With a hat tip to the famous Hugh McManaway I give you CMPD Chief Johnny Jennings:
Local Gossip Back Channel says heads are still on the chopping black over the "Backwards Safety Vest" memes.
Here's a refresher:
CP has heard nothing solid on the termination of any officers, Captains or Lieutenants. But if true and nothing surprises anyone now days, if would be a bad look for CMPD and Chief Jennings. Its not like Charlotte has any officers to spare.
Many can recall Chief Monroe's witch hunt for those who publicized the theft of his personal golf cart at the Wells Fargo Golf Tournament years ago. Lesson there is if your are the Chief don't leave your keys in your CMPD marked golf cart.
So the question for you to decide, is the Chief being fair or is his excellency just butt hurt?
Also a shout out to DC Voorhees for his memo promoting "ride for the brand" (See the CP sidebar to the right) Chief if you don't have the book I'd be happy to send you a copy.
As for Chief Jennings idea of changing it from "ride for the brand" into "being the brand" well that's nice but no, in fact that actually means you missed the point entirely.
The concept is be yourself but when you do things do it for the brand, like the XIT or King Ranch in Texas you know like or FedEx or UPS its not being FedEx.
A lot like not standing around with your hands in your pockets or forgetting to wash your patrol car.
Or directing traffic while looking like Huge McManaway:
Screw it I'm joining the Uranian(yo Joe) Army. Fighting Russians is easier then dealing with some of my fellow Americans. At least there is leadership that as balls in Ukrainian Army.
LOL, how do you tarnish the badge when it (and your body cam) is covered up by the safety vest being backward?
FIRE MY ASS FOOLZ! Streisand effect, them memes are gonna live forever. I know my buddies at Rowan are laughing their tails off at them.
What a dunce - Hey Cedar if I send you some more Memes will you post those also?
Johnnie is still butt hurt. Damn that vest had to feel wrong. Maybe he puts on his boxers backwards too?
His man-panties don't have a hole in the front, give him a break
Well I guess it just "depends" doesn't it? lol
Cedar you just a hating of black folk and you can't help it. So go ahead be a racist.
No one is being racist we just have a idiot for a Police Chief and he looks the part. My first thought was some stupid panhandler stole a CMPD traffic vest. OMG Thats the Chief!
If it were some joe blow officer or seargeant that got photo graphed and memes made of absolutely NO ONE would be in IA over that. Tell me I’m wrong.
Pledge fund?
I need some more sauce for my nuggitz!
Why don’t you cut the shit JJ. “Tarnish the badge”. Really?? If officers are stealing steaks from HT…. Sure that’s tarnishing the badge, but someone broke your balls over you trying to be a real cop and your vagina got bruised. Period. Where were you when Cecil was plowing Veronica on duty? Is that not “tarnishing the badge”? Where were you when Stukey was plowed on duty? Both them fools still working… and got rank!! Nice huh? I guess the 2-tiered system is still alive and well at CMPD. You’d earn more respect if you laughed it off and forgot about it…. Now cause you wanna be a little bitch, no one is gonna forget this and those memes are gonna live on!
Who's gonna vote for Pat Cannon?
5:54, He’ll get elected, just watch. Re-elect a convicted felon? If he gets elected, there is NO hope for Charlotte, not like there is anyways. The whole City Council is corrupt. They let Ella Scarborough completely vanish and nobody thought to ask questions or said a peep until the News got involved? Reminds me of the movie Weekend at Bernie’s, except they dragged his dead ass around. Ella been playing the part of a scarecrow in a closet. I’ll bet the Pledge Fund she’s dead or has been incapacitated for quite some time! Don’t show up to work and still get a paycheck and benefits? Like Mayor Pat when he “worked” for Duke Energy. How many employee lawsuits against the City now? Jesus, the CFD is approaching a dozen. I heard a female Battalion Chief turned down a $3 million settlement offer from the CFD and opted to go to court. How much you care to wager she wins? Bet she’s talking to Crystal, and not BC Nantz. That dumb ass is lucky he still has a job.
This is no different than a communist country banning free speech.
If it were some joe blow officer or seargeant that got photo graphed and memes made of absolutely NO ONE would be in IA over that. Tell me I’m wrong.
He's totally butt hurt! And what is up with the damn Sam Browne belt? He looks like the freaking New Jersey State Police.
Chickin Sammich?
We are down how many officers? and How many officers are retiring or being terminated? How many lateral transfers? and how many in the current class?
Yep just as I figured we are sooooo screwed!
