Charlotte's YWCA has been since the start of this century a defiant thorn in Conservative Christian based YMCA.
So no surprise the YWCA whose motto is "We are on a mission to eliminate racism, empower women and promote peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all" would hold a panel discussion focusing on ending violence by law enforcement; fearing deportation/detainment; keeping safe from mass shootings and gun violence; ending sexual harassment at work or sexual assault and domestic violence at home; and fearing consequences of white nationalism and hate crimes."
As the promotion detailed: Panelists will share ways for attendees to take action on legislative issues of safety that women share.
Pretty much status quo for the far left LGBTQ wacktavist outfit the YWCA has become.
Like I said no surprise.
But what is a surprise, is that CMPD would allow Deputy Chief Estella Patterson to be apart of this radical left event and spew her personal racist hate for the white citizens of Charlotte in such a forum.
But what is a surprise, is that CMPD would allow Deputy Chief Estella Patterson to be apart of this radical left event and spew her personal racist hate for the white citizens of Charlotte in such a forum.
Addressing her fear of white privilege: DC Patterson says "When solving white nationalism, we need to look at the places where this exists, especially people's places of work to see some hidden or overt biases and racism people may have."
She continued with a common thread of Antifa "You start where you are, you start in your home and your work and determine white nationalists and expose them." Stressing that "we" need to fight white nationalism on an individual level.

Chief Patterson is welcome to believe in the myth of systemic racism and white privilege all she likes. She can preach her fear of "White Nationalism" privately till it suits her. But when she represents the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department she represents all citizens of Charlotte not just non-white citizens.
This makes CP wonder......What crimes of White Nationalism is she speaking of? How many have there been in Charlotte? How many hate crimes committed by Proud Boys or the White Aryan Nation? If these groups are active in Charlotte why is this the first we have heard of them?
Seriously, if the KKK held a rally in Charlotte, all of three people would show up and only if the weather was nice. The only thing even close to a white supremist hate crime in Charlotte was some fool who spray painted "ALM" and All Lives Matter" on the side of the NASCAR hall of fame building. Wait for it, and the perp caught in the act was a black guy.
In a community that is divided and fearful as Charlotte has become, that last thing we need is a public servant who feels free to spew hate filled rhetoric about racists and Nazis that creates a further fear and distrust in a system of laws and common equity.
There is no systemic racism. People like Patterson need to stop trying to shame white people and trying to illicit white guilt. So many liberals are in terror of being seen as racist. The terror that causes white Americans to act guiltily toward minorities even when they feel no guilt.
Ironic that a person who is entrusted to uphold the law would even consider speaking publicly about "White Nationalism" from the lofty perch of Deputy Chief.
Stella is an affirmative action hire pure and simple. I know several prospective recruits lost to other agencies because she was over recruitment for a while. The white officers with good credit, no misdemeanors or felonies were looked over and we lost a lot of good officers cause she thinks with her skin and not her brain. She would approve of a “Marcus Jackson” in order to make this place more diverse. We see what that got us.
Deputy Chief with no real patrol experience.
Vickie Foster 2.0
Am i a white nationalist stella? am i a white nationalist because i don’t bend the knee for the blm movement and stand for the anthem? am i a white nationalist because i believe jobs and promotions should go to the best qualified candidate based on skills instead of skin color? am i a white nationalist because i support our president?
i am ashamed that you are in my chain of command.
What is her deal? I mean Vicki Foster everyone knew about. Doing real estate deals while on duty.. her personal life was out there for all to see. But I don’t know much about Stella’s personal life. She gay? Straight? Did she suck on Cecil’s penis too? Is her degree from the University of Phoenix? Someone spill the info.
Yall honkies is some racist ass homos. Check your egos and get to work.
She is merely another affirmative action promotion. It's kinda like being a Queen without a castle. She is not respected and this latest wackadoodle stunt will not benefit her with gaining that respect. Leadership and respect are earned and she is just another example of the poor representation we have in our department and city. If she truly believes what she says then she should not be in her position as D/C. Can you imagine what would happen to a white officer making public comments about the black community while representing the department? If this doesn't warrant an IA investigation then we will all know the truth...
Where is this quote pulled from? Not that I doubt it at all unfortunately, just curious what the source of it was?
