Call it a sign of the times or another nail in the coffin of Charlotte Policing as we know it.
Perhaps little known outside of law enforcement circles, but the ten acres on Mountain Island Lake was a refuge for many of Charlotte's police officers. The waterfront was a haven away from the madness of working the street, a place where CMPD families could unwind, a private lake area that few officers could afford on their own.
Tuesday with what could hardly be called a forum CMPD's FOP voted to sell the property.
Definitely a sign of the times... I remember many past visits there with brothers and sisters from the job and lodge. Not that many frequent the lodge anymore either.
Clearly to the FOP, money is far more important than peace of mind for those of us who have enjoyed FOP Camp over the years. I pay rising dues every year only for legal protection. Our sorry representatives go in front of City Council and beat their chests then settle for crumbs. I'll be happy when I can stop paying my dues and walk away from the shell organization that FOP #9 has become.
Its kind of funny and sad that you are hiding behind the name of anonymous to make comments of our representatives at the FOP. My name is Danny Graham, I am a board member for your FOP lodge. Apparently, you have no idea what has been going on at our meetings to say that we are sorry. What's sorry about all this is that for a 2000 member lodge, we only have a handful meaning barely 10 members) of active members that attend our meetings. These members that attend the meetings and know exactly what is going on works their asses off for individuals like you (who hides behind an unknown name) who only joins this lodge for legal representation when you make a mistake. So, if you not satisfied with our sorry asses, there are other organizations that would be glad to represent you.
We have wanted to improve the property for a long time and met resistance at every turn from the membership. The FOP made a deal a long time ago about the access road to the property. That deal has come to an end and looking at a six-figure expense to build a new road or loose access to the property. So instead of loosing the access or spending that exorbitant amount of money we decided to sell. The proceeds of the sale will be able to improve the lodge and help all members.
My suggestion for the money from the sale of the land would be to let Rodney Monroe and some of the other "trustees" from the Police Benevolent Fund and pledge fund handle the money. They can surely put it to good use for the peoples!!
Danny Graham, by your words, a justified OIS where legal representation is requested is considered a mistake?
I’m horrified to hear an active FOP Board Member describe a situation as such.
It appears as though nerves have been touched and some instability is showing from a board member of the great Lodge #9.
To answer Anonymous @ 7:49 pm. What Danny Graham is referring to are the officers who sign up for the FOP AFTER they have gotten in trouble - hence they made a mistake. You would not believe the number of officers who were not FOP members until AFTER they got hammered for something they did wrong. Also, on that, there are officers who were not FOP members and got involved in something that was justified, who after going at it alone realized the $3.86 weekly cost was well worth not having to go through an experience like that again.
If you are an active FOP member, and you make a mistake, do something that most officers wouldn't do, OR you were actually doing your job and are a good officer - guess what, either way you are covered by the FOP's legal plan. This is a hard enough job as it is but to have all of this infighting is ridiculous. There are bad cops but there are a thousand times more good cops out there but regardless, if you are a member we are here.
As for the lake property, I am one of the Trustess who voted in favor of and recommended it be sold. A decision was made for the benefit of ALL members, not just the small group that utilized the property, or the 15 or so that have a camper up there. For those that have a camper there, they pay less than $400 a year and all of that pays is the porta potty and electricity those campers use. Little, if any at all actually goes back into the overall maintenance of the lake property. For the upkeep, the lake has a $5,000 annual budget for upkeep, maintenance, etc. that comes from the General Fund (from the members).
To put this in perspective, of your $199 you pay a year, our lodge keeps about $50 (the rest goes for legal, national, insurance, etc.). So the $50 that stays at the lodge, it is used to run and keep the FOP open. Again - perspective; it takes 100 Active FOP members to pay for the minimum $5,000 operating budget. There are less than half that who used the lake property on a regular basis. It was for this reason that the Board recommended the sale and the members ultimately approved.
