Monday, July 27, 2020

Then there's this Sheriff David Clark Mashup (Wait For It!)


Anonymous said...

Love it! Wish we could get a sheriff like him, but that's only in my dreams I know.

Anonymous said...

The CNN Don Lemon interview was a while back but dead on!

Sheriff Clark's comments are from early this year pre-George Floyd.

Anonymous said...

Very refreshing to hear a real cop who is a leader speak the truth. I'm sure that his truth hurts the feelings of the black community, but the truth is the truth. He has balls and we could use him here in Charlotte. Of course he would not last long with our current city leadership because he doesn't support their agenda.

Anonymous said...

So Jennings is a puppet with City Council pulling the strings, right?

Anonymous said...


The Docta

Anonymous said...

Remember boys and girls, do not carry a gun when you have been drinking. LEO s are not allowed to be carrying concealed when they have been drinking. Ask Knaff.

Anonymous said...

Clark's one of the best advocates for any of us. Some should ask him to address our spineless city council.

I second 6:20's reminder.

Why was he sent to airport.