OMG That's Racist! She's one of them blame everyone because she is black. Can you imagine the number of racist white nationalists hiding in the office towers uptown? No doubt thousands of those white cracker rich folks they are all racist.
4:49 Good Question. The YWCA was live tweeting the event. I've included the screen shots on the post now.
I find it offensive that she allows the name Chief to be used in her job title. that’s overtly racist and disparaging to native americans. and that’s not how u spell cheif chief.
She never worked patrol for very long. Her husband is a Captain at CFD and runs security for a hotel. I really have only met her a handful of times like anyone in the upper command staff. They rarely make it to division offices. I think it is offensive that she is pushing this made up story while representing CMPD. I agree if a white officer said anything about the black community we would be tarred and feathered.
Respect the rank not the person is so true with much of command staff.
Her husband is a Captain with the CFD who also claims to be oppressed and held back by the system. It’s the system, test, or promotional process that holds him back from promoting higher, and has sued. If you keep failing to promote, you should look closer at yourself. It probably isn’t the test or process. He drives a Mercedes to work from their newly built house on the Lake.
^^^only in America can you make 6 figures a year and then complain at how white nationalism has kept you oppressed. SMH.
This shit isn't any different now then back in the 60's,70's and 80's. Just brain washed social media people, yeah you. It used to be you'd tell your kids if they stay out of trouble and work hard they would do well in life. In these days they you have to tell them how to be ass kissers and avoid being a threat because your busting your ass. You cant run from who you really are, like Romo.
I totally agree. Dont bust your ass or you are in the crosshairs.
^ sadly we had some good officers learn that inconvenient fact the hard way.
Talk about cancel culture... sometimes I think CMPD invented it.
This thread is racist as fuck. Katrina Graue is the same way. She fucked numerous coworkers along the way, which is something Chief Patterson never did.
really 759? this thread is racist but city sponsored racism (affirmative action) is hunky dory? a chief deputy speaking for cmpd spinning a false narrative about the white “community” isn’t racist? jeez.
It's a fact. Graue is very vindictive as well. She just happens to be a white vindictive female but none the least vindictive. She has left a trail of destroyed careers in her wake. She was another affirmative action promotion as she never actually policed. She was just a bean counter who followed the Alphas to accelerate her career.
Graue and Patterson are two of a kind. Total ass kissers and leg humpers. The only difference is Patterson is racist AF!
It’ll all be equal soon. Don’t you worry about it. When all the troops resign to find better paying jobs in the private sector you’ll see Stella and the rest of the white shirts responding to calls. It’ll be a glorious sight to see
i think most normal americans have trouble wrapping their heads around people like stella and her ilk. before she is a wife she is black. before she is a deputy chief she is black. before she is a mom, student, teacher, aunt, graduate, boss, friend, lover, supervisor; she is black. it’s the identity focus of being black that middle america doesn’t understand. all the ills all the shortcomings all the disappointments that people like her experience in life are because she’s black. hopefully the rational community wakes up to this type of thought process and weeds bigoted racists like her out of supervisory roles before it’s too late.
8:39 you don’t really think the white shirts will answer calls do you?! They wouldn’t leave the ivory tower for an officer screaming 10-33 much less go to a domestic
2:15. They’ll have to. When there’s no one left who will?
As long as they pander to the blacks at the colleges that are barely passing the classes then they will always have bodies to do it. The PTOs at this place are horrible and they will just train anyone that is given to them. If you stop training officers then they will not let you get a promotion.
Doesn't look like its going to get any better for the Po Po. Fuckers just running up to a marked unit and shooting two cops for doing their job. Two rookies cops in L.A. .Might be a trend so be careful out there. Then they had a protest at the hospital chanting,"let them die". Look it up
This job ain’t worth it anymore. I’m out!
Remember... Keep you're head on a swivel, find a good hidey hole, and dont come out until you hear 33 traffic on the radio. Let the natives have at it. Not worth the trouble to do anything else because you are not going to be protected if you do the work...
Who’s on the Metro CRU IA board? Not that it matters, I’m sure Cecil has already instructed everyone what punishments will be handed down.
Maybe they need that one IA sgt I keep hearing about that let’s known felons drive their personal vehicle on the board, kinda level the playing field a little bit.....
