Police say the victim a Hispanic male and alleged drug dealer who had agreed to meet Holmes and her boyfriend Jonathan Fitzgerald at an apartment complex off of Central Avenue Sunday afternoon. That is when Holmes and Fitzgerald robbed the man. During the ensuing fight the man was stabbed.
He was pronounced dead on the scene by MEDIC.
A witness said she saw Holmes cover the victim's mouth while her boyfriend Fitzgerald stabbed the man several times.
Police believe the stabbing was the result of a drug deal that went wrong.
Holmes myspace page gives little indication that she had the potential to become a killer, or that she was on a drug crazed high. Her only comment about Fitzgerald:
:right now, i'm the happiest person you'll ever meet because of jonathan tyler fitzgerald:) i love you baby boy"
Yet her screen name says it all "SecurityInTradgedy"
Danielle Holmes mug shot is not an attractive photo. It is a sad ending to a young life that took a stunning wrong turn.
It makes me want to scream at parents WAKE UP!
Cedar Posts Update:
Charlotte Police have named the man Danielle Holmes killed, he is Oscar Alvarado Chavez 22. County records show only traffic offenses and that Chavez was not an illegal.
Don't worry Cedar. She'll roll on her beau, and be given a light sentence compared to her accomplice. For some reason, women murderers are always treated differently than males.
See Fred Lane, the old black widow in Anson county, the lady who killed Judge Roberts in Rock Hill, etc. Although 2 of these cases have yet to be decided, 100% they won't be treated as if they were males.
Out in 2 yrs, min security jail, off to kill again...
I kno Fitz and know of Danielle and for one..Johnathan has been in plenty of trouble invoving drugs and alcohol..as far as the chick...suprised if she dont have a disease since she been around town more than the mail man has.. Fitz was always a lil punk trying to make a name for himself!!!
You are just a pathetic loser who has no lie and has to talk about people you know nothing about. Your a weird creep to go on her myspace and pull her pictures. Get a liffe cuz you have no idea what your running your mouth about an. Stay out of other peoples lives. Freaking weirdo.
What is the matter? Did big bad ole Cedar Posts upset your breakfast? Skool must be really interesting this morning with a couple of killers behind bars. Look chickey it is what it is, you hang out with low life you are bound to become one of them. These two geniuses just took the express ten items or less checkout lane.
They will both get the needle and we'll let God sort them out. That is if these two pieces of fresh meat survive the next 3 years in jail before their trial.
Fitzgerald shouldn't be worried about the legal aspects, but of the Mexican drug gangs. He killed one of their guys who brought in money to the gang.
The jails are full of these gangs wanting to make a name for themselves.
His family should be concerned for their lives and I would recommend moving out of the country.
He's toast in jail, and probably won't make it to trial date.
You guys r all a bunch of fuking weird asses that sit here and blog all day. U guys don't know shit about Jonathon or Danielle and I'm sure he'll do alot better than your pussy ass in jail. I bet u couldn't last two days in jail fukin faggot. If anyone has nemore shit talk hit me up7046990482 I'll straightin u out
Look like another one of Fitz's shit piles got out of bed to spew his vile waste around the world. Too bad he'll be next. Max will get maxed!
Big talk for such a little dick. Were do these retard like Max come from?
These are all human lives.
Don't get too cocky.
There is suffering here.
Trailer Trash meets White Trash Beautiful may they both rot in hell.
Sounds like Max and Fitz may have been something of an item. Sorry you didn't get to kiss him goodbye. At least you'll have the good memories, holding hands, snuggling on Sat nights, shooting dope.
For some reason, I expect to see Max on the front page as well.
i gave u my number pussy 7046990482 lets meet and u can see how gay i am
Word on the street for punks like Max amd Fritz, Sanchez is looking for you.
Make no mistake messing around with H is not smart,though Max wouldn't know H from sticks of weed.
As far as trailer trash I doubt Max is trailer trash more like tent or public housing trash.
Must be one of the burger flippers who claim they make more that 250k a year on my space.
Hey Cedar I bet you can turn up a photo or two of Max if you look.
Tats on his forehead or a bunch of ache hard to tell from what I've seen.
Why don't you just stop by.
5727-A North Sharon Amity Road.
I'll be looking for you.
Great idea giving your digits to the feds!! Bravo, young man for being angry about the truth and not being smart enough to realize that it is on your side and will set you free...
you sound so angry Max, what could make you that way without giving consideration to your own inner beauty?
