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Airport Gridlock Causes Tempers to Explode |
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Unidentified Suspect |
According to the CMPD source the conflict is not unusual as many people are using the departure area for pickups during peak times. The cross traffic creates an atmosphre of hostility. Additionally the construction at the airport means there are only two entrances avaiable on the upper deck.
The lack of Airport Officers is also a reoccurring theme, CP has learned one Airport Officer has been apparently recently been suspended for using his cell phone while on the job. One commentator on Cedar Posts offerred that most Airport officers are face deep in their cell phones and completly obvlious of what is going on around them.
Yet other offices note that is is normal for officers to text each other rather that use thier radios.
No word on the condition of the victim or if any arrests where made.
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Unidentified Victim |
Cedar Update the victim arrived at CMC Main was treated for a substantial head wound and was released after 8 hours missing a flight and a planned family 14 day cruise to South America. The suspect was released by CMPD Officers at the scene without citing either party. According to a source the suspect was seen apologizing to the victim's family members.
CMPD has now placed an Officer curbside apparently in an effort to avoid further situations like this.
Sorry to change the subject, but I need to know...Should I vote for CMPD Officer Mike Caskey for Rowan County Commissioner in the primary tomorrow? Thanks for your help!
CP... How can one contact you anonymously and directly? On the condition of anonymity I'd love to share more info on this. Yes, we all know a certain officer who was suspended/terminated for cell phone use but what your readers should know is that while some officers do look at videos and do crossword puzzles, some even surf porn but the officer who got jammed up wasn't doing any of the above. From what I was told his violation was glancing at his phone throughout the day (minute here and there) and the command staff had the time apparently to surveil this officer and add up all the time and jammed him on.... you guessed it, neglect of duty. Yes, we ALL use our phones to contact each other as to not tie up A3's channel (you're welcome) but how our department railroaded him was downright dirty. Guess they all forgot the lawsuits in 2013 but also from what I am told... more are coming.
Speaking of lawsuits I hope the family of the old man sues the shit out of CMPD. We’ve been short on officers for years. This ain’t new cedar.
11:57 you can email to cedarposts@gmail.com anytime.
CMPD has so many problems, a cell phone issue is the least of their concerns. My buddy in Central got put on 3rd shift for watching youtube videos. Captain Barry don't play around anymore since that doctor got killed in broad daylight.
Wasn't it Captain Barry that caused a huge car accident since she was looking at her cell phone while driving a car? Putney didn't even charge her with texting, but HITS wanted to do it anyways.
Why didn't Julie Barry just make Brad Hall scoop up dog shit from the therapy dog at Central? She didn't need to be so mean to him. The airport is one foot in the grave of a law enforcement career, and those guys should know it.
11:57. Command staff being Captain King? That little snaggletooth Napoleon complex better take his ass back to south division. How do you fuck up running an easy division like the airport?
LOL 1:36. That’s some funny shit
Julie Barry is a mess.
I guess it was better no one was around to stop the attack vs they all stood around and did nothing. Either way it would be typical of the Airport guys.
2:59. You know nothing about what we do at the airport. First were all assigned to babysit TSA on checkpoints. Per our SOP we are not permitted to leave unless we get a call, SO if when someone gets attacked on the curb out front there is no one to stop it, the security guards call us and by the time it gets through TSA’s dispatch then CMPD’s, someone just got the wheels beat off them Suspect long gone. It would make sense for more staffing but if your in another division you already know the issues with that. But hey... RNC coming soon and we too are short. Can’t wait to see the cluster fuck come this August.
3:08. The calls go through TSA before being dispatched? I never heard of that
Why would anyone want to work at the airport?
It’s sad what this great department has come to
3:08. That is BS. Every time my family and I are flying somewhere I never see ANY police. It’s ok. Just admit it, you are hiding somewhere. We all do it. Just be honest.
Hiding is the best option in these times. You can't get time off or fired if you dont do shit. The other option is to "Police" and lose your job over some stupid violation of the multitude of SOP's that can be randomly selected from. The airport officer is just one of many examples of this. It happens every day and anyone can become a target.
How come none of the minority officers are ever targets? A black officer stole paychecks and kept his job! Amy Stukey fucked on a desk and kept her job! Chuckie Henson fucked Rooks on the captain's desk and kept his job. Vicki Foster grabbed Putney's butt and kept her job! Danny Braithwaite kept his job after pointing his service pistol in his wife's face. Toss in all the officers that have committed cowardism over the past decade!
Using your cellphone is part of your job. You get emails on your phone. You check in with your family on the phone.
Julie Barry’s face looks like a chewed up piece of putrid beef jerky 😬
With coworkers at CMPD like this, who needs enemies? You cops are fucked up people.
9:42. Couldn’t agree more! Only thing is... it’s an airport officer. You know command has been trying to get rid of the original hold outs for years. It’s like when we merged with Meck. County police back in the day. They got to trump up some charges some how
CMPD Airport is a mess, but I see guys all over Charlotte with their cellphones in hand and zero situational awareness. And that my brothers is how some one gets ambushed. I've been retired 6 years but if you were on my shift and I saw you looking at your cellphone you'd be walking home.