The current access road is gone the minute that portion of land is sold, it does not belong to us. Our legal right of way is not developed and never has been because we had an agreement to use someone else's land that had the road on it. It would cost no less than $100,000 to build a bridge and road for those 30 or 40 members to use the lake. For the Anonymous commenter who complained about dues going up - where do you think this $100K would come from? So, from a business standpoint, and in the best interest of ALL OF OUR MEMBERS, it was put to vote and approved to be sold. It was not an easy decision to make, but keeping in mind where the future of the lodge is headed, it makes no sense to hold onto a property that takes twice as many members to keep it afloat than members who benefit from it.
And Cedar, I don't know you but appreciate the attention you've brought on your site, but please do me a favor and drive to 10555 Beagle Club Rd. and take a few pictures of this gem the FOP has kept hidden. There are rotting campers, trash, debris, and other unkempt areas that those who proudly use this area fail to maintain. Get back with me and tell me if you'd be proud to take your family there. It has potential, don't get me wrong, but that can only be obtained by directing well over $100K into it. As I said, more members pay to maintain this property than those that actually use it.
I implore each and every one of the anonymous commenters to attend a meeting at the Lodge. First Tuesday of every month, dinner served at 5:30 pm, meeting at 6:00. If you are not happy with the way the Lodge operates, where your dues go then attend three consecutive meetings so that you can get voted on to the board. It is a thankless job, a non-paid job and we do the best we can with what we have knowing that we will never please everyone.
Be safe and make sure that our brothers and sisters make it home safe every day,
Dan Redford
Are the meeting minutes published or available? I’d like to stay informed even if I’m not able to attend the monthly meeting.
They are available at the lodge currently but we are working on the website to make them accessible for members who do not regularly attend meetings. We understand that not everyone can attend and there are those who are members simply for the legal only but still interested in what's going on. Once everything is in place members will be notified and hopefully it will be beneficial. Feel free to send me an email if you want at - good or bad I'll reply!
Goodnight and be safe!
Sorry I do apologize, I did not mean it as a mistake...A critical incident is and should be taken seriously. My mind was thinking faster than I could type....
Sorry Danny Graham does apologize, I did not mean it as a mistake...A critical incident is and should be taken seriously. My mind was thinking faster than I could type....
I as an active member for 17 years and a I have attended meetings. I was disappointed that the retirees who are disconnected from the current issues seemed to push the agenda at the meetings. There was more focus on finances, raffles, and attending the national FOP conference.
That being said. Last year there was one of the biggest pushes and come togetherness in city council I have seen in my time. More of that we need.
The land has seen its time. Nobody keeps it up. Poor Chet And Mike will need a place to go though.
The dues are reasonable. You can join the PBA if you want for more money and with no active membership here. Manage your money people.
If you Don't like the leadership run for a position at the FOP.
I would be nice to have a retiree who doesn't mind pushing hard against city leadership in the media as a president. Anyone currently working is always held back by self preservation and I cannot blame them.
You all need to be buying a place to live nc the Shithole has been sold!
Some of you posting here are a discredit to the uniform you wear and to your brothers and sisters in blue. At the meeting this week I heard the president ask for respect to each other many times. To no avail of course and here you are again. You call the lot a shit hole. You call the residents red necks and some say they would like to see it flooded and washed away. And one says “ you should be thankful you had the campground , now in so many words shut up and move on. What’s the purpose of all this . You are now and were then way out of line. This is a country of free speech but you should keep those type comments in check.
Some of you need to grow up and some need to calm down. Be an adult and a professional.
Reference the above
Sgt Whit Neal Retired Sgt 37 years CMPD
In response to Dan Redford's remarks, I would like to address some of the issues he brought up. When the Police Club donated the 10 acres of waterfront property in 2000, it was for the sole purpose of benefiting the FOP members. Included in this donation was $100,000 in cash and $75,000 in bank stocks to be used for improvements to the property. The $100,000 is long gone, never used for any improvements to the property and the money has never been explained what it was used for. There still is $75,000 in bank stocks which could be sold to cover the expense of an access. Had the $100,000 been spent on improving the property with furnishing water and having an access built, we would not be in this situation 19 years later.
