A Bon Jovi concert Uptown Charlotte on a Friday night, would seem like a great excuse to ride the CATS LYNX Blue Line from the I-485 Station to Uptown. Or at least my cousin and his family though it was a good idea. (Wait for it).
So what, if you have to dodge a few panhandlers in the parking lot and on the train, it will be fun.
The train is not crowded and so what if the interiors are not exactly clean with trash on the floor and the seats are pretty grime covered. You know, like the DC Metro or Chicago "L" and if you would add just a little more graffiti it will match NYC Subways. How fun would that be?
Just for the record, if you are a Howie Mandel type, you'll need to be hospitalized after riding the LYNX Blue Line. Yep LYNX is a germaphoebe nightmare.
Get off the train and there more panhandlers and homeless, and people, mainly young black kids, just hanging out around the Spectrum Center but hey you are here and Bon Jovi is ready to take the stage.
By the way Bon Jovi is an awesome show band.
And so the ride home should be a fun packed experience. Charlotte at night and a city alive after a two year COVID shut down. Right?
Of course having to step over a homeless guy who has passed out or OD'd is kind of unexpected.
But LYNX passengers are an adventurous group. Homeless, drunks, panhandler, free ride no fare thugs and hood rats, no worry but....
When the homeless guy urinates on himself and on the train, my cousin has to agree that's just a little much.
Thanks Vi Lyles for turning Charlotte into a liberal shit hole.
Special thanks to John M. Lewis CATS CEO for providing a up close look and shinning example of urban life to my out of town family members.
Oh and let us not forget Roy Cooper who neutered CMPD's authority to arrest anyone for vagrancy or public drunkenness, indecent exposure or public urination.
Thank you Liberals for telling taxpayers to "Oh Just Piss Off!"
Cue Charloots new anthem....
"Welcome to the jungle"!
Thanks Cedar I love the build up to "Its my life" and it gives graphic meaning to pissing his life away.
It is a big city murder rape armed robberies are normal, shootings and "street life" are normal homeless and panhandlers are normal pissing on yourself and all over the train floor totally normal. Welcome to Vi Lyles Charloot!
I have to point out this idiot comment from the last article...
"More racist CP. Observer headline today...crime up 1% this year. How fast is Charlotte growing? I think Mayor Vi and JJ are doing a wonderful job of handling the city's business, as well as Supt Winston at CMS.
Tonya Jameson is an experienced, fact-finding journalist, and this was a unanimous vote. Anything that even sniffs of power from someone who isn't lily white, you all think it is a danger to your position. We are here to stay, and will continue to make Charlotte a more wonderful place for EVERYONE to live."
April 7, 2022 at 10:54 AM
I guess to 10:54 this is what a wonderful place to live is. I wonder what definition of "wonderful" he/she was using. That you Braxton?
Vi Lyles is a complete Toad.
The same argument is made by Vi Lyles - that Charlotte is a growing big city with big city issues - as if we just need to accept crime and violence and homeless and litter.
That crime is up only 1% is total bullshit. Its up 100% since I moved here from Atlanta six years ago. Homicides are 100% a direct result of the liberal DA and Judges.
Anyone felon charged with a weapon crime stolen gun or otherwise should not get out of jail unless found not guilty at trial.
Noogies all over uptown is the reason I avoid Panthers, Hornets and Knights games. Let them have Charlotte. Turn the damn place chocolate for all I care.
Is Braxton going to change his name since he is named after a Confederate General? Braxton Bragg! If not he's a racist! Cancel everything or nothing at all!
Black stripes matter!
Can you guys imagine how It would be if the city wanted criminals off the street and allowed the police to work? If the chief supported his officers? If we had Iredell or Catawba County's court system? Our crime rate would decrease and the citizens of charlotte would actually be safe...
As I sit here and sip my sunday morning coffee...I ponder whether we can work together and create a level of honest feedback on this website?
-Let's stop always talking about black people, "noogies", nuggets, "mondays", "niglets", and hoodrats unless there is a context around the individual in question pertaining to their crime of poverty.
-We never speak about the conclusions of poor quality police officers and CMPD's lack of enforcement on these people. We had a guy jacking off in the office and LT get caught fucking on the property.
-The CFD does not receive equal attention for the problematic behaviors that exist across their organization, mostly stemming from dishonest and political agendas. They are forging recruit documentation at the academy which is shocking and disappointing at a minimum.
-Is there any way to work with the Democrat politicians to create a bridge for trust and accountability regarding the spending decisions and the concerns around the property values and tax scams? Some members do not even pay their taxes while serving the citizens.
Just some thoughts from an old, black woman with a brain.
