Dandre Martin, 26, was arrested for the Sacramento shooting where 3 men and 3 women were shot dead. Officers are still hunting for another gunman. Over 250 shots were fired just after a fight broke out in downtown Sacramento as several bars were closing for the night. Ten maybe 12 people are still hospitalized.
The media has added the "Mass Shooting" tag to this tragedy in order to advance their anti gun agenda. Dementia Joe has used this crime a call for more gun control.
But no gun control short of banning all firearms will stop this sort of crime when those who commit the crimes are "the usual suspects".
Dandre Martin is no different than Will Smith both for some reason as will so many members of the African American Community once again prove they have become a culture of violence and criminality.
Violence was Will Smith's answer so was Dandre Martin's mindless rage at being disrespected. But why?
Yes I know that many black Americans are not violent, but this is a cultural thing. Until the likes of Al Sharpton step up and admit that this a cultural problem it is just going to get worse.
Explain how a fire chief and city manager continue to get away with what they do
This is another fine example of the criminal influence in the black community! I wonder what his excuse was?
I'm Black and I'm not violent, never been arrested ever for anything. Not even a traffic ticket! So stop grouping all of us in one group that's racist!
Before the Charlotte Antifa Liberal Democrat Crowd starts screaming racist cops and KKK for the rest of us we know the sad facts look at last night’s mug shots on the MCSO web site only 67 arrests and only 9 of the arrestees are white and frankly that’s being generous. And the white ones are usually DWI or some other low level offense - as Cedar points out the issue is a culture of violence look at all those who cheered for Will Smith SMDH.
California's system provides support and welfare for the tech titans, but not support and rehab for people like this who show a tendency with early behaviors to not know how to control impulse and urges. We need to model our state after their shortcomings, and provide those programs. Shaming people by counting mugshots does no good. Providing counseling, therapy, emotional rehab to overcome centuries of injustice will get us there.
I, for one, am glad we will be able to count on Jeff Jackson once he arrives in Washington, to represent those dreams of giving the Black and POC populations the resources we need.
Cedar Mouth and all the Nazi Cops who post on this blog are racist here is just more proof that CMPD is nothing but rednecks wearing blue uniforms rather than white sheets.
This thug is the same guy we see again and again in and out and in and out ever more violent crimes and liberal judges and lame prosecutors let the pattern continue. Eventually they kill someone or shoot a 10 year old. Noggies are the source of 90% of the violent crime in this country. And the excuse is that is because we are over policing black neighborhoods. What a tub of BS
Here's some California support and welfare for ya.
You all will never understand that the fear of the police is institutional and ingrained. Passed down through the generations, and began with the hunt for fugitive slaves, through the white codes and Klan, through Jim Crow, and continuing to today's world of unjust and unrepresentative enforcement of current laws and codes. POC are unfairly targeted, unfairly prosecuted, and unfairly sentenced. They always have been, and until a true effort is made to correct those wrongs, we will continue to be afraid of selective enforcement from the 'Blue Line'.
Recognize your bias. It is real.
@2:49. Check out Lawanna Mayfield… putting words and sentences together. Good for you!
Even though you can spell, you’re still an idiot. If you don’t want the majority of people thinking all blacks are thugs (even though blacks make up the majority of prison population) maybe don’t assume all cops are racists. That’s the same logic. Not all blacks are bad… not all cops are bad. Common sense, dumb bitch
@4:56, in your opinion, what are the causes behind the disproportionate number of violent crimes being committed by members of your systemically oppressed community members? Don’t forget that there are plenty of advocates both in and out of uniform who pick up the flesh off the streets when black-on-black crimes kill innocent children. Yet very few ever step forward to cooperate as witnesses. Why? Not from fear of the system. No, out of fear of what you do to each other if the label of “snitch” ever becomes associated with your cooperation. Blame all you want, but we all know that the only boogeyman coming after you in 2022 is the one in the mirror.
11:21 4 Centuries of enslavement and oppression have scarred the soul and psyche of the Black americans. Violence is the natural reaction from someone who has been treated like a caged animal, bought, sold, mistreated, stepped on, spit on, incarcerated, tossed away. By this point in that man's life, he has undoubtedly been given up on by a system that never tried to give him a chance. Look at our schools. If he grew up in the Queen City, he had a horrible education from Head Start through whenever he was tossed from the system. I say tossed, because there are not enough guidance counselors there to explain to him that his feelings are natural. His centuries of inherited rage are perfectly normal and to be understood, but channeled into a better source of action.
