Take "Crazy Eddie" (not his real name) he's been a fixture and a menace Uptown for as long as some people can remember.
According to twitter account @HEX_Manifesto Eddie started threatening people with a sign post, Saturday afternoon and then started randomly yelling at people walking by. (Which apparently CMPD can't cuff and stuff him for since North Carolina doesn't have a working version of Florida's Baker Act.) Apparently multiple people called 911 but the calls were given CMPD's lowest priority.
Once Eddie put down the sign, the man in the video tackled him to hold him until the police arrived.
(Probably not a good idea since the CMPD dispatch put the call at the bottom of the pile.)
Somehow Crazy Eddie managed to get free and grab a shovel from the nearby construction site. With shovel in hand Eddie chased the man across Tryon Street and down the sidewalk all the while swinging the shovel violently.
In the video you can see Eddie chasing the man and swinging the weaponized shovel with onlookers scrambling out of the way.
Once dispatch realized the seriousness of the incident they dispatched an officer who apparently had to travel up from Kings Drive.
The video is here:https://twitter.com/HEX_Manifesto/status/1236373995706101760/video/1
CMPD would later Tweet: "Our officers responded and I can confirm at this time that no one reported being injured. Our Central Division Supervisors have been made aware and are looking into this incident."
Cedar Update: CMPD responding officers dismissed the mayhem and let both the shovel swinging idiot (Lazonte Moore) and the intended victim go, saying that each had an opportunity to "walk away". But apparently word reached back to Central Division Command and a civil summons was issued to both parties.
But lets be real, the shovel swinging panhandler known to many as Crazy Eddie to has serious mental issues. Crazy Eddie whose real name is Lazonte Moore and has been arrested several times in the last three years and just recently as January for AWDW.
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Lazonte Moore Photo Courtesy MCSO |
Cedar's Take:
The most basic of City services, is to keep our citizens safe and free from crime and yet, Charlotte leaders are providing nothing but epic failure!
The number of Uptown Charlotte's Uptown mentally unstable street critters has exploded. Still the number of CMPD Officers Uptown at midday during non-events is near zero.
Last weekend's teenage thugs kicking cars and terrorizing pedestrians along Tryon and Firth Streets. No Police Officers around!
ATVs and Dirt Bikes racing up and down 10th and Poplar Streets - No Arrests!
The shooting death of a businessman at 4:00 PM on a weekday in front of the Epicenter. No Officers until after the shooting.
It’s not hard to understand there’s zero LE Uptown unless there’s an event - the department is short 300 officers from their own budget numbers. This is due to turnover and inability to recruit new officers.
Thanks to the upcoming RNC 2020 CMPD has more than 83 officers on vacation every week. Charlotte has 1200 fewer Officers than Boston which has 200k less population.
It is rare that you walk anywhere in Boston, Washington DC or Philly and don't see a uniformed officer on every street corner. Which given the number would be impossiable in Charlotte.
And that translates into ZERO LE Uptown on a Saturday at midday which is unacceptable.
The bottom line CMPD and the City of Charlotte needs to step up their game. We as taxpayers need to be willing to pay more to pay officers more. The courts need to stop making double work for officers. CMPD Command needs to get their boots off the necks of the men and women on the streets.
Give signing bonuses to qualified officers who will sign on and give the same to officers who make certain mile stones. Five years should earn a $5,000 bonus $10,000 at ten and at 15 years $15,000.00 and so on not a lousy $100 savings bond and retirement party and Fix the damn pledge fund. Get rid of the Chevy Caprice sucker cars. This department doesn't need a fancy marketing campaign or slick videos. Just pay up damn it!
Well you know the ol saying...
"Careful what you wish for"
This is what city leadership has asked for and now they have it. The few officers who are on the street are hiding in fear of retaliation for doing any "policing" and then jeopardizing their career for violation of some trivial rule of conduct. It's always better to respond after the chaos has ended and then go back into hiding and type out a two liner. Policing is no longer a strategy to combat crime. Council has already clarified that....
