Monday, August 15, 2022

MCSO Deputies Hourly Patrols of Sheriff’s House?

You likely missed this since it aired on WAFE the local NPR affiliate:

But Steve Harrison did a detailed job and while it creates more questions than it answers it is doubtful the local news will dig any further.

Soon after Garry McFadden became Mecklenburg sheriff in December 2018, now-retired captain Michael Matys said he was given a new order: Have his road deputies drive by McFadden’s home — nearly every hour, seven days a week.

“On the road, we would assign deputies at random to go by his home, hourly, between the hours of six and midnight to check on the residence and make sure everything looked orderly,” said Matys, who worked for the sheriff’s office for 29 years. “I would say we would do up to 18 checks in a typical day.”

During peak staffing, there are only 30 or so deputies patrolling the county. They perform duties such as serving domestic violence restraining orders or conducting traffic enforcement.

That means some deputies had to drive from one end of the county to the other, to cover a scheduled check of McFadden’s house in Huntersville.

“It’s not inconceivable a deputy may have to leave their assignment in Matthews, Mint Hill or maybe even Pineville area and drive up to the sheriff’s residence to make a check and then go back about their duties,” he said.

Matys said he was told threats had been made against McFadden — but he wasn’t given details.

He said he was following orders, though it’s unclear who gave them. McFadden said he didn’t order the checks.

When an elected official is threatened, Matys said security checks usually last about 30 days.

For the sheriff, they continued at least through 2021. Matys said they were still going when he retired in April, while McFadden said they stopped a year earlier.

“We would touch base once in a while with our supervisor once in a while and he would tell us to go ahead and continue the checks, so we just did.”

The home security checks occurred as a culture shift was underway in the department after McFadden became its first Black sheriff.

For example, McFadden said he would refer to people in the jail as residents — not inmates. He made changes to solitary confinement in an effort to make it more humane.

And then there was the 287g program. The sheriff’s office had worked with the federal government to enforce immigration laws. McFadden stopped that almost immediately after taking office, fulfilling a campaign promise.

In this transition, McFadden’s management style has come under fire. Deputies and detention officers left the department. The departures hit the detention centers especially hard, where violence against inmates and guards increased significantly.

McFadden has brushed off his critics, saying he is being undermined by what he has called a “good old boy syndrome.”

McFadden has long been the focus of attention, even going back to his time as a police detective, when he starred in a TV show called “I Am Homicide.” McFadden described himself in a promotion for the show.

“Am I cocky? Super cocky. Do I brag about it? No. I’m just super confident. Most people don’t even know my real name," he said in a commercial. "They’ll say - that’s homicide."

Matys and two deputies interviewed by WFAE said they never did home security checks for previous sheriffs.

But those predecessors were white.

McFadden said the threats against him were “related to the color of my skin.”

He said he received numerous threats, by letter, social media or verbally. WFAE asked for copies of the threats, but McFadden said he couldn’t provide them.

“I don’t know if I even have them,” he said during an interview in April.

The sheriff’s office later provided WFAE with one threat that was made in January 2019, two weeks after McFadden became sheriff.

The threat was a social media post that said the sheriff “should be shot.”

The sheriff’s office sent a letter to the person it believed made the threat, telling the person to stop. No charges were filed.

The Sheriff's office provided WFAE with a copy of one threat made against Garry McFadden. It also included this letter, telling the person to stop.

McFadden said he’s certain it wasn’t his idea to have deputies patrol his home.

“The sheriff never said that,” McFadden said. “The sheriff didn’t ask for them.”

He said his department decided he needed protection.

“My staff saw the safety and security of my family and me as their sheriff in jeopardy,” he said before adding, “That’s called leadership.”

The issue of threats to public officials is real.

Mecklenburg County judges have asked state lawmakers to give them public records exemptions to shield their addresses and personal information after some received threats.

And on Aug. 5, City Council members received an email with a death threat. CMPD sent patrol cars to some elected officials’ homes. Police then said they didn’t think the threat was legitimate and ended the patrols.

In the summer of 2020 during the George Floyd protests, City Council member Tariq Bokhari was outspoken about his support for Charlotte police. He said that resulted in credible threats against him and that the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department sent patrol cars to drive by his house hourly for two weeks.

“That two weeks, that was a lot,” Bokhari said. “And a long time. I’ve never heard of something happening that long before in this town.”

Black leaders face a higher level of public scrutiny, said Forsyth County Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough. He’s that county’s first Black sheriff.

