Sunday, July 10, 2022

Russell Fincham the McFadden Residence Inn Latest Victim

Jail shouldn't be a stay at the Ritz Carlton but it shouldn't be a death sentence either.

Wednesday a 25-year-old man died at the Mecklenburg County Residence Inn according to the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office.

Reporting in the local paper pointed out that this is the fifth death at the uptown facility this year, and the eighth since May 2021. 

Photo MCSO July 3, 2022

Details have not been released about Russell Fincham’s death, but the Sheriff’s Office said a medical emergency was called around 8:25 a.m. and medical staff began CPR. Medic arrived 10 minutes later and continued CPR. Fincham died at 8:56 a.m.

“It is devastating to report the death of this young resident who was in our custody and care. We send our deepest condolences to his family during this difficult time,” Sheriff Garry McFadden said in the statement. 

Fincham was placed in jail custody on Sunday on charges of larceny and breaking into several vehicles, jail records show. He was due in court on July 18th.

Fincham was a career criminal, having been convicted on dozens of Auto Breakings since 2015.  Mecklenburg County Courts continually granted pleas for leniency, he was never sentenced to anything harsher than probation or community service.

He was arrested on May 25, 2021 on Felony Drug Charges but was released on an unsecured bond. Those charges were later dropped by Mecklenburg DA Spencer Merriweather.

Photo MCSO May 25, 2021

His 2020 arrest on more than a dozen Auto B&B charges those charges were also later dismissed by Mecklenburg DA Spencer Merriweather.

Photo MCSO November 12, 2020

The State Bureau of Investigation will investigate his death. 

According to the Local Paper: Since 2011, deaths in custody have increased significantly in North Carolina, according to the state Department of Health and Human Services. 

There were 17 deaths in 2011, and 68 in 2021. State-led investigations into recent deaths have concluded staffing shortages in the Mecklenburg jail likely contributed to safety violations at the time of death in at least three of the recent cases.

Other who have died while staying at McFadden's Residence Inn:

▪ Tommy Hucks, 42, who died of a medical emergency on June 11. 

▪ Derrick Geter, 33, who died of a medical emergency on May 5. 

▪ William Rhinesmith, 47, died by suicide in his cell April 19. 

▪ Francine Laney was found dead on March 2. 


Anonymous said...

What’s the whole story with the attorney being physically and sexually assaulted in the court house?

Anonymous said...

They told us to stop arresting people because the jail is understaffed. What happened to the recruiting video where deputies were responding to a bank robbery by all white criminals?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see that Mr. Fincham has passed away. I guess that on the plus side that frees up some space for another habitual felon. Seems that his carbon footprint was pretty large with all the driving around looking for cars to break into. So looks like a win win for Meck County.

Anonymous said...

I hate that anyone died under McFadden's watch but this is a good thing. Maybe if they have a few more "he slipped on soap" accidents the thugs will get the message. As for this POS no real loss.

Anonymous said...

How about some respect for this man and his family. Remove this post now! The man died is that not enough for you?

Anonymous said...

704 until you die nigga!

Anonymous said...

Heard he got some bad shit smuggled in by one of McFadden's enterprising deputies. That's a hell of a side gig.

Anonymous said...

Too much negativity is pointed at the CMPD when MCSO has been a laughing stock for 15 years. 8 dead people and 50 inmate on officers assaults in 365 days is crazy.

Anonymous said...

And this is a loss?

Anonymous said...

1758: Spot on. MCSO scraping bottom of the barrel, nothing new. 100% OD, 100% the deputy will never be told on. Jail North has been much worse for years. Inmates running the asylum.

Anonymous said...

No one signs up to work at the MCSO because they are hardworking and smart. It’s a dumpster diver low life type of place.

They had a deputy selling drugs up in Huntersville a few years back.

Anonymous said...

These aren't deputies...these are residential stewardess and House Keeping...get it right!

Anonymous said...

How many people quit when Gary took over? 300?

I heard they have new couches for the criminals, but cops are eating Chipotle 5 days a week?

Anonymous said...

So what ur saying is Charlotte is a wasteland with unenforced laws and a jail that isn’t capable of housing the criminals until the DA sends them to prison?

Anonymous said...

Well by 11am this morning, at the Target South Blvd, I had seen both a nasty dump taken in a sink and someone actively trying to break into cars in the parking lot. I'm not sure why I figured Monday morning would be a good enough time to run an errand, but I learned my lesson yet again. This stuff used to be Independence/University contained. Now it is full on all over. Thanks libs for ruining what used to be a decent city.

Not sure how or why someone would drop a deuce in the sink. It would take acrobatics beyond walking the extra 10 feet to a stall. Shoulda known though right across the street from Steak N Shake, where a Charlotte zombie killed a worker at 11am, it wouldn't be safe.

Correlation to the train station, or is the whole city just this bad now?

Anonymous said...

The wedge of prosperity used to run from 77 to Albemarle Road today it is more like Park Road to Randolph. Steele Creek is now ground zero and its making Freedom look soft.

Anonymous said...

410, what’s popping off in SteeleCreek?

You mean by arrow wood and South?

Anonymous said...

1235 when were you told to stop arresting? who told you?

Anonymous said...

801, I was told several years ago by my sgt. We were understaffed and the brass wanted more citations and less cops standing at the jail.

Anonymous said...

So no memo hanging around... shame.

Anonymous said...

Steele Creek hasn't been the same since the mid 2000's. The old school brass didn't take any shit back then. It was boots on the ground kicking ass and keeping the jail packed. AND they had your back. Now you have a bunch of pussies in charge and the result is..... Well....

Anonymous said...

Poor Rusty he's dead but McFadden isn't ready to turn him loose yet he still shows as active inmate. The only thing active on Fincham are the maggots eating his eyes.