Saturday, June 4, 2022

Charlotte Bicyclists A Whole Lot of Stupid

Around Charlotte the common refrain is "I have a right to use the whole lane" and it is true:

A bicyclist may use a full marked lane. “Bicyclists usually ride on the right side of the lane, but are entitled to use the full lane…. Drivers wishing to pass a bicyclist may do so only when there is abundant clearance and no oncoming traffic is in the opposing lane. When passing a bicyclist, always remember the bicyclist is entitled to use of the full lane.”   – North Carolina Driver’s Handbook, p.95.  

Cyclists have a right to use the entire width of the roadway. However, common sense dictates that doing so is probably not very smart. Many a bicyclist was fully within his or her rights to use the entire lane, yet sadly getting killed because the law says they have the right, doesn't make the bicyclist any less dead.

Charlotte has a serious problem with arrogant rude cyclists, and that frankly, is not going to get any better. A group of pro bike idiots blocking traffic uptown and in south end last Friday certainly didn't benefit anyone and rather than earn motorists respect just tossed more fuel on the hate fire. 

But what makes these people such idiots?

The majority of cyclists operating on Charlotte's major streets do so in a careless and reckless manner. Most ride with total hubris, an exaggerated sense of self worth that equals their level of intolerance and is exceeded only by their stunning level of stupid.

Nothing will earn a pedal pusher the scorn of motorized traffic faster than passing a dozen stopped cars at a traffic signal. To bicyclists the question is always why not? Never mind that, the correct answer is because the rules say thou shall not: 

Bicyclists may not overtake other traffic on the right except when in a separate marked travel lane. § 20-150.1.  When passing on the right is permitted. The driver of a vehicle may overtake and pass upon the right of another vehicle only under the following conditions: (1) When the vehicle overtaken is in a lane designated for left turns; (2) Upon a street or highway with unobstructed pavement of sufficient width which have been marked for two or more lanes of moving vehicles in each direction and are not occupied by parked vehicles; (3) Upon a one-way street, or upon a highway on which traffic is restricted to one direction of movement when such street or highway is free from obstructions and is of sufficient width and is marked for two or more lanes of moving vehicles which are not occupied by parked vehicles; (4)        When driving in a lane designating a right turn on a red traffic signal light. (1953, c. 679.)

Imagine following a long line of cars, each taking turns, carefully passing a cyclist doing 15-20 mph and finally your turn comes and once again your on your way. Only to have the line of cars snag a traffic signal and watch the cyclist breeze back to the head of the line and start the process all over again.

The hate is real.

Of course the real hate comes from the idea that all cyclists are Joe Biden supporters, cheering on the rapid rise in fuel prices. As a neighbor explained to me the other day "These liberal bike pukes are all about climate change, tofu and granola."

When I asked if he thought cyclists understood the correlation between fuel prices and the cost of granola his answer was a simple hell no.

So back to that brilliant idea to clog traffic on purpose the last Friday of every month. Seriously this is their plan.

From the local paper: 

Cyclists hope to fill uptown and neighborhood streets Friday night on a 7-mile ride to protest what they call city and state transportation plans far too focused on accommodating cars over people. “People in this city routinely forget that the roads belong to everyone equally — motorists, cyclists, skaters, scooters and pedestrians all have an inherent right to exist on our streets,” John Holmes, an organizer of Charlotte Critical Mass Ride, posted on Reddit. “The roads are not just for cars, and to act as if they are is in defiance of hundreds, if not thousands, of years of people existing freely on our streetscapes,” Holmes wrote. “This ride is a physical reminder of that right.”

But before the protest ride could get rolling they were already back peddling: 

The local media took their message to the airwaves and then CMPD got involved. Then the defund the police, ACAB and BLM flavor of the group came to light. The group quickly trying to walk back the negative press.

“We do not need a permit,” John Holmes the activist organizer told The Local Paper, because cyclists have as much of a right to the streets as cars do.

According to the paper: "The riders also didn’t seek a police escort, at the request of Black community members who don’t view police the same way many whites do, he said. A city of Charlotte spokesperson did not immediately reply to a request for comment about Friday’s event."

Of course it was a clown show, part bike parade, part gay pride parade and it made travel just stupid for anyone else needing to get somewhere into or out of Uptown or SouthEnd on a Friday start to a holiday weekend.

