Monday, April 25, 2022

Charlotte Panhandlers a Blight on Society

They are everywhere. 

Woodlawn, Tyvola, Providence, Highway 51, 485, and 77. 

They on the concrete median and in the planting strips. They wobble into traffic and some wander between cars. About every tenth car rolls down the window and hands over nicely folded cash just so they can here a fake God Bless You.

And that little bit of green is enough to keep them coming back day after day. 

No less than a two dozen panhandlers were "working" Providence Road between Weddington and Fairview Road this morning at 9:30. 

But heaven forbid you speak out about the blight, the trash, the hazard to themselves and drivers. 

Nextdoor angrily proclaims "Posting about homelessness? Public shaming has no place on Nextdoor."

But if want to rage about the neighbor's landscape crew running a leaf blower at 8:00 am on a Saturday by all means have at it.

Seems being WOKE is good but being Woken is not. 

Got it complain about someone working that's ok but post about homeless pandandlers errr I mean "unhoused neighbors" why you're racist!

Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles who just so happens to be about as useless as a white crayon, is all about Charlotte needing more afforable housing.

But here are the facts:

The national unemployment rate is at 3.6% North Carolina is 3.5% and South Carolina is 3.4% McDonald's is offering a $500.00 bonus and $15.00-$20.00 per hour. 

While some apartments are as much at $1,875.00 in Southend for one bedroom units there are two bedroom duplex apartments for $1,275.00 just down the street from the Arboretum. 

Charlotte's median price home is nearly 35% below Buffalo New York and nearly 1//2 that of Boston. If Charlotte is to expensive look next door at Gastonia where rent is typically 50% of Charlotte. 

The panhandlers break down into two groups professional hustlers:

Why work a real job when you can take in $40-$80 an hour standing in traffic? Seriously you earn a six figure income and file the IRS-EZ-1040 each year in April get child credits and if in 2020 and 2021 a stimulus check.  

and druggies:

This poor souls need a quick fix and South Charlotte drivers are suckers for a cardboard sign. Then they sleep if off at the Wells Fargo on Providence Road. 

Few very very few are actually homeless victims, down on their luck. 

And a few of them are just crazy violent like the one who attacked a woman mid-morning at the Providence Road CVS on Easter Sunday.

The black male suspect stole her car and purse and left her laying in the parking lot. Today she's recovering from two black eyes, staples in her head, a broken nose and a facial fracture. 

The homeless thug was arrested in Ashville and will be transported back to Charlotte later this week. Expect that DA Merriweather and the local judiciary will release him on a no-cash bail so he can prey on other residents within 24 hours.

To all those bleeding heart liberal idiots who roll down their car windows and give these people money - this is totally on you.


Anonymous said...

Well, I normally agree Cedar, but on this one, I disagree. I have been a Scout Master for decades, and have advised on Eagle projects for dozens of scouts. I had a young man from our troop come up with an amazing project this year. He is building homeless convenience stations that are portable in nature that give a homeless person the sanitation, dignity, and comfort to relieve themselves when they are out asking for alms. He also has a component where he will be making more permanent signs for the alms-seekers so they are not burdened with trying to draw attention to their plight on a daily basis. In Cranberry Township, we did not have this problem as much as we find down here in our new homes, so I am delighted that we have one of our own at Troop 174 to provide a small solution to our city's issues. Even in the big city of the 'Burg, it was not near as in the open as down here.

I hardly doubt any of these folks are seeking a 'six figure' income out of laziness. So many issues go into homelessness, predominantly substance abuse and mental illness. Helping to humanize their needs makes us a more humane community. Perhaps being one of those ten cars that passes out a little money would brighten someone's day. I will be so happy when we deliver these convenience stations and instruct on their usage. I truly hope we can get the TV news to highlight this spectacular event.

Unknown said...

Cedar you are right on all counts. It is nice to build stations and to offer clothes
but the problem is a mixture of mental illness and abusers for 90% of these people. It is very scary. I would say to the state and county spend that money you are going to give a billionaire for his stadium and use it to rebuild our mental hospitals. I won’t fix the problem but we have to start somewhere. Most of these people need to be hospitalized as they are a danger to themselves and to society. That is an undeniable fact.

Anonymous said...

CMPD hired a homeless guy. 20% of CMPD would be homeless without this job.

Don't ever forget that.

Anonymous said...

The only reason they come to Charlotte is because, by word of mouth, nothing will happen to them! When city leaders are to busy worrying about the difference in being black or white, and the district attorney is too scared to do his job then there is where the problem lies!

Anonymous said...

