charlotte. Just remember if it comes down to you or them, they will sacrifice you first. Everyone needs to have the same goal in mind, MAKE IT HOME. We are under prepared and under equipped. If you don’t have a mask, ask for one, if they can’t get you one, don’t try to be Superman, it isn’t worth it. Whether it comes to taking this order seriously or not, just remember how fantastic the court system of Mecklenburg county is, that is gonna be dropped faster than any other simple possession charge, don’t waste your time.

Anonymous said...

Any officer who is actively enforcing laws is stupid and placing themselves in danger. The arrests on Latrobe are shameful and unconstitutional. Shame on us as a organization.

Anonymous said...

Sadly CMPD is following suit with Greensboro PD. They did that trash last week. Where is the public outcry like when there is a shooting?? You know the vast majority of those lives being taken in Latrobe are black. BLM anyone??? I guess BLM is only when the taker of that life (justified or not) is an officer and not a physician. Hypocrites!

Anonymous said...

I think Roe vs Wade settled this years ago.

Anonymous said...

So if an airport officer gets fired, no one really cares. But if you don't get a fucking PPE mask each day then everyone loses their fucking minds!!

CMPD is a place that looks out for themselves, and not the brotherhood.

Anonymous said...

5:40, another airport officer got fired?! Damn. Can’t those dummies keep themselves from getting fired? lol

Anonymous said...

17:40 its a new mask period. They are out ! Sounds like sick days coming since they took T-13 away. Zero incentive. Still waiting for an official announcement from douche' command on what is really going on and what the expectations and game plan. Estes lied during press briefing, we do not have all the gear (PPE) we need, Sir.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t he be fully investigated by the super slueths in IA for untruthfulness?? That’s a strict policy violation isn’t it? Oh wait, IA doesn’t mess with white shirts.

Anonymous said...

If you think there are only 2 CMPD Officers with it your out of touch. Roll calls, having two computers in a report room, office gyms, and sharing the same cars. Guess what? Another week will tell the true story on who has it. If your healthy you will be fine, if not good luck. If you have a sick child or spouse it can be horrible on you if your the one that gives it to them. Protect yourselves, this will pass.

Anonymous said...

The virus isn't what you need to be worried about. It is the unconstitutional executive order. People will grow tired of being told they can't go to work or go out with their friends. Americans will only take the BS so much. It is the civil unrest that is coming that you need to be worried about. The latest information I have found is there are only 212 known active cases in North Carolina. That 2,500 number that is being thrown out is total cases since they have been keeping track. So 212 people keep the North Carolina population of 10,000,000 out of work, out of money, and dependent on a government check of $1,200.

Anonymous said...

Anon: April 4, 2020 at 7:33 AM

It's just the three P's always within CMPD. Piss Poor Planning.

Anonymous said...

Anon: March 22, 2020 at 9:01 PM

I thought the officer was Mike Tinsley and not Captain Dance.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lot of folks have forgotten about separation of religion and state. You swore to it when took the oath and placed your bible thumping hands ON the book. If you are true believer then you would recognize the importance of that. If not, then you are just another Benny Hinn....

Anonymous said...

A-remove religion from this job and story. The arrests on Latrobe were legit. Freedom to assemble and speech does not TRUMP the stay at home order. It was a group of morons that deserved what they got. Had they been at home, they would be home.

B-No one cares about airport Officers they are security guards with a city patch. Get over the stupidness. All those afraid, go there.

C-why do many get to work from home but Patrol hits the frontline?

D-Harris Teeter employees Get an extra 2 hour pay per day worked (confirmed). Circle K clerks, $2 more per hour (confirmed). CMPD? Nothing. “Be thankful you have a job”.........

E-Look at all the barrier robbery/spit screens businesses have now. Patrol, nothing!!!

Keep bitching and moaning, don’t come together. No one in patrol should be exposed to anything less than an emergency!!!!!! BS calls need to be curbed. Thanks command! You are the best with all that lack of experience you have. Enjoy that “ social distance”.

Anonymous said...

like i said, the Command need to turn in their uniforms and wear suits everyday. Turn in you Badge please, your managers now not cops.

Anonymous said...

Managers!?! That's even a stretch. Michael Scott in "The Office" was a better manager than what we have....