The only thing the "Critical Mass Ride" accomplished was to piss off more drivers. Now someone is floating the counter protest call "Operation Door Prize". You can imagine how this will turn out.

Let's face it, these Cyclists are a burden to the motoring public, few commuters enjoy the drive from Lancaster to Uptown or Riverhills to SouthPark. But both routes along with others like Providence, Central and Monroe Road are littered with potholes, school zones, garbage trucks, non functioning traffic signals that endlessly add to driver's drive time, so the last thing these drivers need is an arrogant cuss on a Trek Bicycle running red-lights and playing real life version of "Frogger" for which the result is often as expected:

Thankfully the cyclist survived his encounter with the Impala. But had no insurance to pay for the damages.

Its time we "drivers" demand restrictions on the bike riders, limiting access to certain not safe and highly traveled commuter routes. A daylight only rule should be adopted. Insurance should be a must, if not straight up insurance then lets have the state tax these bikes and contribute the funds to a state pool to cover the uninsured bikers.

And finally lets not have an Operation Door Prize that is just as counter productive as Vi Lyles Black Lives Matter mural and only further divides that cyclists from the normal people.

Post Script: As I write this the voice of my good friend Bill Fehr is bouncing around my head. Bill understood the metrics of car vs bike. Bill was an endless source of information and laughs. We never completed our planned trip to Parris Island but just weeks after his death I stood at attention as the Garrison Ensign was raised at 0800 on yet another graduation day and thought of Bill.  

Bill was top shelf and a bicyclist, he is truly missed. Some day I'll retell a story about "route-Irish".


Anonymous said...

Jerks on bikes in Charlotte are the worst. Stupid is an understatement. The Sunday ride groups in south Charlotte have a death wish. Why would you ride on Tom Short when there are dozens of 4 lane roads? Same with Ardrey Kell, Kuykendall, and Alexander. These same fool stretching in the parking lot in front of Dunkin Donuts are a joke - hey dude you legs are in the traffic lane. Operation Door Prize sounds like a plan.

Anonymous said...

Ramsey and Penny both got promoted against the will of protesting officers. How does the command staff not listen to anyone at the agency?

Anonymous said...

Cyclists in the Charlotte and surrounding areas really do believe the world revolves around them. The crowd that rides through Union County and stallings on Saturday mornings has always been the most entitled group of people, clogging a two lane road and leaving a tail just far enough back to intentionally prevent you from passing on a broken yellow line by riding across the center lane to block your move. One of these days, someone’s button is going to get pushed too hard and they’re going to take one for the team and do what needs doing.

Anonymous said...

Was Bill Fehr the bike messenger/blogger with calves as big as your head? I'm so sorry to hear of his passing. When/how did this happen?

Anonymous said...

I’m a cyclist and conservative - the rants here are whiny BS that reveal more about these drivers’ self-preoccupations than any reality of what it’s like to bicycle in Charlotte. Consider - nearly 100% of those cyclists you bitch about are also drivers. Probably <2% of whining drivers know what it’s like to bike roads - ergo, STFU

Anonymous said...

No ones care what your political perspective is. We care about the fact that Charlotte roads aren’t even able to sustain the volume of vehicular traffic, yet your cohorts find it acceptable to block off huge sections of roadway to travel a fraction of the speed limit.

Anonymous said...

So, per your complaint here, cyclists (who are also drivers who pay road/highway taxes, thank you) should simply quit cycling in order to allow you the 'right' to get someplace a minute sooner. How democratic! I mean, who really has any 'right' to live or recreate as they wish, right? FWIW, a little history look-up reveals that the paved roads we enjoy were 'invented/promoted' here NOT to facilitate autos but the bicycles that preceded autos, so one could argue that cyclists were 'here' first. Go for a bike ride, or just take a walk sometime alongside any busy road in town - you might gain an appreciation for the unpleasantry of the auto traffic we all take for granted

Anonymous said...

10:32 Yes that was Bill he was just short of his 51st birthday happened right at the start of COVID - Met him at Bicycle Sport and if I remember Cedar rented his house to the owner of the Bicycle Sport. But seems the connection was military. He was a Good Man.

Anonymous said...

I offered a door prize to some guy this morning he wasn't very happy with me. Guess he didn't expect the passenger door to open. OMG the language! LoL

Anonymous said...

These idiots are all just ghost bikes waiting to happen. "I drive a car too" that's funny I've seen plenty a idiot with a bike rack and they drive their Prius like they ride their bikes. Like idiots. Fuck them all!

