Friday, July 10, 2020

Braxton "BLM" Winston Talks with CMPD

People will ask why in the world would you give cop hater Braxton Winston a platform? 

CP's Take: Watch Braxton "BLM" Winston tell CMPD's Rob Tufono how he would defund the police and have "violence interrupter's" respond to 911 shots fired calls instead of cops. 

What Winston forgets is this is a city with many neighborhoods and most aren't cesspools of crime and criminals that need special treatment. 

The fact is democrats control city services and South Charlotte taxpayers give the lion's share of the money to allow them to continue to run Charlotte into the dirt. 

That police budget Winston complains about doesn't come from Beatties Ford Road the vast majority comes from the prosperous wedge that Winston is envious of and hates.

If you defund the police the white flight to Union County will continue and if the lack of city services gets any worse and crime continues to creep into South Charlotte white flight will surge. Unless the African American controlled City County Government gives a voice back to the American - Americans Charlotte is going to lose. 

But what do you think?


Anonymous said...

Why doesn't this clown head up the violence interruption unit? I envision him showing up as the blood is drying, immediately rips his shirt off and declares he's the leader of all black peoples, and to disperse. The non-bougie Negro would have this Davidson's grad shaking in his boots as soon as they flashed a little iron.
Didn't this loser cheat on his black wife with his White campaign manager? Guess the only shocking part is he isn't 100% gay.

Anonymous said...

I have exactly four years one month three days and four hours until I'm away from this shit show. My hope is they will indeed "defund the police" and maybe even offer early retirement? Fully vested and out the door yes sir!

Look around how many officers with more that ten years are still patrol? What does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

Spending even a moment listening to BW is a complete waste of time.

Funny to watch Tufono wedge himself into the corner of that couch, couldn't get farther from BW if tried! The body language says a lot.

Anonymous said...

So, will all these proposed “violence interruptors” have bigger choppers and faster sleds? I’ll take 2 balcony, bullet proof seats to that shit show!

Anonymous said...

How many officers are we short ? I heard they cancelled the next academy class

Anonymous said...

Hidey Hole?

What a fucking disgrace this place has become. I'm moving back to NY and forgetting that bums some of you bums ever existed. 30 years of collected a paycheck.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I’m triggered.

Anonymous said...


Sadly, the threat of white flight and losing their tax base isn't enough to sway the city's leaders to make any changes. Look at Atlanta, Detroit, Baltimore, New Orleans, North Charleston.

The time to step up and take back control was when RoMo first got hired.

Anonymous said...

don’t worry 9:59. for everyone one of you goobers that leave five more takes your place and votes for the same shit that caused you to move from your northern utopia in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Damn, I was hoping all this shit would pass but I guess not. Let the bodies hit the floor. As long as its not my family

Anonymous said...

The fact that our department would even give this ass hat a platform to speak on tells you everything you need to know. No one in they're right mind gives a good shit what he thinks about us or anything else. He is a clown and an embarrassment to the city. If Barnum & Bailey were still in operation he could probably get a job with them. Maybe....

Anonymous said...

Dipshits like this get a free pass for free speech but i gotta explain to my daughter why she shouldn’t wear a maga hat for fear some blm prick may punch her or worse. Is this even america anymore?

and four more took the room temperature challenge in charlotte over the weekend. blm my left foot.

Anonymous said...

Did y’all see the email about the pledge fund and class action lawsuit? It’s time to take it to the city and get our money! The city is responsible and the paperwork proves it. Email Danny and tell him you want in!

Bleep bloop said...

At 1108. Yup. Class action where the lawyers get most of The $ $.
But even of I don't get a dime suing the city would be fine by me.

Anonymous said...

Why is Tufano hijacking CMPDs social media for his stupid couch sessions interviewing asshats like Braxton? I mean pretty sure people would prefer to see the positive work our officers are doing versus Rob using CMPD social media pitching for his next career or ridiculous production company acting like he's Anderson Cooper off 60 minutes. I don't recall ever hearing of him previous to Putney becoming Chief...

Anonymous said...

1223, Rob Tufano was a cop in NY for a few years and became a new reporter? How does that transition even happen?

