The change has been stunning and yet crime stats and population counts are not as graphic as the actual damage done by Charlotte's democratic leadership.
Need an example of Charloote’s swirling shit hole status? How about Woodlawn at South Blvd? Where the relentless pacing of panhandlers has worn a dramatic deep path in the vegetation.
At 5:30 last Thursday no less than 8 sign holding men and women in a 1/2 mile along Woodlawn Road between South Tryon and South Blvd thanks to Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles and the Democrat leadership of Charlotte.
I know what you’re thinking it’s probably been that way forever, right?
Nope aerial mapping doesn’t lie!
In 2017 the year that Vi Lyles became Mayor and Republicans still held positions on Mecklenburg County Commission there were no panhandlers and no well worn dirt path.
This is the before, back when crime was a priority for city leaders and CMPD and the DA enforced city ordnances.
And now the over head view. After democrats began to implement their liberal decriminalize homelessness and minor offenses and defund law enforcement agenda.
Replicate this on every major intersection in Charlotte and Swirling Shit hole status achieved!
This is not the result of an economic melt down the economy in Charlotte was exceptional in 2017-2019 sure 2020 was tough but the homeless and panhandlers' made their claim prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cedar's Take: While we all understand Chief Jennings' statement that CMPD will not criminalize homelessness, and who wants any of these bums in the back seat? But the truth is they are a blight on the city and most if not all of them are not homeless rather professional beggars.
They are self-employed individuals who scoff at the laws the rest of us abide by. We pay for licenses, and permits. We file tax returns and collect sales taxes. We obey zoning ordinances and meet building and health department requirements, and repeated often inspections.
Why are these individuals allowed to circumvent the law, based solely on the perception of their circumstances?
Lack of enforcement has turned Charlotte into a cesspool of homelessness, drugs, panhandlers, shootings, murders and crime. Thanks Vi Lyles.
It isn’t just Charlotte. It’s EVERYWHERE! Was recently in Savannah and there is homeless people laying on almost every bench and throughout the entire city. I’ll bet 20-1. The homeless mentality ill are also roaming most streets in Savannah like a bad episode of Walking Dead. San Antonio Riverwalk was the same. It’s only going to get worse, buckle up.
Amen. Thanks for raising this issue.
Do NOT give moneynto the professional grifters.
Cedar is right these thurds need to be flushed. Anytime I see someone roll down their window and handover cash I just want to beat their stupid ass as well!
Stop giving these bums money!
The rest of us are working and by supporting these cons artists you are actually slowly killing your neighbors who work at legit jobs and pay taxes and fees and don't feed a drug habit rather than their kids.
Same idiots who like to virtue signal at how great they are. “Look at me fellow drivers.. look how generous I am”
Little do they know they’re taking away from their own families by facilitating this garbage in their community.
I tried to get one guy who said he was unemployed to come back and help clean the gutters on my rental on Berryhill. I advanced him $20, and he never showed up when he should have. I'm guessing the bus may not be as easy to use here as in Camden or Paterson.
Back in Jersey, I would never roll my window down for a stranger asking for something, but if they were doing something for me, I would toss them a few bucks. It's warm enough here that they can clean car windows or sell newspapers, and bring a little something to the driver beyond just asking for help. These people deserve our help for putting up with the awful heat and humidity and car fumes. Same goes for the 7-11, I would never give money to someone simply asking, but if you have a table set up with music, and I may put down a sawbuck for a Sinatra CD.
We ultimately need more group housing, with programs and government assistance for these people. Those township property taxes back home really went to great use. You could see from one place to the next which town took pride in helping their fellow man out.
Cedar you can look all over Charlotte and these people are like locusts I'd say cockroaches but roaches scatter when the lights come on.
Good point about paying taxes and permit fees, being a productive member of society is apparently harder than it seems. Keeping a job is difficult for these meth heads.
But if you need to push a dollar at one of these homeless sign carrying scammers to feel virtuous then you really need to take a look at yourself.
10:53 scares me to death. He wants to raise our taxes so we can fund the grifters.
Please, please, please go back to Camden or Paterson or any of the other shithole cities in New Jersey.
And tell all our leftist fellow Yankees just bad it is down here. We really don’t want you here.
Just lock them up problem solved, after a week dismiss the charges and take them to the north end of the county and show them the door. If they come back repeat the process.
hey 3:12, I resent that. I'm no lefty. I voted for Chris Christie and John McCain but this city obviously needs programs and large housing blocks. It looks like it works fine for Charlottetown Terrace. Why not have a lot of those style buildings deployed all over town. If you only have them in one area, the homeless from SouthEnd may not want to come. Put some Westside, a couple in Ballantyne, University and so on. Give these people vouchers for their contributions. Stay substance free, gain more vouchers. Coach a youth sports team, get more vouchers. Get you GED, get more vouchers.
It's really an easy solution, it just takes the funding. I don't see Charlotte falling short of funding sports venues, so building large housing facilities should not be an issue. If it is, raise property taxes. And this family isn't going anywhere. My wife and I came down to follow two of my sons and three of my daughters. We have more family in 30 miles now than lives back home still.
These idiots come to Charlotte from Gastonia, Rock Hill, Statesville, etc. because they know that nothing is going to happen to them.
Wow. Chris Christie and John McCain are some of the worst Liberal RINOs in history—along with Romney and some local politicians…
So, yes, you are a Lefty. And no, we do not need any more government programs or tax increases. Again, please go back to New Jersey.
Funny thing. Been up north more than a handful of times. Have never run across anyone who moved there from the South and told me about how wonderful it is. That's why the northerners are all moving here and bringing their liberal mindsets with them. Charlotte is well on its way to claiming Shit Hole City status as a result. Enjoy the burn MF'rs. I have less than 2 left and I'm packing my shit and headed off the grid.