21st century america think it is 'post-racial' because it elected a Black man President. Because red-lining neighborhoods and block busting are not allowed any longer. Because lynching is not legal now, but here we are in a community that for us, is forever shaped by those realities. My grandfather's shop in Brooklyn was not allowed to be passed down to his children and grandchildren. We were forced to live in certain areas, just as we are being forced out of gentrified areas today. The police, for many of my people, represent the same people who 150 years ago were there to round up fugitive slaves, or send freedmen back into servitude. Who 50 years ago unleashed the dogs and fire hoses on my great aunts and grandmother. Your 5 months of a nicer, kinder CMPD are not enough. Jennings is on the right track. Our magistrates and judges are on the right track. Some white people, like Jeff Jackson, are on the right track, but if you want to seek equality, we need much, much more action.
No, that boogeyman in the mirror is only the man behind me, pulling me over for the umpteenth time for a broken tail light or some other made up excuse. If I were in Myers Park or Ballentyne, you ain't pulling me over for that crap.
Black on black crime is horrible. A waste of potential from our people, but let us not hide from the fact that it is here because of the centuries of white on black crime, starting with the original sin that ripped us from our homes so, so long ago. You don't get off that easy just by posting a mugshot and blaming the race of the perp.
@7:16 blaming current actions on historical victimization sounds like a great way to forever remain a victim. At what point in your analysis of this problem do you believe it’s appropriate for individuals to begin taking personal responsibility for their actions? And if history or oppression is to blame for the failures of, not only rising violent trends within these cultural parameters, but also the actions of the individual, then who gets credit for those who defy these trends and become successful? Do we take collectively take credit for the successes of wealthy minority businessmen, movie stars, and athletes? None of them were given a pass or participation trophy on their way to the top merely because of the color of their skin. They had to work hard and be held accountable for their decisions like every other member of society. No one argues that there isn’t a history book filled with failures on a systemic level for black people (mostly caused by democrats fighting against reconstruction after the civil war which opened the door for Jim Crow), but those days haven't existed for several decades and it’s time to shed self-victimization and hold ourselves accountable for our actions. This nation is the most accepting to every strange and eccentric personality that exists, and it is simply not true that people are victims by heritage. So much so that actors have to fake racist attacks in the street to bring awareness to this issue.
Yup, here you go taking credit for the accomplishments of Black americans. Booker T, Martin, Frederick Douglass, Thurgood Marshall- so many from an earlier generation persevered in the face of impossible odds. And to think that you want white folks to take credit for a race you have oppressed for so long because so few become successful? Shame on your privileged mind.
Those that succeed today, undoubtedly succeed due to a generation of affirmative action. AA which both parties seem to want to destroy. How much safer would the POC in Charlotte feel if say 80% of the police force was from an underrepresented race? I feel better today than I did 25 years ago, knowing leadership is the same as me, but we still have OIS, even yesterday in Steele Creek. my son could easily be Jonathan Ferrell, and Charlotte has never atoned for those mistakes.
It is going to take a LOT more to lift Black america up. We are due reparations, we are due a seat at the table, hell, we are due the entire table. Until you all feel sorry for what you continue to do, and refuse to apologize, we can't even get to the repayment discussion, but that bill is adding up, and one day it will be due.
I’m afraid your ability to read is as limited as your ability to comprehend what those heroes you listed represented. I don’t believe Dr. King advocated for violence, yet Jonathan Ferrell chose the path of noncompliance and instead attempted to attack an officer responding to a reported home invasion. The young man in Steele Creek, another subject of a call for service regarding an individual armed with a firearm… if you are concerned for your son’s safety around police based on those examples, you may want to re-examine some things in your house. Dr. King and Frederick Douglass would be ashamed of the wasted potential in our minority communities. Especially given the fact that there are so many opportunities, programs, and incentives available for them to succeed. Why aren’t there POC lining up to represent their neighborhoods at the CMPD academy and invest themselves into improving their communities?? You think reparations will fix these issues after the trillions of dollars of welfare, affirmative action, and all the other Great Society programs haven’t fixed it?? Your logic is toxic and it is the very reason for the sad state of the community.
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