He has 6 kids by 3 different women which I can imagine is a killer on his child support direct withdrawl day of the month. He has been trying to push his production company for years with various mini series about Tru Blu K9 and CMPD SVU.

He needs to get into porn productions around here and he might make some money which is what he wants to do here.

Anonymous said...

Angry Midget, hopefully the attorney that we get to sue will only charge a flat fee per person involved. I'll gladly pay him two or three hundred dollars to get me my $7500 that I put into the fund.

Anonymous said...

Shut up about the pledge fund. Move on random cop that didnt do shit for the last ten years of his career but got paid anyways.

Anonymous said...

6:20 I wonder what happened to you to make you so angry? Neglected growing up? Bullied by football players or just simply ass raped by daddy. You were still loved tho. Its ok your protected now.

Anonymous said...

1908 hours:

Im not angry, I'm just calling out the truth. I've watched people sit on their fucking asses for over 10 years pushing a button at this place. Then they complain about 7500 when they fucking stole 72k for 10 years. I forget the black guy's name that is always complaining about the money, but that motherfucker was working at school playing basketball for 10 years, not enforcing the law on Sugar Creek or West Blvd.

Check yourself before go overboard next time about child rape or football players. I'm gamecocks til I die, son!

Anonymous said...

Anybody listen to the Rob Dance presser? Why can’t we have a leader at Chief like him instead of the politicians we receive?

Anonymous said...

7:44 I just checked myself. Just pay your State taxes on time so I can collect my check on the 25th of every month. It has been nice to have been collecting for 6 years now, yes a 30yr pension check plus a supplement check every Friday. 10 years, what a joke, son.

Anonymous said...

Oh, back when the angry brown dwarf ran things, Rob spent his time trolling CP blog, defending the Ivory Tower. He just wasn't allowed to be out front on the camera as much. Medlock liked being the front man back then.

Anonymous said...

Regardless of who the Chief is you can always bet that Tufano will be a loyal dog. If the Chief bends over and you see two little feet kicking, that will be Tufano.

Anonymous said...

Seattle City Council attempting to take 50% of the Police Budget. Cut the Department in half, a sign of things to come folks.

Anonymous said...

Enough about you guys getting your pension checks. What I want to know is about the officers on the streets. What does it feel like to walk into N. Tryon Div or Metro Div offices? What is the moral like? Are people even walking around or talking? Are using their handcuffs at all?

Anonymous said...

Handcuffs? Haven't you heard the news lately??? Handcuffs are for slaves. Kinda politically incorrect these days. We now refer to them as restraints.... And the jail is now "Housing". Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy doesn't it! :)

Anonymous said...

No let crime go out the roof. Basic human instincts tells us to protect and provide. People will vote for the person that will protect them, watch. You Media folks fucked yourselves on this next election. More republicans, they can protect citizens from the wolves better. To think the Media knows better then anyone else.

Anonymous said...

You gotta get on board bro. Fuck em! Let em have at it. If they wanna kill each other then who cares? BLM and Charlotte "Leadership" doesn't so why should we? It's not happening in my back yard so I know that I dont!

Anonymous said...

WHY give Braxton Winston a platform like this. Was Rob Tufano ordered or told to interview this guy by CMPD command of City government officials? Again why? Then the softball questions and the effusive praise given to Braxton Winston (.. because you worked your butt off...LOL).Braxton Winston has clearly demonstrated he lacks integrity and morality. Braxton Winston is only in his current position on the Charlotte City Council from riding the wave of his notoriety where he promoted the lies and misinformation from the Keith Lamont Scott shooting and then led and encouraged the riots in Charlotte in 2016. The undeniable facts are that Keith Lamont Scott was not just "reading a book" when he shot and killed by a CMPD officer. Keith Lamont Scott was in possession of a handgun and emerged from the vehicle holding the gun and was not compliant with numerous verbal commands. The facts are NOT in question. Braxton Winston led and encouraged riots, that were not protests, but criminal acts. Looting and damage to property occurred. Riots that led to the murder of Justin Carr (occurred when Rayquan Brown was shooting at a CMPD officer). Braxton Winston should not have been interviewed!

Anonymous said...

Whoever the angry 10 YR asshat is, when you do 30 years and survive the CMPD IA, then you can speak to veteran officers. Until then, shut that cockhole on your face and do your job.