Gotta agree with 1:12. Everyone I talk to in my division is saying the same thing (put on the blinders... see no evil, hear no evil). BLM and the rest of the liberal slime are getting exactly what they wanted. Now live with the consequences
Note taken, .....well if its going to be Lawless it pays to be a winner...will let the boys know.
5:21. Yeah, let the brothers know. The city bought and paid for this mess. When you give a mouse a cookie, he’s going to want a glass of milk. When you start pandering to the small interests the concessions never stop. Guess we’ll see the fruits of it this August.
Get rid of cpcrt, dwi Taskforce, cru, community coordinators, EM, trap, any officer in secondary employment and put them on the line. 200+ officers answering calls...problem solved...it’s that easy.
There are so many horrible cops that are hiding in units that are totally worthless. Do cops not work uptown anymore? They always wear the Class A dress hats to look like NY cops.
It always amazes me when the public sneers at the slow response to calls such as this. What more do you expect when there are only 6 officers on shift for the entire division? It’s starting to get out of hand. In three years, I’ve watched my division average 10-12 officers per shift down to 6-8 per shift.
You get what you vote for. Enjoy it Charlotte!
ghetto gunfighter log 03092020...mental note, add this spot to "Cool places to take a shit on duty" list.
Thanks Vi and that clown on council who avoided the sheriff's notice for him screwing his white campaign manager. I'm amazed at the lack of concern for the safety of the Af-Am community in Charlotte by the so called leaders. What's another 100 dead black men in 2020?
Q: "What's another 100 dead black men in 2020"?
A: What "Leadership" has worked very hard to accomplish..
The downtown of Charlotte is very dangerous. The school campuses have always been at risk for criminals. Gateway is very ghetto. North Tryon Street is sketchy, especially around the Central office.
Were the central boys playing with that dog and not doing their jobs?
Who’s the Central Division Captain? Oh yea Barry.... figures.
Someone called her a lint head and I had to look that up. That was some funny southern shit.
Lint-head is one step ahead of a coal-burner, but not by much.
People from Gastonia have often been referred to as lint heads
"Lint heads" is an old term a lot of people used to call the cotton mill workers from the region. Example, "when Cannon Mills closed down the lint heads were left without an income and also no longer had health insurance, I twas a bad time for the lint heads".
Does CMPD HQ have a Transgender bathroom?
Hey where's all dem metro mans talkin all dat smack bout, "good thing dat wasn't in metro, we be taking care of shit like dat"?????
D2 is right here, Southside fagboy. I would have shuffled my feet in a circular motion, and waited for him to miss with the shovel. I would have shooted on his legs and took him to the ground. Once on the ground, its a simple arm bar technique into a hog tie position. On to the next call..........
Crazy Eddie needs that shovel to dig thru all the shit posts here.
^^This guy is funny^^
Dont ever talk shit about Metro on this thread. We do the work. We fuck people.
If you eliminate SRO positions are part of the special unit reassignments, then they will all quit and be security guards at the Hornets arena. They don't even carry a handcuff key.
METro…is that geriatric Lt Cochran still running the show over there ??
Spence is fucking Lakia Monroe as we speak..
How did two of the worst Sgt’s (Myers/Gorrod) in this department get tasked with teaching Supervisor Career Path Classes??
5:06. They can go to the airport also if the Hornets thing don’t work out. They’ll fit right in
8:07 clearly you have never worked for Gorrod. You’re lucky Irby wasn’t teaching.
Looks like the city had a pretty bloody night in University division last night
How’s that million dollar recruitment campaign coming along Putney?
I can't stand Danny Myers at the LEC. He couldn't trap a turtle in a pool. He is the reason for headphones.
LOLOLOLOL you outta control my boy. Vi Lyles needs to do something about uptown fast, cus its getting hood real quick.
Is Danny Myers as dumb and a goofy ass MFer as he looks ?? Never had the privilege to acquaint myself with him but his name frequently pops up on Cedar.