Someone please post Max's number on Craigslist...
I understand that Max Heavner of Harrisburg is also a tight with his best bud Demeatrius Montgomery and thinks he was set up.
Relax folks...
Max is just angry because he'll have to sleep alone tonight, while Fitzgerald gets to sleep with someone else. Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Hey Max, what's it like?
Folks, it is obvious from Max's posts that he is a very angry, immature young man trying to defend his friend. Don't feed into it - we are all adults here. The worst thing that could probably happen to him is that his parents read this.
You guys are pathetic and max giving his number don't mean shit cuz e isn't doing anything wrong. It's just that y'all are a bunch of old idiots that have nothin better to do then gossip. And who the fuck is Demetrius? He and I both don't know him so there you go again acting like u know something when you don't. Grow the fuck up and realize his isn't for entertainment it's someones life.
I hate to break it to you Max but JFitz prob wont last in jail. I have cared a great amount for him since the 8th grade, many of us have and we reached out to him. He chose not to give a shit. Maybe now he will understand what he has done to his life and if its not to late change something.
All I know about Danielle is that she's a nice little sult, who's myspace photos scream fuck me hard and doesn't care who is banging her ass.Just the same I would have never expected this.
Max you are such a fagtard
You children have turned true human suffering into a schoolyard name calling pissing match. How selfish and cruel is it neccessary for you to be in order to feel self important ?
Pray you do not see your own fate turn so swiftly. Be careful what you say. These things come back to haunt you.
I knew danielle
i went to school with her
shes a good girl.
it seems like drugs took control of her life.
if her boyfriends a real man, he'll take full responsibility and hopefully danielle will get out before shes 30.
but its in the hands of the judicial system now.
I'll be praying for both danielles family and the victims family, and if any of you have some decency you'll be doing the same.
people make mistakes. its part of life. however, murder is a messy business, and whatever happens in jail happens. only god can decide their fate.
peace and respect
-chef dre ray
Chef Dre Ray
Thank you for speaking from your heart with compassion. That is what this world need more of.
This are people here. Human lives.
We all come into this world the same way and leave the same way.
It is all too easy to pass harsh judgment. One life was lost. Many
others destroyed. You tough asses try supporting a family, raising a child, sacrificing for a greater good, only to see all hopes dashed.
Most of you punks can't even support yourselves. When you are a parent maybe you will understand.
I don't like removing comments, the voices of reason, as well as those who are unreasonable even those I don't agree with are welcome.
However, droping the "F" bomb in every sentence is a sure fire way to get your comment deleted.
Because it's my show and I said so!
i knew danielle for a very long time we where childhood friends that girl in the mug shot is not the same girl everyone knew a year ago those photos off myspace are from 1-2 years ago? when she didnt even know her boy friend she went to a good school and had her life on track did you ever think maybe there was something els going on in her life? you dont know her i grew up with her and for you to call her a "murderer' you are wrong because in your little article did you not say that a witness saw holmes hold the victims mouth while her BOY FRIEND stabbed the victim 7times? and did you ever think that now some scum bag wont be selling heroine to 17 year old girls now? watch what you say because in this world there is a little thing called karma.
Wow. E.M. Moore how can you even bring up compassion? Really because im quite compassionate but when a 17 year old girl looks at someone or maybe she didnt even look at him but either way put her hands over there mouth to silence them while they are stabbed to death, well ill tell you she has compassion from me alright.
Also your right they say she wasnt the one stabbing the victim. Thats great because sitting there and holding your your hand over someones mouth knowing they are about to die and being "ok" with it well thats not murder at all right.
She just knew he was going to die, just knew it was going to happen, and just knew by holding her hand over his mouth it was going to what stifle him? Who knows? Only her and im sure she feels horrible right now. Maybe even...COMPASSIONATE!!!!
If you have ever been around a person using herion only then would it become clear how this could happen.It will make you kill your on family memeber....Had a daughter that was killed in a car wreck and was high on the drug.It turns you into a stranger to your own family and your need for the drug is as big as your need for life.You will kill,still,rob and sell your body to keep that high.Dont be so quick to judge people....one day this could be your son,daughter,child,mother or father....never thought it would happen to my daughter.
