Sunday, November 22, 2020

Myers Park Neighbor of the Year Gregory Abrams

This video has been out for about a week maybe longer, so here's that back story as CP understands it. 

Over in Myers Park on Brandon Drive lives Gregory Abrams and his wife Jessica. They are from New Jersey via Florida. They've been a thorn in Myer's Park since they started an endless renovation project in 2016. 

The home has swelled from 3,200 in 2013 to just shy of 8,000 in 2019 and the construction projects continue. 

Literally every square inch of the back 2/3rds of Abrams lot is paved over or built on, creating massive amount of run-off that cascades into the adjoining neighbor's yards. 

This run off has repeatedly flooded neighbors yards and in the case of  the guy who confronts Dr. Abrams his garage which happens to be home to his 80 year old mother. 

Apparently her son the guy in the yellow shit decided to "have a word" with Greg about the flooding and the recent rains. Seems the son a Charlotte Country Day student is the one doing the video taping and can be heard encouraging his Greg to "woop his ass". 

Bonus fun: Entry in the property tax records states "discovered improvements" opps, no permit? 

A quick look at the county aerials shots and you can see why the neighbors hate the guy and construction has gone on for five years. Look at the mud covered street in the 2018 photo. Finally in 2020 it is done but the run off floods the neighbors yard.

And you can't do that. You are responsible for your runoff as I understand Mecklenburg County code. 






Cedar's Take:

Myers Park is or at least was until now home to Charlotte's "old money" and if you didn't live in Myers Park or Eastover you either hadn't "made it" or you never will. 

Those who didn't fit in moved to the Quail Hollow or the Carmel Road areas. As other neighborhoods developed they all tried to emulate Myers Park. And still Myers Park withstood the test of time, the people, the streets and tree canopy the entire area dripped Southerness like a fresh cut honey dew melon. 

And then there's the McMansions like Dr. Abrams', you see them in front of Freedom Park the neo classical style gone to hell. The bigger the better and more stuff the merrier to hell with the neighbors.

And here we are.


Anonymous said...

Context ??

Anonymous said...

Greg is a POS and this doesn't do anything but confirm what his neighbors have known for the last five years. He should be arrested sued and run out of town it is way past time. Someone should also take his punk ass son for a long ride in the country. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

What a couple of gay mothers fuckers and the black socks and shorts look on Dr. Greg is sooooo cool but only if you're what 13? Someone should take up for the neighbor and meet this stupid fuck in the parking lot and show him what a really beat down feels like. Nothing serious just break both his knee cap with a baseball bat.

Anonymous said...

What? No Mug Shot?

Anonymous said...

That looks like our Redman training, nowadays. Know what I mean, Lt Nelson?

Anonymous said...

He just needs to be counseled by a CMPD social worker.

Anonymous said...

Since we are looking at violence with this video, how many homicides so far?

Anonymous said...

Officially 104 but 2 of those may be justified. The attack on yellow shirt guy may not look justified but in NC he's on the guy's doorstep. Anyone got the dets? Charges? I'm asking a supervisor or they both go to intake.

Anonymous said...

Yikes. Seems like a real POS

Anonymous said...

Id' say Dr. Abrams is a total douche canoe and his kid a real treat. Anyone know his name?

Anonymous said...

Idiots are where you find them?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Dr. Greg, any pledge fund news?

Anonymous said...

This guy has been raking it in he sees only DSS patients his whole practice is a total scam. Charges the state for treatments that the welfare crowd seldom see. If he was ever audited it would be all over. Started the renovation on this house with no permit thought he'd get away with it. Neighbors outed him. So he's not exactly on good terms with anyone. It would be fun to watch him flameout over this.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't his son doing the filming.

The guy (an adult) doing the filming was a guido buddy from Miami.

I think @4.31pm is onto something. Dentists do well but this guy spends money almost like he has to for some reason. Big Rolls Royce in the driveway today.

Anonymous said...

Aquaintance of former DC Vickie?

SteveN said...

So.....Basically the guy has flouted every zoning and/or permit rule FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS and created flooding and other issues and the city hasn't seized his property and put a lien on it or something??? Shit. I've heard of people losing their homes because they fell behind on property taxes and THIS sounds a helluva lot more of a public menace and giving the 'tu fungoo' to the city than anything. Seize his home. Run his fucking ass out of the city. WTF? Should be a no-brainer.

SteveN said...


Yup. He's on the guy's doorstep. BUT. He (yellow shirt) turned and was walking away when douche-nozzle took a swing at him. So far as I can tell, it's not self-defense or 'defending your castle' if the guy is disengaging and walking away.

Anonymous said...

