Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Tommy Tomilson The Sad Decline of the Liberal Mind

Not surprisingly Tomilson is all in favor of abolishing streets named for Confederate Generals, White Supremists, Segregationists and Cat Haters. 

Says Tommy "I’ve lived in and around Charlotte for more than 30 years now, and I never knew we had a Jefferson Davis Street."

But yet he's willing to rename a street he didn't even know existed?

He continues: 

There’s not a whole lot to it, to be honest. It’s just a couple of blocks long, in the Druid Hills neighborhood, between Graham Street and Statesville Avenue north of uptown. Couple dozen houses. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except that it bears the name of the former president of the Confederacy. 

It says Jeff Davis on the street signs, but it’s Jefferson Davis on the map, and in a new report by a city commission that set out to find the city’s streets and monuments that are linked to slavery and racism. 

The commission is recommending changing the names of 10 streets. We’ve got two streets named for Stonewall Jackson, one for the Confederate colonel Zebulon Vance, one named for the white supremacist governor Cameron Morrison, and so forth. 

Erasing them from our city map is the right thing to do. If you care about their history, there are museums and libraries. Having a street named for you is an honor. They don’t deserve the honor. 

Tommy boy, is a had been, once employed as a columnist by the Charlotte Observer, he  once was a suggestion for a Pulitzer prize, and for the last forever he's bounced around between jobs and wrote a book about being fat and eating donuts.

But leave it to a liberal to take a debate about street names and turn it into a story about gentrification. 

"But I want to linger on Jefferson Davis Street a second. Because that little street, and where it’s located, says so much about Charlotte then and now. Jefferson Davis Street is in the Druid Hills neighborhood in Charlotte. Druid Hills started out as a mostly white neighborhood, built around the turn of the 20th century for workers at the Ford plant on the site of what is now Camp North End. 

But in the ‘50s, when white people started fleeing to the suburbs, Druid Hills became one of Charlotte’s most thriving Black neighborhoods. 

It was the home of many of the city’s Black political and social leaders, including Hattie Leeper, the radio star longtime Charlotteans remember as Chatty Hattie. 

Now, things are changing again. White families are moving back into the city, and a lot of the neighborhoods they covet have been mostly Black for decades. 

So now, houses in Druid Hills are selling for upwards of $200,000 – far more than some of the people living there can afford. 

So white families will move in, and Black families will have to find somewhere else. It’s the work of the free market, and on an economic level it makes sense. 

But you can’t just see it as that. It’s overlaid with the darker forces of our history – the forces that created such a gap in wealth between Black and white people in America. Those forces, in some ways, are the descendants of what people like Jefferson Davis fought for. 

We have not beaten those darker forces all the way down. In some ways, the Civil War goes on. But for now I’ll take some hope by thinking about Jefferson Davis Street itself. It crosses only one other street, and otherwise it doesn’t connect to anything. In other words, no matter which way you go on Jefferson Davis Street, you run into a dead end.

So there I let the fat guy have his say.

Interesting how gentrification is suddenly an issue. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think anyone was worried or sounded the alarm as white people fled Druid Hills because of the crime and drug creep that took away their homes and made them worthless in the span of two decades.  

Ditto with East Charlotte and now Steele Creek

You'll notice that Tomlinson doesn't take on Morrison or Stonewall. Even libtards know you walk lightly around Charlotte's corporate world.

You too can be a street name critic just browse the complete listing of Charlotte street names here. I personally see Vicksburg Road as troubling, and hurtful. 

If you don't know why then I'm even more hurt! And I ain't just whistling DIXIE!

See there's the real issue, if you look hard enough you can be offended by anything. Charlotte has dozen of roads named after Christian Churches, why are there no alarms raised about that? 

Oh just wait the cancel culture is just getting started. 


Anonymous said...

Speaking of Jeff Davis, what’s the status of my pledge fund money? Bitches better have my money. Also, asking for a friend, if you rise to the rank of major can we receive head on duty?

Anonymous said...

This sense of "Cancel Culture" has been blown way out of proportion. The BLM idiots and accompanying liberal politicians believe that history can be changed by simply deleting it. They don't know their history because they choose not too because it has been so ingrained that the whites are to blame for all of their problems. They are blaming people today for something that occurred over a hundred years ago and didn't even affect them. FYI...Stonewall Jackson was a Confederate General but few people know that he, along with his wife, ran a bible school for black children in Richmond prior to the war teaching them how to read and write which was against the law at the time! Racist??? Nothing is ever mentioned about how very good some of those men were because it goes against what is taught by ignorant people. True, slavery was part of the Civil War, but not the only only thing! I have documented ancestors who fought on both sides and feel offended for my heritage by changing every street name to someone who is black. I REFUSE to be blamed for something I had no part in or for simply being white! I'm not any more racist than anyone else!

