The Charlotte Observer is reporting:
Charlotte-Mecklenburg police say a mother and her children were carjacked Wednesday afternoon after visiting Discovery Place in Charlotte's uptown.
The woman told police she and her children were returning to their SUV on Hearn Place, a short distance from Discovery Place. She said a man armed with a gun ordered them to hand over the keys, and she said the assailant struck her 14-year-old son on the head during the incident.
The man drove off in the Infiniti QX56, headed toward North Graham Street, police say. The man left his weapon behind, and police say the gun was a fake.
The teen's injuries were not serious, police say. The family had traveled from Easley, S.C., near Greenville, to visit Discovery Place. Police did not release a description of the assailant, or the license tag number of the vehicle.
Funny ad at the bottom of the article says: Recommended Stories,
Man's penis cut off, put through garbage disposal | 670 people recommend this.
WBT terminates Tara Servatius | 546 people recommend this.
I wonder is there some connection between the two stories?
I'm surprised you saw the article the way it was burried in the paper. All I saw was the Lizard Man story.
Was this on the tv stations the day it happened, or since?
Why not?????
This is a pretty big story and RANDOM ACT OF VIOLENCE!
Charlotte Observer or any other local media doesn't want to point out anything bad going on in Charlotte. That might upset Foxx or Monroe or Council or anyone else who doesn't want people to know--especially when it's so close to convention 2012 territory.
Journalists are required for this. Not media.
New site on FB...called:
And no I didn't create it Cedar,wish I had though! lol
You will not see me defend the media often- however, as one on CMPD's "media e-mail list," I can tell you this incident information did not come to all media outlets.
I will explain... media access to info has changed dramatically at the CMPD since Chief Monroe took office. If you don't follow the 'unsaid' new rules, your access to info is cut of and/or limited.
Since 2006, the "media" email list would receive a significant event log each morning via email. I started to publish it daily! Soon after, Chief Stephens authorized for the significant event log to be published online along with all 911 calls for service.
BOTH of these services are now removed from the CMPD site and the media does not receive a significant event log anymore- AT ALL!
My take.... people such as myself were connecting the dots and noticing a big difference in actual crime -vs- monthly crime stat numbers.
We--public and media--need access to significant event logs, 911 calls for service, 311 calls for service, crimes reported online, and any other crime reporting method I'm forgetting.
Little help? Any other categories?
And thanks to CinC for clarifying the press release changes, but the total lack of curiosity by most of the mainstream media in the plunging crime report numbers compared to the actual crime on the street is hard to defend. You are the only media person who has rightfully complained that the CMPD is cutting off an important source of information to the Media, who is supposed to keep the public informed and keep our officials on the honest, ethical path by investigating and reporting on their activities.
Check this out Cedar
Sincere apologies to Cedar for accidental earlier slight...
In addition to CinC pointing out specific media access issues, obviously CedarPosts has been working very hard to show Charlotte what' really going on in many areas is the reason we know CinC's press credential's got pulled for two days for making a valid complaint about police behavior.
I'm so used to relying on you to find out what's going on and from your commenters that it just didn't seem to need saying: but thanks for all your effforts. If we had to rely on the MSM to find out what's going on around here, there would be no hope of change.
Well said 2:09pm! We also have to remember that Cedar is exposing the truth in all aspects of city Gov't-- not just the police dept.
For that, we should all be thankful for a vigilant watchdog in Cedar Posts! Keep up the great work Cedar! The poster is right... we rely on YOU for the 'real' truth in this city and you deserve a HUGE blow-out shin-dig for all you have done for the city!
Well, don't hold your breath for the significant event log to return during rodney's regime.
There was the whole FAKE "we are improving our website" that was an excuse to get rid of the significant event log.
Of course they said it would return, but EVERYONE knew it would not.
And the media never said a word.....except Cedar and the posters!
And it is absolutely true that if you do something that rodney doesn't like, your access is CUT off!!!
Kind of like a Banana Republic, with the "powers" at cmpd in control of the media. Or the Soviet union. Or the Mafia,
or is this just the "new" Charlotte?
Transarency at cmpd? You are kidding.....that is the LAST thing going on at cmpd!
What a joke rodney,curt and CC have made Cmpd into.
How the F$$& does he get away with all he does??
Yep, the significant event log is a thing of the past, never to return.
Rodney does whatever he can to make it difficult to know what is really going on at cmpd.
And if you are doing nothing at all wrong, if you are honest and ethical, if you are fair and unbiased, then transparency is surely your friend.
Transparency is rodney's enemy.
I have also heard that his methods of bait and switch, of holding that carrot of a "possible" promotion out in front of people has had the predictable consequences of making people totally forget their ethics and drinking the koolaid.
He passes out "favors" in the form of "schools" and boondoggles to keep people " in line".
And the fools fall for it every time.
Seems nothing is done for the good of cmpd, but for individual " glory".
Shame that...
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