Life is cheap and murder is easy in Charloot just ask the families of young Black men and women.
But it is not just Charlotte, a gunman opened fire in a Brooklyn subway, wounding 10 people and injuring several others. A mall shooting in Columbia South Carolina wounded 10. A gang shootout in Sacramento killed six and wounded 12 more. New Orleans reported its bloodiest weekend in 10 years.
And 3 homicides in Charlotte in 24 hours.
How is CMPD combating this rise in violent crime?
They put out a flashing road sign asking people to not road rage on Rea Road.
And then there's this video of a shooting by two thugs at some random apartment complex:
CMPD Detective Rick Smith is trying but Crime Stoppers is an abysmal failure. Videos like this are released with limited information and weeks after a crime has been committed. The Crime stoppers web site hasn't been updated in two years. It is just for show like the road rage sign.
So what about Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles?
She's she's stuck on BLM:
And still championing the Patron Saint of the African American Community George Floyd.
Yes, sadly VI Lyles is just following Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's playbook and will just continue to pretend that crime and murders of young people daily is normal.
Car Jacking at a South Charlotte CVS on Providence Road on Easter Sunday is anyone surprised?
The shooting death of 18-year-old, Jayla Barrett last week in Mint Hill.
A shooting uptown on Church Street.
An armed robbery suspect arrested and released four hours later?
And what is important to Vi Lyles George Floyd?
Across the country murders have spiked nearly 40 percent since 2019, and violent crimes, including shootings and other assaults, have increased as well but why?
On the West Coast LA's liberal mayor and Orange County government leaders determined that racism was to blame for a disproportional number of poor African Americans being arrested (72% of all arrests) for not paying commuter rail fares on the LA Metro Rail System.
So they instituted a no-arrest policy and replaced the transit police with transit ambassadors. Sound familiar? The ambassadors randomly asked riders if they paid a fare and if they understood the honor system. They additionally they asked general demographic questions.
Not surprisingly they found that 78% of those who said they did not pay a fare even though they knew that a fare was required were poor African Americans. Surprised? You shouldn't be.
The LA Metro Rail System lost 1.8 Billion last year.
The Charlotte Observer released a story last year accusing CMPD of being racist, because a "disproportional" number of African Americans are arrested for traffic violations when compared to other members of the community.
The New York Times cited the "number" of incarcerated Black men in prison as a need for justice and prison reform. The uproar over the number of incarcerated African American men in prison is understandable. But the cause is not racism rather it is acceptance of criminality as a lifestyle by the African American community.
Now that we have decriminalized being a criminal why is everyone surprised that thugs can shoot up a mall wounding 10 people and then be released back on the street in 24 hours?
Crime is out of control in Charlotte because we release the criminals back onto the streets because we don't want to be accused of being racist.
Wake up Charlotte crime is out of control because we are not arresting and incarcerating those who are committing the crimes. PERIOD!
We should arrest and put in prison those who are committing the crimes no matter what their skin color. The idea that you should get a free pass because you are black is nuts. But that's what Vi Lyles and her democrat fools believe.
Just look at the Meck County arrest website and search Makahi Alfayad. That’s the Church St, bike thug shooter. You can shoot into an occupied vehicle, paralyze the driver, admit to it, and then be released in about 5 hours. Where’s the deterrence? There is none.
How many people on here, as in cops, actually live within the city limits? Only asking to see who has the ability to even vote on the city leaders and judges. Most of the cops I know refuse to live in the city limits. As frustrating as it is to do the job, at least you don’t live there, amirite? If it gets too much, do what I did and bounce. You can do it, trust me. Lifestyle adjustments won’t kill you. Let the Charlotte voters live in the filth they created.
And in other news.....
Scientists have discovered that water is wet!
I have literally DELETED easily 15 CMPD sworn bolo emails today. This shit is out of hand.
Pledge fund?