You might remember when Patrick Cannon's son Patrick Harrington Cannon now age 20 was arrested on charges on Carrying a Concealed Firearm, Felony Possession of a Stolen Firearm and Resist Delay and Obstruct?
Those charges were of course dismissed.
But to we really want the Cannon Crime Family to be a part of Charlotte Politics?
This is no different than a communist country banning free speech.
If it were some joe blow officer or seargeant that got photo graphed and memes made of absolutely NO ONE would be in IA over that. Tell me I’m wrong.
I haven’t seen this much of an overreaction to a meme since Wassel almost killed Mazzeo when he sent out that breastfeeding meme 😂
I hate to change the topic on the JJ clown show, but this is just too good:
In case you don’t want to click the link, here’s the transcription of the direct quote from CDC director Walensky:
“I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95 percent effective, the vaccine. So many of us wanted to be hopeful, so many of us wanted to say, okay, this is our ticket out, right, now we’re done. So I think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good things that came our way. I really do. I think all of us wanted this to be done.”
“Nobody said waning, when when you know, oh this vaccine’s going to work. Oh well, maybe it’ll work - (laughs) it’ll wear off.”
“Nobody said what if the next variant doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not as potent against the next variant.”
Nobody told the director of the CDC things that were stated over and over on little Ol’ Cedar Posts blog? Seriously this is the “expert” who has been telling us what to do for the past 2 years? Where is vaccine dude these days? You’re telling me some disgruntled cops on Cedar Post blog were more informed about vaccines than the director of the CDC? You seriously can’t make this stuff up. No wonder every COVID restriction and vaccine mandate suddenly disappeared in a matter of days. Anyone put a missing person report out for Fauci?
3:12 Seems like many of us CMPD and others have the same doctors saying the same thing - basically COVID is bad, real bad if you get it bad or have some other health issues. I'm not 25 anymore, so I got shot one and then shot two didn't bother me in the least. But if I was 25 I wouldn't have gotten the shot. All three of my kids 20-27 where told the same thing "unless you're working with sick people 24/7 or a freaking flight attendant you might want to wait". Still everywhere else they were beat up with hate as anti-VAX and Trumpers. My daughter quit her job at Wells Fargo because the branch manager was so rennetless. Telling her one day she was personally responsible for the deaths of thousands. Both boys are still in college but much the same thing from NC State and College of Charleston. And overnight that stopped with the why aren't you Vaxed BS.
Mazzeo was an IDIOT that should have been fired!
Ella Scarborough was on the county payroll for how long without actually doing anything? City Council and the clueless Mayor want to bring back the CIAA in 2024. I seriously can't imagine anything Charlotte needs less than the Nuggetfest that command wants to treat like Beatties Ford Juneteen. You know there's not enough manpower to cover a Panthers game much less at crime centric four day burninghood event.
Thug Patrick Cannon walked and flipped off both CMPD Officers at his court appearance. He'll be back and I'll make sure he gets a "special welcome".
@4:19. Idiot or not that motherfucker ass raped the city on his way out… if he didn’t sue the city half of those airport officers would’ve been busted down to Jerry Orr security guards
Jerry Orr was like 100 years old.
Very true airport officers would not be cmpd if it was not for mazzeo and George laughrun. I don’t agree wit mazzeo but
He saved us a lot of trouble. Two airport only officers went through the CMpd academy and didn’t sue but still came out clean on the backs of those of us who did
^^ very true. He had the balls to get George to sue the fuck out of RoMo and CMPD, they was trying to make us security guards. Down right dirty CMPD shit, kinda like jamming up 40 officers for a meme. Too bad these guys can’t sue for this cause technically they did break policy but surely wearing your shit backwards has to be conduct unbecoming… but you know how IA does, selective enforcement of policy when it suits their needs.
Who were the 2 officers that didn’t sue and went through the full cmld academy?
Brown and Huffman
I don’t know brown but he has out seized anyone in
"Win yo' black, day got yo' back but win yo' white, it ain't right!"
Brown is an excellent officer I Would stand by him anyday
Yeah I just wanna say, the same woke mob that was holding signs and protesting and crying in the streets at the injustice of George Floyd being killed are now silent at the hundreds of thousands being killed in Ukraine. The hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Also Chief Jennings is a weak pussy. That is all
Can anyone guide me to a link/url where I can find 2021 or 2020 Charlotte crime statistics by division? Preferably a way I can visualize rankings comparatively (i.e., which division had most crimes in aggregate or at least by type). Google has not helped me thus far.