Anonymous said...

We need to rehire some of the old school command that have long since retired to come back and run this place. That would be money well spent by the city... They knew about leadership and how to treat the troops because they knew the "Job". They truly cared and even took time to actually listen to the troops....

Anonymous said...

Which will be bigger, the 2020 homicide rate or posts here? Place your bets, place your bets. Vegas odds are open. #raisetheagegreatidea.

Anonymous said...

11:07 must be a part of command staff. A- for your dumb comments and B- your obvious disdain for the airport officers. Who knows? Maybe your one of the dummies we work for now. We put our lives on the line just as much as you do and the same certifications as you! Enjoy the comfort of your ivory tower while we do the actual work

Anonymous said...

@2307 You are correct about one thing, no one cares about the airport officers.

Anonymous said...

Paul Blart Mall Cop = airport officers

Anonymous said...

April 5, 2020 812am:

If that is the case then..

The Walking Dead= Patrol

Anonymous said...

Where does it say in the United States Constitution that Roy Cooper's Executive Order is a higher authority? All courts are closed so no one can fight the Executive Order to prove it is unconstitutional. 2307 will surely fall in line when the firearm round up is ordered and the dictatorship is installed.

Anonymous said...

No doubt 2307 is a kool aid drinker. Maybe even an IA kool aid drinker.... cherry flavored
What’s the deal with all this airport talk? Did I miss something? Why is it always talked about?

Anonymous said...

11:18. If they didn’t come for our guns under Obama, they just aren’t. Try again and quit drinking the trump koolaid and turn off Alex Jones 🤔

Anonymous said...

All of you dumbasses that are on here commenting about Corona, airport officers, loser command staff, etc., this post was about the PLEDGE FUND. The previous post was about Corona, take it there.

Anonymous said...

First day on the internet , Tindell ?

Anonymous said...

Tindell, it sux that you didn't get your money. That was a bad investment. People get screwed over every day at CMPD. You need to move on and be healthy. You got out of CMPD with a pension, which is better than many people. Go talk to Melton, the guy that they screwed over. He got nothing. Thank you for your service, and god speed in your second life.

Anonymous said...

No who ever you are. I usually just read all of the stupid comments on here. I did 30 years, how long you been on?

Anonymous said...

3:50- Melton and I went to academy together and retired a few months apart. They cut off payments right before we retired.

Anonymous said...

What always scared me about CMPD was when Crystal Cody started collecting data on officers for her little science experiment with the University of Chicago. She was collecting data from supervisors about officers' UOF and health. They were developing some method of removing officers from their jobs due to various "scientific factors". Remember that when you go to see the shriek. They are just collection information on you for research ass.

Anonymous said...

If you are white, straight, male or Christian there will always be a double standard for you here at CMPD.
Get used to the taste of Kool-Aid, you’ll be drinking it for 30 years. Who knows... maybe your reward would be a nice pension and supplement.

Anonymous said...

The man in the suit said CMPD might have to get stricter on the stay at home order. I for one will not be enforcing this unconstitutional law. Why didn’t he just retire already? Also, who’s out next chief gonna be?

Anonymous said...

0607, could not agree more. If you get 30 years, just be grateful to get there. So many people have been dicked over along the way.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone on here think command staff reads these comments? If they do, do you think they give a rats ass? I’m just wondering. They must know more than half of the department think their decisions are epic failures... why not heed the advice of those boots on the ground? It’s either they don’t know they’re failures, they don’t care or they have an agenda. If it be any of those, someone close to Putney please remind him that he’s working with taxpayers money not his own. We’re 200+ officers shy of where we need to be with staffing and dropping fast. Response times are not what they should be and they allow themselves (the city) to be the brunt of lawsuits their bound to lose. Outstanding job!

Anonymous said...

Command staff absolutely reads the posts on here and they absolutely don’t give two shits about what is said and discussed. To them it’s nothing but disgruntled officers who have either been screwed over by the morons in IA, officers who were passed over for specialized spots or promotions. What they don’t realize is that over 50% of the Dept is disgruntled and adding dumb learning modules to my success does nothing. I wonder how many command staff actually complete all the state training and Dept requirements or who can shoot above a 70% at this point. Long story short...nothing will change, they don’t care about you or your family and well being.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t Estes almost lose his certification by not completing training? Yet he’ll stand in judgement of others????

