Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Hate Crime in South Charlotte?

 Hate Crime in South Charlotte?

A Charlotte resident living at The Retreat just off Highway 15 Pineville-Matthews Road posted this: 

"A neighbor had a message to send. Woke up to this at 8am. Written some time between 10pm (when one neighbor walks dogs and it wasn't spotted) and 4 am (when another neighbor went to work and reported it.)  Waterton (management company) has been real silent since this came out. How is our safety being guaranteed?

#racism #charlotteracism #southcharlotte"

Obviously this is dreadful and really unfortunate! 

But wait just a second; kinda odd that they used chalk don't you think?

I'm not a Nazi but isn't that swastika is backwards?

Totally an amateur job, and clearly not someone who can repeat the 14 words in order from memory or wanted to really send a message. A real racist would used an adjective and spray paint would be a must. 

My guess kids who were looking for a reaction. Mission accomplished. 

I also suggested the victim message them back in chalk! CAMERAS! With arrows pointing in all directions and that she should add a happy face for effect.

But crickets.

So lets recap. Thankfully no noose. No video. No MAGA hats just hand written chalk lettering and a backwards swastika. On a side walk that is used by the apparently "Black" tenant but is also used by other tenants.



Anonymous said...

Not buying it. Dems need another fake distraction.

Anonymous said...

Bubba Wallace now lives in Charlotte? Who knew? Hope they checked the garage for noose.

Anonymous said...

Vi has a presser scheduled for this afternoon. Tents are up to preserve the evidence.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me while I pretend I'm shocked that some Woke Black Woman would fake a hate crime.

Anonymous said...

If someone was a real nazi or AB member then they would get the nazi sign correct. This is some young kids trying to stir up some drama.

Is the black woman behind on her rent by chance?

Anonymous said...

1400 Hours - Exactly

Anonymous said...

She's gonna be shocked when she learns it is her own kids.

Anonymous said...

2:00...How can she be behind on her rent when her rent is subsidized? Our tax money is paying her rent!