Monday, August 31, 2020

Charlotte City Council Must Adopt the Restaurant and Retail Establishment Protection Act (REACT)

Charlotte’s Restaurant and Retail establishments have recently endured some of the most stunning unforeseen setbacks in recorded history.

Over the past several months, Government forced shut downs, reduced hours, reduced seating and occupancy, supply chain disruptions, staffing issues as well as mandated changes and additional costs of containing the COVID-19 virus have adversely impacted retail and foodservice industries.

Restaurants Bars, and Retail businesses of all type and descriptions have been financially devastated, many have closed permanently.

Add to the enormity of those challenges placed on Charlotte's Uptown and SouthEnd businesses is the continued and nearly nightly violent protest marches and riots brought about by the supporters of the Antifa and Black Lives Matter movements.

Antifa is not “left-leaning,” they’re extreme left. The movement calls for a violent overthrow of the US government to usher in an “anarchist communist utopia.” Antifa supporters have hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement to address their own twisted communist agenda.

Protestors have been violent, they have attacked police, looted, and destroyed property. They have attacked motorists, pedestrians and patrons at restaurants. Their activities forced the shutdown of shopping centers and malls. This has created an extremely violent and dangerous situation that has continued to escalate nightly across our country. It has now reached the point where we have homicides in Atlanta, St Louis, Kenosha Wisconsin and Portland Oregon. Police officers have been attacked and brutally beaten by BLM and Antifa combatants.

Charlotte’s Uptown and SouthEnd districts are not immune to this violence and patrons are looking elsewhere to avoid these areas. Uptown is nearly a ghost town, a shadow of its former self not more than six months ago. 

When civility and logic fail we as a society must act and in this case the burden to act fall on our elected officials.

As a community must call for the Charlotte City Council, Mayor Lyles and the Mecklenburg County Commissioners to act on behalf of all of Charlotte to protect what we all have worked hard as a community to achieve. Charlotte’s elected officials need to immediately forcefully, publicly and officially adopt the following so that Charlotte will not become the next Seattle, Portland, St. Louis or Kenosha.

Restaurant and Retail Establishment Protection Act (REACT)

End “meandering no destination protest marches” effective immediately.

Limit moving protests (marches) to no more than one hour in duration.

Provide that all protests end no later than 11 pm.

Require that any protest march of more than 75 participants be permitted and charged a “security deposit” to insure compliance and to protect the community as well as cover the costs of any intentional or accidental damages.

Provide that all “moving” protests or marches have a predetermined start and end point.

Prohibit any protest march or otherwise that impedes traffic flow.

Prohibit protests within 100 feet of any food service establishment.

Make it unlawful to harass any restaurant patron, staff or employee either inside or outside in open air venue regardless of standing, siting or waiting for service or during the process of entering or exiting a food service or bar establishment.

The above would also prohibit the same within 100 feet of a mobile food service vendor such as food trucks.

Prohibit protests on light rail stations and bus stops within 100 feet of any public faculty door way or entrance.

Prohibit protests within 100 feet of a hotel entrance lobby or parking area.

Prohibit protest marches in residential areas and subdivisions.

Prohibit protests in any retail corridor, mall or shopping center.

Prohibit the harassment of including following, surrounding, chasing shouting at or confronting any non-participant in any protest.

Allow for static protests, picket lines, and provide for safe protest areas in high traffic locations yet prohibit the establishment of “permanent” or “semi permeant” protest sites.

Prohibit the following during protests:

Protests groups shall be limited to no more than one loud speaker/megaphone or other sound amplified device.

Skate boards, bicycles, shields including umbrellas, signs thicker than 1/2 inch, weapons of any kind including mace pepper spray shall be prohibited.

Fireworks including but not limited to those already deemed illegal in North Carolina. 

Plastic bags, water bottles, any container exceeding more than 4 ounces and/or containing unidentified liquid. 

Increase the penalty and noted severity of the following acts:

Make any unpermitted burning a felony. 
Make spitting on a police officer a felony. 
Make the act of Riot or Incitement to Riot a felony. 
Make the act of assaulting a police officer during a protest demonstration a felony. 