I thought you southerners were all about hospitality and being open to visitors? I would be right back in Cherry Hills if it weren't for all the children and grandchildren here. You can thank Honeywell for bringing the last two down. I would much rather my grands be in school up there. Bergen County has some of the best public schools in the nation. And trust me, I love the lower taxes here. I will keep picking up rentals all over this area since the property taxes are less than 1% of value a year, but you get what you pay for.
I was no Trump fan at all, but he would have been better served by giving the Attorney General job to Christie. That man doesn't play around. He's hard nosed and backs up his bark.
Nearly hit one at SouthPark this Morning standing in the left turn lane from Fairview onto Sharon. Not on the concrete divider but in the middle of the two left turn lanes. I don't care if your LT bitches about the arrest get these mofos off the streets.
12:20 City Bus hit one a few weeks ago he was back with his crutches the next day. CMPD slackers just simile and wave.
Lock em up for what? Mecklenburg County wont even keep the killers in jail. Do you honestly think jail is a deterrent for someone who lives under a bridge in a cardboard box? The best thing we can hope for is that a few more of them will aimlessly wander into the roadway or onto the train tracks. Gastonia had a great homeless eradication program back in the 90's. It was very effective until they got caught.
I watched a shift change at Providence and 485 one day. Dude pulls up in a nice car and picks up a panhandler. And just like a Clown Car another one jumps out, the driver tells him something and then drives off. He walks straight to his corner ready to punch his Time Card. This is nothing new, its just on a better side of town. Like the Family of 5,one infant, begging for money at the Walmart in Tega Cay. A week later I see the same family at the Arboretum Walmart. No car my ass. Pay attention folks to actors at your favorite location. Better yet ask one of them if you could call a shelter for one of them, the answer is usually they have rules there.
Most of these folks work in packs and pool their money for hotels and drugs. I suggest bear spray for each car, and eventually the bears won't come around anymore.
Do you think the panhandlers know the status of the pledge fund ??
If y’all stayed in your hidey hole , you wouldn’t have to worry about panhandlers !!!
ANEN! I haven't seen one bum in my Hidey Hole yet. But sadly my Switch battery is going dead...
Defund the Police!!! I'm glad I got my $11,000.00 tax free Pledge money. Wasted it all on strippers tho. Have a good day, and enjoy your shit sandwich!!!!
I don't think we need to defund the police but we do need to defund certain officers paychecks.
These types of bad decisions have been made for over 20 years at the City and CMPD. The problems just pile up and pile up for the business community.
How does Norman Garnes get a promotion to Major and he opening makes racist comments about white officers? How does Marcus Jones still work here after falsify the city reporting?
Down we go!
Well... In much more positive news. The Dumbocrats have voted to kill the Hyde Amendment. This should essentially serve to thin the Hood Rat population at a pretty rapid rate. The money up front will definitely save us all money, and problems, in the long term. The Dumbocrats on the hill have finally done some good for ALL the people! I think I'm starting to regain faith in DC again!
Who is the worst defense attorney u have dealt with and why? Me I would say C???? Of the F??????L?????
I want everyone to think about something this weekend...
Brad Koch held Mayor Lyles's hand and marched against police. He then took a knee and prayed while holding the Mayor's hand.
Moments later...he grabbed a teenager without being touched and then he lost the fight.
Watch the video as evidence.
Was Captain Koch possessed or did he pray to the wrong person? What made him lash out against the teenager and then get overpowered by a child?
Koch is a Puss. He got his ass kicked by a teenager in skinny Jeans. He needs to stick to Chick-Fil-A cashier duties and leave the heavy lifting to the servers and kitchen staff....
Drink the Kool-Aid!
Now that lord Biden is gonna make y’all take the vaccine, I wonder how many of you Kool-Aid drinking yes men (and women) will take it? Where are the liberal voices screaming “my body my choice”? Thanks guess that only pertains to murdering helpless babies in the womb.
Question. If a person resigns why would they still be getting a pay check a month later. Every week since they been gone?
^^ uh..they wouldn’t.
Take the vaccine and shut the fuck up….
I look forward to the day that it becomes a condition of employment. All y’all unvaccinated can go back to the rocks y’all crawled out from.
That’s right 9:45. Just do what the powers that be tell you to do like a good little sheep. Then when someone questions it you can goosestep past them like the Nazi’s did and your default response will be “well, I’m just following orders”
Seriously though douchebag.. this isn’t a LAW of the land that we’re required to follow as citizens. It’s a recommendation from a bunch of idiots in Washington getting paid off this crisis. Think for yourself while we’re still a free society.
STFU and get your vaccine. It’s idiots like yourself that have caused the delta variant to spread. Even your god tRump and all the republitard hierarchy have gotten it but yet they continue to down play it’s importance. … because it plays into the anti government sentiment they espouse. Go ahead and keep sucking tRumps sick and when you or your family get COVID… don’t bother checking into a hospital.
Hey Pussy ^ I've had covid. It was like a 3 day cold. Get over it. It is the same government that made your people slaves.... so you trust the same government to tell you that you need to take it? Just keep on listening to the slave masters of the democrat party
My guess is that you’re still young I’ve had 2 family members die from COVID. You don’t get over it. Sounds like you’re assuming I’m black which I am not. I’m just not young and woefully naive like you are. What are you going to do then when they mandate vaccinations? Suck it up and take the vaccine most likely and continue to worship at the altar of tRump and the republitards. Give us all a break and quit and go back to whence you came….. and remember ,you’re part of the government which you so loudly protest. Just STFU.
What's up with "Sloppy Joe" McGarity these days? I'm from another division on 2nd shift and see him running around looking unprofessional and as a poor representation of the department.
11:43. Dude, you got a hard on for this guy McGarity?? You mention him in like every thread. Be a man. If you don't like the guy, after role call just man up to him and throw some hands. We don't play that over in the Gas-House.
Johnson and Johnson has recalled sunscreen and baby powder for causing cancer. Pfizer just paid out 6 billion dollars for causing the worst epidemic (opioid) in the history of humanity....but I'm sure they're all about our best interest now huh
Most of you work for the government. When it becomes mandated , what cha going to do??? You folks with 2-3 years on have the luxury of quitting without much impact on a future career. You with 10+ years … you have a big problem. My advice : STFU and take the vaccine !
