Friday, July 1, 2022

Happy Independence Day Walter

I have as they say "been around the block" a few times. 

I've traveled the world. I've driven through the slums of Tijuana more than once, and daily past the miles of tin shacks of Cartagena. I've traveled roads in Cuba, Honduras and Guatemala that I would not have otherwise done so without local friends. I've ridden buses in Costa Rica that slow to a crawl to navigate washed out roads every other mile. I know why people leave Latin America.

I've crossed the border at Nogales and Del Rio, places where even blue passport carrying Americans can be made to feel like illegal immigrants.   

I speak enough Spanish to get around with "hablo un poco espanol" and "habla mas lenta por favor" as my go to phrases. (I speak a little Spanish and please speak slower). My son, his mother's maiden name is Cortez de Lopez. 

Yet I'm not an expert on Latin American culture, and do not know how it feels to be a Cuban or Mexican in the United States during our Independence Day celebrations. 

But I do have an idea.

Our yard guy is from Mexico, he came to the United States when he was 5 years old.

His name is Walter, though I suspect that is not his real name, still he insists that it is, and so I honor his request and call him Walter. 

Walter works hard, he is super friendly and his prices are always fair. I tip his crew and thank him often for doing harder work than I care to undertake.  

If I ask him about the migration surge and illegal immigrants he tenses up. "My parents applied again and again to come here": he tells me. "They came here to be with my uncle and my cousins" and came legally.

He is not shy about politics.

Walter is a proud legal emigrant who does not like being “cubby hole’d” or grouped as a part of what democrats routinely to call marginalized “Black and Brown” Americans. 

I  jokingly ask, "So Walter what are you Latinx? He shakes his head no. Well how about Latino? Hispanic? Mexican? Or are you a Brown person?" 

He similes and he laughs and then adds I'm an American just like you! 

Yes you are Walter yes you are. 

Happy Independence Day Walter.


Central Transfer said...

So what’s it like working at the Airport? I’m thinking about putting in..

Anonymous said...

^^ it’s been said that Cedarpost true identity is “the Mazz” but it’s not him. He don’t even work at the airport anymore. That being said Airport duty is better than a regular division. Yes they treat us like mall cops but it’s better than the treatment I got in my old division.

Anonymous said...

I’m surprised Garnes ain’t out at thr Airport. Too many lazy white boys out there..

Anonymous said...

How many hire backs you all got out there now? Looked like an old folks home last time I flew out

Anonymous said...

336, that’s the truth. South has a guy that’s 64 on patrol. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

Airport has gotten interesting lately. But still dull compared to Steel Creek or Hickory Grove. Only a matter of time.

To Cedar's point - I know many new Americans from south of the Rio Grande aka Rio Bravo they are not fans of woke or democrats. Most are like Cedar's Walter so proud and thankful to be Americans.

Anonymous said...

359, does CMPD still do that thing where they put special people on special units and first shift after one year?

That might work for you.