Sunday, May 15, 2022

Paranoid Yankee on Next Door

Next Door is a treasure trove of madness. This post from a proud New Jersey transplant made me laugh:

This morning, I decided not to go to my usual walking track but walk around my neighborhood.  I love my home and have great neighbors and for those who wave and smile - that's what I love and enjoy.  

But for other interested parties who don't know me, let me assure you because I know it is sooo very important to many here - that Black woman in the black sweatpants, with the white stripe, white tee shirt and baseball cap – that was me.  

Yes, I did stop and look at some of the nicer homes and yards; but let’s be clear, I was not casing your home - I have my own, Thank You very much., and it's better than many I saw.  

Some of y’all need to tighten up your lawns. though. 

Oh, and I passed by some of your cars, which you had parked on the street, which makes no sense.  

Though I looked at your vehicle, mine is better, and suits me fine.  Clear your driveway so you don't have to park on the street; the driveway is yours; the street is not. You can reduce the chance that you think someone is looking at it suspiciously.  

Oh, and while I was out, some of your kids were waiting for the school bus.  Empty nester here who has NOOOO interest in even engaging with your child; just walking by; but I did have to pass by 2x - going and coming back.

However, having heard how some of them speak to YOU as you encourage them to 'freely express’ themselves translates into the vulgarity they use on the bus with the other kids out of your earshot.   

Oh, and the big Black Ford 250 that passed me several times, plate number I won’t disclose, you did remind me that walking while Black is real. 

However, I may just walk this path tomorrow, ... just so you know...

After 97 comments some apologetic others pointing out her attitude was showing the writer decided to close the post to further comments but left with this final thought:

So to close this out...So much love to all who responded.  My post was a pre-emptive recognition against the suspicion and paranoia that gets shared by those who make assumptions that strangers in the neighborhood are casing houses or cars or looking at children for predatorial purposes if they pass by more than once.  

Too often assumptions have been made and posted because someone different is in the area; yet with no due diligence before setting off panic messages. 

I have no issue with those who disagree or were offended by my post; differences of opinion is who we all are, and so truly welcome and invited.  

However, I knew love would be the first response and the last response, - the alpha and omega - that of loving they neighbor…


Anonymous said...

UGH...All that arrogance, neighbor shaming, paranoia, and race card tossing all while trying to play the victim just gave me a migraine.

Anonymous said...

Cedar, take a look at this…. I came across this podcast over the weekend. 1/2 way through it, I realized it was 2 former CMPD officers talking about their role in the Patrick Cannon ( our former corrupt mayor) investigation. Didn’t realize we were involved . They really go into detail about a lot of issues with CMPDs command staff and how politics really effect what goes on on the Chief level and with our elected politicians. It was very damning to say the least. It was very informative and a good listen. The podcast is called Small Town Dicks, and it is the latest season/episode… Season 10, episode 7. The name of the episode is Politically Incorrect.

Anonymous said...

We've seen this so many times "they was lookin at me racist" bull shit. The woman obviously has a major chip on her shoulder. These are the same people who scream racist when stopped for an expired tag. God Bless them all.

Anonymous said...

She's out trolling and trying to get somebody to say something so she can get her a high dollar poor quality black attorney to file a lawsuit because she's black! Of course her house and car are nice after being paid for by the white peoples taxes. She don't work else it'll mess up her w4elfare check and subsidized housing!

Anonymous said...

Lee Simmons on Next Door I don't know her but know her ilk never got over being born black. It is sad actually. She brags about her house and car and makes a point to insult others all while claiming she's a victim. She'll vote for democrats the rest of her life even though she fled the north knowing the south is different yet can't stand it here because "that's not the way we didn't it up north". These fools make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this basically all of Charloot now? We went to Steak 48 recently on a recommendation, and the entire place was full of this type lady. All I can say is, I felt sorry for the waitstaff, because even though they have great paying jobs, they still have zero class and certainly have garnered the stereotype well that they don't tip, and they're always looking for a reason to get you gone.

Oh well, what once was a nice, decent sized city who wanted so badly to be World Class, now is just a small big city, with no real character. Just a bunch of unhappy transplants.

Wait til they all start complaining about the heat and humidity this week! That's something all races from 'up there' agree on.

Advice for them, sell now, while the market is hot, and move to Charleston with the rest of yous guys.

Anonymous said...

Yous Guys LoL She's obviously a rental thinks she's wealthy and better than everyone else and as they say noogie rich.

Anonymous said...

The comments on that post are fire. These Black Karen types are amazing. Everything is RACIST!

Anonymous said...

There ain't no black Karens just baby mamas with attitudes!

Anonymous said...

Cedar did you notice they made an arrest in the Brittanee Drexel case?

Anonymous said...

Unfreaking believable! Actually its not woman of color up north been like this for years. And they wonder why they are still single. Why the baby's daddy left.

Anonymous said...

Anybody get the back story on Clay davis? Why he was actually in prison? Why didn't it bad and tell us that they released a violent felon to the streets? He is currently in prison for armed robbery dangerous weapon fell in with a gun habitual felon the list goes on and on. And all McFadden said was we accidentally released them. Then tell us they released a violent felon.

Anonymous said...

Heard one of you alls homicide detectives just passed. My condolences. Was she sick?

Anonymous said...

Nextdoor is a Leftist POS. Funny three though.

Anonymous said...

She be WOKE!

Anonymous said...

Listened to that podcast 7:03 talked about. Just goes to show what a corrupt MFer Romo was when he was in charge. Is it any better now….. probably not

Anonymous said...

8:13 Angela Starnes was good people she wasn't sick, no known medical conditions.

Anonymous said...

This can't be real?

Anonymous said...

The constant bolos are getting annoying. I mean I hit delete upwards of 30 times a day

Anonymous said...

Char Meck voters have proven once again ....they get what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

It's going to get awful dark!

Anonymous said...

Pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

New Jersey Nugget!

Anonymous said...

Blake Hollar and Matt was pretty good,

Anonymous said...

She just out walking and gettin' her stank on!