If I read one more post about Sloppy McGarity, Chick Fila Training, Pledge Fund Investigation, or Roast Beef Amy....I will drive my damn cruiser into Lake Wylie.
7:53...Cruisers have been pulled out of Lake Wylie before! Be sure and take a pic when you do!
Do you think Biden wears a diaper like Bennett does? I bet that urine smells.
Roast Beef Amy? I haven't heard that one!
7:53...You go rook!
Do Cops and Firemen get to have long hair now that the city council said so it will that law only apply to certain people
It’s not the ones not getting the vaccine spreading the COVID variant it’s Biden’s dumb ass letting these f—- ing immigrants in that spreading it.
Yea Biden evaded that question when he was confronted about illegals bringing that crap over here. He don’t give two shits about the COVID he just wants the votes and control.
Since we are on the subject of illegals, any news on the pledge fund?
The Pledge Fund is gone!
Open an IRA and put your money there vs. another Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme.
When is Cedar coming back?
But his tweets on forced vaccinations are VERY disappointing.
Channel 9 reporting McFadden sued for failing to issued handgun purchase permits.
It’s not his fault. He’s on CPT (colored peoples time). Ever notice black people are slow AF when it comes to anything involving any responsibility? Work, paying bills etc
TV personality McFadden is too busy delivering Malcom X speeches at monument rallies to do his job as Sheriff. Just remember this at election time. If everyone that cares turns out at the polls he should easily be sent into permanent retirement, never to be heard from again.
I will say this will serious accord. If you have worked at CMPD for 30 years and then retire only to come back and wear the uniform in front of BoA or Panthers Stadium then you really fucked up in life. If something actually happened then they wouldn't add any value to the situation at their age and ability.
Move on.
Is it just me or is it retarded to mandate US citizens to get a vaccine and wear a mask while simultaneously allowing hoards of people to come through our southern boarder (some with infections) unscreened. Does that seem right?? Now there are rumors that you’ll need to get the vaccine or lose your job. Who do our politicians work for??
^^^. I agree. Btw if requiring ID to vote is “Jim Crow 2.0” what is requiring proof a vaccine to enter a restaurant in NYC DeBlassio? Maybe Jim Crow 3.0!!!
Defund the PoPo!!!! So I can get a high paying personal security job. Rich people don't need to call the Po Lease.
Defund the PoPo, pledge fund?
How long before one of the newly formed “violence interrupters” catches some lead from a state protected 14-17 year old??
And what’s the status of the female officer in Steele Creek who had a DV with the Capt in the office parking lot?
Mandatory vaccines for city employees are coming. Get your vaccines ASAP or GTFO !!
STFU about the pledge fund. Your money is gone. Move on with life and learn a lesson about Ponzi schemes. And all you anti-vaxxers at CMPD please tell me all about your unvaccinated kids and how much you agree with Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey. If your philosophy matches that of the two dumbest people in Hollywood maybe you should reconsider your logic?
More important than all of this is what color pants stripe are we going with??? Pink wasn’t an option sadly but maybe JJ will let our clown noses change to pink for October? One can always hope.
3 years left… counting down every second. But hey, I’m only two years away from getting off CEU. Thank Johnny!
While I’m indifferent on the stripe, it looks like shit. All 3 options are garbage and can be viewed in the basement of the LEC. It looks like someone is really pinching pennys on the stripe. Just buy nice pants with a stripe. Also, the new class b’s can also be viewed and the pockets are a lot smaller. You can’t even fit a phone in the chest pockets. Oh well.
Where is everybody at on mandatory COVD shots? The fire union got a email yesterday aboutwhere the city is headed. Little odd it came from an asst city mgr that doesn’t live in the city.
Get vaccinated or quit … your choice !
Which police departments are not requiring the vaccine?.....
Need to worry about reducing violent crime in this city. Wait until the Hamster Flu hits. We are all going to be Zombies.
0712 I’ll get vaccinated when the vaccine actually prevents one from contracting the China virus.
It's been a while since I've been on here and came to see the comments on the vaccine survey and what I see as the coming mandate. To my surprise there are comments like 7:12 and 8:54. What happened to Freedom? My decision to not to get the vaccine does not effect you if the vaccine actually worked; there are too many news stories about people having the vaccine and still getting the Corona Virus. No one knows the long term side effects either. It only has emergency approval and is an experimental drug. Why are you willing to put something into your body that no one can tell you what is going to happen five, ten or twenty years later? I say no thank you. For all of you willing to blindly fall in line to get the jab, enjoy, we will see what happens. You are playing into their fear. People are not falling dead in the street. There is a reason the government is bribing people to take the shot. When in history has the government given out free money to get a vaccine? For those not wanting to be the test subjects in this little science project stay strong. Have a back up plan; everyone is hiring, there are over ten million jobs available right now in the US. Make them fire you. They are getting more push back than you probably think, hence the email yesterday from whomever the Pippen lady is with the exclamation point in the subject line. She was yelling at you! Don't question our authority! They can't fire us all. Well that's not true, they could but there wouldn't be enough police out there. Do we have enough now?
This from the same type folks who eat like shit and don’t work out. Hey dumbass, the science is in, heart disease kills… if I see one more fat person talking about possible long term effects of the vaccine I’m gonna set fire to the local Twinkie factory. You’re not stunning and brave or a patriot, you’re just following the other side of the ideology bullshit. Grow the fuck up and think for yourself. Freedom isn’t absolute. If it was you wouldn’t be posting anonymously like the rest of us.
8:51 I'm not fat and I work put daily. Why do I post anonymously, because the white shirts read this blog too. When you give up a little freedom what happens? Next time the government knows it can take a little more. That's how you boil a frog alive. If the vaccine actually works, if I have the vaccine or not has not effect on you because you have the vaccine.