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all the hirebacks filling in for patrol.

Bleep bloop said...

Anyone who gets sick should demand it's workman comp. Probability is high you got the Corona on the job. Admin leave for all sick time and all medical covered by city!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of command staff, who had a negligent discharge in the range house? They were having quail for command staff and someone got off their annual desk pop? If that had been a minion we would be fired!

Anonymous said...

Who was the latest officer to get popped for double dipping?

Anonymous said...

Are people allowed to resign during this pandemic? Or will they be charged with cowardism? However CMPD can stick you, they will.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else care about the constant beer larceny bolo emails?

Anonymous said...

8:19. Don’t know about that. How many officers is CMPD short now? Glad I got my 30 years and peaced out

Anonymous said...

129, I think we are down about 400 officers. They have hirebacks working the roads, so you know its bad. What a horrible way to spend a "retirement".

Anonymous said...

Any truth to the rumor that a civilian in NEPS was COVID positive for 2 full days and refused to go home? Not that it matters since we are going to every stupid ass call that comes out just like any other day.

Anonymous said...

If someone at CMPD tests positive, then CMPD is required to inform you via email that someone tested positive and location of the employee's job.

If they don't do that, they are open to potential lawsuits if someone else becomes sick.

Anonymous said...

If ifs and buts were hickory nuts,
We’d all have a merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

2:25. I thought the state ruled on the legality of the hirebacks... we can’t have it both ways. Either it’s legal and they can stay or it’s illegal and they have to go. I understand that we’re in “crisis mode” but if the city can violate the law whenever they want it gives legitimacy to protestors at an abortion clinic

Anonymous said...

Name the top 5 hardest working illegal hirebacks?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

This blog has the wrong name....It should be the Whipping Post. Sponsored by the fine folks at CMPD that bring us Hateraide....the drink that fuels dissension in the ranks. Quit squabbling , back stabbing , being petty and jealous of each other and take care of your fellow officer....I have a dream that one day we could all get along for more than one shift.

Anonymous said...

I’m hearing the city’s sanitation workers are receiving hazard pay, can anyone confirm? If so where is the FOP to fight for us?

Anonymous said...

FOP? What is that in Charlote?

Anonymous said...

The FOP has served themselves up to the potted plants in the past with little to no results. They are essentially powerless... You are much better off to just find a good hiding spot and do as little as possible in order to protect yourself, and your future.

Anonymous said...

Sanitation is not getting hazard pay, WSOC reported they were getting 3% then retracted it. The FOP is who asked the mayor/cmpd about hazard pay and your chief said he had all he needed and the mayor wants people to bake you cookies. The FOP is trying harder than they have before, but there is no collective bargaining or union, so it is not as easy. If you have issues, email the FOP so they know about it so you can help. The FOP stays active on Facebook, so follow them to see what is being done.

Anonymous said...

The mayor really cares about cops, so she is building a bunch of new section 8 communities for the cops to get attacked at and injured. She let the chief retire and double dip, and the state had to step in to stop her. lol

You know that Braxton Winston is fighting for the cops, with his current divorce and aspirations to be a full time employee somewhere, someday. Forget about the riots. He is changed man. lol

Lawana Mayfield is our #1 fan, with her constant support of the cops during investigations and training budget discussions. lol

Anonymous said...

Currently, UE Local 150 has demanded double time hazard pay for City of Charlotte sanitation workers.

Come August when the talking heads expect us all to give our best and put on a good show for the RNC, don't forget that Mayor Lyles "declined to take a position" on hazard pay for essential city employees.

Anonymous said...

I heard Melton asked the chief for more money. How did that work out for him?

Anonymous said...

2:01, I heard if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump it's ass every time it tried to get somewhere. What does that have to do with the current situation and factual information?

Anonymous said...

215, Melton sued the city and they retaliated against him. They cut his payments right before retirement. He should be asking for money.

Anonymous said...

If you're referring to the Police Pledge, they cut everyone's payout, so that alone doesn't equate to retaliation against one officer for suing the city.

Anonymous said...

No, the pledge fund was a voluntary decision by many dumb officers that didn't understand with less people contributing, the less payouts. Melton was just earning a living and about to collect a pension, and he got fired for nothing. He can't even get his pension.

