Tilley had been riding a motorcycle when he was hit and killed in an accident involving a pickup truck on Saturday night in west Charlotte, police said.
The crash in the front yard of a home happened around 9 p.m. on Little Rock Road.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police said the road was shut down between David Avenue and Tracy Avenue.
But sources tell CP that this is a homicide and perhaps gang retaliation.
![]() |
Jimmy Tilley and his Indian Motorcycle |
Cedar Notes: As sources go most of CP's are spot on. However sometimes it takes some extra digging and such is the case with the death of Jimmy Tilley. First reports were that it was a "gang related" attack. This was based on the fact that Mr. Tilley was a member of the Pub Runners motorcycle club.
This assumes we have the right Jimmy Tilley. The above photo has not been confirmed, yet it fits the narrative.
So let's set the record straight Jimmy Tilley was apparently a pretty good guy, there is no record of arrests or convictions in North Carolina and the "gang" was more of a "crew" vs the traditional Outlaw Motorcycle Club Charlotte is familiar with.
Seems wearing of a motorcycle club jacket earns you gang member status during a death investigation.
Of course Tilley is a old Carolina name I've know hundreds of Tilleys over the years all good people.
Cedar Update: Now This from CMPD - On Saturday, 10/26/19 at 8:50 p.m., officers responded to a disturbance in the 1000 block of Little Rock Road in the Freedom Div. A male was pronounced on scene. This incident is being investigated as a homicide due to evidence gathered through the course of the investigation.
Cedar Update No. 2 (3:41 PM): Unconfirmed reports that Jeremy Levonne Davis DOB 4/6/1989 has been charged with Felony Hit and Run and Voluntary Manslaughter in the death of Jimmy Tilley. (This turned out to be incorrect see above).
Details are still scare as CMPD has gone super secret squirrel on this case and rightfully so, Mr. Tilley is one of only 6 white males murdered in Charlotte this year.
Hopefully CMPD can give Mr. Tilley's family some measure of peace once the facts are known.
The Murder of Willie Nathanial Corry
Cedar Update No. 3 (11:09 AM) Good News turns out Davis isn't responsible for the death of Jimmy Tilley - Bad news he's still a killer. Details just as soon as we sort this out.
Cedar Update No. 4 (11:40 AM) This recap from (WBTV) - A man was killed after being dragged by a car on Interstate 85 northbound just northwest of uptown Charlotte Friday morning. Charlotte-Mecklenburg police say the deadly incident happened around 2:00 a.m. on I-85 NB at Sugar Creed Road, closing the area for a time. Lanes on I-85 northbound reopened by 7:30 a.m. but the I-85 connector to North Tryon remains closed.
A later report from CMPD on the matter revealed that NC State Highway Patrol had been dispatched to I-85 near the I-85 connector for a Medic call. Upon arriving at the accident, troopers located a victim who was pronounced dead at the scene. That victim was later identified as 48-year-old Willie Nathaniel Corry Jr.
During the crash investigation, a witness provided information that led officers to the 7-11 store on West Sugar Creek Road. Officers determined that a silver 2000 Mercury Grand Marquis was at the 7-11 before the crash and Corry had been in the car.
Investigators say when Corry went in the 7-11 store, someone apparently started to back the car out of the parking space. Police say Corry ran out of the store and grabbed the front passenger door, holding onto the car. The driver reportedly kept moving out of the parking lot with Corry still holding on.
The driver then got on I-85 and Corry lost his grip, suffering life-threatening injuries that he later died from. Highway Patrol found the car, with nobody inside, down an embankment between the I-85 connector and Reagan Drive.
A CMPD K-9 was called to the scene to try and find the driver or anyone else who could have possibly been in the car, with no success. It is not known if the driver or victim were impaired at the time of the incident.
Which brings us three weeks later to the arrest of Jeremy Davis above. Yesterday October 29, 2019 charges were upgraded from Voluntary Manslaughter a class D felony to Murder a class A felony in the death of Willie Nathanial Corry.
Gouge: (Navy speak for good basic information)
First-degree murder.
Class A felony punishable by life in prison with no parole or death by lethal injection
Second-degree murder.
Class B1 felony with a prison sentence of 192 months to life in prison or Class B2 felony with a minimum sentence of 125 months in prison
Felony murder.