913, let me settle this argument once and for all. anyone that still works in the place after all that has gone on over the past ten years is just as dumb with the vaccine as without the vaccine.
its hilarious that people are concerned about the vaccine, but they smoke, drink, eat mcdonalds, and believe what this agency spews at them on a weekly basis.
thanks for the entertainment on here.
You all saw what happened at Atrium right? 50 confirmed cases of COVID.... 35 of which already took the VACCINE!!! What does that tell you?? The Trump vaccine is crap, anyone still working at CMPD is crap, this entire debate is crap. Think for yourself... leave while you can.. everyone is hiring. When you are next on the 11 o'clock news being charged with taking the life of the low life negro that didn't listen to verbal commands you'll remember what you heard me saying.
Pledge fund news?
Tammy Pippen stole your pledge fund. It was Mandatory!
I heard there are several positive cases of covid in IA because ya know…disease spreads quick amongst rats.
But on a serious note, does anyone know where Cecil shot his load when he got head on duty? Asking for a friend.
Veronica Brown
What ever happened to Veronica? I worked with her years ago before I left that sh**hole. She was a piece of ace back then. No way Cecil hit that. Cecil was a tool even back in patrol. He ain’t got enough game to push up on that
Hey all you Trump sycophants. Today was the day he was supposed to reclaim his throne. What happened ??? Can you say delusional bullshit ! Suck it you asswipes 💥💥💥💥😆🤣😂
I left after 3 years in. After reading this blog and knowing the culture now I have no regrets. Currently an HVAC Tech and making more than double what I did with CMPD. Plus benefits and plenty of available OT. And people are genuinely happy and thankful when you show up and get their AC cranking again. The jobs are out there. That is if you really want out, or would rather just suffer.
Retired Captain David Poston is the interim chief for the Albemarle PD.
He was a smart ass!
8:31 Dumb as shit also
Could be worse, you could be a female in Afghanistan right now. I'm going to use my Jedi powers and predict that on September 11th, 2021 the Taliban will raise their flag above the American Embassy in Kabul. Maybe even burn it to the ground for all to watch. Thank you for your Service ladies and gentlemen, including my son. What a fucking waste, remember you trust your elected officials.
Y’all make me laugh with this vaccine crap. I gotta agree with the other guy, I doubt y’all have your kids running around unvaccinated against MMR and all those other diseases. Don’t y’all know those vaccines cause autism lmao. I’m all for anyone who doesn’t want it to not get it but you should have to sign a paper saying you can’t use your Charlotte insurance when they put your stupid ass on a ventilator. Same with these idiots in the hood. No vaccine means no Medicaid for your hospital visit…
And if you think things in Afghanistan were great for females a year ago, I’ve got this fund you should join. You just put in 5 dollars a week and when you retire you get 10000 guaranteed money! Just talk to JJ, he can get you signed up quick!
Yo, HVAC dude, where you working? I’m good with electricity but I’ve never seen an HVAC job paying 160k per year and not have to work hard to get it. But I’ll gladly turn in my badge if you point me in the right direction. Maybe step 3 was lower than I thought?
12:09 Good guess on the $10,000.00. I got my $11,500.00 pledge fund money six years ago. Weed and strippers. Ugh. Think about it, if I can live 14 more years I'll clear a 1.5 million from the State. So please keep paying your taxes on time. Its not much but it helps, and don't forget 401k. Enjoy your shit sandwich on patrol
You aren't going to make any money in HVAC in NC. Hell, you aren't going to make money doing anything in NC. My wife was a teacher and what she brought home was a disgrace. She doubled her salary as well. We truly enjoyed NC but we moved back home up north where the typical starting salaries are around $50 an hour for HVAC workers. If you are a good installer the work is plentiful and pays even more. Plus, they are willing to train you. Most companies just want reliable employees who will show up and work. Even the PD'S up here pay their officers a decent salary compared to NC.
I cant believe all those Afghans didn't have their masks on while on that plane, or hanging off the side of it. I bet they didn't have their vaccine shots. Are they not worried about infecting someone? Especially the all the teenage girls over there.
19:28 - Not to worry, they all got their clot shot during their flight aboard the USAF C17. The military is mandating it now too. They also had a temperature check and had to fill out a COVID attestation form with their negative COVID test before boarding. Temp checks and attestation form were not required for the outside passengers.
Hey guess what? The US just lost another war. Not a tie, we lost. Its like that bully that messes with a person that they think they can handle. Then that person never gives up and the bully quits. Its called losing. So don't try to spin it any other way, they won and we will see them again.
1822: Can you leave a roadmap for a lot of other people to go back up there? Especially the NJ one who wants taxes for midnight basketball.
Glad you love it there, wherever that is. Spread the word. I'll help pack people up down here if they promise to forget Charlotte.
I have a joke: How many Clot Shots does it take to kill COVID? Oops, that’s not a joke…
I'm actually happy for the HVAC dude! Smart move on his part and he doesn't have to deal with any more Hood Rats grabbing their junk and yelling F#%! 12
Take y’all’s shots and wear your masks, bitches 💥💥💥😜
Isnt it sad that we are happy for a guy that does HVAC instead of working at CMPD? How low have things really gotten around here? Aldi is paying 60k for store managers, but you actually have to work and it can get kind of busy on the weekends.
The truth is most of the people that still work here are lazy and didn't make any effort to improve their situations. They just want a check on Friday for doing the bare minimum effort.
Right hidey hole guy?
^^ that’s right. I get paid the same if I take 1 report or 50. DA don’t prosecute nothing. JJ will throw your entire family under the bus. So why bother. Be smart. If you break your back working for this city you think they care??
Cedar, can you please do a FOIA request to see if HR managers around the city departments have take home unmarked city of Charlotte owned vehicles with orange government license plates? The CMPD HR manager Tammy Pippen has take home city Chevy SUV with FREE GAS.
I’m curious if other city department HR managers have take-home city vehicles too
I am almost certain no other COC department HR managers have free vehicles and GAS assigned to them. Please news media let us know.
