By the time you finish reading this massive scrum of bukkshit you'll want to take a long hot shower. You've been warned.
When a white CMPD officer shot and killed an unarmed black man two years ago, there were no riots here. Why not? The answer starts with the retiring police chief

Chief Rodney Monroe plans to retire July 1, after running CMPD for seven years.
THE HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION began in the driveway of the Bradfield Farms neighborhood pool. A young man’s body was riddled with 10 bullets—eight gunshot wounds in his chest, another in his abdomen, and the tenth in his upper left biceps. His wrists were handcuffed behind his back.
At 3:05 a.m. on September 14, 2013, a paramedic pronounced the man dead. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe was at the scene.

Monroe spoke to the Charlotte City Council last December about a proposed anti-racial profiling ordinance.
He had driven to this suburban community on Reedy Creek Road east of uptown to watch the investigation unfold, just as he does for nearly every homicide in Charlotte. He wanted to observe his detectives and crime scene technicians as they collected evidence and interviewed witnesses. He wanted to see what they saw, hear what they heard. “I’m looking and listening to everything,” he says of his strategy in such cases.
As the medical examiner would later note, the victim in this case was a strong, muscular young man. His name was Jonathan Ferrell, and he was a 24-year-old former college football player. At the time of his death, he was six feet tall and weighed 225 pounds.

CMPD has been hosting monthly forums designed to address conflicts between black citizens and police.
Woods framed the driveway where he died. The entrance to the Bradfield Farms pool is at the bottom of a hill, which is also surrounded by woods. In the darkness of the early morning, Ferrell had drifted off the road and into those woods and crashed his fiancée’s car. He had kicked his way out of the wrecked Toyota Camry and walked to a neighboring house to seek help, his family would later allege in court documents. That journey would lead to his death.
Monroe focused on the crime scene in front of him. When homicide investigators finished gathering evidence, he returned to police headquarters. He spoke to his detectives. He reviewed the witness statements. And less than 18 hours after Ferrell died, a warrant was issued to arrest the man who killed him.
This is how Monroe handles homicides. This incident was no different from his normal routine, he says. Except this time, the man his officers arrested was one of their own.
Continued adnausium here:
I just threw up a little in my mouth 😖
Since I'm sure he'll read this because it gushes his greatness. Webster, I mean Rodney, don't let the big wooden doors hit you in the ass on the way out! You were a fake and a disgrace to our badge from the start.
Rodney Monroe is a RACIST NIGGER PIECE OF SHIT. He was and is a disgrace to every department he has worked for. This was the opportunity he was looking for to throw a white officer under the bus. There was not a complete investigation done by the detectives. When the officer us found not guilty. I would sue his nigger ass and the department as well.
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