Monday, November 23, 2020

Emily Wall Now Age 30 Arrested Again

Local "Meth Queen" Emily Wall is back in Mecklenburg County Jail. CP's guess is that this is her 27th arrest and 29th stay at the McFadden Hilton. 

Is there not someone who can get this girl some help? I know Black Lives Matter and all that but could someone make an exception? At 30 she's really got a lot of living to do. But it would be sad if she spent it living in crack houses and on the street. Isn't there a judge that would say no release until your clean and sober, employed and in some sort of re-hab program. Or is Charloot just going to join Portland and say oh well its OK if some people are drugies?


Anonymous said...

I'd hit it!

Anonymous said...

Why don't these people just go away?

Anonymous said...

Its very insensitive to speak about a person's substance abuse problem. Does anyone know if Gabby does wife swap?

Anonymous said...

The thing is they brought it on themselves! No one else is to blame!

Anonymous said...

Since we are talking about Gabby, any news on the pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

Seriously if you could get her to stop being a user she'd be hot. Only trouble is these crack heads all have pancake tits so she'd need implants I don't know why but I still think she could look good what a waste.

Anonymous said...

Nah...Ain't getting nowhere near that!

Anonymous said...

She's probably been down on everything but the TITANIC!

Anonymous said...

Yep, how else does she get the money to buy dope. Then she passes on STD's to the dumb asses who then give it to their wives or girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!

Anonymous said...

Crack Whore = Big Trouble! One of our own has been down that path before. He's not around anymore.
Nuff said....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cecil is still there!

Anonymous said...

I thought that was Jennifer Wolfe for a second. She had some nudes floating around Freedom.

Anonymous said...

Cecil ain’t in IA no more I heard.

Anonymous said...

He needs to be there after being charged with a violation...Numerous violations!

Anonymous said...

Oh no! He's the Southeast Service Area Major! He needed to expand his resume I guess.

Anonymous said...

Since we are speaking of Cecil, any news on the pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

I miss Jennifer. She gave really good head. Sadly the pill addiction caught up to her...

Anonymous said...

So what exactly is the 2nd degree misdemeanor for non-mask wearing? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

They tried to blame Jennifer's pill problem on a hip surgury. She was riding bikes in Metro cus she fucked a bunch of guys in that division when she was caught by the DEA.

Its always a lie around here.

Anonymous said...

the one who got caught up with hanging around and banging crack whores is none other than Sammy Yaravitz. That POS used to come into court complaining his balls hurt because he consistently hooked up with burners.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that’s what those steaks were for from Harris Teeter... little cold compress for them nuts

Anonymous said...

He was an idiot when he was in A3!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I remember her...what happened to ol jennifer anyway?

Anonymous said...

Is she the one who gave Rudd the drippy dick?? You're SWAT or you're NOT!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone follow Queen City Nerve? The LaFrancois guy one of those we hammered up on College street this summer is a big ACAB BLM antifa supporter went off on some troll. No big deal but in the process of threating the troll the guy basically told the world he had a house full of automatic weapons and explosives. Look trough his tweets and you can see that boy ain't right.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If Rudd got a drippy dick then what about the pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

10:49 someone is bound to be looking in to Justin that shit doesn't go unnoticed.

Anonymous said...

Rudd's drippy dick and Cecil's slippy dick!

Anonymous said...

Thank you CMPD for overpaying me and then 3 months later telling me about it and giving me 48 hours to figure out my repayment. Please take .75 out of my check for every pay period for the next 11 years.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lawsuit...

Anonymous said...

I still think she's HOT!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The first step to helping people like this is not publicly humiliating them. Shame on you. Get a life. I’ve known this girl for 13 years and yes, she needs help but if it weren’t for people like you, she would have NEVER gone down that road. It’s people like YOU who destroy people like this and there is a special place in Hell for you.

Anonymous said...

This girl is dead now and instead of helping her, all you people could do was add to her pain.

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:39 AM you up early there Dog! So she's dead well that's a shame. But think about it she's better off right no more humiliation. I'm good with that. Three years went by and no one cared I'm say its people like you who let her down. Dog you had 13 years and all you did was buy her more meth. You cool with that?