If you don’t believe this….Can we get this “fact checked” haahhahaha. Btw it’s parked in the basement by the property control entrance.
Americans will be charged $2000 or more to take a Reparation flight from Afganistan.
5:50pm Did you take both your shots and get your booster biatch?! And by the way, that mask you're wearing that you haven't washed in weeks...yes the one carrying enough germs on the inside, to give you a nasty case of bacterial pneumonia along with a sinus infection...Well, it should go over your nose and mouth, not your eyes dumbass! But please do continue to hold it close to your face for long periods, and do let us know if you survive because bacterial pneumonia is deadly.
Anonymous said...
I am almost certain no other COC department HR managers have free vehicles and GAS assigned to them. Please news media let us know.
If you don’t believe this….Can we get this “fact checked” haahhahaha. Btw it’s parked in the basement by the property control entrance.
Please Listen to the video from the Department of Defense giving themselves a back pat for several thousand evacuations. But please pay special attention to the amount of Americans evacuated in that number of evacuees. There are between 10,000 and 40,000 Americans stuck. US Citizens must rely on the Taliban for safe passage while UK and other countries are going outside the Kabul airport to rescue citizens and get them home.
What's next? Taiwan? Texas? thank god for the 2nd Amendment. Who in their right mind trusts this President with the safety of the American people? Including you.
They have our rockets, our planes, other weapons and Humvees. They also have our uniforms. What in the EWRTFYHUIYHYUTGXXX is going on?! We also left all of the personal and bank account info behind for everyone there helping us at the Embassy. Why would we do that to people helping us?!
Concord Police just expanded their take home car policy to 30 miles.
^^LOL, why in the hell would anyone care about Concord extending a take hone policy 30 miles?
That's because Concord has a chief that knows what he is doing and leadership that gives a damn about their officers well-being instead of their next promotion. What they need is a JJ, a Pearsall, or a Koch to deal with. Too bad they couldn't have gotten a Stella.
I've been thinking about it and I kinda like the idea of a rainbow colored stripe on the uniform pants? That should pretty much appease all the libtards who are currently running our Gubamint?
I heard concord hires all of CMPD’s rejects and misfits.
Pay special attention to the document at the end of the video.
Its hard to imagine that CMPD has any rejects these days. Plus, CMPD has central division and south division to dump their minions into for a simple day.
No other HR personnel get take home cars in the COC. The City HR director doesn’t even get a take home car
Whatever happened with the Steele Creek officer and captain DV?
^^ not working at the department any longer. No longer in the loop. What color are said officer and captain? If their darker complexion I can tell you now it’s already been swept under the rug.
Where were the "Violence Interrupters" in South Division today?
The City of Charlotte only bribes employees to do things that are good for you right? Like living in the city limits and taking “vaccines” with rubber stamp approvals before full clinical trials are completed and long term safety studies completed by trusted government agencies like the FDA. With this kind of transparency and integrity there’s no need to report on the thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries (many permanent) from the clotshots. It blows my mind how many people don’t know what VARES is and all of the horrifying stories posted on there. But don’t worry, nothing to see, the clotshots are safe and effective - just ask Israel!
@ 6:41, Steele Creek officer is actually blonde w/f type. Sounds like just a little too far over the line of the right kind of crazy.
It's always the blondes that turn out to be bat shit crazy...
Steele creek girl got shipped to University and Sanders got hidden away again. What a clown!
Maybe he will get promoted to Major now! Dipping your pen in the company ink seemed to work out pretty good in the end for ol "BJ" Brisbon.
Was the steele creek officer in question a girl named..Haley? I know Sanders aint pounding that girl every night. No Way.
It seems like there are more honkies fucking their subordinates that my brothers. (University, Metro, Steele Creek, Central)
“J&J: COVID-19 booster dose generates robust antibody response” …as a bonus you also get a robust increase for risk of blood clots, maybe even Bell’s palsy if you are lucky. And how long does that “antibody response” last? A couple months at best? You know what also generates a robust antibody response? Eating/living/being healthy. If you haven’t been preparing your immune system this past year and a half you might want to start now. The ClotShot won’t save you. I’m old enough to remember when these ClotShots were reported to give you lifelong immunity or at least immunity for several years.
STFU & take your shot. It’s FDA approved.
^^. Why? No one has ever been this dogmatic on the flu shot over the last 100 years. Why is this any different? If you choose not to , you only endanger yourself. It’s a personal risk. It doesn’t effect others
People are waking up to dangers of these shots. You will see commercials in 10 years “If you had the COVID shot you might be entitled to…” How many times do I have to take my smallpox vaccine to be immune and how many people are falling ill from them? The one smart thing city council did was not mandate the shots because they know there would not be any essential workers left. Just ask Vinny Curry how safe and effective the shots are. Many more out there too. Many don’t even have to worry about rona because they are dead. Last time I checked we were up to 13k dead from the shots in the US alone and those were just the ones that were reported.
Is it FDA approved like Zantac, Terfenadine, Quaaludes, Cylert, DES, Posicor, Vioxx, J&J baby powder, Neutrogena sunscreen, etc or FDA approved like Fentanyl, Clozaril, and other toxic drugs? Asking for a friend.
If you learned anything the last 20 months, it's that the experts don't know sh!t. It's also that the media loves playing on fear, that there are certain professions that love being played as martyrs, and the endgame to this whole mess has zero to do with public health. Oh, and pretty much nobody is angry at the root cause of this- China's bioweapons program.
If I hear one more whiny thing from an Atrium nurse saying that they are over capacity, I'm going to vomit. Capacity is driven by staffing. It would be like the Meck Sheriff saying the jail is over capacity, even though there are empty beds, but the cause being hundreds of open staff jobs.
We are all in this together. I'm gonna puke. Hope everyone likes this mess, because we are going to be in it for a long, long time. Free money, never ever gets taken away.