Let’s be real for a moment. We’re all on borrowed time. We all are trying to fly under the radar and hope that something that happened in LA doesn’t happen to us or we hope that Cecil doesn’t get a whiff of our ass and sink his teeth in to us. Either way, we’re on someone else’s time on someone else’s dime. Command staff knows this. They don’t care. No one really cares. Truth is everyone in here is really looking out for themselves. When someone is on the chopping block your “friends” or so you thought have suddenly forgotten about backing up their bud...
and why should they? They speak up they’re next, right? If your not lapping at the trough of Kool-Aid that RoMo, Putney and now Jennings have so graciously laid before us; you’re done. It’s a living but not much of a life. We justify it by saying “oh the money is good” or “I’ve got too much time in” but I promise you, both LA deputies wish they had called in sick the other day. The point I’m making is this isn’t the same PD as when I started here 28 years ago. If you got another opportunity.... even if it pays less we need to take it. Tomorrow isn’t promised to us
What are the chances Cecil or anyone else for that matter pop on here every so often to see the comments of boots on the ground?
I’m sure they do and I’m sure they know who says what even though we put anonymous. I don’t care. I’m out of here shortly anyway.
You let me catch someone spreading rumors about me on here.. see what happens. Come up to the 3rd floor and say it to my face. You know where my office is
Given the anti police climate it may be a good idea to find a good hidey hole and not come out. Enjoy what you’ve let happen city “leaders”. You only have yourselves to blame.
Those two LASO Deputies let their guard down damn it! They got complacent male female combo too new buddies talking about everything but police work. And don't think for a moment these jail support MoFos running around aren't planning the same. These people are sick bastards, fueled up on Trump and Cop Hate use this COIVD to your advantage I tell them all STEP BACK! You get the slightest wiff of Cop Hate cuff the bastards. Let em complain.
Don't let it be you we bury let it be them!
Charlotte is in the deep stopping it now. Bill Spoons lasted thru light rail construction, South Blvd turning into a barrio, and 57 years of the restaurant business, but it couldn't make it through Gov Cooper's made up Phase 2.5 crap. Downtown has as much life today as it did in 1985, except there's 50x the infrastructure. How much longer is everyone going to tolerate this mess? Until it hits their neighborhood? Until the airport expansion dreams hit their property tax bills? Or until the violence runs them right off into an adjoining county?
Just one word....
They’re lying about how many we are down anyway. No one knows the real number
So Ive herd we are down 620. I know that that we are down to 55 in Metro and Ive been getting slammed with reports all fucking month.
Not to worry 10:30, soon it’ll be Stella and command staff taking those reports. No one is gonna stick around for this bs, not when you can get a M-F corporate security job that pays more
You all see what is going on in PA now? So apparently if you shoot a perp coming at you with a knife... AND its on body cam... AND the suspect has a history of this. They will still be protesting. Nice right? I have been saying this for years, once you give in to the mob you'll be giving in forever. Now every time a person of color has a hangnail it'll be the polices fault.
It is only a matter of time, weeks not months before we have another OIS, because these MoFos are all emboldened and like getting up in our face. They will take it to the next level because command and the elected idiots won't speak up and speak the truth: if you resist arrest you stand a really good chance of being the target of deadly force.
Politicians need to stop pandering to the lawless mob.
How did command get so saturated with absolute spinelessness? DA side has been this way for a long time, but when the forces know the brass doesn't have their back, it's Game Over. Like an army where the general command will put up the troops for war crimes for following orders. You are going to get what you get. Is the political side that short-sighted and ignorant to think that this is any way to keep peace in a major city? How long does it take for the criminal element to morph from being a few bad seeds who never get punished, to those same bad seeds basically running the town. 5 years? 10 max, maybe we are a lot closer to that than we think. Once you get there, those shiny bank jobs pick up and move, and along with it the money train that keeps the politicians drooling and obeying to the PC world.
Someone in brass has to have a set of balls, right? I see the sheriff in York County does.
Gary McFadden has a BLM flag up at the jail. Sgt Muhammed is taking knees at panthers games. What scares me about this place is that you can't even relax in the office becuase your coworkers are fucking criminals and date criminals.
it ain’t just sgt muhammad either. Fkin JJ took a knee and threw up the black power fist. Stella wants to bitch about white nationalism. i wanna know about this rash of blacks nationalistic racists we got leading this damned department.