Anonymous said...

If you leave a $3,000 bicycle on you car unsecured and it gets stolen, don’t post on cop shop asking for handouts for a new one..

Anonymous said...

speaking of retaliation, what is going on with the airport officers suit?

Anonymous said...

Sorry out of the loop. What happened to Bob Melton?

Anonymous said...

And which airport officer is suing?!

Anonymous said...

I heard through the grape vine that Joe Biden is considering Bob Melton as his running mate.

Anonymous said...

6:42. Wrongful termination and retaliation

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain what the big deal on here is about airport hireback bob melton (other than being creepy and saying weird things to female officers)?

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure that airport officer is Milton not Melton... and he wasn’t a hire back

Anonymous said...

10:20 - all the above comments mention Bob Melton. And he is a hireback

Anonymous said...

852, why you need to trash men on this board? Go eat a dick.

Anonymous said...

I know our numbers are dwindling but are we just going to break the law and allow these hire backs to keep collecting a check?
We are supposed to enforce the law not break it when it’s convenient for us

Anonymous said...

Darrell Brown said he’s been approved to be a hireback said it couple weeks before he actually retired how is that different ?

Anonymous said...

STFU about Darrell Brown. They are hiring these people back because they need bodies with a heartbeat. Everything is illegal in Charlotte, so why would this be any different?

Anonymous said...

Just repeating what Darrell said he’s being hireback to handle the crime scene dog

Anonymous said...

Response to 15:11 hours,

I think it is total bullshit that hirebacks get brought back for nice jobs like K9. Those jobs should go to the boots on the streets that have been working toward those jobs. Could you imagine having 10 years of experience and losing a job opportunity to some worthless hireback that keeps a murder victim's clothes in his office like a total weirdo?

Anonymous said...

2:05. We’ll just selectively enforce the law by arresting folks attempting to counsel women considering an abortion but allow folks already receiving a pension to earn more money thereby taking jobs from people who actually need it. I mean how much more hypocritical can we get? I mean besides Ol’ Cecil Bisbon getting his weasel greased on camera and don’t nothing happen to him.

Anonymous said...

^^ isn’t that funny, especially how he is now in a role to take massive shits on officers and select whatever idiot he wants to do his dirty work. It never used to be that way, officers were protected by the Dept and everyone looked out for each other. That is a thing of the past and if the Dept can find a reason to hammer you, trust me they will, it’s happens all the time. Can’t wait to be done with this place.

Anonymous said...

^^ when I left he was over Internal Affairs. Where he at now?

Anonymous said...

Why is a hireback going to work the crime scene dog? What happened to the CS handler? Also has the CS dog ever found a body yet? This all sounds like a scam to me. If Darrell already knew he’s being hired back how is that different than what the state said was a no go?

Anonymous said...


Brisbon is still over Internal Assholes, popping Officers on silly policy violations.

Anonymous said...

I for one am glad that Cecil is in charge of IA. Who else is better at leading this unit than someone who has personal experience at violating departmental policy by getting his knob wet while on the clock. It adds credibility when you have someone in charge that has first hand experience! I firmly believe leadership should have experience to lead! This is a perfect example of lead by example...

Anonymous said...

At least Cecil isnt a rat like Mike Campagnia. He lied on the stand and tried to send Kerrick to prison for murder. Nice little promotion that he received for that shit, too.

Anonymous said...

I worked there some time ago when Stephens was Chief. I can’t believe how bad it’s gotten. Your bosses are all backstabbing liars and hypocrites. How are you all able to trust who you are working with when it appears that it’s every man for himself ? When I was on patrol you could count on each other and not have to worry about petty policy violations or who was getting their Johnson licked while on duty. It is a shame that a once great police department has turned into an adult preschool/reality show where the least favorite person gets voted off. It’s like an urban version of Survivor.

Anonymous said...

10:37. Lemme guess, white officers? Surely those silly policy violations wouldn’t apply to everyone equally.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what Cecil got for that little “incident”. I can bet it wasn’t days off..

Anonymous said...

It’s all about leadership or lack thereof …

Anonymous said...

I’m # 200 💥💥💥💥. Hooray !

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