As to the only $50 per member out of the $199 dues paid goes back in the general fund, I believe that there are 2,000 members which comes to $100,000 a year going back to the general fund. You indicate you have a problem allocating $5,000 a year for improvements (I was told $4,000) to FOP land that was given to the FOP for free and which will only increase in value. When I took over as Chairman of the Lake Committee July 1, 2014, a motion was made by Ben Pepitone to give the Lake Committee $3,000 for expenses bringing a total of $4,100.00 in our account. That money has been used to rebuild the bridge when it completely collapsed, cut down trees, gravel when needed, etc. Not until July, 2018 has there been a mention of a budgeted amount to be used on the property. Last year the only monies spent were to have some more trees cut down and have gravel delivered. (there is still a $750 credit where the gravel was purchased). The yearly dues that are assessed to members keeping a trailer on the property covers the cost of power and the porta john. To my knowledge, there is no cost to the FOP for these services.
It amazes me that you would criticize the condition of the property at this time. During the winter months, there are but a few members who use the property, therefore, with the bad weather contributing to disrepair, it does happen. The FOP has never paid any monies to upgrade the property, it is not a KOA, water must be brought in and sewage must be toted to a dump station. I have had many requests from members asking to bring their trailer out but when they find out there are no hook-ups, they are not interested. All improvements to the property have been made by the members who have trailers there, including planting flowers, building a fire pit, putting up a flag pole, keeping the dock repaired, making a picnic area complete with picnic tables, chairs and grills. A building was built to house a freezer and refrigerator at the expense of the members who have trailers, for the convenience of the day use members.
A notice of the Agenda for the Membership meeting was emailed, Saturday, March 2, at 11:43 pm stating "the sell of the lake property" among other topics for a vote to be held on MARCH 5th!!!! Some members do not have emails. Many members spoke at the meeting, addressed different options to be considered, to no avail, but in the end it was an all or nothing vote. SELL or NOT SELL. Period!!!! It is inconceivable to me that the FOP would consider an offer which is a little less than $30,000 below tax value.
Melody Joyce
I will be interested to see who will be attending the National Conference in NOLA this year.
M.C. Hurley
I agree 100% with Melody. But I will add a few more comments for myself.
Yes, I have a camper out there. We bought it after I retired and shared many good memories with both active and retired Officers.
It does not have running water thus making it extremely hard to keep campers clean at anytime of the year!!
There is no storage facility there to store equipment needed to maintain the facility, so items are having to be stored around the campers( thus giving it a cluttered look).
It was brought up in the past to the movers and shakers of the FOP about this issue and that was it!!
So when you want to talk smack about the property and send Emails about wishing the property would flood and send all the campers down stream with it( Travis),think twice before you hit the send button. It's trash talk like that coming from a board member that really shows that the property was on the chopping block for some time, before the members knew anything about it!!
And to add to the river property, there is/was a river committee that was supposed to foreshadow situations and or problems that might arise!! Well the committee became a committee of one, that being the chair of the committee. I know who's on the river committee, and they were totally left in the dark!! Oh, I'm sorry, I know of two people that knew about it. That would be Travis and Frank(Chair). I believe that is an issue it itself. As a Chair to any committee it's that person's responsibility to notify the members of that so called committee to keep them informed. Decision making by the chair alone is unethical, thus we have( or had) MT.Christmas. For those that don't know what that is I implore you to ride out and look at it. It is beauty at its best and soon to cost somebody $500 a day because it was dumped in a flood plain that could contaminate the creek. This is according to the County inspectors. So if you need crushed up roadway or rebar, go help yourself; it's free!!
To the 17 year veteran who mentioned my name, apparently you don't know me very well. By selling the land will not make me homeless by any means..
I could go on but I will end with this. The meeting that was held on the 5th was one sided from the start(to sell the property). Dan, you had your PowerPoint, Frank, you had your maps!! None of that was available to the people wishing to keep the property prior to the meeting! And to end; there were several violations of Order it's almost funny. You can't call for a vote while people are still wanting to discuss the issue; that's just one!! To many to attempt to explain but I'm sure it's going to be addressed soon!!!