While I'm sure many appreciate the young "Scout's" effort and certainly understand how so many people view these people as being in need.......

But nothing could be farther from the truth. The homeless panhandler situation is caused by failed civic leadership and well meaning neighbors giving money to these individuals who have chosen a lifestyle that is not compatible with a safe community.

If you are tired of your kids picking up needles in the Arboretum parking lot, or fearing for your wife's safety while she is shopping at Harris Teeter, if you find yourself fending off aggressive beggars at the BP on Pineville-Matthews and Providence, then make your voice heard and tell the truth about Charlotte's homeless!

Anonymous said...

Troop 174? Out of St. Gabes? Aren't you one of the people that fled NJ to keep from being prosecuted for your abuses at the Catholic church there and came down here to "mentor" and "be like a father figure" to young men???

Anonymous said...

9:22 that's out of line. Cleary the person posting the comment is from just north of Pittsburg. I've known more than 100 people who were scouts during the last 30 years and not one of them was a victim of abuse. Doesn't mean that it happened but it is clear the hyperbole has outlived its welcome.

Anonymous said...

@1005, I’m not the one that posted it, but if you seriously think that comment is out of line, you must be new to Cedar Posts. If that offends you, then you might want to stay off the blog.

Anonymous said...

It is out of control Mayor Lyles and Charlotte City Council are fools and it is not going to get better just look at Cedar's post from last summer and see clear evidence that Vi Lyles is indeed the cause of the homeless explosion.

Anonymous said...

I thought we covered this 2 decades ago...panhandler is a term of offense, designed to minimize the humanity of the person seeking help. The preferred term would be Unorthodox Entrepreneur, or UE for short.

I applaud the Scout troop, and wish I had the option to put one of my daughters in when they were growing up. Kuddos for doing your part to help the unhoused here in Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

Panhandler is nice compared to what I'd call them. Everyone should be arrested taken to Jail North given a shower 2 hots and a cot and full medical exam including drug screening and psychological exam. Then micro-chip the bastards. If they find their way back to South Charlotte they can find their way to a job.

Lets sort the real need from the scammers.

Anonymous said...

All part of the democrat plan to provide affordable housing. Who would by a house in Raintree or Providence Country Club only to have to deal with this lowlife will shopping for groceries? Glad I live in York County.

Anonymous said...

Such a sad sentiment. People out here, down on their luck, needing a little help to put some literal bread on their table, and you look down your nose because you may have someone at your grocery store who makes you feel uncomfortable. I don't know anything affordable about Providence Country Club or Raintree, both elite golf course communities.

Keep your snobbery in SC, we will keep openness and a welcoming spirit in Charlotte. I welcome more affordable housing over here on the east side. Margaret Wallace is a perfect spot.

Anonymous said...

These are not people "down on their luck" they are criminals and junkies unwilling to take real jobs and they have come to south Charlotte because liberal fucktards like you feel sorry for them and give them cash and I feel uncomfortable because when you fucktards aren't enough they car jack 62 year old women like my mother! You like them so much start a fucking go fund me to give them free crack pipes and sleeping bag in you back yard. I'm sure they'd thank you and then rob your mother.

Anonymous said...

Don't be too hard on idiots like 2:26 PM. Yes they are the cause of this mess. Yes as long as they feel these people are down on their luck this will be a problem. Panhandling used to be an crime with a civil fine. Go to jail and whatever cash you had became city property since it was assumed to have been collected during the commission of a crime. Simple solution. Now money no panhandlers no more violent attacks like at CVS on Easter Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Nothing funnier than two panhandlers trading blows because one didn't give up his turf when asked or his shift was supposed to be over. I see it daily at Waverly where I manage a fast food restaurant which will go unnamed but we've had to call 911 on more than one occasion this month.

Anonymous said...

2:26 You are probably one who searches for unicorns and rainbows! These idiots by dope or liquor as soon as they get enough money! Some of these dumb-asses aren't down on their luck because they drive their cars to places in order to panhandle some quick cash. They even have their children standing with them to get more sympathy from liberals like you! Many of them are wanted on crimes from out of state! No, they aren't criminals are they?

Anonymous said...

They need to make it illegal for people to give them money!

Anonymous said...

Well, we in Charlotte know, if they were wanted out of state (and a POC) they would be gunned down in broad daylight by the US Marshalls like the poor dad on The Plaza last year. We know that the laws are not enforced on them, because they are predominantly white. Get a 16 year old with dreads and his urban attire, and you all would have the VCAT honkies out sending him down the river.