Metro.... isn’t that the division were 1/2 the shift (doesn’t matter which shift) is hanging out in the cemetery off Oaklawn sleeping most of the time?.
1432hours Response Check:
You obviously know alot about Metro and its prob you that hates GOrrod and The Dan. We only have 4 people on a shift, and only 3 of them actually work. We can't sleep on shift. Somehow Rieber gets to make her own schedule. (cough cough) If you don't work metro then watch and learn something from us on 1st. Best place on the department to work!
I know of at least 16 guys who are interviewing outside of the department. All good people who are looking to move on, FBI, DEA Bank of America SC SLED is hiring and they all pay more. Who wants to live like this day in day out?
3:18... lol, settle down there Mary Ann.
Mary Ann aint here anymore. You are talking to the monster now.
Spottswood still in Metro?
Darrell Brown was the biggest con in K9. Didn’t know crap about dope work. Passed dogs that can’t find dope if it hit them in the face. Please don’t rehire!!
For the record, Gorrod is a Cop’s Cop. Talk to anyone in South, he’s now exiled there for BS. The other 2, haven’t heard anything good about. Must be a Metro hate thing. These posts are inundated with them. You should be Police to be promoted.
FFS 8:50, Darrell Brown has run a bomb dog since Jesus was a rookie. Of course he can't find drugs for shit! They were all BOMB dogs!!! Just cause that weed you are smoking is "bomb" doesn't mean the damn EOD dog can smell it!!!
Well at least phat sue is still running investigations for metro.
For those that haven’t been on more than 2 years, let’s get the facts straight about Darrell Brown. He was Barker’s coordinator minion in Adam 3. That’s Freedom division for you useless millennials. Then Barker went to K9 as Sergeant, guess who followed? Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller? Darrell’s K9 scene M.O. was get the dog out, let it pee or poop and say, “I can’t get a track”. Talk about an easy career aside from a command staffer. Good guy but never Police.
1008..you must be a cop that got burned by Sue, Gorrod, and Sgt Myers. They just need to ask who knows them and also apparently knows a ton about K9. I nver knw there was a differnce in K9s bomb or drug dogs. I thought they were all the same. The metro hate is strong on this site, probly since half the department touches Metro in some shape or form. Most sgts go through metro for good training too. Can't we all just get along around here? Manly men and gayboys. Who cares?
My ass itches..
It’s probably because you sit in the car too long because you’re scared to get out...do some traffic stops, take someone to jail...make Charlotte safer
Screw that! Haven’t you heard? The Wuhan flu is here. Get ready for productivity to drop to zero. Ain’t nobody got time for that...
Any word on how that Harold Easter investigation if going in Metro ?
Anybody know if Reiber is any good in the sack? I know with her talk she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Please tell
Ask retired Major Diggs. She was a rookie still in training and was driving his unmarked majors police car to work!
Its not who ya know, its who ya blow!
You Metro people are such scumbags. Let Officer Reiber date who she wants to. She is a human being. No teamwork or secrets around Metro.
You young guns wouldnt even know how to handle Charlissa in the sack anyways. Just stick to the Paper Doll Lounge and let us old timers handle ours. Piece of Shit, arrest chasing, rookies.
Diggs what a piece of work
Diggs was hitting Hummel for the longest bro
lol, these threads always wind up about Michelle Hummel. That chick is such a bombshell. The 7 degrees of Hummel.
I saw Michelle Hummel with Matt Cooper at the movie theatre.
Lol.... more like the 7 degrees of silicon. Back in the day, she made Olive Oil look like Dolly Parton .
You sexist bastards! Time we turn the tables on you men, and make stories about you all!
C’mon 12:52 ... is that the best you can do??
Jerry!! Jerry!! Jerry!!! Your are the Mother!!!
Officer Rieber does good work. She got done dirty getting put over there. Never fraternize with your coworkers. Don't shit where you eat.
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