Monday, July 4, 2022

The Americans Are Coming

In the politically correct world of liberals identifying yourself as an American can earn you a lot of grief. Being a proud American is even more out of favor if your a liberal. Never mind that Joe Biden is the president and democrats control the US House and US Senate.

My cousin a liberal nut-bird moved to California from West Virginia decades ago and he's happy to remind you that calling yourself an American is incorrect since Canadians and Chileans are also Americans. 


This cousin, let's call him Bob because that's his name, is an expert on everything, as far as he knows, that is. 

Let's face it Bob is a jerk, every family has one, but Bob is an exceptional jerk who hasn't held a real job in 30 years. Bob “knows” that it is wrong for citizens of the United States of America to call themselves Americans. Because Bob knows "everything".

Well Bob, I got news for you I'm an American, and there is nothing wrong with identifying as one. 

As proof I could offer a long list of examples of “Great Americans” none of which will convince you that you are wrong because of course you're never wrong. 

I could explain that I've never met a Canadian who called themselves an American or suggest that people in El Salvador identify as Salvadoran or Mestizo but never as Americans. Alas what's the point?

But I can guarantee you when the last ISIS terrorist looks to the sky and sees a missile headed right for the last ten square feet of earth terrorists control, he'll be cursing that “The Americans” are coming, yeah the USA Americans. 

Happy 4th of July Bob, hope that one day you're as proud to be an American as I am. 


Anonymous said...

I don’t know anyone can afford to work at CFD or CMPD. The inflation is crazy right now. I’m living off Chick-fil-A!!!!

BB said...

You seem patriotic for a man that supports the suppression of black people. Seig Heil Cedar!

Anonymous said...

How does the City allow us to use sick leave time to retire early? Wouldn’t that be a violation of abusing sick leave?

Anonymous said...

8:47 AM That you Bob?

Anonymous said...

Got a couple of those libtards in my family.

Them: You have guns?

Me: I'm a Cop.

Them: OMG! and you bring them home with you?

Me: Well yes, I have one on me now.

Them: OMG! What if it went off?

Me: Its not going to go off.

Them: You shouldn't have brought it into our parents house!

Me: OK but what if someone broke in and tried to rob us or worse?

Them: Well we'd call the Police!

Me: Please God give me strength.

Anonymous said...

1116, your lazy ass doesn’t do anything the last five years so it’s a violation every day.

Anonymous said...

In 5..4..3..2..1 they will start with the NRA - White Supremist - Ultra MAGA - Nazi Skin Head - Proud Boys - Extremist Shooter narrative and start calling for gun control.

Thank you idiot shooter.

Anonymous said...

There’s obviously some MH problem going on around here. It’s a shame really.

No remorse for the shooter.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who owned the land were the Georgia Guidestones were placed at the time of installation?

Anonymous said...

12:19 no, but they’re blown up now lol

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have anything nice to say about CFD or CMPD? I’ve heard things have turned around at Fort Apache and the Beatties Ford Cooridor since summer 2020.

Anonymous said...

2:09 what are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

6:35, those guidestones in Georgia got blown up.

Anonymous said...

So a civilian stopped that 43 yesterday by ramming his truck into the car. If one of us did that we’d be charged with assault w/ a deadly weapon and violating policy. I know this guy thinks he’s a hero, but is anyone gonna have the balls to charge this fool? How’s that make us look?

Anonymous said...

0723 is right, it makes the department look like a bunch of clowns. I wish one of the vehicles he stolen had a responsible armed citizen inside and just dirt napped the guy! Brace face is trying to say CMPD did the right thing but Tariq Bokhari has started asking questions as to why we couldn’t have ended it earlier? Why are we not allowed to PIT someone? Keep asking those questions Tariq and maybe you’ll see how incompetent JJ is and fire him like Trump use to fire people on the Apprentice! CMPD is a laughing stock, and it’s shameful this guy wasn’t stopped when he hopped out of his truck by the K9 officer that was right behind him. What is the point of being a cop these days? I understand why so many are quitting and why we are having a hard time recruiting.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I would characterize that as a takedown as much as, in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am just wondering where all that free space on the roads came from. I can't travel 3 miles in Charlotte without being boxed in by construction and delivery trucks.

It does show how trained CMPD is. Don't you dare draw that weapon on a white man, especially when you know the camera is on. Had that been at night on Hwy 49 or U City, we know the outcome would have been much, much different.

Anonymous said...

Probably got the Dylan Roof drive-thru treatment on the way downtown too.

Burger King this time, or was it Chikfila? This whole narrative is getting old. Your skinny ass killer cousin in Chicago got the 'white glove' treatment too but Jayland Walker catches 60 bullets unarmed.

Anonymous said...

@1042 unarmed? You’re a clown. Walker fled a traffic stop and shot at officers while doing so. Quit your fake liberal news narrative.

Anonymous said...

@7:23 is right. If we don’t charge him that is gonna send the wrong message. Then we got a bunch of George Zimmermans running around thinking they’re the police. JJ gotta charge that fool

Anonymous said...

Walker had no weapon when 'apprehended', was Black, and took 60 rounds. There's still only grainy images of what some may say if muzzle fire, but it looks like glare to me. This piece of trash back here spent hours driving all over south charlotte trying to kill people, got stopped in a traffic accident, walked out with his hands up, and the police barely cuffed him. I've seen tougher takedowns at the old Epicenter for talking smack. Still wonder where his courtesy meal was from? Wendy's at Charlottetown seems like my best guess. Did you get him a Frosty? Wipe his chin of any spilled shake? Dip his fries for him?

And your bro in Chicago warned people for years he was gonna go postal, shot up a parade, drove around for a while, and he barely had someone arrest him.

I guess we can say George Floyd saved more white folks ass this year than anyone in America. Alls I know, if they were Black, they'd be shot up, beat up, run off the road, or have justice served without a trial or defense.

Anonymous said...

2:02 you seem like a very stupid person. Even for this site.

Delonte said...

301, you sound like you have the wool over your eyes. Remember this? Black people get it worse.

Anonymous said...

@7:20 you’re ridiculous, typical victim mentality. But honestly, I wouldn’t expect anything less from someone who has been told that they’re oppressed for their whole life. Clown.

Anonymous said...


I will say that cops avoid all forms of accountability and punishment. Starnes had my boy locked up for 3 months with no evidence.

Anonymous said...

Just confirmation that you did indeed take him to Wendy's. Probably let him know that since this is his first offense in Meck County, that means you get large fries with that order.

I just know there wasn't a single one of you threatening to take him to Cowans Ford Dam. CP preaches all the time about this whole theory of Black america being hooked on violence, but once one of yours has showtime at midday, high on whatever you're smoking these days, breaking in to whatever you can find, there's nobody screaming for the whole race to be held accountable. Let's face a huge gorilla in the room: if it weren't for all you rich ass honkies wanting a little toot on Thursday night, or smoking that weed all the time, or looking for your pain pills, more than half the Black violence would disappear. You all have given us too great an opportunity to make tax free money, and every Black male learns this by the age of 12.

white america has become this horrible zombie world where everyone has to put themselves into a stupor with drugs- from teenagers to old housewives- and they blame their suppliers for all of society's ills. See, the shoe fits on the other side too.

Anonymous said...

7:20, all your link does is show an officer got thrown under the bus cuz a dude talked shit & got popped in the mouth for it.

Anonymous said...

Thousands of non violent arrests are made of violent black criminals. More unarmed white people are killed each year than black but hey don't do any research and assume it's always color.
Just go to Washington posts officer involved state and see