Class A felony with the same penalties as first-degree murder
Voluntary manslaughter.
Class D felony with a minimum sentence of 51 months in prison
Involuntary manslaughter.
Class F felony with a 13-month minimum prison sentence
Vehicular manslaughter.
Class F felony with the same penalties as involuntary manslaughter
Saunders will get to the bottom of this! He will find every typo in the report.
He was targeted no question about it.
kinda odd CMPD would try to keep this on the down low and even now very limited details.
@Cedar...Jeremy Davis was arrested for dragging the man onto 85 and killing him with the car, not for Jimmy Tilley’s death.
10:51 Thank You! I'll correct that. Its become a giant scrabble game matching perps and vics. CMPD must be getting guns off the streets because suddenly the weapons are knives and cars.
@ Cedar ... Look up “Jimmy Tilley” on Facebook and you’ll see him with his crew. It would be a good picture to add to this post...lol
Meh.... I think I'll go get a donut...
Is Blake Holmes crazy? Whats up his clinical diagnosis?
I did see Jimmy Tilley's facebook page. Looks pretty normal guy to me. Can't see why someone would deliberately run him down. No priors in Mecklenburg and nothing on the state level.
256pm: It was probably a drunk driver hit and run. That happens around here. I think Blake Holmes will survive his assessment.
@Cedar ... go look at the MCSO daycare website. Jeremy Davis just got served with a murder warrant. That’d be 93 homicides.
I'm thinking Davis was on the run for a while. CP might be right 3 weeks. The numbers no longer matter we will be well past 100 by New Year's Eve.
2020 will be worse because nothing has changed. The mayor and her faithful won't step up and call for these thugs to be locked up because this is acceptable behavior to their voters.
These mofos aren't going to change and I say let them kill each other. Beaties Ford was a wake up call these fools don't care and we are out there busting our asses to keep them safe and what happens we look like freaking keystone cops out there. God Help Us!
Yeah 93 before November, Charlotte may break the all time record at this rate.
Meh.... I think I'll have another donut. :p
Hey Cedar why has the murder of Jimmy Tilley gone to media silence? There is nothing on this at all. You don't run over a guy on a brand new Indian motorcycle killing him and no one says anything. Looks like just an accident. But I keep hearing gang and/or road rage. Why the silence? Please stay on this!
That's Jimmy RIP
Steve Parker will get to the bottom of the Tilly thing! He is a motorcycle gang expert and has worked undercover with them for years! Just ask him, he will tell you (for hours) how great he is and all of his undercover escapades!! Still sad though, Jimmy was a good guy.
What does any of this have to do with Officer Finnis being THICK? Come read me a a bedtime story.
Jimmy Tilley was a great friend. I have been looking for answers to his death everyday. What is the hold up?
These groups more frat house than street gang. Didn't know Jimmy but know a number of CMPD guys who ride. You will find them coming out for Keith Larsen's annual ride for kids, and most the Patriot Guard Events. Good guys really.
Been to Sturgis twice and you know the old saying "never judge a book by its cover" well that's Sturgis. Nasty dirty bikers, hell 1/2 of them are doctors, lawyers and bankers.
RIP Jimmy Tilley wish I'd known you would have been pleased to share a beer or two I'm sure.
@Cedar ... Darnel Mills just died as a result of the shooting that occurred on 10/21/2019 around 9am off Duncroft and EWT Harris. That’d be 94 right?
Fox 46 is reporting 94
I knew Jimmy well he was a good man. RIP Brother.
No one just "randomly gets killed".
Jimmy was probably a drug or gun runner. He probably didn't pay a loan back and now he is 6ft under. Let's be honest with ourselves.
I know Jimmy. He is no drug or gun runner. You should not say things about people you when you dont know what your talking about. Jim was a great guy. May he RIP
Unless Casper the ghost killed this guy, it was not random. He ran his mouth at the wrong nigga and now it is what it is, homie.
To the last comment, what a f'ing scumbag you are. Jimmy was a great guy who would have given the shirt off his back to anyone but you are right it probably was some dumb ass nigga that murdered him.
CMPD still sorting it out not much to go on. Hearing several conflicting stories. Seems road rage is the most likely final edit.
Can we discuss the CMPD officer shooting the Gastonia TFO this morning or nah?