Add substantial civil penalties for organizers or sponsors of any violent unlawful or disruptive protests.


No part of any ordinance adopted by the City of Charlotte and/or Mecklenburg County shall impede or infringe on the constitutionally protected rights under the first amendment notably “peaceable assembly”.

Cedar Posts: This sort of wide ranging ordinance has the support of the NRA (national restaurant association) and other industry promoting organizations. Losses to the food service and retail sectors of our economy due to COVID-19 have been massive. The additional burden of nightly protests is beyond comprehension. 

By posting this the sincere hope is that someone will take the initiative to formally present this to Charlotte City Council before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

Why not... they enacted a noise ordinance as to infringe on peaceful protests outside Abortion clinics.

Anonymous said...

They really don't care if these small businesses go under. They want us to depend on the government for literally everything and them saying what businesses can stay open and which have to close is BS. And if I can go to Walmart WTF can't I vote in person???

Anonymous said...

This is not about Black Lives Matter it never was. And the hand full of idiots who were upset about George Floyd's death only faked their rage so they could have the excuse to loot. Now the entire movement belongs to Antifa and they are terrorists. Watch what happens next. City Council would be wise to adopt Cedar's ideas before someone gets hurt. Not that they would obey any law.

Anonymous said...

^^. Not likely. Charlotte will be another Chicago in 5 years time. Mark my words. That’s what happens when you let the “everybody gets a trophy” generation to shape things. Keep up the great work liberals. Everything you touch turns to shit

Anonymous said...

Cedar you must not know we have a constitution.

Anonymous said...

How many cops are quitting this month? Can they get you for AWOL if you turn in your badge and quit? Asking for a friend in the Rock..

Anonymous said...

Just need to give a one week notice so they don’t screw you on the vacation time.
If you give a week notice they have to pay out the remainder of your v time in a lump sum check

Anonymous said...

Do not forget the State retirement plan. That LEO you see every week on your check is your money. It goes to your State retirement plan. You just dont donate that money to the State every week. If you leave you can cash it out. Sign into NC Orbits and register. It'll show you how much you have accumulated. If you leave you can cash it out.

Anonymous said...

Good Gouge 8:15 thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hey 7:28 nothing I see in Cedar's proposed ordinances violates the first amendment "peaceable assembly" and in fact much of these regulations are in force in other cities.

Anonymous said...

All I want to know is how da F does Jennings let Gerald Smith take a leave of absence to go be the chief in richmond? He's on a leave of absence and is working as a chief in another city? So he can keep his retirement bennies here along with his city supplement?? That's gotta be illegal

Anonymous said...

11:16 it’s the same way foster could run a full time realty company in her office while on duty. if u the right color they look the other way. who knows what other shenanigans are afoot that never see the light of day around this joint....

Anonymous said...

^^kind of like that poster who said a felon was caught driving an IA sgt personal vehicle, if you know the right people and are in the inner circle, doesn’t matter what you do.

Anonymous said...

12:14 don't forget her security company and her hip hop rap tent during CIAA.

Anonymous said...

Smith wont last in Richmond and if he was smart he never would have left but just finished his time out here and retired. But he's not smart and stepped on a yellow jackets nest in Richmond. They burn up Chiefs like bacon fat there and his hiring was already controversial. I'm guessing he needed that title for his resume real bad to take on that giant ghetto. Everyone seems to think that black Chiefs are the answer to the hood rat problems. He's gonna be left hanging with his dick in his hand within a year...

Anonymous said...

Cedar you need to add fireworks and plastic bottles to your list! Good work by the way.


Anonymous said...

Agreed on Smith.
Isn’t he bringing Spence Cochran up there as his chief of staff ?
12 months max .... if that !

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm going up there. Have fun down here.


Anonymous said...

Yeah. Spence is headed up there to work with him on his new "Community Conversation Team"? Da Hood has already shit on this idea and made it known that Smith wasn't welcome. So it appears he is off to a flying start!

Anonymous said...

What conversation?

It all ends with them asking for money and free stuff...every time.

Anonymous said...

Just drove up from FL today, been retired for some time now.... what is the deal with the homeless camp off 277? Come on CMPD. Little less texty texting on Cedar and more doing your damn jobs.