Well Said 7:38
Cedar you need to ask 7:38 to guest post on your blog. Just saying.
If'n yo black din day got yo back, but if'n yo be white din it ain't right!
As I sit here and sip my Sunday night bourbon, I ponder why we LEOs should give a single rat fuck what the whiny, democrat funded activists on the CRB think.
CRB is a powerless, mindless and clueless bunch. The only time to ever give them thought or concern is if they are ever handed subpoena power or the ability to deal out punishment. Then my first question to the CRB would be, "how long have any of you served in law enforcement?"
I guess they had to shit can their last chairperson, Henry Black Jr, after he was accused of sexually assaulting two women. But they stand in judgement of law enforcement officers? Comical at best, extremely sad world at worst.
Two homicides in 12 hours. Let's use the Charlotte is a big city excuse so as long as we keep it down to just 2 a week crime will be down and everything is rainbows and unicorns!
Shirley Worley, I think I love you. All good points. Let's go down your list and number each paragraph 1-4. Like you, I hope we can have some serious honest feedback.
1. agreed. That is stupid, immature and speaks more to the intelligence of the person making the comment. It also prevents any serious solutions to issues.
2. True. Fair is fair and everyone should have the same set of rules, but CMPD and politicians should be held to a higher standard. Jeffrey Toobin and anyone else jacking off in the office has problems and needs to be terminated asap. What happenned with that? If you can't refrain while at work, what else could this lead to? If you are a CMPD employee and have sex addiction issues you need to get help prior to the 2 mentioned episodes. This should be automatic. If not. CMPD should revise those policies asap. It is hard for citizens to take officers serious if the impression is one of Jerk offs. Don't be that person. Also, I have experienced a lying officer for absolutely no reason, only to see that person move up the ranks quickly. That was and is still disturbing. Downgrading crime numbers is also disturbing. But then there is this other CMPD issue of playing gotcha between officers or command over the dumbest things and it is so petty like a bunch of high school mean girls. With that said, there are so many upstanding officers as well, and this defund movement is scary. Everyone should be treated equally and promoted based upon merit with zero regard to race, gender, shoe size or anything else other than qualifications. Until that happens CMPD will be a political mess swinging from one direction to the other over each 10 year period.
3. CFD- Don't know anything about that, but it should be discussed.
4. That would be nice. Currently most things are under Democrat control so they don't have to work outside their party. Unfortunately right now it appears that decisions are made to support the politicians not citizens. I wish we could stop all the race and party baiting and just give a serious look at what actually benefits the citizens. Charlotte city management needs an overhaul in all areas. Until issues are dealt with sincerely and at the root, things will get more ridiculous. The way Charlotte handles crime now is a joke. People rise to your level of expectation. If Charlotte acts like pissing on the LYNX will not be tolerated, I bet it will stop. Same with many other crimes.
So Shirley...Why don't you run for Mayor.
So I just read a Linkedin article where black professionals will not longer "code" their communication styles which means that they will no longer act white at offices and places of work. All the cops with Linkedin profiles that work in the office during dayshift may find that article to be a decent read and a sign of the things to come. I never knew that minorities were coding their behavior to blend in during professional settings. I thought they were just being professionals as trained and raised in their lives. Yeah, have fun with that at the City.
Pledge fund?
So a question for Cedar why does the AP Style Guide say Black when speaking of a African American with a capital "B" but white is always with a lower case "w" unless it is a proper name?
Pledge Fund poster—-you were scammed and will never get your money. You look like a food when you keep posting this—-but hey, if it makes you fell better then have at it. Maybe it does explain why you put money into the fund though.
11:18 How do I look like a "food"? Damn, you stupid! 'Least I can spell!
7:14 I think youre a chicken nugget. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.
Pledge fund? Pledge fund? Pledge fund? FFS blow it out your ass Howard. Give it up.
Pledge fund? I got my $11k a few years back! Took it and bought some pot stock for a little over a dollar a share which is now trading at a little over $16 a share! Back in November I took half of the gains from that, around $82k, and bought some Black Rifle Coffee stock, before it was even Black Rifle stock, for a little over $10 a share. I'm up about $15 a share on that now so I've made around $123k there so all told I'm, plus or minus a few thousand, up somewhere around $200k from my pledge fund money! Granted it's all play money until you sell and have to pay the damn capital gains taxes, but I'll just sit here and look out over my pool sipping a little Whistlepig Boss Hog, collecting my weekly supplement and my monthly retirement check and checking on my 401(k). Stay safe brothers and sisters.
I used my $11 thousand on Strippers and pot. Thanks to all you that for your 5 bucks.
6:52 What you talkin' 'bout, Willis?
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