It is called poor preperation and communication. If they had a proper briefing before hand so everyone involved saw each other and knew who would be where, no issues. Quick recovery to the officer shot.
^^Your clearly out of the loop but keep talking
If anyone is in the loop and can confirm, that would be great. Seems like everyone seems to believe the C1 officer accidentally shot the TFO. Perhaps actually utilize this thread for something meaningful for a change.
Probably Sprague was in charge. Incompetent scumbag
Napoleon complex lying piece of shit
It's true, she shot him. From the back, went in through the shoulder, down his arm. He may lose his arm. He had on a tac vest with POLICE on it, she knew who he was, she was in the stack. This is what happens when there's no training.
So a patrol officer with less than 2 years experience is in the stack on a 0600 FBI op..... luckily it doesn’t take both arms to sue
You would think the department could find time once a quarter for all patrol officers to get reps going through bubba’s den! That way everyone can get quality training and hopefully prevent this from happening again!
Nah patrol will prob just become back door bitch...that is what I would do
CMPD command wants a uniform present for entry. Unfortunately, that's what you end up with.
Look out first shift South Division, here she comes!
Did the department not learn the lesson of newbies on high risk warrants with the Crawford incident?
I hope she had at least Basic warrant school or heads should roll.
I hope she performed well in that school and was legitimately passed or heads should roll.
Most importantly I hope the officer shot comes out of it 100%.
Is "Angry Midget" Kenia Mendrano or Amy Stukey? Either way, shut the fuck up.
If another cop ever put a bullet in my back, I would kill that bitch after I recovered.
First of all 1223, no you wouldn’t pussy. Second, the officer wasn’t even high risk certified. The department needs to recognize the high training deficiencies that they have!
It's a bad situation for all involved.
If in fact, the CMPD Officer was not High Risk Warrant certified and stacked up on the entry team anyway, at least one career, if not two, to include the shift Sgt, could be over.
This shit sandwich is way beyond a Failure to Supervise write up.
30 years is a LONG time, be smart out there.
1:10 if a woman shot me by mistake I would def beat her ass. To question about it. Its not evil to say that, its consequences.
Every officer's worst fear....getting shot in the back by another officer. Its crazy, since she was from a different agency. This makes the CMPD look horrible.
You niggas out there saying dumb about Jimmy really are stupid!!! He was not a drug or gun runner. He was an all around great guy!! If the person that ran over him did it on purpose then I hope he rots in HELL!!!
People dont randomly get killed. He did something.
Jimmy was a great guy! Like someone said before he would have given you the shirt off of his back. I’ve known him for years and I can honestly say he didn’t do anything to deserve someone running over him!! Unless you truly know a person you shouldn’t assume anything about them. Assumption is the mother of all fuck up’s!!!
Cedar.. any updates on Jimmy's case?
No Update. Crickets from CMPD and nothing has been released to LexisNexis in the way of an accident report, which may indicate they are not ready to call it an accident.
So let me ask this @ cedar posts....if Caldwell Cole was a white man would you have done your research to voice what a good man with NO PRIORS?
If Janet Scronce was a Man would you have been more respectful to her surviving family?
Sure seems like racially motivated bullshit to me
While you're digging and stretching, ask Cedar if he has black ink in his pen, or if he drinks black coffee or ever watched the movie Black Beauty. That'll show him. Trying to prove something in the negative is just lame reasoning.
Cedar, any update on This case Devil Dog?
Jimmy Tilley wasn't white. He was Native American. He was a great guy. Definitely not a drug or gun runner. Hard working family man
Jimmy Tilley was/is one of the best men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He had the biggest heart in the world. He always had a smile on his face and was always positive. He did not deserve this whatsoever. So quit talking out of your asses. He was NOT a drug or gun runner. He was not 'talking to the wrong nigga'. RIP Jimmy. Rest in peace you beautiful soul.
Funny how people judge people just for how they look, or where they are. In case any of you have not noticed people die every day for being at the wrong place, time or with wrong people at the time. Who knows NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ANYONE R.I.P Jimmy Tilley always loved ❤️��
They finally arrested the POS, that murdered my dear friend Jimmy Tilley!! Jail time will never be enough for he did but at least the family can finally get some closure. RIP sweet Jimmy!!
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