"When you talk about executives in law enforcement of course it exists. The scrutiny is totally different," Kimbrough said. "It’s different in terms of I’m not judged in the same accordance as my counterparts."

Kimbrough said he takes threats more seriously because he is Black. Although he hasn’t had deputies patrol his home, Kimbrough said he knows of some Black sheriffs who have.

In McFadden’s case, why didn’t the sheriff’s office keep copies of other threats that would help in any future investigation?

Union County Sheriff Eddie Cathey said his department keeps a record of everything, including threats made against public officials.

“If you don’t document it, you have no record of history,” Cathey said. “You don’t know what that person [who may have written the threat] did in the past. And if you solve it, you need that information. All of our records are the same. Anytime we answer a call out here, we document it.”

The extra security duties outside McFadden’s home came as the county’s two detention centers — run by the sheriff — struggled with staffing shortages.

Deputies were ordered to make hourly security checks outside the Garry McFadden's house.

Although the road deputies who did security checks at McFadden’s home do not usually work in the jails, they were sometimes called in when detention officers were overwhelmed, during large fights between inmates, or just understaffed. State reviews found the detention centers often missed required safety checks of inmates.

Despite the demands on his department, McFadden’s office did not ask the Huntersville police to help protect McFadden. Police Chief Bence Hoyle — who oversees 100 officers — said the sheriff’s office never informed his department of a threat against McFadden.

McFadden said no one ever told him that the security checks were time-consuming.

“I didn’t see a problem with it,” McFadden said.

He said he invited deputies to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner at his house.

“[The road deputies] came by ... and ate Thanksgiving at my house ... and Christmas dinner," McFadden said. "So they had a chance at that time to tell me, eating dinner at my table to tell me, but there never seemed to be a problem.”


Anonymous said...

Here is my thoughts..

Garry knows that he is understaffed and running out of excuses. The recruitment video was total BS with the robbery response team. He is paranoid like most people under that much stress and public scrutiny. There are more resignations than ever and more assaults than ever. There are more offenders on the sidewalks than ever.

Charlotte is in deep shit and Garry is making enemies with Huntersville council men.

Anonymous said...

Well, anyone who voted for this horrible sheriff is an imbecile. That is NOT a ‘threat’, just a factual statement.

Anonymous said...

I think back to the days when CMPD offered free tuition to UNCC and Queens for Masters degrees. They offered 5% raise and cost of living adjustments. The shifts were 8 hours and moral was high.

Now, it’s a 2% raise with free tuition to CPCC with 12 hour days on the regular. It’s no wonder we have staffing shortages city wide.


Anonymous said...

This man has essentially been reelected because people stayed home from the most recent election. You can’t remove clowns like this if you Do NOT VOTE. He and his antics will be with us for another 4 years and probably till he retires because people will complain about him on sites like this but they won’t get off their butt and go vote. By not doing so, you essentially gave him a free pass. Don’t complain if you aren’t willing to take action. Disclaimer: This site repeatedly told us all to vote and I suspect few if any who post on here actually did that.

Anonymous said...

The mismanagement of the MCSO is so wide ranging and appalling you really can't describe it with just one news story. The wokeness is unimaginable. And the more people retire the more this crap is going to come out. Dark days are upon the city of Charlotte will it ever end?

Anonymous said...

I bounced from CMPD years ago Is IA still doing BS investigations on officers supervisors don’t like to get rid of them?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't Kerr hook him up with one of them top shelf CPI systems?

Anonymous said...

Don't be too hard on MCSO they used to have some pretty good people.

Anonymous said...

This all seems completely fair considering the Sheriff is a massive target to all of the residents that are able to leave, waiting trial. If one of them took that grudge out on his home or family, it would be a national tragedy. I hope MCSO is also doing the same ride-bys at Mayor Vi's home, and the City Council members residences. They deserve our full protection, and hourly check-ins seems to be the minimum, short of full-time protection.

Anonymous said...

This is a leader, right here. See, he invited those deputies in to his home, to share Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.

How's that for the Chik-Fil-A Experience?

Anonymous said...

McFadden is a clown its all about being a celebrity the next Kardashian. He can't manage, motivate or innovate. He's done nothing but cave to the WOKE left and BLM crowd. I don't care what color his skin is the guy is an idiot. He's not a leader he's a reactor.

Anonymous said...

Cane blame it all of McFadden, Merriweather dismissed all but a handful of the B&E cases brought to trial in 2021. In 37 court cases where I can called only 2 resulted in trials. That's a lot of work and cost to taxpayers for nothing. But the judges will toss a case every chance they get. Case gets called and some uniform is in the bathroom too bad DISMISSED!