Anonymous said...

I'm a cyclist, but wouldn't dare go on some of the roads at certain times or group rides for that matter. It is annoying and creates congestion and hazards. I can't stand the entitlement of some of these folks.

Regarding the ability to be on the road and use the full lane. Sure, that's your right--just like you have a right to breathe and have a pulse. But, those two things simply don't always line up together, as this article points out. Hard to puff your chest out when there's a vehicle sitting on top of it.

Just because you can do something doesn't make it a good idea. I'll stick to the side roads out of courtesy and for my own health.

Anonymous said...

@0906, you're missing the point. You want to ride your bicycle on a busy street not even designed for the volume of vehicle traffic? Fine. Keep your ass out of the way and certainly don't intentionally ride in a manner that intentionally prevents people from going around you. I have ridden a bicycle on numerous occasions in uptown - usually when dodging rocks and water bottles. Only do that shit when ordered to and I still try not to be an inconvenience to drivers. The nerve of you people... make everyone wait for you to pedal 5 miles an hour so you can feel better about your heath or your carbon footprint and then cite democracy to us. You and the guy on 85 doing 27 on a moped should get a room.

Anonymous said...

I've been tormenting the bike nuts for years. Took one out in 2020 CMPD told me to be more careful since no witnesses no ticket. The jerk survived the crash but nearly didn't survive the the aftermath because he proceeded to scream at me for cutting him off made several threating gestures when a bystander stepped in-between us. Saved the guys life would have emptied the magazine had he come any closer to my kids in the back seat.

Anonymous said...

There's enough of those white toast bikes around you'd think they would get smart about how they ride. Arrogant sums it up nicely.

Anonymous said...

My first thought reading this is why all the hate? Then I see the comments on this and other posts. As with any other troubling issue it doesn't take but a few people to give an entire group of people a seriously bad reputation.

AOC makes all liberals look crazy
Joe Biden makes all presidents look stupid
Lori Lightfoot makes any mayor look bad
John Holmes makes all bicyclists look moronic

Operation Door Prize? I'm in!

Maybe we should start a Go Fund Me for anyone who takes one for the team?

Anonymous said...

"John Holmes" somebody's parents had a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

How does John Holmes ride a bike with that perpetual kickstand?

Anonymous said...

He's prolly lived his whole life trying to "measure up" must be tough having to stick out in a crowd like that. But I think his name explains a lot. That CMPD let this "ride" happen is a joke. There are no laws in Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

These gay liberal pro-noun'd clowns have no money or real wealth. They are non-contributory to the economy they are just leeches taking from society. I'd bet 8 out of 10 have student loans on some sort of deferment. What a bunch of losers.

Anonymous said...

1021, you are right on. This is all part of the whole "Creative Class" movement that has given us a generation of folks who can work for a bank, hospital, or non-profit- figuring out how to swindle the next dollar out of the drink machine, so to speak, but the minute their toilet gets clogged, they are as useless as a screen door on a submarine.

They have no idea how to make anything, generate actual value, or live beyond the end of the week. They've never been told that anything they do is wrong, and they aren't going to start changing their ways now. Charlotte and surrounding area were much, much better off when the region was home to a million lintheads. They may have been cash poor, but they were good people, and that lead to the whole atmosphere that allowed Charlotte to boom post-war.

Anonymous said...

This is the future of the follow-along generation. How else can you explain all the fools who have invested in "crypto" some have admittedly made millions investing in something that makes nothing. Amazing. But when the house of cards starts to crumble look out.

Anonymous said...

Given the choice between a head on collision and taking out the guy in spandex shorts next to me on a bicycle guess you is about to eat a tree? And every eco-biker would be wise to memorize my word because if I have to swerve to avoid a collision best understand his two wheel life is about to come to a spectacular end.

Anonymous said...

Took one for the team yesterday. No officer is wasn't deliberate. The better half had to go uptown to the court house to file an eviction notice so I circled the block and found a spot on out bound on 3rd street. My guess is the bike was in my blind spot when I bolted from the parking spot and crossed the four lanes of traffic to get into the left turn lane onto McDowell. Dude bounced off the rear quarter of my 150 and hit the curb then went over the handle bars and into a no parking sign. He was not happy but CMPD was there and had him sit on the curb til medic could check him out. Cop told him to be more careful.