In years past wouldn't Bill Diehl, or someone of his skill level, sue this a-hole back North? A civil suit that makes his home value dump due to damage to neighbors property is probably just enough to tilt this guy into insolvency. And the legal bill to defend it.
How come it's always some 'Doc' like this? Reminds me a bit of Dr Christenbury or Bycura of days past. Years in a med school don't make these folks geniuses, especially when you live so outlandish a lifestyle. If this guy is doing procedures on DSS, and either over prescribing or overbilling, he has no shame on the neighborhood turning on him. His club membership is just replaced at the next joint further down the highway.
I don't know who replaced the Viking warrior that was Deihl, but that Flair-hair across the table from your punk attorney would be enough to make him stain his tighty whiteys.

Anonymous said...

The connecting neighbors need to sue Dr. Douchebag for altering the water flow in a way that damages their home and/or decreases their property value. This will throw his property into “lis pendens” status and make it nearly impossible to sell. Hopefully someone has alerted the state dental board about this guy, he’s obviously unstable and a potential danger to his patients, particularly if they are children.

Anonymous said...

medicaid should definitely audit his dental practice/ files/ billings.

if you have that much money to demo and build a large house like that, why not pay another $10-$30K to resolve drainage/ waterflow issues brought to your attention by the neighbors. punching people won't resolve the neighbor's water damage. water damage is a serious issue. throwing punches, tripping your neighbor, and then beating him while he is on the ground isn't normal behavior. the video of him egging his neighbor's house is unreal. the guy is clearly not mentally stable - which is scary for those that live around him. it's probably also scary for the wife and kids that live under the same roof as him. #teamrussell

Anonymous said...

the building/ permit inspector should be ready for dr. douche to throw punches at him/ her when they go to the property to inspect it and issue stop work orders etc. then dr. douche will probably egg the county inspector's vehicle when they drive away. if i was the inspector, i'd only go to the property with a police escort. the guy is nuts.

Anonymous said...

looks like he took every single tree and plant out, to replace it with a fake grass soccer field that has zero setback. Can you even take a tree down in Chlt, especially in an overlay zoning district, without permission?
Getting his DDS yanked or suspended is probably enough punishment for him. Wife will leave and take her half once that $ flow stops. He'll be in Myrtle Beach soon enough.

Anonymous said...

this is on the county code enforcement website. lol. glad to see it!

Agency Agency Phone Created By Hold Reason Hold Note Additional Notes
City Erosion Control [phone #] [name] Erosion Control Please contact [name] at [phone #]. Reason: Outstanding Erosion Control Violations.

they should also add a violation for lack of common decency!

Anonymous said...

zoning is going after him now too. he deserves all the negative karma headed his way...

Zoning 20200048001 Open [address] CHARLOTTE NC 15306208 392 Field Observation Council District 1 [] SENT NOTICE ABOUT FENCE TOO TALL IN REAR YARD, SPOKE WITH OWNER ABOUT VIOLATION 11/24/2020

Anonymous said...

dr. douche's soccer ball budget is gonna go up by a lot. any balls lost over the fence into the neighbors' yards are going to get popped and thrown away or donated to goodwill. nobody is going to be returning the lost balls to dr. douche.

Anonymous said...

The neighborhood should all go and stand in front of this criminal’s house one evening and make their feelings about him clear. If we don’t stand up for one another who will stand up for us? No violence, just a few loud and meaningful chants. Who wants scum like this living in their neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

i think he is getting the message. no need to stand outside his house with pitchforks. ; )

Anonymous said...

... people all over reddit are already in his front yard holding virtual pitchforks letting him know that they disapprove of his behavior.

Anonymous said...

He could always get hired by CMPD...We need more idiots!

Anonymous said...

If he got hired he would have to go to SWAT because Command Staff is full of them!Hold on...SWAT are only part-time idiots!

Anonymous said...

Remember...I'm SWAT, You're not!

Anonymous said...

@November 25, 2020 at 10:17 AM,

Great post... may be onto something there ;-)

Anonymous said...

To be honest Cedar isn’t this just the mentality of every big wig that shows up in Charlotte? Take everything the city has that is good and change it to the way it was where ever they came from. It has always been odd that people come here and leave where they were and try to change Charlotte to where they were. Why didn’t they stay there if it was so great? How many police chiefs come to town and have ruined CMPD with ideas from other places and now the Fire Dept is getting a taste of the out of town medicine. It’s basically anyone that has money that shows up changes things for the sake of change. When they leave and they all do it’s worse because of it.

Anonymous said...

Chief Stephens was a nice man but he was way too liberal. Monroe was just one thing and you know what that is!

Anonymous said...

Yep. That's how he could get hired without a college degree! Above those who had just as much if not more experience and with college degrees!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that in the past week this guy has now had to hire an attorney and is now awaiting a court date.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have an update? Did the DB ever get arrested or slapped with a civil suit?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if anything happened to him but he's still in the same place. Also, the dork filming is Scott Perlha. He's an old, 40-yr old virgin.

Anonymous said...

The victim was leaving and the much bigger muscle bound scumbag attacked him.