Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Putin Price Hike? Come On Man!


Joe Biden can't make up his mind. Last week the Biden Administration blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for the shock at the pump. 

Then this weekend Biden said he was tired of being blamed for gas prices that it wasn't his fault and there is nothing he can do. 

But back in December Joe Biden was taking full credit for the slight decline in the at the pump prices.

You can't avoid this and Joe Biden can continue his "Biden Salute" and try to blame shift but this is exactly what Democrats voted for in November. On day one of his administration Joe Biden canceled the Keystone pipeline, canceled drilling in AWAR and banned fracking on federal lands. All with executive orders just as he promised during his campaign

The basics:

First the price at the pump is not Putin's fault. Sadly that increase is yet to come. 

Here's why, most "dealers" set the price of the fuel you buy at the pump upon delivery. So stop threatening Shamir behind the counter. This is why the QuikTrip on Providence Road at Waverly is $4.18 per gallon and the Quick Shop in Raeford North Carolina also a Citgo products re-seller is $3.98. 

When the product is delivered the price is set based on that delivery. High volume stores located on interstates who take delivery weekly or even daily will see a price increase well before a rural Mom and Pop store.

Stop with the price gouging bullshit. No retailer is going to charge more than necessary. First the dealer sets most prices based on a product agreement. Second it doesn't make business sense when your business model is based on fuel being the draw to the in store sales which have a far larger profit margin.

Talk is cheap except when it comes to commodities. When politicians yap away like Biden talking nonsense about going green it tends to disturb the markets.

Talk of war or sanctions has a big effect on commodity prices.

As crude oil moves through the system from bulk delivery to refined petroleum the price of the end result is continually changing. 

Why Keystone Mattered:

The massive growth in US oil production — from approximately 5.5 million barrels per day in 2010 to 12 million barrels per day in 2019 — has been mainly in so-called “light oil,” but many US refineries are tailored to run “heavy oil” that is primarily produced in Canada.

The difference essentially comes down to heavy oil being more complex in terms of its components compared to light oil. This means that refineries that primarily process heavy oil are configured differently than light oil-processing facilities.

Over the past 40 years, refiners in the US have invested billions expanding their ability to process heavy oil. This occurred first on the US Gulf Coast, where refiners were seeing more heavy oil imports from Latin America, and then the US Midwest, where refiners were importing more from Canada.

Without Keystone Gulf Producers must purchase "heavy oil" from more expensive sellers many who are far more adversarial than Canada and rather than a free flowing pipeline, the refiners must rely on tankers and rail.


Anonymous said...

This is what we voted for. Let those folks ruin their climate over there, and let us save our on our continent. Saudi Arabia will be unlivable, Siberia will thaw and flood, and America will maintain a pretty normal climate, if we adapt to EV, solar, wind, and emerging energy technologies.

Now if we can get nuclear closed forever, we will take a huge step to victory. Charlotte is bookended with 2 massive accidents waiting to happen. Just imagine all the pollution in those perpetual clouds you see from their plants.

Anonymous said...

10:57 I hope you're being sarcastic because if Siberia thaws we are fucked here in Charlotte summers already run at 90+ most days.

Anonymous said...

Common man, you know democrats are smarter and have better policies and ideas than anybody else. Here's some proof for you.


Anonymous said...

Cedar, excellent explanation of the current situation. I do not know who to believe more, you or the inane Tik-Tok videos, sponsored by the Biden administration, on rising gas prices.

Anonymous said...

Pipeline has one huge detractor in Warren Buffet, who wants everything possible to run on rails (his rails, BNSF, the only freight carrier that covers that part of the upper midwest), and drive up freight costs. A pipeline is massive competition, so it's easy for him to fund the eco-warriors who will fight the fight for him, when in reality they are fighting for a modern day robber baron.

The Dems are not fighting climate change or big oil, or anything else, they are simply doing what Uncle Warren wishes for them to do. If it were the other side, the media would be crying that the R's are doing the work of the Kochs, but somehow Warren's aw shucks schtick has them fooled. He is a leech, and enriching him at the expense of every American who fills up is criminal.

Anonymous said...

Hank Johnson explaining about midgets classic!

Anonymous said...

This just in Putin took the pledge fund !!!!

Anonymous said...

Chikin' samich!

Anonymous said...

2:39 AM - I have not heard you offer extra pickles one damn time. Rude! So unless you're offering extra pickles on your Chikin'samich, you can stick it!

Anonymous said...

7:27 Thanks for pointing out the pipeline/ Buffet rail competition. That makes perfect sense.

Anonymous said...

11:07...You gots to lick it befo you stick it!

Anonymous said...

SO what about the dead two year old at Park Road Park? Just crickets from the media.

Anonymous said...

In a couple of weeks you wont have to worry about going to work, paying bills, or making comments on Cedar Post. Apparently most of you are sheep. No more cell phones or internet. You folks are screwed. Water, Shelter, Food, and ammo is all you need. I got my pledge fund and you are not going to need it now. I know when you see dead women and children on TV in the year 2022 it is fake. I'll be coming for your food supplies. If we see Chemical weapons being used Ukrainian cities then it is the beginning. Knowledge is power.

Anonymous said...

1352, you know how bad Charloot is going to be if the poop does hit the fan? Ask yourself how many days provisions 35% of the population has in house? And when that card doesn't work any more, for one reason or another, what they would do. Complete Mad Max scene if it does happen.
Good news is, no Cats and no gas means they probably won't reach me, and anyone else coming near my land will be catching 7.62 with their teeth. I pray it doesn't come to that, but I am prepared if it does.

Anonymous said...

We may need some more special sauce for our nuggitz!

Anonymous said...

Anyone got an update on memegate 2022?

Anonymous said...

I think we're gonna need a bigger boat!

Anonymous said...

I think this world has gone absolutely batshit crazy.
