Friday, July 5, 2024

Summertime Baseball

I'm a fan of baseball always have been. Not just the game but the history.

Now I get a lot of grief do to my concern and frustration with race baiters and race card idiots,

The President can't help but include race and racism in his Indepence Day address. This is the same guy who says "If you don't vote for me you ain't black".

I believe that today's African American Community is a mess but it has not a thing to do with Donald Trump, white supremacists or the KKK. I have no idea what happened. I can only say that as a southerner the Black men and women I've known for the last 30 years have been some of the most positive enjoyable people I have had the pleasure of knowing. 

This entire notion of racism is a bunch of garbage and yet can not explain the appalling and violent behavior of African Americans we see portrayed endlessly on social media.

So on to baseball. Bob Uecker once went to the mound to talk to Bob Gibson, and Gibson barked, “What are you doing out here?” Uecker replied, “Oh, nothing, just going out to talk to Curt Flood in center.” 

In the above photo are the 1964 World Series Champion St. Louis Cardinals team members. Keep in mind that this is the same year the Civil Rights Act was signed into law by Lyndon B. Johnson. If you believe the race baiters white men in baseball were dismayed the new law was about upend America's favorite pastime. And if you were to believe Joe Biden that without the Civil Rights Act African Americans would still be picking cotton.

But in 1964 the official team photo had to be retaken because in the first attempt (above), one black player, Gibson and one white player, Uecker held hands with big goofy smiles. No one noticed their antics before the picture was released to the press. Both players were fined by the Cardinals.


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