To ALL my Brothers and Sisters in Blue, please be careful doing your diligence and go home to your family and the end of your day. And always remember to watch your 6, because you don't know if it's friend or foe nowadays!!
As a "younger member", I'm just now learning that we had that property. And not to solely blame the FOP, as it is also incumbent on the members to be engaged, but it seems like the majority of the members are kept out of the loop. There has been two occassions in the last 10 years where I was contacted to come to the FOP lodge for something (after Fred's funeral and once for a legal counsel seminar). Maybe hit the districts and speak with the boots on the ground every once and a while so we remember who and what you are other than a line on our pay stub every Friday. Even a monthly email would suffice. Maybe take the money from the sale to buy another lot, one preferably not in the hood like the lodge, where Officers can meet up and relax i.e. something with a range? I dont mind the lodge, but alot of our members dont wanna uber to a bar and drink with the same four or five retirees that still identify as city or county (much respect to the old heads)
And the city is happy. Now we are in fighting as they continue to stick it up our asses.
99% of the troops don't care about this lake property. I agree with selling and to use the money to improve the lodge. Let's move forward as this conversation is wearing is all flat out. Let's talk about improving pay and benefits for our brothers in in blue. We have been abused by the city of years and need a unified voice that demands better pay/working conditions/benefits.
As someone who had a recent legal issue involving the department doing what they do, being told by the FOP to pick a lawyer and send us the bill was a total and complete relief. If that was the only function they serve, that should be enough to justify dues for your thirty years. Anything else is just a bonus.
All's quiet on the pledge front
Cover up?
It is often times overlooked that Robert Preston has been abusing his LE authority for years. Pearsall almost had him dead to rights, but he was able to evade shim. Racists continue to survive at this place.
Young Metro don't trust ya..
I see that they have Blake Page doing community service announcements. Why do they always have the faggots doing the Facebook video stuff?
11:30 don’t be a douchebag. It’s not his fault you’re stuck on 3rd shift
905pm: Im only on 3rd because I stopped fucking Michelle Hummell and I caught with some whiskey.
BK give it a break. Let' stop namin names and get back to griping about the department as a whole...not individuals.
Damn CMPD got some serious issues these days!
Oh God, Mcfadden is such a racist and a nig. Someone vote him out!
Not gonna happen unless the working class get out and vote in the next election! The Mexicans done got demselves a good little puppet....
Unfair shot at Blake Page. I actually know him and worked with him for a couple of years. Good man. Good family man too. Don't know why some douche would throw the "faggot" word at him unless they themselves had some 'internal struggle' going on. Now STOP it. You're just being a douche when you throw random shots like that.
That hair though..
Thank you...2:12! That's why Steven. I know him. He's not gay, but I'm just saying the guys on FB lookin like fagboyz with those cuts.
Don't get me wrong....I was kind of taken aback seeing him doing the 'Man-On-The-Street' Public Affairs thing after those women were attacked last week. But yeah.......Good guy. Sharp and a wicked sense of humor. Peace.
Is that the same Page that made a traffic stop in his Pontiac G6 as a rookie? please read the above article.This our "leaderships " driving motive.
"Leadership"!?! HA!!
That's a stretch. Kinda like calling Dani Daniels a virgin...
In reference to the article about D/C Foster. The author of the article should have completed better research. I am sure retired D/C Nina Wright, promoted to D/C in 2000, would object to D/C Foster being "the highest-ranking black woman in department history." I wonder what has happened to journalists performing thorough research prior to writing an article?
I guess they have assistant chief as a higher rank than DC....which is total bullshit. That woman has done so many bad things at this place.
She talks like women have it sooo bad at this place. Women get the easiest jobs that are available...and they don't have to get results. Vicki Foster, V Brown, and Amy Stukey just sits on their fat asses at this place, and gets plucked for just about anything they want. Rumor has it that Julie Barry is getting promoted to captain...after getting results...where??????
So racism is ok at CMPD as long as you are a member of a minority class?
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