Meanwhile the nuggets keep killing each other no one sheds a tear. You want some sauce with those nuggets? Only if its "Sugar Free Talk".
Why isn’t Sgt. Mohamed getting jammed up for that bullshit?? I thought the rule was no political statements in uniform??? What if I flew a MAGA 2020 flag out the back of my patrol car? Why is there the double standard??
They fired a recruit in the academy for being PRO TRUMP. The recruit now works for the SBI and guns for CMPD leadership. lol
Are you serious??? How’d he not sue the fook out of CMPD?!
Washington Post has an interesting database listing all those who have died during an interaction with Police.
After eliminating all the cases where key info is missing (like their name, smh)the data shows 499 have died in 2020 during a Police interaction gone awry, numbers are:
White = 262
Black = 133
Hispanic = 99
Female = 20
Male = 479
Can anyone explain why Men are dying at a 24x rate vs. Women in these Police encounters that end with a death?
Here's another interesting one as it goes to the ladies who have perished in a bad encounter with Police in 2020:
White = 15
Hispanic = 3
Black = 1
Other = 1
Wonder why White women are dying at a 15x rate vs. Black women during Police encounters?
That’s the “white nationalism”
The news reported that CMPD is down 190 Officers. Another lie by the department. Its a lot more then that. Its a numbers game with these Clowns in suits, yeah the Chain in Command. Romo s shit with hiding true numbers. I took a Shooting into an Occupied Dwelling involving 3 kids in the house one time.Lt Blumo came out had it changed to Damage to Property. Violent crime to a DTP on paper. Cedar likes the truth, go find the truth with the shortage with "Boots" on the streets of Charlotte.
They were down 200+ when I retired back in 2018. Calculate how many rookies have been hired since August of 2018 and then figure out how many have retired or have left for other reasons. That will give you a true number of how many you guys are down now.
300 + is closer to the truth
Look at the cities where an officer has been fired indicted arrested and in some cases convicted of murder for shooting a violent AA felon with countless weapons charges while violently resisting.
In nearly all cases the command staff is AAs the city is run by AAs and the DA's office is AA.
See the pattern?
Now look at CMPD and Charlotte.
Every top job in the city is owned by an African American like Estella Patterson. Even the assistant city manager is African American.
We have a city that is 90% managed by African Americans and it has become a shit hole pandering to criminals.
Where is the freaking diversity? All there no white people qualified to run a police department or city government?
This is why Estella Patterson can go to the YWCA and speak about her hate of white people there is no fear of being called up for this.
No Vi Lyes is saying DO NOT F--- WITH A BLACK WOMAN!
If a white mayor said that they nuggets would burn this city down!
So if you are a cracker cop and you shoot a nugget you better just go ahead and shoot yourself because they are going to lynch your ass!
Just saying!
Whoa 9:36 you angry bro?
936 speaks the truth. If you aren't stuck with complete AA leadership forever, you're going to have someone like Bathroom Jen as mayor. And it's not a single AA problem. I have no doubt Harvey Gantt would not have let Clt get in this shape. it's when the entire leadership structure is all one side of the coin. In 2020, Harvey would have been run out of city leadership for being too bipartisan. Do you think Dimple and dreadlock boy would have handled his politeness?
Your city goes soft on drug offenses, you are going to get people high on some serious hard drugs doing really bad things. Lethal force is, unfortunately, sometimes the only way to stop them.
Nobody holds more blame than Peter Gilchrist: I don't remember the exact stats, but something like 3 life sentences in over 20 years as DA. Helen Keller could have batted a higher average. He didn't want sentences, he wanted favors from defense attorneys. Maybe BLM should ask for a statue of him. He would be an apt Partron Saint. I wouldn't want a white person because they are white anymore than an AA because of their color. But if they are liberal, they could be gold through and through, and they will still destroy your city.
Appears that blatant discrimination doesn't sit well with him.
Seems like a reasonable position to take.
Greetings from the Gas House. Whatever happened with y’alls pledge money?
Fuck your pledge fund money. We have a chief that took a knee to the BLM mob and there is a BLM flag at the jail.