Anonymous said...

Garry is an easy target because of how he acts. These problems have existed for 15 years.

Anonymous said...

So what is up with Garry acting the fool? Or Trump for that matter? Even CP saying Trump should shut up. All I see is diversity hires. CFD CMPD MCSO and more. How many CMPD and MCSO units roll out of county every night? Just asking for a friend. If I was Sheriff or Chief if you live out of county you'd be out of luck. I know for a fact most of VCAT lives in Gaston or Union county so maybe I'd give on that but then rest of you bums would be riding the Lynx!

Anonymous said...

You mean waiting on Lynx. That's another diversity hire that's blown up in their faces.

Anonymous said...

2:07 Waiting that is a fact. Feel like a fool paying the fare when I know that at least 1/2 of those riding aren't paying.

Anonymous said...

Is McFadden truly a "target"...??

Of whom?


The nuggets literally do not know who he is.... 🤦‍♂️

Anonymous said...

Lol ‘member when Garry talked about MCSO patrolling unincorporated parts of the county??

Anonymous said...

Garry is a joke. Talk about over inflated ego. Like Liz Chaney quoting Lincoln.

Anonymous said...

Garry brought this on himself. He said that the deputies serve at his discretion and then everyone quit on him.

The State is investigating him due to staffing complaints and increased injuries.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the fop fb post raising money for the officer hurt in the line of duty. So if that happens to me or anyone of us the City and CMPD turn their backs on us? We are screwed? How is that fair while the command staff and everyone else Sgt and above collect 6 figure incomes???

Anonymous said...

I’m trying to figure out what money they have to pay for an injury that clearly took place while on the job. Workman’s comp or how is the city not paying 100 % of those bills related to the injuries sustained. I get needing money for other income issues and I will gladly donate to that. My on-job injuries were never out of pocket

Anonymous said...

You are just a number. The city will drop you for a bad knee or slipped disk. Only minorities get put behind cushy desk jobs.

Anonymous said...

What time is the fag parade over in uptown?

Anonymous said...

For real tho, any legitimate pledge fund update?

Anonymous said...

Let's hope the queers decide to camp out downtown. Might "Revitalize" the area. Anything is better than what we have down there now...

Anonymous said...

God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness. How do you think “sodomy” got its name? Pride comes before the fall. Shame on CMPD and the City for supporting and hosting such a vile and sinful event.

Anonymous said...

Inexplicably, there will be a monkey pox outbreak next week.

Anonymous said...

513, uptown is completely different and horrible. It’s a dangerous place. The gays have been there for years.

Anonymous said...

u guys realize since the new warrant system went live not one criminal record from meck has been uploaded to state and national database? not one. since mid july. funny how that doesn’t make the news.

Anonymous said...

motherfucker you are so stupid. Crystal Cody Colbs was deleting reports and photos from KBCOPS for years. It’s been corrupted for years.

Anonymous said...


No you window licker, KBCOP stuff is expungement which has always been... and they even send you an email as the assigned investigator stating the case has been expunged and stuff is deleted.

1827 is right, there is a issue with updates to the actual criminal history that you receive at IG which is an issue.

Anonymous said...

40 years ago when nobody really lived uptown, the citizens fell into 2 categories: homeless people waiting on the Salvation Army to open, and gay folks in 4th Ward. Almost every unit was 1 or 2br. It didn't fit the life needs of anyone with children. Fast forward, and there are tens of thousands of people living uptown, and chances are still pretty good that if you pick a random one, they are either homeless or gay.

2234: Guaranteed: and the TV news will be hyping it huge. There will be normal people thinking they need a pox vaccine, unaware of the means of transmission.

Anonymous said...

I'm just glad that queer fest is done! Some seriously sick shit I saw this weekend. And people brought their children to that cess pool.

Anonymous said...

All this shit talk about the black man when there are plenty of loser white boys that retire and work as bank/panthers security or “trainers”. You always learn the truth about people after they leave CMPD. They can’t hide anymore behind.

Suck on that black cock. We run this place, now.

Anonymous said...


You are posting during 3rd shift hours therefore you run nothing...nobody who runs things is up on a Monday night lol

Anonymous said...

Most of y’all are very racist. Black people do go work and can be great managers. Garry worked here for 30 years. Meanwhile, most of y’all end up as security at panthers stadium and banks when you retire. I applaud this brother for accepting a new challenge as a leader, which is better than most retired CMPD.

Anonymous said...