I am working on a little project.
Thank You!
You can recognize a strong leader by their ability to laugh at themselves and their mistakes. Anything less is a lack of confidence. Wasting resources on this is really bad and tells a story about where the department puts their focus and why the violent crime has escalated. He could actually be a good leader if he took some Lexapro and confidence building classes, then focused the department on what matters instead of what does not.
Cedar, or anyone else who has the answer to this...
This case is really sad and I think this guy has been locked up with the rest of the j6ers till his trial going on now, but I can't figure out what the guy is charged with. Maybe I missed it, but he did not enter the capitol, so I hope you can tell me.
I want to pay special tribute to how far CEDARPOSTS has come over the years. This blog used to only get 2 comments a story, with mostly stories about wars and politicians. Now, this blog is being cited for reference by main stream media, and they are stealing CEDARPOST stories and using them on the live news. Great Job to everyone for their thirst for facts and exposing the truth around Charlotte CC, MCSD, CMPD, and CFD.
Think back to all the crazy stories and coverups over the years at the City..
1. The RoMo Files
2. Vicki Foster Birthday, gift cards, and threats
3. Bellamy plastic surgery
4. The Wes Kerrick Trial
5. The VCAT shooting coverup with the lesbian
6. The Ray Williams Academy Death by Workout
7. The Brisbon BJ
8. City Manager Hermaphrodite Expose
9. Pat Cannon arrested on Bribery
10.Marcus Jones lying about Police Raises
11.Fire Chief fired for gay jokes
12.Cyrstal Combs giving employees' info to University
13.Sanders Steele Creek DV
14.Masseo Supervisor Fight with King
15.Amy Davis CVOC porno
16.Braxton Winston arrests and DV situation
17.Citizens Review Board Leader Serial Rapist
18.Marcus Jackson Serial Rapist
19.Jennifer Wolfe Junkie Arrest
20.Sammy Yarowiz Harris Teeter Stealer
21.LEC dispatcher weightroom sex
22.The Aquino-Tinsley Debacle
23.Ed Williams Pledge Fund theft
24.Jennings BWC media releases
25.Gary McFadden FOP jail mismanagement
26.The Metro 5 terminations
27.Chuck Henson office sex
28.Homicide Unit false arrest of citizen
29.Sgt. Mohamed knee at Panthers Game
30.Mike Campagnia lying on the stand
Which CEDARPOSTS story was your favorite? We are running a poll, and results will be released by SWAT.(and you are not SWAT)
10:11 you like all taxpayers are at a disadvantage.
The Chief's quarterly and annual crime stats are pure fluff.
See for yourself here:
Each of the last 3 CMPD Police Chiefs "cooked" the books and spun the numbers to make the department look good. But because the method and format changes each year it is really hard to see trends or patterns.
Additionally the FBI hasn't issued crime stat reports since 2018 because of COVID
Note to CP if you really want to get Johnny fired up ask for the numbers to be reported in the same format as say 2009.
He'll get spitting while yelling mad!
CP I just sent you a couple of emails with details about the crime stats. You'll notice they are nothing like the Chief is waving around to City Council. Also note the email from DCV that threatened "unnamed" command staff.
If you put that info to good use I've got more. Head are about to explode.
11:46.. correction Maz never hit King… he got in this face and threaded to kick his ass then King ran to IA like a little bitch. Kinda like JJ… he gets called out on his shitty job and can’t take it. I think Mazz either ain’t got no sense or he was trying to get fired.
^ I don’t think he needed this job, but I heard the same thing. King supposedly was using his rank to pick on him and he finally snapped. I worked with King when he was a Sgt in B2, total homo.. he’s the kid that got his ass kicked everyday in middle school.. everyone who’s ever worked with that cunt hates his guts.
Ok… someone please update me, we talking about Mike King or little snaggle tooth Nate King?? When did this happen?
There is a big difference in when your officers are poking fun at you and no one gets hurt, and using your rank to get vengeance.. and that is exactly what I see here. Jennings is being a bully, pure and simple. This is no different than an officer using his badge and gun to target a minority group or any number of things that would result in protests. Think about that one for a moment
Pledge fund?
Mazzeo was a smart-ass idiot who needed to get fired, regardless of King!
Remember: "Win yo' black, day got yo' back but win yo' white, it ain't right!"
Still no email from JJ reference this? Or asking each shift what can be done to be better?
If only JJ would actually care about the morale of the department and not be so butt hurt...
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