Saturday, December 31, 2022

The Things I've Seen

Some things you just have to be there:

Lined up for your landing approach looking out of the left side window while holding a wing down with the control yoke hard over.

A1A doing in an Audi A8 with a crazy Norwegian driving twice the legal speed limit.

The Old Candlestick Park where they served hot chocolate in May.

Summer Twilight in Alaska at Sea. The first time I woke up in Alaska up saw it was getting light rolled out of my rack went up on deck to watch the sunrise. I waited, and waited and waited.... 

Being the last skier off the mountain in Vail or Beaver Creek Colorado.

Running 20 knots on the ICW at night with a full moon in a 70' Hatteras Motor Yacht. 

Northern Lights in Maine.

The "Flo" for Breakfast on any Sunday.

Waking up to six inches of unexpected snow in October while tent camping on the AT in North Carolina.

Dog watch on any ship at sea, first or second. 

Outer Banks in January.

Sunset at Mallory Square Key West, Florida

Watching the sunrise from Cadillac Mountain, Maine.

Crossing the Gulfstream in anything smaller than 40 feet.

The view looking towards Alma and Fairplay Colorado from the Lake George Lookout on Highway 24. You can see Elbert, Grays and Lincoln Peaks 60 miles away and just past those Vail and Beaver Creek and then Aspen.

Fenway Park when the Yankees are in town. 

The Fairmount New Orleans pre Katrina.

Mr. Mosley at the Greenbrier Resort, White Sulfur Springs, West Virginia.

Surfin down waves in a 80 foot Lazzara Yacht heading north after a long season in the Bahamas.

The Saint Regis in Aspen for the daily Champagne toast.

Breakfast at The Chester Grosvenor UK. The Coffee like motor oil the eggs runny and the Sunday Times.

Anchored on Grand Bahama Island on New Year's Eve so close to Miami you can see the lights yet so far there's only silence and a lone lobster boat heading toward "Memory Rock"

So make it your New Year's resolution to get out there see the world. I you don't do it this year you'll only be a year older when you do! 


Anonymous said...

Four birdies at Augusta National.

Abhi said...

This blog in very informative for us

Anonymous said...

Wow! This makes me think about all my experiences. Probably none as exciting but just as meaningful.

Anonymous said...

I once saw a fat dog fart ! Does that count ?