Anonymous said...

FYI...Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 was his platform to get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

^^ did Lincoln collude with Russia too?

Anonymous said...

Is Tommy Tomlinson still alive?? That's a name I haven't heard in a long, long time! Does he still work for the Disturber? I haven't read that rag in years, so maybe that's why his name is old hat. As far as his gentrification argument goes, it is his homies sitting atop city council/county commission who keep gentrifying these neighborhoods, tearing down older, affordable apartments and homes and then crying loudly we have an affordable housing crisis. All the while getting their allies in the local media to run nightly snippets of how bad the affordable housing crisis is in Charlotte and it's all your fault!! We obviously need some bond money and the raising of taxes to take care of this horrid problem! Besides I thought Jeff Davis street was named for that dude working in the DA's office named Jeff Davis?!? Can't we just say that anyway?

And 4:25 don't you understand, one's proximity to a black person does not negate the fact they are racist. At least that's the left's argument...unless it's them being in close proximity to a black person and then it shows how unracist they really are.

Anonymous said...

FYI...Freed black slaves owned slaves. There were freed black slaves who fought for the Confederacy.

Anonymous said...

FYI...Slavery actually began in Africa where more established tribes enslaved lesser tribes and sold them to the Dutch. More slaves were sent to South America than North America. Alas, every modern society has had slavery somewhere in their past.

Anonymous said...

FYI...Freed black slaves didn't have it any better in the North after the war causing many of them to move back to the South, and live and work the same plantations they came from. Oh, my mistake, I forgot that plantation is now a racist word...Sorry

Anonymous said...

Well 6:01, I'm a southern white male who retired from the police department so that means that I was born a racist or at least my characteristics automatically makes me a racist...

Anonymous said...

Speaking of emancipation, pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

Most of the blacks couldn't care less about the street names much less pay any attention to what the street name is. How much of my tax money is going to accomplish that? Couldn't the money be better well spent on something worth wild?

Anonymous said...

Street names dont mean shit to the hood rats. You can rename Beatties Ford Road to Rainbows and Unicorns Lane and the bodies are still gonna drop. Do the potted plants on CLTCC actually think that renaming streets are going to make a difference? It will make as much of a difference as the big BLM mural painted in uptown. NONE! The body count is climbing and all of the window dressing isn't going to make that go away. This is all smoke and mirrors in yet another failed attempt to appease the BLM following.

Anonymous said...

Tomlinson lined up against CPI Security & Ken Gill.

F*** him.

Anonymous said...

I heard that the Russians took the Pledge Fund money. Rumor is that it may take 15 years before they give the money back. But its going to be 25.00. I'm glad I used my 11,000.00(tax free money) on something good, Weed. Good luck Suckers!!

Anonymous said...

In a city run 100% by AfAms, they have to find a strawman to blame for their lack of creating a vibrant, safe city. School names yesterday, street names today, Lord knows tomorrow. Just know if you live in Meck, you are paying for the privilege of being told you are privileged. And that pic is likely from Ft Mill, where there is a Confederate Park, with a monument to the enslaved blacks who followed their owners to war. No sign it is going to be torn down. Life is complicated, having memorials to show the many facets of life is healthy.
And the descendants of the society people in Ft Mill who installed those monuments in are today maybe the most Liberal people you can find. Even they aren't advocating they be torn down or renamed.
Tommy does work on public radio, I think. His salary is 100% dependent on being as woke as humanly possible. Maybe the Observer can fundraise enough to hire him back on piecework, like they are doing in Raleigh.

Anonymous said...

Fucking Russians, took those suckers Pledge Fund money and bought tanks for the Syrian Government.

Anonymous said...

Take Bob Walton name off the building he molested kids and got a building and did time for it said city and county

Anonymous said...

They can protest their STUPID ideology all they want because I think the vast majority of people, black and white, couldn't care less!

Anonymous said...

If we don't name Jeff Davis Lane, Pat Cannon Way, then what are we even doing?

Anonymous said...

Well a convicted felon from Charlotte just killed a concord cop. Coulda been prevented if we actually locked these effers up. Concord should sue Meck.

Anonymous said...

1226, I've been saying that for years. Its always nice to know other people see it this way. So many people get killed and raped by people that should be in prison but the DA just lets it slide and they live freely around here with expungments.

Anonymous said...

That's what we need to be PROTESTING instead of what street name should be changed!

Anonymous said...

He was in fear for his life so he started shooting! Right! He was in fear of his A$$ going back to jail! Another fine example of a POS! Thankfully he was dealt with accordingly!

Anonymous said...

God bless the Concord Police!

Anonymous said...

I heard rumor that ESTES was retiring? Which idiot are they grooming to replace him?

Anonymous said...