The news said UCity was down 20 officers..BS! We are down 35.
A 1 year on rookie asked in roll call today if he can wear a BLM pin on his uniform. The SGT said he will get back to him on this. Unreal. We are in trouble people.
Someone ask Vicki if we can get the pledge money in gif cards.
Anonymous...bro where have you been for 10 years? We have rapists, drug dealers, wife beaters, addicts, and suicidal people that work at this place.
JJ just took a knee for BLM and gave BWC footage to the liberal media so they would paint him a good light for the next couple of years. He sold out two good officers to make himself look like a better man. Everyone says JJ is a fucking idiot.
I wouldnt go so far as to call him an idiot but he is just another black man pandering to the BLM movement and black city leadership. It's called self preservation. Most in command learned this trait during RoMo's tenure. He knows that if he does not publicly support the "movement" then he will quickly go the way of so many other Chiefs across the country who have stood there ground and were immediately neutered. Police depts are now essentially being held hostage. That's why so many have previously said, just find a hidey hole. Stay in it, do nothing, and then go home. Let the hood do what the hood does best....
So, what challenge coin did you pick?
At the height of a worldwide manufactured pandemic, a soaring homicide rate, a beyond broken injustice system, people jumping ship everywhere and the executive command staff is worried about a F’N coin that you can buy.
That is true leadership........JFC, can it get any worse?
It’s funny, when it comes to skin color that’s what they see and think with first. It’s almost as if AA’s think “what will make me look black in the eyes of other blacks” common sense goes completely out the window. RoMo, Putney, JJ and Stella. Tell me I’m wrong... If you want the respect of your troops sometimes you gotta tell the mayor and city counsel to shove it. Just take your race out of the equation for once. Slavery is over. Jim Crow has been over since before anyone at CMPD was even born so let’s stop talking about how whites keep you down. You are all a bunch of weak pussies! The Jews were slaves in Egypt, do you see them holding signs, crying and complaining at how “oppressed” they are? 6 million of them were killed in the holocaust; do you see Jews protesting in Germany and asking for reparations?? Get the fuck over it and start taking responsibility for your own shit.
@3.16pm surely ye jest?
3:16. Tell that stupid rookie what happens when you placate to the mob. Better yet, give them Captain Koch’s phone number. Maybe he can tell him how he got his ass kicked by a 17 year old in skinny jeans. BLM (the organization not the statement) is an evil Marxist organization hell bent on destroying our country and the ones who will suffer are working class black people. So yes, I agree with the statement “black lives matter” but not these tools marching through the streets reciting their rhetoric.
I have to agree with 5:03. It won’t matter if your black, if you put this uniform on.. you’re a target. I saw a video of a white kid calling a black cop a N with total impunity... and cause he was part of the woke mob it was ok. As a black police officer myself I’d have put my badge aside for a moment and whooped that ass.
Your skin color doesn't mean shit to me. From the point the lights come on everything you do works for or against you.
If I get attitude I'm calling for help and its not going to end well. On the other hand I hate paperwork so there's a good chance you get a verbal and a have a gooday. The number of people who want me to do paperwork surprises me.
Again, just saying, in York Co, no kneeling, no fist. And if you break a law there, the solicitor actually puts you in jail for a while. Cross the border fellas, it's nice down here.
Stella is a black nationalist and should no longer be employed at CMPD based on her ywca interview. Taking a knee and raising your fist is a political statement and both JJ and Sgt. Muhammad should be disciplined for doing both in uniform. The BLM movement is a political movement disguised as a social movement.
All lives matter.
Hey York County,
What ever happened with that one brunette that was fucking 8 of her coworkers in the office. I know they didn't even fire half of them. Just thought it was funny.
Lancaster County Sheriff's Office is hiring as well and pay is not that bad. Health benefits in SC are about $425 month for family coverage including dental, vision, and life insurance. Come on down boys, tell them I sent you and I'll split the sponsor bonus with you.
