Orr spoke in Washington on Wednesday before a congressional committee on airport security the Charlotte Observer's coverage is here.
Meanwhile extensive changes and improvements in Charlotte's airport security are being undertaken at great expense as CDIA prepares to welcome the President and delegates to the Democratic National Convention and 1000's of news media to the Queen City.
Below is just a small sample of security improvements made to CDIA's security at the direction of Jerry Orr.

One of more than two dozen "security enhancements" recently
completed by CDIA staff or contractors.
The Charlotte Observer reported last month that Charlotte airport director Jerry Orr stated that the airport spends "a great deal of money and effort" to keep unauthorized people off its airfield. But he declined to talk about what his airport does - or how much it spends - to protect its perimeter, saying he does not want to compromise security.
Well Cedar Posts went behind the scenes and as the photo above proves Jerry Orr is a man of his words.
I distrust anybody who claims that their security only works if it's kept secret.
Orr is truly brain dead.
And he never met an excuse or a lie he didn't like.
How he and Harry Jones and Rodney continue to keep their jobs while being so inept and corrupt is astounding.
We need to demand that they are fired by the people who hired them--then fire those people who have let this go on when we can with votes.
In December, Orr & Monroe (both report to City Manager Curt Walton—who serves at the pleasure of the City Council/Mayor) still had plans to do nothing more than usual security reviews of airport:
But this week: Rep. Keating told TSA & Orr he’s fed up with the finger-pointing and is “concerned that our airport is wide open at the perimeter.” Maybe Cedar should send Rep. Keating these fence photos to put his mind at ease.
Read more: http://www.thebostonchannel.com/news/28551927/detail.html#ixzz1SIZ9ygY3http://www.thebostonchannel.com/r/28551927/detail.html
As an employee for a major airline at CLT, I somewhat stand behind JO. The ineptness of the TSA is clear for those that work there. All employees (regardless of the company they work for) are considered part of the security detail for CLT and are required to challenge a person who is suspect to them i.e., a person without an SIDA badge. I know of 2 workers who are now facing discipline by the TSA for failing to challenge an undercover operative (working for the NC DAs office and the TSA) that wasn't displaying the proper SIDA badge. They (airport workers) are expected to carry out this task in addition to their regular duties. This has happened in the last 2 weeks, after the incident with the fellow falling to his death from an aircraft, a CLT worker climbing over a fence to go to work, and an airline employee "stowing away on an aircraft." The TSA and the State of NC are trying to pin their ineptness on employees at CLT instead of being stand up and admitting they were at fault. As airport workers, we have our hands full with just doing our jobs, let alone playing security guard. BTW, the TSA posted a notice saying that failure to challenge a suspect person can result in a fine of up to $11,000.00 and loss of their SIDA badge. As of this posting the fate of my coworkers is still up in the air. These coworkers have 40+ years with our company. They don't know if they will be fined, terminated,given time off without pay, or just slapped on the hand. Can you imagine the stress of waiting that long to find out your fate?
Watch the video of Rodney Monroe telling Charlotte City Council that he still doesn't know if Tisdale came in the perimeter or the interior of airport. It's just as pathetic as all of his "reports" and press conferences. So is the impotent response of the Mayor and Council who sat by with no outrage or call for action to secure the International Airport. They sat there applauding the security plan and efforts—after what they just heard. There are houses in Myers Park with better security systems. And least they have cameras where someone could see if the perimeter were breached. “we have no idea what happened after a careful and thorough review, but trust us to keep everyone safe, ‘cause we’re on top of it…
JO has a mind? Wow, that should be the headline here...
That was a short speech.....
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