CP - None of the three people in the story are victims- you have a Heroin dealer and two junkies who decided to rob and kill the dealer- how do you come to the conclusion he is not an illegal?? Just because thats the name LEO are releasing doesnt't mean it's correct or not an alias or one of many alias...none are less guilty in this case..deserve no sympathy - They are the problem with society today and the sympathizers only enable them to continue.
looks like you need to remove a few more post that use the f bomb!! why not remove them all or do you like to pick and choose
Yes, compassion and love.
The hate, anger, rage,... violent
words ...serve little purpose. There are 3 families involved. There are parents and siblings and friends and neighbors. What is their crime? Do they deserve the vitriolic diatribes being spewed ?
I have lived through both sides of
a story like this. Compassion my friend. And hope.
The crimes are unforgivable.
They will pay for their actions.
Perhaps with their own lives.
That last post sounds a lot better E.M. Of course I can show compassion to there families, thats not hard. But even though I grew up with Jonathan being a close friend, compassion is and will never be a word I feel towards this situation for either of the two.
And I understand that many people think that because the "victim" is a Mexican and a drug dealer that he is not really a victim and that is easy to take in however it doesnt change the fact that its still murder and that two teenagers sat there and were capable of stabbing and watching and allowing someone to die.
I pray that Jonathan will understand how truly sick he has become and make a change so a life and lesson isnt wasted.
To know first hand the anquish someone has created in the world around them can certainly create much hate and anger. It is not easy to "write off" someone you know and may have loved. In your case it sounds not like a lack of compassion...but you simply have run out of it with him. That is more than many of us here can say or offer.
I am sorry you lost a friend or more accurately...your friend lost himself. It sucks.
And he took down a sweet kid
who otherwise would have been welcome at my breakfast table anytime.
For that I am truly truly pissed
I must admit.
To everyone who is accusing Danielle of murder, consider what you would so if the person you love just killed someone. She panicked. Anyone would.
I have known Danielle since we were in sixth grade. I know her family, I know her sister, and I know the personal issues she had.
She is a good person that put herself in a bad position. She isn't a murderer.
She was manipulated by Jon. He asked her to marry him solely to get more control over her. She was disillusioned, not because she is a heartless murderer, but because she sought escape in the arms of an evil boy who fed her a steady supply of drugs and made her believe he cared about her.
Believing him was her fault, but this murder can't be put on her shoulders.
Before the next person posts another accusing comment based on on nothing more than speculation, consider if you would be saying the same if it was your middle school friend.
Love you, Danielle. xxoo
This cute little whore held down someones son while her boyfriend stabbed stabbed him eleven times he bled out in less than five minutes! Premeditated murder gets you a free ride on the state gurnney to hell.
The First 48 producers are giving high fives all around. Ms. Holmes is going to be a huge star! A major draw and she was just being herself.
Amazing, novel way to become a reality tv star.
You go girl!
I still do not think you understand this man was selling this drug to kids, children do you understand that? there are sick people out in this world that are obviously old enough to know that you should not be selling these things to 17 year old girls kids period you think you know your kids? do not be so quick as to judge. i can not seem to understand how you can judge someone fully based on what you have heard that just sounds to be a bit hypocritical if you ask me. you are entitled to your own opinion yes but in this situation you can not take sides everyone is at fault danielle had no one to guide her in the right direction she is a smart girl who made dumb choices but don't we all some not as bad as others but all bad in there own way jonathan for his influence on a young girl who put her trust in a boy she thought cared about her and would protect her someone she could trust but as you see that is not the case she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and if you have children how does it make you feel to know the kind of world your children are growing up in? do you see how easy it is for ANY one to get ahold of these drugs and that there are people like that man in this world who are willing to sell these drugs to your children not thinking twice about the consequences just so they can make a quick buck that is how the drug world works when you get involved with drugs like heroine thats not a joke you sell hard core drugs you need to expect things like that to happen. how do you feel knowing just in this past weekend there have been three separate homicide cases each and every single one a different case? what are the police doing to keep our streets safe and keep people like that guy off the streets? and prevent kinds like danielle and jonathan from being able to access it and in such a public and open place like an apartment complex. the parents for not seeing the sings not paying attention to what their kids are doing. so do you feel safe knowing that there are people out there who have no problem selling drugs to your children. you think you know your kids? your kids friends? even your next door neighbors? many people like myself knew danielle, the real danielle but this goes to show you how well do you really know someone? how far are they willing to go, push the limit. you don't just become a heroine addict in one day she fell into the wrong crowd and made some bad choices.