Could be wrong but I'm guessing the little turd's life troubles began when his baby's momma named his Makahi Alfayad forcing him to take the street name "lil turd" pray he takes 2 in the chest before he hurts someone else.
If you want to help all Americans or just Black Americans get rid of the mayor and all other current elected officials. These people are just taking advantage and creating bigger problems in these communities. Where is BLM? They got tons of donations to help communities of color. What have they actually done to help? They should have infused funding into black neighborhoods to help with quality of life issues. Exactly what are they getting donations for? If rail fares were an issue in LA they could have helped with that, job locating programs, neighborhood assistance for working mothers. They had so much opportunity to do something good. Have they done anything good in Charlotte or elsewhere? Hillary's attorneys now control the money and there is multimillions unaccounted for. The Black community should feel used and pissed.
Can yall just shut up for one weekend and go enjoy yourselves? Who is fucking my supervisor this weekend?
Did anyone see that idiot Tim Emry is running against Spencer Merriweather in the Mecklenburg County DA primary?
Only thing worst than that liberal BLM prosecutor is a Woke Pronoun Listing Mask Wearing Defund the Police thinks he's a awesome defense attorney clown. Always love it when he has to explain what "consecutive" means to his clients.
5:54 PM, You are.
These CLT government officials that prey on their own communities by telling them that they are victims, there are no opportunities for them so criminal life is acceptable, they can't be expected to do any better cause math is racist and they aren't smart enough to understand, etc. are just sick. Somehow this tactic gets them votes and makes them wealthy while hurting the people they claim to support. It's just like the abusive spouse that keeps his wife in line by convincing her she is dumb, can't do any better, deserves a beating and breaks her spirit until she is convinced that she needs him just to live a miserable life full of abuse. Sad, Sad, Sad.
Gerson the Walmarts Farva is now at the airport ?
Gerson is the Farva of super troopers!
^^ the airport is the trash bin of the department. If you can’t pass PTO phase, there is always the airport…
Black lives mean nothing to Charlotte’s black leadership. Period. Prove me wrong!
I think we're going to need a bigger boat!
What about Sgt. "Sloppy Joe" McGarity? Is he still on light duty?
This link has a video at the bottom of the page. The video shows a speaker at a live city council meeting in Texas making fun of everyone with a straight face. Unbelievable. Don't bother to read the article just go to the video at the bottom of the page.
What's the over/under on Braxton Winston being re-elected?
Braxton Winston needs to change his first name since he is named after a Confederate General! If we're going to cancel everything then we should cancel everything! He should change his last name too since it is the name of a cigarette!
When I come in on 3rd I see McGarity "slopping" around the office. Fat POS!
I'm sure Braxton will keep his seat of the WOKE CLTCC Dias. Why hasn't his THOT been picked up on the criminals summons issued back in January?
This is all just the press pushing the 'if it bleeds, it leads' narrative. Charlotte is much, much safer than Philly, or even South Jersey. Quit trying to push people into a panic.
What we really need is an AG who is going to prosecute our biggest mistake, our former president, for being the ringleader of an insurgency. Who can blame a minor criminal for realizing there are no consequences, when the slime holding the highest office walks away scoff free after bilking taxpayers, lying, cheating on his taxes, running with convicted pedophiles, encouraging a rebellion that would disrupt our nation's transfer of power, and being a cancer on the American way of life.
Once orange man is in a jumpsuit, then I can worry about someone on video firing pellet pistols into a house over a girl. I'm sure this was small fries with nothing more than damaged windows.
Best thing about libtards still crying about Donald Trump is it gives them something at worry about. Imagine the horror if he actually ran in 2024 and won.
It would be the best thing that could happen!
Trump is a habitual felon who should be disallowed from voting, much less running, if we had an AG who was not owned by a foreign entity. Janet Reno would have him behind bars. Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch would too. These are the defenders of our democracy, and they need to act!
Eric Holder of the Marc Rich pardon ?
BLM! Down to the whiteys!
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