D. Tindell
Anyone here excited to vote for Biden or is it at this point just a vote against Trump? I gotta say he worries me
The bottom line is that she just needs to be gone. She basically dug her own grave. She will have no respect from the troops at this point. When you publicly speak out in this way while representing the department then you are essentially taking sides. I learned from the very beginning that you leave you're bias at home. And yes, we all have biased opinions based on our life experience. That is the fundamental oath that we take ("that I will not be influenced in any matter on account of personal bias or prejudice"). Apparently she forgot that oath. A very poor example of leadership for the department. If you wear the uniform and you dont back the blue then you need to change uniforms....
^^^ dude, how is she gonna be held accountable?? Wishful thinking bro. No one is gonna do that. It’s just gonna get swept under the rug... nothing to see here. However, whitey, go put a MAGA hat on whilst walking through the LEC.. see what happens
Anyone else hearing that all those Metro CRU guys got cited for termination? If that doesn’t trigger a blue flu around this place, nothing else ever will.
ain’t no blue flu happenin here fool. too many people makin too much money on that off dooty gravy train. they is no team. they only money money money money. cmpd needs a new motto to go with dat new coin they coming out with. my submission is “i gots mine f ya’ll”
^^^ great idea. On the other side of the coin is a picture of Cecil’s penis with a rookie female on the end of it.
if easter was white those fools would never have been cited for termination. welcome to the new blm america. race determines everything at this third world shit hole of a department.
I will say this..
Someone needed to get fired for what happened to Easter. The guy died in the interview room and was screaming. Those cops aren't murderers and criminals. The supervisor and the transport officer should have been watching that guy while the detectives did their bullshit. Even rookies know how it works.
I would have already resigned and found a job somewhere else. I bet the captain and major were lieing to those guys and telling them that they were safe, which any veteran knows is bullshit. Someone needed to get fired for the civil lawsuit which is more important than their jobs.
Steppe, Rubino, Spizzo, Metro CRU, who’s next? This department loves to ruin the careers of the finest, most hard working officers this city has to offer. The citizens wonder why violent crime is shooting through the roof. It’s because this department and city won’t allow us to do our jobs. There are so many other departments that would love to have the officers that CMPD doesn’t appreciate. Don’t waste your time and life here.
Head South my friends. The environment is much more welcoming. And real leadership too!
I don’t know why anyone would want to work for CMPD or continue working there. Years ago yes not now brother you are singing up for failure
5 officers?! Gone? Really JJ? Your a cock sucker JJ. That guy swallowed cocaine and it’s our fault?! WTF?!
“When you see the video, you’ll agree”. Now where have I heard that before?
What they do with Spizzo? I thought he left voluntary?
that sack of shit romo said wait till u see the video with kerrick and where did that get him? he “retired” before we got to see it and when we did it was as clear as mud. come on JJ. this isn’t our first rodeo u knee bending black power fist raising jack hole.
So we get 5 officers fired for the actions of a notorious drug dealer in Charlotte, but Amy Stukey can take pants off and show her pussy on the CVOC camera and keep her job?
When did we lose our fucking minds? THat could happen to anyone around here.
If these thugs can rally together when one of their shithead community members gets killed, we sure as hell should be able to? Do like the NYPD officers did DeBlasio when he walked in the room, everyone just turn their backs on him. When I see JJ in the LEC or Vi Lyles somewhere... that is what they're getting, my back! They don't deserve to look at me in the eye. Here we are protecting your asses and this is what you do?!
3:13.. Was that pussy shaved or was it 1970's porno full bush? Asking for a friend.
3:20 trust me...that shit been shaved clean since she was in the academy.... :0
Must be good pussy too since it was worth possibly loosing your job over
Not that good from what I heard. Just hearsay though...
I heard she used to be in communications before she was sworn, that true?
What ever happened to Spizzo? Why he leave?
Spizzo didn’t leave, he’s still here on shift. I’m saying the department fucked over another good CRU (Westover), causing those officers not wanting to continue to bust their ass for a place that doesn’t appreciate them.
To be honest not calling medic was stupid. You know a guy swallows dope you effing call medic. CYA. This has the SOP for decades upon decades. In the past they may have worn 30 days off or so, but it ain't the past no more
Yall are some racist ass motherfuckers! Instead of hinding behind cedar post why don’t you say all of these things to her face. This has opened my eyes to who we realy have working at CMPD. A bunch of racist ass officers
Who do we really have working there?
Talking 'bout workin' what's the word on the pledge fund?
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