Oh blah blah blah.
Yea im sure she panicked to, however she waited and panicked after she helped kill someone.
Im also assuming that the said dealer was most likely in his 20's and when you dress and act older well how was he suppose to know she was a teen? I mean in reality she shouldnt have been buying heroin.
If it wasnt for people using heroin like her Mr. Drug dealer wouldnt have been selling drugs.
And oh jeez its all about the family and how will they cope.
Well you got some parents who just found out they have junkie teen murderers for kids and then you have some set of parents who are mourning the death of there son.
Ever thought about the victim? Oh wait probably not because he is a drug dealer.
Also to the person above me we will start with the fact that I knew Jonathan quite well thank you.
And once again there you go acting like this guy was some old man selling to children when really he could have been close to there age and did you really just ask what the cops were doing?
Im not sure if you know this but they arent super heros.
But you are right about one thing, they were all in the wrong werent they?
Two junkie murderers and a dealer who might just have been on some drugs himself.
To the above,why all the anger.You new jonatahn quite well.....makes me wonder.Has anyone ever stopped to think the dealer attacked Jonatahn first and it was self defense....We have no idea what happen inside that car but the truth will come out.Mexicans have many names they use so I not convinced he was legal....he was a runner for a gang and i'm glad he's dead.
uhmmm to the person above me...now if i was buying drugs (i smoke weed not really a DRUG) and i was getting it from someone shady (i wouldn't) and they ATTACKED me, i would beat them unconscious. NOT hold their mouth shut while my boyfriend stabbed them. are you insane? you are justifying MURDER!!! you think MURDER is not as bad as selling DRUGS? what is wrong with you!?!?!
To the person above me haha thank you because there is clearly someone losing there mind.
Yes im sure if I got into the car with someone and they attacked me id have my g/f strategically put her hand over there mouth while I stab them to death.
Your apparently on drugs yourself.
And why would someone attack two people who are in There car? In a public area?
Well then again why would you stab someone to death in a public area with people clearly watching?
And all it takes is for someones social to be ran through the system to see if they are citizens or if its fake or belongs to someone else.
And why the anger? Well im sure that you would be angry two if someone you cared deeply about pushed everyone away and let his life turn out this way.
Im also a little frustrated with the fact that people can think that holding your hand over someones mouth so someone else can stab them to death isnt pretty much murder.
i meant i wouldn't lol sheesh it was like 8 in the morning haha. and no weed is not a "drug" silly, well at least for me it isn't. i have a license.
lol nvm...had to re-read i'm stupid. <3
I hope they both fry and soon. I should not have to pay to keep these losers in jail. They murdered a guy. Period.
Jonathan was my very first best friend I made when I moved to North Carolina. We where together every day for almost three years, never dated, never wanted to, we where just best friends. When he started doing dope, he changed, I quit talking to him a few months ago. Then I found out about this happening and it broke my damn heart. You people don't know him, nor do you care too. No one knows what really happened in that car, anything could have went down. I think it's really sick to read these comments, and see that you people take time out of your days to do this. Max is an old friend of mine too, him and fitz where almost family, wouldn't you want to defend your brother? Even if it was for something this tragic. All of you people see him as a murderer, and simply a murderer, but me, I still see him as the innocent curly headed kid on his skateboard meeting me at my bus stop. I know you guys aren't going to stop talking about it, regardless of what I say. He's been through some shit, he has a story, and even though I could never fathom killing another person, I understand what went on in his head when he did.
First, to the person above me. Are we supposed to feel sympathy or something? What is the point you are trying to get across? Because he was a curly headed dork with a skateboard at one point we should forgive him for this? We all have a story little girl.
And I wanted to mention this Max character. I read something where he was going off in a text or something. He sounded like an ignorant little wigger boy. Don't try to be all hard because you are just another punk ass little NC suburbia wannabe who is probably another faggy Eminem clone. You need to realize that you are making your friend look even worse than he already does. Let me quote Max talking about his buddy. "He's just like me. He's a soldier and some time aint shit" This has to be one of the most retarded things I have ever heard. Hey Max you dumb fuck this is not "some time" we are talking about here. He’s not going on vacation. He didn’t get popped for j-walking son. He is never getting out alive... you understand that don't you?