Rutledge lied to IA and got promoted anyway! Maybe Estes can retire and after doing the hireback can be DC again! Kornburg came back as a Major! Why not? Sounds about right!

Anonymous said...

Don't leave out the amazing Gerald Smith!

Anonymous said...


If you don't want this coming to your city soon, and you don't want to become just like California, Portland, Seattle or Detroit, contact Thom Tillis and tell him to stand up with Mo Brooks on January 6th...Unless of course you like lawlessness, disorder, stolen elections and want to defund police. If that's the case carry on...

Anonymous said...

I <3 CMPD Leadership

Anonymous said...

Why is it we are losing everything in this profession? I wanted to help people and Ive failed, even something as simple as a punisher symbol is being taken away from us and giving it to people that hate us. I don't understand why there is so much hatred towards us...


Anonymous said...

You can thank the liberal democrats!

Anonymous said...

Since my tax money will be paying to have the streets renamed I request that it comes from their welfare checks that I'm paying too!

Anonymous said...

I get annoyed every time I here about blacks not being able to find jobs but the fact is they don't want to work because it would disqualify them from welfare! Why work when you don't have to!

Anonymous said...

While we are on the subject of welfare, pledge fund news?

Anonymous said...

2:58pm...YOU have NOT failed!!! The Democrats in power are causing this mess on purpose! Keeping all divided helps them gain or retain power. That's all they care about. There is no concern for what is right or best for everyone. Or even what's best for anyone for that matter.

Anonymous said...

2:58 you should give the symbol back and tell Gerry to stick it up his ass! There are plenty of wonderful artists that would be honored to create a new symbol! Also when Gerry needs the police because one day he will, tell him the rights to his calls were transferred with the Punisher symbol.

Anonymous said...

I’d love to see the geniuses down town in city hall give us some orders to tear down that damn tent city. What an embarrassment to this city.

Anonymous said...

We had 2 pay the ultimate price this week. Truth is, it could’ve been anyone of us. The show of support is nice but let’s remember that before we start bad mouthing each other behind each other’s backs. Those on here throwing a certain majors name out there or a lieutenant etc. You know who you are. Despite our mistakes and differences don’t be a hypocrite. If your gonna shed tears when one of us dies, don’t also be the one who talks trash while officers are alive. No one likes a 2-face.

Anonymous said...

2-face, the pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

What's up with Sgt McGarrity wearing shorts and flip flops to B1 roll call while he's allegedly on light duty?

Anonymous said...

From what I remember he basically got kicked out of A1 for screwing off on duty, transferred to A2 where he was the FMT Golden Child but when he got promoted to Sgt. ,everyone was like, "WTF?" He went to D1 and apparently screwed around on duty there too. Did he get kicked out if D1 because he's in B1 now?

Anonymous said...

If you are concerned about election fraud, please copy paste the letter below (written by Gateway Pundit) and email to your senator. A link for Tillis is also below


Dear Senator,

I request you exercise your Constitutional and statutory authority to object to the certification of any elector from any state that refuses to allow a meaningful audit of the November general election for electors to the Presidency, which must include: 1) a re-canvass of the vote that authorizes independent confirmation of a signature match using the same standards the same election officials use for nomination petitions, recall petitions, and initiative petitions; 2) publishing of the ballots for the world to review and observe, as states promised when they wrote large taxpayer checks to election machine companies like Dominion and others; and 3) audited review of the voter rolls to insure only qualified voters cast ballots for electors to the Presidency. If a state refuses to allow an honest audit of the vote, then I request you object to the certification of any electors from that state which has refused such an audit. At present, this includes the electors from Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

Anonymous said...

Election fraud? Pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

Why not say that Interstate 77 is racist, it runs north to south? Change the name?

Anonymous said...

Gotta get it gone!

Anonymous said...

tRumpers are batshit crazy.

Anonymous said...

Ain't tRumpers....Libby Dems!

Anonymous said...

What about slob-like Sgt. McGarrity wearing shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops to work in B1 while on light duty? If I remember the directives correctly causal business attire should be worn to include a shirt with a collar.I guess when you are an unprofessional slob and don't care about anything, you can pretty much do what you want?

Anonymous said...


Which of Jo Biden's policies do you like the most?

Anonymous said...

Jo Biden’s not the president yet , dumbass.

Anonymous said...

I miss RoMo

Anonymous said...

I told you the Russians store the Police Pledge money! Fuckers hacked what his stealing ass name. Williams?

Anonymous said...

9:46...So that's your way of admitting that you don't have a clue. Got it.

Anonymous said...

11:39...Maybe his ass is too fat to wear a proper uniform?

Anonymous said...

2:29 If you miss or missed RoMo, then just aim better next time!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Braxton Winston, he needs to change his first name because "Braxton" is the name of Confederate General Braxton Bragg.