And for the medically illiterate, there is no vaccine for the common cold. it is a corona virus. That is due to the rapid mutation of the virus. Today's vaccine won't work on tomorrow's strain, but through nature, each strain generally becomes more virulent, and less lethal. Every now and again a bad cold comes and you notice it, but every winter you catch a number of cold viruses. This will be around forever now. No shot will cure it, no shot will stop transmission. A shot will fatten the wallets of Big Pharma. A vaccine is something like smallpox or polio, it inoculates the host, introducing the virus so that further exposure is knocked out by the existing antibodies. These new 'vaccines' don't work that way. Let Gates try this crap on his kids first, and tell me how it turns out in ten years. I'll keep washing my hands, getting sunshine, exercise, and a healthy diet.
Yea, FDA approved. You realize Thalidomide is still FDA approved, right? But taking Zinc and vitamins as a treatment is banned on social media? Follow the money folks.
The good news is, 'rona put a nail in the coffin of Epicenter, so Charlotte does owe a debt of gratitude for that.
1059: 100% spot on
Take your vaccines and STFU !
6:36. You are probably one of the geniuses that voted for Biden right? No more freedoms just shut up and obey right?
I hear Hong Kong PD is hiring. Soon CMPD will be mandating, we must all choose what’s most important
There’s always that one like 6:36. God bless his soul. He regrets taking the ClotShot and just wants others to share in his misery because he was tricked into taking what he thought was a “vaccine” that would actually give him immunity to getting/spreading a disease. I hope his blood clots and ADE aren’t too bad when he’s taking his ClotShot every 8…I mean 6 months.
I will Dumb it down for all the Anti-Vaxers commenting on here....
1) Take the shot and risk shiting the bed 10-15 years down the road, blod clots, etc....
2) Don't take the shot and die a less than desirable death in an ICU where your family can't even be with you when you finally go toes up....
My wife is a nurse and can tell you all the horror stories you want to hear.
As for me... I'll risk shiting the bed or dealing with blood clots later on and take my 10-15 years of extra life. Even healthy people and children are dying from this shit so it doesn't matter if you eat hay and run 10 miles a day. You will still die.
Roll the dice!
2243: that is complete BS. My family is full of medical professionals. Happily, my nurse wife left the dumpster fire that is Atrium a long time ago. Are people dying, well sort of yes, it is part of life.
Tell me where a healthy child has died of Covid? Not here. It would be page 1 news for months and months. There have been fewer than 400 deaths under 18 NATIONWIDE since Covid began, and that includes prior cancer, morbid obesity, and the mysteriously disappearing flu of 2020. Who has died is a lot of folks in the minority community who are both of poor health and who did not take the vaccine. Seems they bought into the propaganda pre Nov6 2020, when all liberals said that Trump was acting like Stalin trying to bully the FDA into approving a vaccination. They changed their narrative after the election, but the sheep still haven't bought into it. Look at the Covid positive map for Meck County. Now overlay the crime map for Meck County. Coincidence? Nope. It is the minority 3/4 of the county.
Minority community has reason to be fearful. It was the democrats who went on the hundred year campaign of sterilization in NC. They aren't going to believe you now when you tell them to get the shot.
BTW, I'm vaxxed. but I'm not getting a booster. I'll find another job if my employer requires it. plenty of work out there available. heck, McD's is up to $20/hr now. Take your sick, lefty bullying and shove it back up north moron. Go find Cherry Hills yankee, and head back. This isn't how we play down here.
When/if I get Covid, if I haven't already, I will be a-ok. BMI in check. No diabetes. No high BP. No autoimmune issues. What is Biolife paying for Covid plasma these days?
So you say, take a shot and have health risks 10-15 years, and lose your freedom, and do nothing in the meantime to fight Big Healthcare and their grab for more money, and pretend like we don't have existing treatments for this. Ask your oh so emotional wife why all pneumonia, influenza and Covid diagnosis were statistically dumped into the new PIC category last year. It's all a statistical fools game. Same way many ME's were coding any and every death as Covid related. This isn't conspiracy, it was reality. Gotta to pay for those 8 figure salaries somehow. Lots and lots of expensive elective surgeries forgone we need to make up for. lots of folks not getting admitted for 48 hours to be watched for symptoms, like they normally did.
Just get in line for your shearing you neutered sheep, but do us the favor and go back to PA please. And quit telling me what tf to do with my life. At least have the cajones to put the Biden sticker on your car this morning. Let everyone know what kind of demented failure you voted for.
I haven’t heard any “anti-Vaxers” on here. The woke crowd tries to lump anyone who questions the ClotShot into the fringe group. Everyone on here has said true vaccines are good, but the ClotShot is not that. However, if you think it’s in your best medical interest to be part of a mass medical experiment, then so be it. Just don’t force others to join you. I call BS on healthy people falling out on the street every day though. Just make sure you also read the horror stories on VAERS and what you think the efficacy of the ClotShot is in the most “vaxed” places like Israel and the UK too because you won’t hear those stories on the daily news feeds. I doubt the 13.5k dead in the US so far from the ClotShots knew what was ahead of them when their doctor told them they should take the ClotShot because it was safe and effective. But you know what? People die every day, even healthy people. I choose to keep my freedom and go with the God-given natural immunity on this one. Either way, make sure you know where you’re going when you die because 10 out of 10 people will die one day.
I tend to think of all this shot vs. no shot mindset as a good thinning of the herd. Natural selection at its finest. It's all personal choice. Kinda like, should I really jump out of this plane? Everything in life is a risk. If you survive it then you win. And if you don't? Oh well....
Live and let live.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks a Kleenex over their mouth and nose should also just trust that that fancy uniform is good to protect them instead of a tactical vest. But 2021 is all about the virtue signal, so lets require everyone to put on a face diaper for the literal base minimal protection. Every see an insulation installer use a cloth rag? How about a paint booth sprayer? Oh hell no, and insulation is thousands of times larger than a virus. We'd be wearing respirators if it were about safety.