Some more of this Max guys genius. "If any Mexicans try to fuck with him in there he's gona wipe the fuking floor with him he already gutted one of them motherfuckers the next one he can just beat to death" Ok, I saw the picture of this kid. He is a punk ass scrawny little white boy like Max. He is going to get beaten down in there especially if any of the victims friends happen to read the dumb shit you have been saying. This kid is not a hardened criminal because he has spent a few days in jail in the past. The truth is he will be lucky to make it to trial. It is likely that he will be the one being used to wipe the floor. All you have to do is look at him to know that.
And I understand how you feel Jillian. I met him at the end of 7th grade and he was a pretty big part of my life. Not maybe as much as yours but none the less I spent a lot of time and effort with him. It hurts to see whats happened. Left me in shock. It hurts that no matter how many times I reached out to him it only affected him for what an hour? He has been through a lot of stuff and know one can help him now but him self. Things went downhill hill so fast.
He is of course going to pay for what he did and I understand that but I hope that something clicks in his brain. There is always time for change.
God has not forsaken them.
They may have been spared a life of misery and now been given the chance to reform themselves. If not redeem themselves.
It is refreshing to hear some positive, heartfelt comments.
For that I respect you all.
Maybe we can catch the next one before they fall.
Still, a man is dead.
That will come with a price
Jonathan, traveled thru my house many times...He had emotional issues that led him to drugs.Some times us parents, miss the signs because some of us are single parents trying to provide, work to much, and besides paying attention we assume that bc they are teens they will do the right things while we are working. Sometx u notice when its to late. Heroine is a very bad drug.it will make u emotionless..My heart crys for his family.His mom is a good person..she lost control..There needs to be more programs but into place to get the kids off the streets while single parents are working, and they should be free to those who cant afford. His mom, tried to have him violated...Cabarrus county wouldnt help, and look whats happened..a dam shame...there are alot of gangs in cabarrus county, and i know jonathan was linked to some of them, and this kid needs to be isolated, bc I am sure it will be some sort of tradegy inside for him....The kids both need to be put in a mental aslyum to serve their term...The parents need to pursue temporary insanity, because thats what harsh drugs do to you!
To the above...His mother failed him in many ways.She was living her on party life.You can find her most weekends at the neighborhood bar.When we skipped school we went to fitz's house.She didnt give a damn what we did.She could party just as hard as all of us so she should be able do handle this shit.
To the above...His mother failed him in many ways.She was living her on party life.You can find her most weekends at the neighborhood bar.When we skipped school we went to fitz's house.She didnt give a damn what we did.She could party just as hard as all of us so she should be able do handle this shit.
Jillian i so agree with you, Jonathan was my boy and i loved him. I stopped talking to him after he had been doing H for a while as well. He did some messed up things to me and my boyfriend, but it still broke my heart when i heard about this. Jonathan, your in my prayers every day. I pray that you have the opportunity to get clean and start a new life.
-- Megan Bowling
I have presonly know Jonathan from 6th grade. You have no idea what that child grew up with . Be spent every day searching for that void in his life that happened when his dad passed away. If you don't know him like I do - don't jugde let ye be jugdef. Trust me you never know, son, grandson, daughter, sibling could be sitting there next. Drugs don't pick & choose!!! Be careful what you say about others & I assure you the threat that was against him family will be reported. I'm prenting this right now and taking it to a "friend" that I promise will take care of it. Umm sounds like you personally know that herion gang. Have fun with the shit you just caused yourself j
I was talking about the police just so you knowwwww!!!
Just a little note Max, Jillian & Megan:
Never been prouder to see my kids stand up for one of our own... I see Danelle this and that, ppl saying what a good kid she was and ALL she did was hold his mouth. BS! Nobody but herself stuck those needles in her arm. Go back and look what she looked like a year ago till today. Jonathan didn't force her to do anything, ever. Truthfully at the worst of his addiction he was a selfish person- shed have had to get it on her OWN cause he was out of money.that's the only reason she was ever even with him. I stopped talking to him too because I didn't want that stuff around me. It makes me furrious you guys want to blame him. When she got out of her car & got in that car. Then now you see just how strung out she was and none of her "friends" did anything- at 17 y'all could have put her in rehab. Stop blaming Jonathan and take resplosiblity that she played an active role in this. Johnathan would have never asked her to put her hands over that guys mouth . Bet you anything he told her to STAY in the car & she didn't. I'm not saying fitz is innocent, he did his crime & he'll do the time. I'm just saying Danelle is just as quilty - she was shooting up as much as fitz was and she would have done ANYTHING for that next fix. It's the life of a herion addict. I pray for both of them every single day. And I always will. Not only did one youngan loose his life, two teens will spend thiers in prision. It's that enough for all you haters? I mean really. I pray your children never have something like this happen. Wouldn't you just love to read the hate spewing from peoples mouth like this... Think about it .. There for the grace of God go I !