3:56 he made it 30 years cause he couldn’t be fired like a white boy for some frivolous BS. You should see the “investigations” making their way into IA’s office… all white crackers. If your gay, black or possibly a white female that puts out the pussy.. the rules simply don’t apply to you and we all know it. By the way, how many homicides are we up to now?….. on a separate note most if not all the homicides from the same 13% of them population of the managers you say work hard??
Definitely not saying all black people are thugs, but come on.. stats don’t lie.

Anonymous said...

10:34 pm. too late. Mecklenburg had 112 cases out of the 250 in NC as of yesterday. Depending on how many days it takes to have an outbreak following exposure, the week after the festival could be oozing with monkey pox. How do you arrest someone with monkey pox? Masks aren't going to protect you from exposure to a blister.

Anonymous said...

546, name the names of the white crackers or shut up. Who was putting out pussy?

Anonymous said...

IA fired a detective for lying about his work hours, and now he sells cars. They targeted him for being a Caucasian male. This happens all the time, amigo.

Anonymous said...

1016… couple years back they fired a white boy at the airport for taking personal calls on his phone while at work… can’t remember his name but it was like 2-3 years ago. Also, Stukey be handing out the pussy.

Anonymous said...

Dispatcher: Hey Sgt. we have no cars clear in the entire city.

Sgt: 10-4

Dispatcher: Hey Sgt. Medic has no trucks available to respond.

Sgt. 10-4

Work 3rd shift and this happens every night. Hey you asked for it you got it. De fund the Po Po.

Anonymous said...

@0635 ain’t lying. Look at what IA does to officers now they wanna complain they short staffed. Hahaha. You asked for it, now you got it. The officers who wanna snitch getting what they deserve now. Went from taking 2 reports a day to 10, why? They is only 5 officers on a shift

Anonymous said...

726am: Preach Brother.

These people made their own beds so take those 10 reports. Sgts need to take reports too since they don’t deserve their rank like in Hickory Grove.

Anonymous said...

Many SGTs and LTs are former SROs and academy people. They haven’t done a wreck report in 10 years. Captain Garnes wants all guns removed from CMS. He never seized a 94 in his entire career in South and Recruitment.

Anonymous said...

7:26 hit it on the head. I know I get trashed as soon as I leave roll call… if we had staffing the job would be a little easier.

Anonymous said...

546 is telling the truth. If you are black or a female like Gabby then you can sit pretty until you get stripes. RIP all white men without pride bracelet and Koch.

Anonymous said...

My lunch just cost $18. I could care less who Ashley fucks, I just want more money in my check.

Anonymous said...

Things won’t ever get better. Not while affirmative action people get top tier positions and make stupid decisions. I hate that lunch cost $18 man. Try to keep your head down until your 30 years is up…. and by all means, take your time getting to that priority 1 where Tyron and Jamal be shooting each other… let them handle it among themselves. They don’t need no racist hero trying to be the police…

Anonymous said...

Who’s the thick female in IA who posts bikini pics on social media, looks like a West Meck alum.

Anonymous said...

She the one with the tig ol’ bitties?

Anonymous said...

Got a supposition for all the woke Dems we work with. So I was born white , but I now identify as black. Starting tomorrow I’ll be referring to myself and others as nigger since I’m black I can say that. See how this works? If you can identify as a woman, then I can identify as black and use “nigger” like Chris Rock or Dave Chappelle. Get ready. It’s coming.

Anonymous said...

☝️You don’t got a hair on yo ass unless you come in to roll call and say that tomorrow

Anonymous said...

It blows my mind how people do stupid shit around here and they think it will just blow over in a few years. Cedar tells the truth as always.

Anonymous said...

Which Majors should get dumped back on the road?

Anonymous said...

Watch the MCSO deputy shooting dash cam video on WSOC-TV. Garry needs to teach these guys how to do t-stops and safely. This deputy parked in middle of the road and walked straight toward the driver side of vehicle. Garry what are u teaching ur wanna be cops that can’t hack it anywhere else. U gonna get someone killed if u don’t train your “deputies” on how to conduct a traffic stop. This video should be used as training material at the cmpd academy on “what NOT TO DO”. Quit playing police and stay in the court and jail

Anonymous said...

I cant believe CMPD allowed this behavior with children involved. What is wrong with you people? Do whatever you want, but children should not be subjected to lewd behavior from anyone regardless of preferences. Is there no law preventing this? If you were going to allow this in public, did you have to allow children also? I would hate to see your idea of not family friendly.

Anonymous said...