How does CP put it, cuffed and stuffed with boxcars coming? All I see in southside is a bunch of white trash pill heads, meth heads, and needle junkies. Laws don't apply equally to them. Too sad for your inconvenience down there, it obviously isn't affecting your property values. But so happy you have scouts building sheds for them to crap and shoot up in the median, out of view from society. So nice of them!

One day Mayor Pat is going to ride back into town on his white horse and save all y'all from the Charlotte you fear. That's a unicorn story for you. lol

Anonymous said...

6:16 Compassion is good.
Your plan is not good.

Making more signs that are better for people to beg on the streets?

WTH are you thinking? And intentionally putting children in the mix of dangerous situations...

Do not do things to "help" people stay on the streets. That is to make YOU feel better. People like to go hand out sandwiches to make themselves feel better. People often talked about the lady who lived under a pile of debris on 9th Street as if she were beloved and talked about the things they brought to her and how visiting her was so wonderful. She was stabbed to death by another "unhoused person."

People rallied groups to bring food and clothing to a tent city that formed because it made them feel good about themselves. That food and clothing allowed the people staying there to use all of the money they received and could gather to buy drugs and alcohol. This is typical, regardless of location. The entire thing turned into a literal rat nest. The video of the thousands of rats running from underneath the tarps those people were living on– including children– still gives me nightmares.

It happens on a smaller scale where other people exist in piles of debris.

Do not "help" people live like animals on the street. Work to get them off the street. It is unsafe for them. Unsafe for everyone. Selfish and foolish to work to keep people homeless beggars. They either need different care or different choices. Stop making it worse and calling it help.

Anonymous said...

We need a team approach lets get the thugs on ATV's to run over the beggars then arrest the thugs. That would be a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

7:47...It's the 16 year olds with dreads and urban attire that commit most of the crimes!

Anonymous said...

9:14, I like this idea. 2 birds with 1 stone. Also should give each a cellphone like we do with the new Americans crossing the border, so we can track them and the ATV's will have an easier time finding the trash on the street corners.

Anonymous said...

vets with PTSD often end up on the streets

Anonymous said...

9:47 What is your point? Yes, vets with PTSD make up some portion of the homeless population and it's completely unacceptable that men and women who risked their lives and sustained physical & psychological damage doing so are homeless. Or maybe there's another reason they're homeless and they happen to be vets. And the same could be true of all homeless people. Nobody should be living on a sidewalk, whether they served or not.

Homeless people are homeless because they never learned to take care themselves properly because of failing schools and lack of parenting. Or some were orphans and shipped around various inadequate housing until kicked out at 18 or sooner or escaping abuse before 18. Some were vets. Some had other trauma. Some just started partying and it got out of control. Some were well-educated, had great parents and support but medical bills from an illness took them down. Or a car accident. Or some other massive life problem beyond their control. Or people are mentally ill and unable to make a decision to get the help they need or try to get it but are unable to get proper care and without it, they can't live properly and hold down jobs or even make use of the safety nets that should keep them off the streets. Or because some asshole in a position of power turned them away with their tiny bit of power and the person in need never went back.


BOY SCOUT LEADERS should NOT be leading projects to make 'better signs' for begging for any of these people to make it more comfortable for the boy scout leaders or anyone else to pat themselves on the back and say "I made it better for the person to beg for their lives today and sleep on the ground with no safety from human or animal or fears or disease or hunger (oh, sorry, they gave a sandwich) or what will happen tomorrow." That is crazy and if you are someone with a kid participating, you are crazy. You should STOP THIS NOW.

Anyone doing something that is helping people stay homeless instead of helping them stop being homeless is participating in their agony, whether you perceive that they are "choosing" it or not. And if you're of a mind that all of them are scamming, drug and alcohol-infested criminals, then move along. Some of them are. Yes. Don't give them signs and sandwiches, either, because it's only making that activity more comfortable as well. But also, some of them are doing that (most, likely) because of past trauma and neglect and lack of people around them modeling behavior toward them and toward others.

Getting someone a meal should be coupled with a conversation about needs, actions, locations to help. Not alleged pity that makes YOU feel better while people live like animals and try to shame other people for saying that's not okay.

Anonymous said...

Shoulda, coulda woulda, blah blah blah!

Anonymous said...

1:15 Really insightful, intelligent comment.

Anonymous said...

'Deez nutz!

Anonymous said...

I’ve been saying to anyone who will listen to give your $ to a shelter where they can visit NOT directly to them. This should be the law.
Just look at the growing “in your face” junk pile/ shrine whatever you want to call it building up at the N off ramp of 77 at Woodlawn.