CMPD Officer Wende Kerl made a choice no officer wants to make.
Yet to hear social media explain it she shot the wrong man because Franklin didn't have a gun.
With zero evidence offered by CMPD to the counter, this narrative has gained crazy traction so much so that the local media is now treating these idiot promoted theories as fact.
To make matters worse CMPD Kerr Putney goes on WBT Radio this morning to say "Fairness is in the eye of the beholder" adding that CMPD is working to uncover the facts of the officer-involved shooting.
Then there's Kelle Pressley who using the hashtags #KillerCops #WendeGuerinKerl felt it necessary to post Officer Kerl's personal address.
7916 Mircosoft Way Charlotte, NC
Roberto Raymon: @robertoraymon
"She shot the wrong man. His height nor clothes matched the 911 calls. The witnesses said the man with the gun ran. Danquirs was taking up for the woman bing assaulted. Officer saw a Black man and opened fire. If he had been a White male shooter they would have arrested him alive"
“the community” said keith lamont scott was carrying a bible as well. seems like “the community” is a bunch of lying asses.
Cedar, can you do a piece on the double standard and mistreatment of women at CMPD?
How come Cecil Brisbon can get a blowjob and still get promoted to major.....but Amy Stukey can give a blowjob and get skipped for LT?
That is a double standard!
Because he's black. As for Amy, she was serving CMPD and CFD. She was having an afair with an officer, while still married to someone employed with CFD. Guess she wasn't blowing the right person to get promoted.
How does this organization still function....these are the most fucked up stories that I've ever heard.
District 4
SHFU District 4. Amy Stukey at least has a job. She got stabbed with a grill fork for fucking with another woman's man before, so she is lucky to be alive. She is getting fatter now. There is less opportunity for advancement for her.
Brisbon is just a fucking milk dud 4.0. (That's coming from a black man)
Hmmmmmm..... That's weird! I dont see any of the BLM loud mouths on N. Tryon huffing and puffing over the killing of the completely innocent girl by three thugs during their wild west shootout. Someone may want to send them a memo and let em know about it....
15:14 RESPONSE: Was that the porno chick from CVOC?
Yes that is her
Anon: District 4 March 29, 2019 at 10:10 AM
To answer your question as to how this type of organization is able to function. Is if your black, a lesbian, and if you have a vagina then you are safe within this organization. The so-called organization is afraid of these three things.
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