What a shocking waste of a fine chunk of ass. One thing's for sure she'll get the ass pounding she needed in prison 24/7.
I'd bet Fitz was such a limp ass d-bag that she was just using drugs to deal with her dead as his dick sex life.
She had that fuck me hard look up until last year drugs took her life away long before her crimes.
Wow. To the above comment: you must have no life--- no wait ! I bet she turned you down !!!! It's just sick the way you talk about them. I think you need professional help. Ugggh. Or maybe your 12 and only think with that part of your body.. 1 person lost his life & 2 teens will spend the rest of thiers paying for it & all you can say is how bangable she was. Get HELP. You need it.
holy shit there are too many comments about this shit. i dont understand why the fuck you would take time to read and post about people you dont even know. i read this page and 50% of the things said about fitz were bullshit. heroin changes people. when you dont have it you are so sick you cant function. with that being said, you will do ANYTHING in your power to get it. he thought he could go pull out a knife, and get some free dope. well, something went wrong..we might never know but it was but i guarantee you that his or danielles life was at risk. it pisses me off reading all these lies. i want to smack the shit out of some of you.
She didn't turn me down or most of they guys I know, shit man we all fucked her, she gave it up all the time until she hooked up with fitz then she changed would rather get wasted than fuck. Shit a couple of her pps told me she was working as a hooker to pay for the shit and giving the money to fitz way sucks
fitz was a good guy who took the wrong path. and thats just the way it is. personally, i dont give two fucks he took the life of a herion dealer. however, i dont give a fuck about some herion dealer like none of you guys give' a fuck about some " junky murderer" so maybe its because i didnt know the victim. And 90 percent of u dont know fitz, or danielle.thats y ur being so harsh. the bottom line is that they all had a family, a story, and maybe even a dream. we havnt walked in their shoes,we havent looked at shit through their eyes, and we havent felt their pain. so dont fukin try to justify their mistakes </3
haha woowww this shit is waacckkk!!
the only reason im commenting is just to shout out to max and jimmy! whatss upp! aint these ppl clueless!!like what they say is gonna make me change bout how i feel bout danielle or fitz.. ppl like me jimmy and max who knew them kno what its like to go thru what they did..and none of yall know the first thing bout our strugles and how life is when your kicked down to the point of using just for some escape in life. its HARD REALLY REALLY hard..and i laugh at all you ppl who talk so harsh about fitz and danielle because i know for a fact if u were put in any of our shoes YOU COULDNT TAKE IT!
<3 MO
As someone who knows Danielle, it disgusts me that this is what comes up on google. Don't act like you know a fucking thing about her or her problems.
So, with al due respect, FUCK YOU. Find something better to do.
If you actually know Danielle Holmes or Jonathan Fitzgerald and would like to set the record straight please contact Stuart Watson at swatson@wcnc.com.
They'll both be out within 10-15 years. Period. You heard it here first. Thats if the prison gangs dont get either of'em. With their golden opportunity to contribute towards or straight fuck society. I danced with that devil longer than half their lives...but murder? Come on...Opiates are the evilest chemicals of mankind.
Dumb hoe and Dumbass kid, killing someone for 200$ worth of dope. Enough said. Enjoy your new life dumb fucks.
jonathon fitzgerald is a dumbass pussy loser stabbing someone for heroine wow just wish i could beat the shit out of em my self could luck in jail DUMBASS
Hope they both rot in jail!!!!
Both.... bitch doesnt deserve
Bail.. Watch the first 48 episode,,
Jonathan was taking the blame,,
But then she confessed & she
Took the blame!! Guilty,, guilty!!!
plus she brags about being
Crazy and shell hurt any girl
Who has a problem with her,
In this case it was a dude
Oh great, lets all listen to Jillian Patrick. The same girl that's been passed from junkie to junkie, I'm sure she knows exactly what she's talking about. Greater yet, why don't we listen to EVERYONE from Concord? Nothings but great opinions and healthy activities are circulated there, obviously.
