Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Vi Lyles Queen of Homicides

Vi Lyles has been doing her "Happy Dance" retweeting SAFE Collation North Carolina's proclamation of a 17% drop in Charlotte's homicide rate and even this morning on WFAE yammering on about "her work" to reduce crime. 

Until now, Vi Lyles has been mostly silent. Her Happy Dance is as disgusting, dis-ingenuine and embarrassing as Kamala Harris.

Listen to Vi Lyle answer when Mike Collins asked what about consequences when people are caught with stolen or illegal guns and she stumbles along about the process of gun seizure completely clueless.  Mayor Lyles, Mike Collins was asking what about the consequences to the criminals who have illegal guns?  She can't answer the question. Listen here. Never mind that she can't pronounce perpetrator or that she has the attention span of a gnat.

Numbers are still numbers, each CMPD Chief produces a report with their own spin. JJ is not much better with the Pom-Poms than Vi Lyles. Props for delivering the year end review at year end and not in July as some CMPD Chiefs have done in the past.

 Much of Chief Putney's crime numbers trouble was simply due to years of Rodney Monroe "cooking the books" and so the real numbers looked awful.

CMPD's End of Year Crime Report is here. Beware it is a total "fluff" piece. Clearly missing are the demographics, because well that would paint a pretty bleak picture. 92% of the homicide victims are African American. Of those arrested and charged with a homicide or in connection with a homicide 87% are African American.

Homicides are unavoidable - there are just some people who are un-expectantly violent. Others however, are clearly on a trajectory for extreme violence. Multiple arrests, for ever increasing violent crime, are often the precursor to a homicide. Time and time again we see violent criminals released back into society, be it after an overnight stay for armed robbery or a plea deal that calls for only community service as punishment for the 3rd time they've been arrested as a felon with a gun or even AWDWIKISI. 

Just stop releasing violent criminals. In Mecklenburg County if you commit a crime with a weapon it should be a mandatory sentence of permanent incarceration. PERIOD!

Teenager with a gun in a school should be a life sentence. An armed robbery even just an attempted one or B&E with a weapon should be an automatic life sentence. These people are not capable of rehabilitation, ever!

If you don't agree then you are simply accepting of the fact that the African American Community has become a culture of violence, embracing criminality and gun play. And therefore these people need special intervention and not incarceration. 


Anonymous said...

Pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

CP is right you can't stop all homicides sometimes people just gonna kill each other but if you stop putting violent MOF's back on the street you'd but a serious dent in that homicide rate. Call me racist but this is a Black problem period.

Anonymous said...

yea sure, and Charlotte can afford to fill up prisons as Covid super spreader locations, waiting on all those convictions we never seem to see. if it is so obvious who is committing these crimes, LE needs to stop them, and the judicial system will punish them. Lock 'em up and toss away the key went the way of 3 strikes. it all sounds good until you have to pay the bill. Then people are getting life for shoplifting.
There's a middle ground, and Vi's social programs are a good start. Come watch what we do at DHHS. We are doing God's work out there.

Anonymous said...

She's a HO

Anonymous said...

3:58 I don't see CP as saying lock up everyone shop lifting weed parking tickets just the violent MOFS. Look at everyone of the 2021 arrests for homicide with very few exceptions they all have priors for weapons. If they were in jail rather than out on the street our homicide rate would be only 20-30 not 95-105.

Anonymous said...

Cedar Posts for Mayor!

Anonymous said...

Just watched that BWc from the “big bad metro division”. Another screwup. Detectives need to really watch what they put out in the thousands of bolo emails sent everyday. I remember when Bubans at half whit training officer at the academy would just brag to recruits how big and bad metro officers were. Then she quit.

Anonymous said...

This business of juking the numbers on homicides is utterly ridiculous and dishonest. A homicide, by definition, is when one human kills another. The removal of justifiable homicides from the year-end totals is incredibly deceitful, especially given how many of the justified ones were committed by individuals who should have either not been involved in the activities they were involved in, or were not lawfully allowed to possess firearms in the first place. Drug deal turned robbery that results in self-defense shooting? You’re welcome Spencer. Want to put the numbers out as “murders”? Fine. Then you can knock off all the manslaughters while you’re at it. But to leave out roughly 25% of the total number of homicides because you choose to redefine what constitutes the killing of one human by another is a disservice to the integrity this agency falsely projects to the public.

Anonymous said...

Bubans was STUPID!

Anonymous said...

Martha Roman was another STUPID idiot who just bounced from special position to special position without any real world experience!

Anonymous said...

Yep! Just like what's her face on VCAT who looks like a DUDE and shot herself in the foot???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


They always send the problematic officers from the academy and other divisions to Metro. Even the crappy supervisors get sent there to rot away. They try to ship out the officers with bad tactics and put them in South or Independence. Its really give and take. Its been that way for 20 years.


Anonymous said...

Response to above, I love the Metro officers the most but they is definitely not following the ChicFila protocols. It looks like they be getting that popeye's training.

Anonymous said...

I like what Cedar has in another post which explains it all...

"The number of crimes committed by members of the African American community is disproportional to the population at a 5-1 ratio. Yet the liberal masses refuse to address the fact that "The African American Community has become a culture of violence embracing criminality and gun play". Instead of addressing this core issue, they dismiss this charge as racism and white privilege."

Anonymous said...

The metro division is still one of the best divisions I've ever worked in. You can't take a metro officer and pretend that their tactics are the same or less than those in other divisions. Spend a few years in N Tryon and Metro and the experience that you get is unparalleled with other in the city. I disagree with one of the posts that said that you get sent to Metro to rot, majority of the officers in D2 are happy to be there and wouldn't want to move. The leadership in D2 actually gives a shit about their officers and doesn't write them up for every little thing. Rookies come to D2 or N Tryon and I guarantee that a good portion of them will excel compared to other divisions.


Anonymous said...

10:00...Spoke like a true rookie yourself! Brainwashed, just out of the academy, kool-aid loving, thinking Metro or North Tryon is the only Division in the city. 5000 or 6000 code number?

Anonymous said...

Chikin' samich!

Anonymous said...

@ 11:32

Lol spoken like a true officer who probably hides the entire shift and does the minimum day in and day out :).

I never said that D2 or D3 were the only divisions. Take someone from a working division and exchange them for someone in South or Providence. Just like those south officers who refused to go inside a house while a girl was actively being stabbed....

Anonymous said...

5000 or 6000? Code number?

Anonymous said...

Either way I get paid the same!

Anonymous said...

There was a time, long before you farted, when the old A2 was the busiest place to work!

Anonymous said...

I've worked both!