Anonymous said...

CMPD as you know is helpless with this issue, many of these laws are on the books but Charlotte Mayor and other have decided to look the other way because Black Lives Matter and screw small business.

Anonymous said...

601, I'm with you baby. We hope you are doing well done in FL, Lou.

I have been seeing more and more homeless poppin up all over that area. We have been trying to push the homeless into SC, but they get better services around uptown Charlotte. I seen Grant Holmes give a high-five to a homeless person without wearing a glove. Who knows what he did with that hand earlier that day? The tents are growing in size and there are more homeless men than there are cops. Its kind of scary when I think about it. I'm going to pray on it.

Anonymous said...

Cedar I respect your effort but ain't no way those potted plants on Charlotte City Council are going to do anything that might "offend" the BLM Crowd. Screw the small business owners. I have friends who have not reopened Uptown because of the endless riots.

Anonymous said...

My daughter has been robbed twice in the last six months in South End each time a black kid no more than 16. She said both had guns and while CMPD was very thoughtful and kind no arrests have been made. She worked at a brewery loved her job but said there's no way she's going back. Other friends have been physically attacked, sexually assaulted one had her car stolen from her at gunpoint in the Publix parking lot. So screw you Charlotte

Anonymous said...

Cedar I hope you sent this to Charlotte City Council?

Anonymous said...

I think the leave of absence agreement thing on Smith is that they have already told him he can be chief when Jennings leaves here in a few years. That way he is able to keep all of his money and time in the retirement system as long as he makes his yearly contribution. I wonder if Richmond agreed to make that payment for him?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Whatever happened with the hire back thing? They still on the payroll? Illegally.

Anonymous said...

I've been forced to close my SouthEnd biz twice props to the CMPD guys who "sorta" said I had to. I appreciate their effort on my behalf. If council doesn't adopt even just a few of these protections and it comes to the sort of madness I saw two weeks ago I'll be at Vi Lyles house with a loud speaker at 2 am. I promise.

Anonymous said...

1523hours, The assistant chief was a hire back. What do you think will happen to anyone else? We are down hundreds and growing. The new chief just sided with protesters and Trumps election will spur more protests in uptown. Uptown is a wasteland and I only see bums walking around outside the shops. No one can pay the pricey rent payments, so things are turning into a ghost town real quick.

Anonymous said...

Better get ready for your property taxes to go up. When there isn’t anyone to pay their property taxes due to the mass exodus it’s the middle class that pays the price

Anonymous said...

Great job Democrats Keep running the city into the ground

Anonymous said...

First, they raise the value of the homes to make people happy.........then they raise taxes just 2%. I've always thought people in Charlotte for fucking stupid. The schools create this level of thinking.

Anonymous said...

The irony in which you just typed out 8:56pm. LOL

Anonymous said...

Cedar I see what you've done. Very smooth. Charlotte City Council will not do a thing because they fear Antifa and Black Lives Matter Charlotte small business be damned.

Anonymous said...

It sickens me that every in custody death will now get politicized. The recent one in NY where the man was on PCP is being protested and the mob is calling for “justice”. Are you kidding me? They put a spit shield on him and they’re saying he died of asphyxia. Now, how many times do we go on calls like that for mental health and put ourselves in this same situation? Mental health or not there is a certain demographic in this country, and I won’t say which but I’m sure you know who I’m talking about, that just want to disobey or argue with police while on scene. This often times leads to the persons death. When will CNN and the fags at channel 9 news start telling the whole story? We’re not out there indiscriminately hunting black people but like ignorant sheep they follow whatever the news tells them.

Anonymous said...

Racist Cedar Posts trying to silence black voices. Crawl back to your parents basement Nazi Scum! ACAB!

Anonymous said...

9:23. It’s not racist if is almost always true. Sometimes the truth hurts but go on identifying as a woman but we all know the truth.

Anonymous said...

@September 2, 2020 at 9:12 AM,

Did the carjacking you reference happen in the parking lot of Publix on South Blvd close to the intersection of East/West?!?

Cheers mate.

Anonymous said...

Talking about getting jacked, what about the pledge fund?