So a middle aged man hits or injures an elderly guy, and the police there don't arrest him? I could care less if they are playing grab ass in the tower, stop the guy before he boards, and mess his day up. It's that kind of a-hole that makes Charlotte a bad place to live. Making him miss a flight by being checked in downtown is justice enough. Making sure his employer knows what kind of idiot he is, that is icing on the cake. Plus, who thinks they are special enough to get ticked off when you are getting picked up in the departure area???
Bet you money he is a 485 85mph kind of guy. I guess the old man has civil remedies available, but dudes like that need to learn a lesson.
I see cops driving while on their cell phones all the time. I could shoot them from my car and it would be over. Cops need to be aware of everything around them.
You know the airport guys just waited until the dust settled then figured the best thing was just have everyone walk away minimal paper work and back to their cellphones.
Geez. You guys are missing the point. The officer that got fired wasn’t “buried“ in his phone, from what everyone is saying he was just talking on it or texting his wife I think. I’m told captain had it in for this guy and used that to nail him because he had nothing else. That’s like missing a call because you are in the bathroom and calling it neglect of duty. My guess is they are hoping he will just go to another department and forget about it. Tell you the truth, if they fucked me over like that I’d pack my shit and leave today!
There are good guys out at the airport right? Asking for a friend.
When did Charlotte become such a garbage dump where some jack ass beats up someone's grandfather and gets away with and freaking CMPD let him walk?
1545: that's what I'm talking about. In most other towns, a crowd would rough that jackass up, in Charlotte, he gets to waltz on in to Precheck, no questions asked.
If they can't keep the airport safe, what in the heck goes on where alcohol is involved? This place is going the way of Newark, or worse.
Total lack of supervision or accountability. Can't blame the officers they just follow what captain dumbass says to do.
Tell me about it. The only time we see the captain or lieutenant is for the weekly TSA meeting. Other than that; M.I.A. No leadership.
Thank looks pretty bad I really hope the guy is alright. A blow to the head like that could very easily end up as a manslaughter charge with someone of that age.
So what else is going on at the airport with command staff? We need to know. Please read between the lines on this and tell us who need to know.
PSA just park in hourly parking when picking up or when dropping off in heavy traffic times. Under 30 minutes is free, no psycho civilians, angry security guards to deal with.
SECOND PSA, leadership citywide has gone to the pooper
You're welcome
This attack at the airport is symptomatic of CMPD's entire approach to policing city wide. Sit on your ass until something happens. If CMPD is babysitting the TSA Checkpoints and playing card crawl on their iPhones no wonder why the man was beat up.
This is like an armed robbery at the Krispy Kreme on Independence absolutely no excuse.
If the mall cops directing traffic have to call their supervisor who calls TSA who calls dispatch who calls the CMPD guys working the airport that is insane.
Which means the entire airport is at risk at the place where the most people are gathered. Does the name Tim McVeigh mean anything?
As much as they want you to, dont forget about the pledge fund.
Do people really believe this officer got fired simply for using his cell phone? You can’t get fired for that. Get real. People who know this guy say there was A LOT more going on with him. We need to uphold the sanctity of Cedar Posts.
That's the trouble with non union LE jobs. You are at the mercy of the brass. Their job is to look out for you yet they often they just look out for themselves. There are many great leaders in this department sadly because they aren't drinking the Kool-Aid they get passed over for promotion. I for one start every day with the idea of making a difference and every day I go home feeling defeated thanks to some know it all with LT in front of his name. But tomorrow I'll start the day the same way hoping to make a difference. Yep I'm the guy who got written up for ____________ but tomorrow I'd do it again if it makes a difference in someone's life.
Motherfucker, don't make a statement like that without provided examples of shit that he did.
Do tell?
1:43...take it from someone who works out here and knows the officer in question. He is a good guy, good officer, just not a kool-aid drinker + he did sue the city already like 7 years ago when CMPD merged with airport. He just pissed off the wrong people dude.
I know a little about this and the reporting officer is slacker I'd guess he gave them the usual "I didn't see what happened, the CCTV was inconclusive, looks like both of you are at fault."
So no harm no foul. That is unless the old guy doesn't recover.
The perp is 40 the old guy like 90 if they go civil with it or even go down to the magistrates with this they will have to go get the guy. I just looked at the report James Smith or Robert Smith - Cedar I'll email you what I know maybe you can find out how the old guy is doing?
IMHO handled way wrong.
Melton need I say more?
Melton or Milton?
Can someone smack Doan for me? If that guy sends out one more failure to return a rental email...
Anon: March 3, 2020 at 9:42 AM
Because within the department of CMPD. If your black, a lesbian, or sleep around within the department you're untouchable. Because there is no support anymore and no one has your back. Spreading your legs is the only way that you can advance now within the department.
2:17 I guess the officer that got fired wasn’t any of the above lol?
I dont really care who fucks who around this place. If Allie Rooks, Veronica Brown, Amy Stukey and Tangelia Bynoe want to go fuck everyone in this place then go for it. Just don't come at me like your some big shot supervisor telling me how to do an interview of robbery suspect when you got caught fucking on a video. That's all that I ask, m'mam.
I have questions about Tangelia Bynoe? What’s her fucking deal??
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