I’m pretty sure they could sodomize a child on a float in full view of the entire command staff and ain’t shit would be said….. can’t hurt the alphabet crowds feelings, lest you be called a homophobe.. remember when Obama was running for president. All the gays wanted was “equal” treatment. Let us get married and have equal rights they said. When’s the last time you saw a heterosexual parade with males receiving fellatio from females in public view? You know, like Cecil got from Vanessa on duty.

Anonymous said...

Watch the MCSO deputy shooting dash cam video on WSOC-TV. Garry needs to teach these guys how to do t-stops and safely. This deputy parked in middle of the road and walked straight toward the driver side of vehicle. Garry what are u teaching ur wanna be cops that can’t hack it anywhere else. U gonna get someone killed if u don’t train your “deputies” on how to conduct a traffic stop. This video should be used as training material at the cmpd academy on “what NOT TO DO”. Quit playing police and stay in the court and jail

Anonymous said...

Will you all stop talking about pussy and just get back to work? We have calls holding.

Anonymous said...

9:04. Couldn’t agree more. This gay movement is like the affirmative action/constant race card being pulled… “we want equal treatment” etc. NO, you don’t want equal treatment, you want preferential treatment. I respect your right to sodomize each other and your damn well going to respect MY right to call it disgusting

Anonymous said...

Typical jail staff! CMPD has better pussy.

Anonymous said...

Why does cmpd hr director get a take home unmarked car with free gas? Why is she subject to call back? Why doesn’t the city hr director get that privilege and costs savings?

Anonymous said...

I respect your right to do whatever you want IN PRIVATE. I don't care. You do you. Just leave children out of it. The issue isn't about gay, straight, whatever your preference. The issue is lewd behavior in front of children and in public. If this was a straight pride event with people exposing themselves in public, or any sexual behavior with children present it would be equally disgusting.

Anonymous said...

722, why did Vicki Foster get rehired after the Dance lawsuit? Why is Garnes still employed after talking about Honkies in front of white people? Why is Gallant rehired but Pitney couldn’t do the same thing?


Anonymous said...

@7:22 because she obviously has something on the chief or someone high up.

word to the wise. if u need help with hr stuff go directly to city hr if you can.

our hr is terrible. the only place that has more turnover than cmpd hr is the animal control. kinda tells you all you need to know there.

and lastly, if u really really need something that’s of major importance save up for an attorney cause that’s the only way u are gonna get it. cmpd won’t move much till a good employment attorney gets involved.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of HR…. Does Stephanie Guest still work up there? She is one piece of Ace!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So I remember when the CMPD had higher standards with a minimum of 4 year degree or military discharge. The pay was 5% raise on a 9 year scale. The supervisors were respected and the shifts had 10 officers each.

What happened to us? GED, no felony conviction, no physical standard…

Anonymous said...

^^^ Why would any young person that is educated work in this Shit Show for what we are paid and have to tolerate these days? There are enough good paying jobs available. And if you want to pursue law enforcement there are far better agencies recruiting.

Anonymous said...

People try and quit like Miliken and they come crawling back. Other places expect you to actually work.

Anonymous said...

Serious question. Need help. So my neighbor comes to me to confess to aiding in election fraud and has a guilty conscience. He claims he was paid to drop off hundreds of phony ballots in several states during October of 2020. He thinks cause I’m a cop that I’m going to somehow do something …. But it’s a good question, where would he go if he wants to confess to this??

Anonymous said...

1708, this is a federal offense. Don’t worry Barr and the DOJ/FBI looked into it and everything was legit. Biden was the most popular President in American history 😂

Seriously though if he wants any hope of this seeing the light of day he’s best off reporting it to Project Veritas or some other place that’s not afraid to uncover the facts.

Anonymous said...

You can’t a relevant Blog if you don’t post for three weeks…

Anonymous said...

Well CMS is starting school with not enough teachers and having communinity members teach at the schools. Do you think Charlotte has problems?

Anonymous said...

@1513, what else do you want? The pay is pretty good for a cop - there’s shift differential, you can show off your ink, you can grow a beard. Y’all got what you begged for. What else would it take for you to stop whining and do your job?

Anonymous said...

1:38 try outer carriers you moron. Like the majority of departments in the country.

Anonymous said...

Try higher pay to retain talented officers longer than 5 years. Try firing shitty cops on the south side.

Anonymous said...

@1001, so if you get an outer carrier, you’ll shut the fuck up and do your job?

Anonymous said...

4:33 you are very stupid , the idiots still working here are to busy doing the jobs of 3-4 officers cuz staffing is so shitty. No time to do the job of one officer.