What is shocking about this "drive by" is the casualness in which the 3 thugs conduct themselves during the middle of the day shooting, and the five children in the targeted yard that thankfully were unharmed.
But the shock of the broad daylight shooting doesn't stop there. Watch this "ring doorbell" video on something other than your cellphone and you soon realize the entire weight of the 30 second clip.
First a child takes his/her "razor" scooter across the street just 3 seconds before the shooting starts.
Once the shooting begins several children in the driveway scatter, one runs between the white Toyota and the SUV then stumbles behind the garbage cans.
Another child runs along the skiboat towards the back yard. The child who hid behind the garbage cans in now running to the woman who is hiding behind the parked SUV, all while these three gangbangers are firing away.

CMPD Detectives tracked down Christopher Gilmore, one of the suspects and charged him with 7 criminal counts. Including:
Yet even more shocking is that he was released by Mecklenburg County Sheriff Garry McFadden less than 4 hours later.
The house at less than 900 square feet doesn't offer a lot of protection.
But the shock doesn't stop there. The rental home according to neighbors also serves as an "at home daycare" actually permitted by the State of North Carolina.
In fairness to Sherriff McFadden he has little say in the release of his "residents" because that responsibility falls to the Magistrate that sets the conditions of release and the Chief Judge who sets the policy that allows violent felons back on the streets within hours of arrest.
In Mecklenburg County which is known as Judicial District 26 these liberal judges allow violent felons to run free with impunity. Elizabeth Trosch is the queen of liberal judges appointed by Democrat North Carolina Chief Justice Cheri Beasley who was defeated in November of last year. Trosch replaced Regan A. Miller who was also a strong proponent of the no bail for people of color because bail is racist.
But the shock of stupid doesn't end there. Drive by shootings get very little traction in the local news media unless there is a fatality. While WBTV and WCNC covered the story they were more concerned with the children than the release of Gilmore less than four hours after police charged him.
The crime scene in the CMPD Steele Creek division has countless shootings everyday. It has become a war zone and yet these violent felons are seldom arrested and when they are they seldom see jail time.
Charloot Mayor Vi Lyles is as always silent.
But what about the uninsured ponzi fund which separated money from fools?
This isn't news. Just another day in the hood. It has become so common that no one in this city gives a damn anymore. Exactly the reason I moved my family away from this city years ago. I now just take the 3 line report while in my hidey hole and commute back to the country...
Gilmore is a dead man, those homies have already figured he talked. Well duh how else did he get released right away? He's now "tight" with CMPD and the DA Merriweather. Those other two are looking at 20 plus years. That's how the system works. Hope they have Gilmore in a safe house. I hear he's giving other names as well.
Who was da rat that snitched out Garnes for calling people honkies? Just figures that some weasel would go file a complaint against him.
It would be a shame if he had a firearm "accident".
Garnes did it to himself. After his rant he bragged about it to the wrong person of color. There are apparently still some with integrity in this place.
Whatever happen to the idea of crime prevention? Maybe I'm crazy be I'm pretty sure this sort of behavior would earn you a five-ten year all expense paid trip to Raleigh. What happened?
When did Braxton get his hair highlighted?
Cedar Mouth Racist Fool
Hey McFadden. You’re a disgrace to the badge. Don’t ever tell anyone you worked homicide for CMPD cause that would embarrass us. You released this prick 4 hours later??!! Continue to pander to the Mexican community so you can get re-elected. That’s all you really care about isn’t it?
The only one who is racist here are the people who refuse to admit there is a serious problem when crimes like this don't result in long prison sentences.
Someone was upset over a late pickup fee for their child. Must have been stuck at work…..
Gilmore is someone who is deserving of our respect and compassion! Yeah right! He's an idiot with a stupid hairdo that deserves what he gets!
He can't shoot too good neither!
Will trade TOILET PAPER for GAS!
He needs to get got!
Last night CMPD responded to 16 calls for shots fired one resulting in a homicide. - Bored in South Charlotte.
“ I support Asians by going to PF Chang’s “ - Joshua C Richardson
Alot of you guys are nothing but cry babies.
Be thankful we have a job, and that we are not nearly as bad as other cities like Chicago, LA, NY, Portland. Our leadership fails us but at end of the day...leadership is nothing but politics its been that way since early 90s.
Observations from yesterday’s police memorial processional and service.
Only one member of city council was present
No county commissioners were present
Many command staff did not attend
“sheriff” Mcfake left in the middle of the service
The same media that portrays police in a negative light we’re present in droves to film us
Pineville police are very sloppy and look homeless
mcso is a joke
This was a police lives matter event that got the cold shoulder of the leaders of our city and county
A silent statement was made that we do not matter to them
My Dad fought to keep those Asians free from commies, he called them zipper heads. Used to say "I loved killing them zipper heads, every day in Nam we'd kill a dozen or more. When we got tired of killing them we'd dial up the Air Force for Chinese Take-Out."
He'd go on to say: "We'd give them a mad minute of fire from all squads at our fire base so they'd not hear the Super Sabers coming. We'd let up just in time to draw them out and kaboom"
Given Dad's use of zipper heads for dead VC and hibachi juice for napalm JR's PF Chang joke is pretty tame.
Zipper Head?