I don't mind the herd being thinned too much. Charlotte was a much nicer place when it was 500k people. I doubt we will ever be honest with ourselves about all of this though.
So it’s either take advice from scientist and the CDC or you dumb fuckers on this blog. Wow tough decision….. note!!
Lol… not
6:39 am...You really should pay attention...The Pfizer vaccine that is currently being given is NOT FDA approved. I repeat NOT FDA approved.
That press release was a jedi mind **** trick. Yes Pfizer BioNTech does have a vaccine BLA application that has been approved, which they say is pretty much the same concoction as the one currently given with some differences. However; the current vaccine is a different product with different legal protections against adverse events (to protect Pfizer from lawsuits which will be covered by taxpayers) and only has EAU extension NOT FDA approval. The approved vaccine Comirnaty is not on the market yet. They are licensed to manufacture it and create the labels for approval but ...the FDA approved vaccine is NOT on the market. (And probably never will be due to legal protections on the original). That press release was just creative writing.
Right now Pfizer has zero liability with the original Pfizer EUA vaccine AND full liability with the Comirnaty vaccine and since the FDA is allowing them to interchange the original EAU vaccine when the Comirnaty Vaccine isn't available - which it currently isn't - why would they put the Comirnaty vaccine out anytime soon when that one opens them to liability? If you read the Comirnaty interagency letter from the FDA you can also see the studies for the "known" heart problems wont be complete for years.
The interagency letter links between FDA, Pfizer and BioNTech are below. Read them or don't, but if you choose to just follow and not be informed that's your problem and you should keep quiet.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA LOA reissued August 23 2021 (
footnote from Pg 2
8 The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.
August 23, 2021 Approval Letter - Comirnaty (
Also indirectly related…
Blah... Blah.... Blah......
Don't take the F$#@!% Shot!
No one cares if you decide not to take it and die on a ventilator with a 60% O2 level and your organs shut down when your BP drops to 65 over 40. Enjoy your lengthy trip out. We don't need all the scientific BS to make a personal decision. If you don't want it, don't take it. No one gives a good shit about your opinions on it. When you earn your Doctorate in Infectious Diseases then get back to us. Until then, get back in your Hidey Hole and wait to jump on the next alarm call to milk for a couple of hours until shift change.
Will my $250 from Marcus The Great be taxed?
And can I use one day of covid leave for the first seven Panthers home games to avoid another pull?
And I feel like I haven’t been getting a genuine thank you from the thugs, now what?
2323, get triggered much? You sound like CNN with their daily fearporn. Don’t get mad at us that you were tricked into believing the shot would save you from COVID. CDC, WHO, etc are in full panic mode now that the shots have failed (wasn’t that a conspiracy theory?). Read VARES and decide for yourself how safe the shots are. Look at Israel and the UK and decide for yourself how effective they are. Spoiler alert - human physiology is the same everywhere. As someone rightly said the “experts” don’t know anything about this which is why they change their recommendations almost daily. Plenty of well respected doctors and scientists tried to have a debate about this but were censored. I wonder why people with PhDs are most likely not to take the shot? No one is mad at you, just don’t force everyone else on your boat. Don’t spend your $250 all in one place.
0930.... I don't watch CNN for the same reason I don't drink out of the toilet. I don't need their opinions, your opinion, or $250 to convince or entice me to make a personal decision about my own health. I had my shots earlier in the year. Along with my flu booster. But I'm sure there are some out there that also believe that if you get a flu shot your Johnson will fall off. I made a choice and you have made yours. I'm not trying to convince anyone that they should or shouldn't get a shot for anything. If you would prefer to take an Aspirin vs. Tylenol that's your choice.
Pretty simple....
Dead people know only one thing... It's better to be alive. There will be another few thousand around the country today cooling off in refrigerated trucks wishing they had made a different choice.
Covid Shot?
Too many cheeseburgers?
Too many cigarettes?
Too much heroin?
Choices... Choices... Choices
Meanwhile, DA is still awful.
7 years and they say it like that's too much. 7 years is absurd! Can someone please explain how the Chauvin case received a conviction on murder 2, 3 and manslaughter like he killed 3 different people. He cant be sentenced for all 3 can he? I heard he could get 12.5, 12.5, and 4 years. That cant be correct is it?
Very sad about Afghanistan, but I hope no one is actually surprised about the complete incompetence and swift implosion of the Biden administration.
Speaking of deaths, has anyone compared the all-cause deaths last year to previous years? I mean with all those people falling out from COVID it must have really gone up!
Anyone look at the recent mortality stats in the UK? Surely it’s going down now that the vast majority has been jabbed. I’m sure it’s just an anomaly that isn’t centered around heart deaths and also has a rise in stuff like cancer deaths. I’m sure there is no rise in deaths of the young. Time will tell my friends.
Anyway, I’m sure there’s no reliable study out there on it…
Well hello simmering frogs, Good news!! now Biden and Fauci are considering 5 month boosters already! YAY! No wonder Pfizer loves him... and don't forget 10% for the big guy!
Ahh yes. From lifelong or several year immunity to yearly booster, 8, 6, now 5 months. Why don’t you just get jabbed every day after you brush your teeth just to be safe?
Come on people, no one cares about all of your “opinions!” We just want the “facts” from the “experts!”
Ok here is a fact that can not be disputed... Your president is sleeping while meeting with Israel PM :-). MY opinion is that it is hilarious in a super scary way. My question is WHO voted for this?
How many of you dumb fuckers are taking horse dewormer ?? I know a couple of y’all are !!
Is this one of the experts you needed to hear it from you idiots?
Plenty more out there, but they aren’t interested in real medical/scientific debate with COVID.
You have the right to jab yourself every day if you want, just don’t force it on everyone else.
The only thing I know is that a lot of you folks commenting on here are mentally retarded. High functioning retarded, but still retarded. Like an old Captain I once worked for used to say.... "I wouldn't give some of you a sharp stick to carry. You might poke an eye out".