You pathetic wastes of semen.
What's with all the "Mexican" references anyway?!
He was from El Salvador idiots. Get your geography right. Duh just shows how ignorant and racist not to mention homophobic with all the "fag" references.
K here we go...max and jimmy man I knew fitz too maybe not as well but still... these ppl are Fucking stupid let them talk there shit. It's all they have to do they're hooked on this blog shit like fitzs prob with h. And for jillian and Megan I don't know yall that well...well hardly at all but you knew fitz to so it means alot to me ..what you said about fitz nobody will ever understand who he really was ........
they both need to be put in phsyc wards thats it no if ands or buts about it i know the girl pretty damn well and all i know is drugs changed her as they do everyone but she's crazy legit wack and needs to be put on meds and be put in a padded room alone.
oh thats funny those old photos you have? cause one of them is taken at my damn house! oh and the fuck shit photo yeah mhh she got that from stevo off jack ass who has the same shit like you guys are idiots i mean really like what they did was horrible no excuse but to be so ignorant to say the things you do ever think that oh idk maybe its the PARENTS fault i was raised right so i know where im going in life but those two on the another hand different story you know some people arent as lucky as some of you ignorant bastards with your million dollar homes nice cars you walk around with your noses in the air think your hot shit and just look down upon anyone who isnt up to your standards well you know what guilty or not take your money and shove it up your ass atleast there are FEW people out there in the world you dont bask in there money and go to strip clubs and bars and cheat on there husbands and wives you all act like your damn angles lets get some names from you "anonymous" people and lets see how clean your records are oh wait thats right you probably dont have a damn thing on them cause you just had mommy and daddy pay some big time lawyer to get it all cleared up for you isnt that right? nothing justifys murder but your blaming two kids for where they are now today? maybe if half of you selfish ignorant ass holes would do something to help kids like these before they get into situations like this you talk all your crap YOUR NOT DOING SHIT TO FIX IT. so take your money and cheating wives and husbands and go take a damn vacation or something and get off this damn blog site.
9524 Millen Drive, Harrisburg
Jamison M. Heavner
'The First 48'. In it, Jonathan admits to the killing and says that Danielle had nothing to do with it, that she wasn't in the car. When Danielle was interviewed by the cops, she stated she got into the car alone, flirted with the dealer, got confused because he seemed so nice, but attacked him anyway. She pulled out the knife and admitted to stabbing him in the neck. Seeing what was going on, Jonathan then got in the car and fought with him, and the rest is, as they say, history.
danielle just had a baby a few weeks ago lmao
dude you are really posting this on every blog..you are cool you really have a life.
Wow! I cant believe her wet little pussy is in jail now. She must've slid 100 miles on my dick.
Hi...would love to meet you. State your name. Afraid to? It's so easy to write trash without posting a name. Worried that someone will know differently. To all of those who wrote about opiate abuse...thank you for your honesty. These drugs triggers a chemical in the brain that literally alters the thought patterns of an individual. How in the world could someone write such a nasty comment as the one above mine? With that being said... you too kind sir needs to have your verbiage improved. Opiates are so mind altering. Maybe you too are on some form of drug. In that case..get some help! Just in case you don't know me..I am Danielle Holmes's mother. Maybe your next statement won't be so distasteful. Let's turn this blog into a forum on opiate abuse. Just might help some of you that actually needs information. I would have loved to have had all the information that I now have. Still there is so much more to learn.
Cedar, you should remove this comment above Jill's it is pretty sad attempt to piss some people off.
Also I see where you have asked Jill to contact you via email. I take it she doesn't respond?
I know you are good friend with Morgan at FOX and Dianne G at WNBC but why don't you do a story of Danelle directly.
Formal challenge $100.00 says your all talk.
Well I didn't know her then but I know her now cause I been her bunkmate in NCCIW Women's prison in Raleigh and she is a wonderful person and mother and daughter and sister and she deserves a new trial and early release cause at the end of the day people make mistakes all the time and she definitely has learned from it for sure but she has a son that needs her and Asap and she is doing really well in Cosmetology and still beautiful and very strong minded and she going to make it out of there really soon and make her and son a life they deserve together and live happily ever after! No matter what she has done her family and the Lord forgive her so with that being said I Love U Danielle Holmes and hope to hear from u very soon! God Bless U and your family! And Fuck all u judgemental assholes and get a life! Enough Said! That Part! Loves U!
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