Friday, May 24, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

 Memorial Day May 27, 2024 

Just a reminder its Memorial Day Weekend and while most of us know it as the unofficial start of summer it will also be known as High School graduation week for nephews Sean and Alex who will leave the safety of grade school and are college bound to Alabama and UNC-Charlotte respectively.

But lest we forget I'm going to offer up my take.

And then there is this:

The Western Union Telegram dated 27 March 1945


I imagine that my great aunt, the divorced single mother, didn't read much further as Donald was her only child.

Weeks later this letter from her son Donald would arrive:

Dear Mother,

Of course, I guess you know where I am now and why you haven’t heard from me in so long. We just came off the line for a little rest and cleaning up and will probably go “back up” pretty soon. I’ve been awfully lucky so far – Received your’s of the fifteenth today. I’m sorry that you have had to wait so long for word, but I’m afraid that it can’t be helped. 

A few more days should see Iwo Jima “secured” and quiet – and if any luck can hold out just a little longer – why everything should be alright – I don’t hardly know what to say – So I’ll Just close will write again as soon as possible – So – So long for now Love, Don.

Oddly enough the letter is dated 3 days after Pfc. Dufault was killed on Iwo Jima. Perhaps in the "fog of war" the days ran together or the date he was killed was simply recorded in error.

18 months later she would receive a medal awarded posthumously, a Presidential Unit Citation with two Silver Stars, which reads:

"For extraordinary heroism in action during the seizure of enemy Japanese-held Iwo Jima, Volcano Islands, February 19 to 28, 1945...."

The cost of taking Iwo Jima was high; 17,372 Marines Wounded, 5,931 Killed In Action. In total 6,862 US Service Members were Killed In Action during the battle which ran from 19 February – 26 March 1945. 

Today The Marine Corps War Memorial stands in tribute to all Marines including those like Private First Class Donald H Dufault gave the last full measure of devotion in the service of our Nation. 

Chester W. Nimitz said of those who fought on Iwo Jima, “Uncommon valor was a common virtue.” That statement is underscored by the 27 Medals of Honor awarded to Marines and Navy servicemen who fought there, the highest number awarded in a single battle.

And so we remember those who gave so much.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend and God Bless The United States of America.

The link below is to the Marine Corps History and Museums Division PFD about Iwo Jima which gives an in-depth overview of why the Battle for Iwo Jima was so important and how one photograph 73 years ago became an iconic symbol of heroism. 

Iwo Jima

One more thing:

Years ago I was in a antique shop in Bangor Maine where in the far back corner of the store was the flag of our nation with 48 stars. The flag was in a dusty and yellowed cardboard mailing box. The words Official US Government Department of Defense stamped on the outside of the box on both sides. The address was that of a Bangor residence and written across the address were the words REFUSED!

Inside a short typed note explaining that the flag "herein" was the one that covered Seaman First Class and his name before his body was submitted to the sea. It gave his full name and the coordinates and the date. 

I held the box the flag the note and imagined the emotion of the parent who held that box knowing what was inside and refusing to accept the package that symbolized that last full measure of devotion their son had given to our nation. 

I laid the box down and walked away. I needed to access my own feelings and thoughts. A few weeks later I returned to the store on a mission to claim the box, the flag and to properly memorize the young man I did not know. 

The flag was gone. Perhaps I was disappointed or maybe even relieved. I trust the flag was given a proper place of honor in someone's home and knowing that they did not die in vain. 

And So

This brings me to the current violent hate for America within own border. It is time to stand up for our nation. To the immigrants that have unlawfully crossed our border, and to the college students from Sudan, and Congo, from China and Iran that shout "death to America" your time here is over it is time for you to go.

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