3:44. So freaking quit!! Command staff is getting pretty tired of hear all of you 20+ year vets complaining on here like a bunch of pussies. You don’t have it that bad. Do your 10 hours and go home. Stop whining
It won't be long before someone anyone rookie, command, veteran, transfer takes one for the team. And there won't be any parade or long speech from Vi Lyles. And the freaks will dance in the street. So 5:33 STFU we are all in this together.
Just sold my house in Mecklenburg, paying taxes in Belmont is worth it. Not paying Braxtons salary bitches!! Money talks and the residents of Mecklenburg County are getting ready to pay more. Affordable Housing will be in every neighborhood.
“ I’m going to be HONEST, I haven’t gone to college” - Joshua Richardson
8:49 Stop complaining about Vi Lyles and Braxton salary you had an opportunity to go vote, bring your friends, or donate to Joshua Richardson campaign. The more you put hate in Braxton and keep bringing up his name will only feel his agenda more of running for Mayor.
10:22 Nope I did something about it, I moved. I moved to Charlotte in 1987 and now we are gone. Im not giving my tax dollar to any of these fools anymore. Money talks
Pledge fund?
Ponzi fund update? Are cops so dumb they still invest in unsecured investment schemes despite the fact there's a bank on every corner in Charloot?
Braxton as Mayor there's a joke.
He'd be better than Vi Lyles.
Hey 10:34 EAD. You stay talking about the Pledge Fund.
Three arrested and one out? After shooting up the place on video with kids in the line of fire? The MAGISTRATES let them out. The CHIEF DISTRICT JUDGE sets the policy for the magistrates to let them out and supervises them directly (hires & fires). People need to get informed and vote for judges.
What happened to Regan Miller?
Injury to Personal Property. That will teach him. He won't even get trash detail or community service for that. Where is the attempted murder charge?
His wig looks great though. He may have gotten out on the tranny clause. Any protected class gets to the front of the out of jail train.
Remind me again why anyone lives in Meck County in 2021?
Non PoPo here just saw a guy waiving a gun at another driver on Independence near the Hawthorn Bridge. What the fuck Charlotte?
1344, I guess Officer Braithwaite is working 2nd shift.
Any smart Po Po is in their Hidey Hole. F#$! Em! Let them kill each other off.
No one cares....
How bout that council meeting last night? City Manager really is walking Council through the plan well. Time for a change people
Let this shit hole burn. And all the nuggets can kill each other while it burns. I moved to Cabarrus County years ago and haven't regretted it one day. Lower taxes, lower crime, hard working class families, and good schools. The list goes on and on. It is the opposite of Charloot. A little bit of a commute but well worth it to ensure the safety of my family.
Just saw the DA’s press conference and body cam of this Andrew Brown situation. The attorney for the departed Mr. Benjamin Crump said he didn’t have a weapon and his hands were on the steering wheel.... his hands were on the wheel alright.. as he steered the car toward the officers. Are these dumb protesters and BLM gonna apologize for jumping the gun and jumping to conclusions now???
Anyone wanna cuddle in Elizabeth City this weekend?
I would go to EC, but I'm going out to this cool Hookah lounge downtown.
Seriously, this is Baltimore/Chicago/Atlanta style, where every single day you read about more and more drive-bys. Vi ain't gonna get elected for anything beyond mayor with this record. She's gonna get creamed by any opponent once she moves to statewide with her record on violence. (or lack thereof)
Does anyone question the Chief or command as to why they deploy our officers all over for CEU? No explanation or reason. Just get on the bus and no stops to use the bathroom. What a clown show command staff has become.
Is JJ really taking away take home cars unless you live in the City of Charlotte? Talk about kicking people when they are down, like morale literally couldn't be any lower. Maybe if JJ would spend $1 million dollars on stupid ass uniforms, officers could keep their take home cars. The City Council did just cut about that much from CMPDs budget but by all means spend what money you do have on uniforms.
JJ is literally the most hated chief besides Monroe and that is horrible company to keep with that title. But I guess that is what happens when the city council hires someone completely unqualified to be their bitch. His public speaking skills are atrocious, policies are out of whack and mark my words, their will be a line of duty death under his leadership, especially in this climate. The blood will be on his hands and anyone working for him that is feeding into his ridiculous policies.
It's amazing to me how the officers put "white shirts" on and all of the sudden forget how to be a cop, assuming they were ever really a cop in the first place. JJ NEEDS TO RESIGN. If he really wants to serve this city, he needs to realize he is WAY over his head and not equipped to be the leader officers deserve or this city deserves. Murders are up, children are getting shot and we are well on our way to becoming another chicago because we have a Chief who is more focused on Chick fil a customer service policies than remembering criminals don't really give a shit if the police are reciting "how may we serve you" and "it's our pleasure". A true leader trusts that his officers will do the job right to make this city safer.
Would you rather have Stella or Cherie as chief?....Administrator!
“Life is hard!” “It’s even harder when you’re stupid!”
-John Wayne-
How about a white chief? Last 3 have been black. Give Whitey a shot
You know everything is going to sh^t when you hire a chief with no college degree!
If black lives matter then why aren't they protesting this? It has nothing to do with systemic racism or any of the other BS buzz words they use in blaming white people for their self inflicted problems!
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