This is so sad! It just keeps getting worse.
Speaking of carrying a sharp stick, what about the pledge fund?
Correlation of Pledge funders and Fauci Ouchie takers?
I want to talk to you and your spouse about financial freedom this coming Saturday at the Sheraton Billy Graham. You have the keys to your future in your hands, if you listen to my program.
That's a perfect example of one of the many signs of the mentally challenged. Thinking that a mythical "Pledge Fund" is going to re-appear...
As far as Concord PD expanding their take home car policy, there are many suburban counties that cannot afford to pay CMPD rates, but they appreciate their LE (agency and community) and do what they can to attract more candidates. I would say simply get out of Mecklenburg County, period!, even forget the suburbs of Mecklenburg like Mint Hill or Huntersville, and look at Union, Iredell, and Cabarrus Counties for other opportunities. Don't let one agency or D.A. let you leave your calling in life.
Quote on WSOC-TV website:
Officers “You DONT need to get in there and immediately address the situation”
-Captain Brad Koch
Anyone else see the parallels in our country’s leaders decision making and that of our command staff? Sort of like what’s going on in the Middle East our leaders are focused on pant stripes and unconscious bias and diversity training. Nice right?! “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white”. Sound a little familiar? You Democrats are responsible for this pile of 💩
Prayers for Americans and our Allies left behind in Afghanistan.
Anybody want some Chic-Fil-A?
All I know is I am watching CNN and none of these Talibans are wearing masks. Can we get Biden and Fauci to go over an let them know they need to wear them. We're in a pandemic for God sakes.
Y’all see the lady from Mooresville with cancer died because of the mouth breathing anti-vaxxers taking up all the ICU beds? I think I’d have cleared some out with a 9mm before I’d let her die. Then again, it wasn’t meck county where it would it have just been probation.
If you need an ICU bed and a ventilator for covid stay home and die. People who don’t have easily fixable conditions need the hospital space. Fucking morons will follow Trump straight to their deaths. The same guy who funded the vaccines and pushed for approval is now getting shit for telling people to get vaccinated. You can’t make this stupid shit up.
It’s true. Most cops are only cops because they got Cs in high school.
Back to tha hidey hole…
11:43….. 100% correct.
I didn’t realize I was working with so many stupid motherfuckers until I starting reading the comments on this blog.
2343: go check the demographic of the anti-vaxxed. It is overwhelmingly minority. not exactly the Trump voter, but go ahead and follow in the CNN narrative. Mooresville is probably mostly white, but CMC Main...not so much. The left screamed about Trump trying to push poison on people for months, then flipped 180 degrees, and their followers didn't follow. Blame the hospitals for letting go of staff. There are beds in the building, just not enough staff to use them. That is a leadership mistake...just like at CMPD.
It’s your choice to educate yourself. Either hail Fauci and believe the moronic talking heads feeding you a narrative and fearporn or expand your thinking and listen to well respected and qualified doctors trying to be the voice of reason and have real scientific debate. Listen to both sides and ask yourself why there is no real scientific debate on COVID and decide for yourself. Whatever you choose to believe, whoever the person is threatening to kill unvaxxed really needs some serious help.
1. The virus does not spread asymptomatically.
2. We should never test asymptomatic people.
3. Natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable.
4. COVID-19 is easily treatable at home.
5. The current vaccines are obsolete, unsafe, and unfit for human use.
Dr. Peter McCullough: "The Vaccine Is Failing In The UK And Israel"
Whatever you choose to believe, whoever the person is threatening to kill unvaxxed and then the other person agreeing 100% really need some serious help.
@1052… Let me get this straight. Covid is easily treatable at home but fat lazy and old people are dying on ventilators? So they don’t need ventilators? Is that what you’re saying? Where’d you get your medical degree? If natural immunity is so great how come so many people have died? And can you please provide some better references than that bullshit site no one has ever heard of before? As a medical doctor, I’m sure you know about peer review…
I think dude was saying he’d be willing to kill a few fat old covid anti vaxxers to save his family with cancer. Some diseases you don’t willfully choose to get. Some you do apparently. But go ahead and set us all straight doc. I’m sure you know better than us.
10:52…. You just made my point. Stupid motherfuckers.
COVID is very treatable for the 98.3% of people who survive. That takes into account all deaths including the fat and lazy people who had underlying conditions and the elderly. BTW exactly how much did the all cause mortality rise last year from previous years? Should have risen right around 1.7% for all those people dying on ventilators, right? Anyway, I'm sure there's a peer-reviewed study on that. If you are fat and lazy and choose not to get yourself in shape then you are at risk of dying from a whole host of things, not just COVID. No one is crying over all the fat any lazy people dying every day from heart attacks due to heart disease (leading cause of death in the US). Natural immunity is robust when you have it. Obviously if you have a weak immune system, you're going to be susceptible to die from many diseases including COVID.
So you want peer-reviewed material or else you are going to bring your 9mm out and start shooting people? How do you even know it was an unvaccinated person who spread COVID to his poor wife who had stage 4 cancer? We already know the unvaccinated are getting and transmitting COVID just as much as the vaccinated. The guy is mourning the loss of his wife. I feel for him, but this isn't really a news story, just propaganda designed to divide and infuriate people...seems to be working.
I guess you have your stack of peer-reviewed studies on your nightstand to support everything you believe about COVID, health, and life. I won't ask to see them, and I won't bother showing you how reliable some of these peer-reviewed studies are because many contradict themselves and prove to be flat out wrong years later. You won't find many peer reviewed papers when it comes to COVID because it's so new, but it's all settled science and there can't be any scientific or medical debate about it. It's being "fact-checked" and censored by people with no medical experience - YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc...this should scare you more than COVID. I'm open to hearing both sides and having an honest discussion. Hard to discuss things with someone who brought their 9mm to shoot up the place though. God help us if the city gave you a badge and a gun to serve and protect us.
9:29- blah blah blah. Your moronic statements continue. You continue to make my point. SMF.
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