Monday, April 18, 2022

Jasmine Horne Mistaken By CMPD for Jaselyn Horne

Jaselyn Horne Photo Courtesy of MCSO

Jasmine Horne Photo Courtesy of WFAE

After the WFAE and other ran stories about Jasmine Horne's ongoing complaint about CMPD Officers and the findings of the sham Citizen's Review Board. CMPD issued this statement via Twitter:

In response to the Citizen Review Board’s decision on Tuesday to conduct a full evidentiary hearing on May 12th regarding the Horne matter, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department maintains that officers acted in good faith with the information they had as they searched for a very dangerous individual wanted for attempted murder. 

On Sunday, June 13, 2021, an Assault with a Deadly Weapon incident took place in the 500 block of West Cama Street in the Westover Patrol Division. An adult male had suffered life-threatening stab wounds and reported to officers that it had been a known female suspect who had stabbed him numerous times. With information provided to the investigating officers by the victim, the officers developed a suspect name of Jasmine Horne. 

During the course of the investigation, the name of Jasmine Horne and a vehicle associated with the name of Jasmine Horne was entered into the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's License Plate Reader system. 

On Monday, June 14, 2021, the License Plate Reader system monitored a hit in the Metro Patrol Division for the vehicle associated with the name of Jasmine Horne. This information was provided to the Metro Patrol Division over the radio. Metro Division Officers located the vehicle parked in the 2700 block of Englehardt Street with Jasmine Horne inside of the vehicle. 

Jasmine Horne was handcuffed and detained in a patrol vehicle that was on scene. Jasmine Horne continued to be cooperative, compliant, and assisted in the investigation. Through continued investigation by the officers, it was determined that Jasmine Horne was not the suspect in the ADW from West Cama Street. 

 Jasmine Horne was released on scene within 15 minutes of her first being placed in handcuffs. Jasmine Horne did not report any injuries as a result of this interaction, and she did not have any apparent injuries. 

The officers who had detained Jasmine Horne were not injured. 

Officers of the CMPD continued the investigation into the original ADW case on West Cama Street, and were able to close the case by arresting Jaselyn Horne on Wednesday June 16, 2021 for the crime of Attempted First Degree Murder. 

 An external complaint for the misidentification and detention of Jasmine Horne was received by the CMPD. An internal investigation was conducted by the CMPD Internal Affairs Bureau. 

The actions of the officers who detained Jasmine Horne were found to be within policy of the CMPD as the officers were acting in good faith with the information that they were provided.

The once the tweet aged a little the Twitter trolls came out of the woods and the comments are insane:



CP's prior post on the CRB Sham is here.

It is unfortunate that Ms. Horne was confused with Ms. Horne. But the media's jump and the trolls effort to portray this as some sort of rouge police operation run by bunch of racist police is just nuts.

The idea that CMPD Officers would approach a white suspect differently is a flawed as the premise the Charlotte Police Officers "disproportionately arrest Black motorists" because the system is racist. 

The George Floyd experiment has left this country with a crime explosion that has become stunning in size yet politicians like Vi Lyles remain silent.


Anonymous said...

So they are not the same person and CMPD took 15 mins to figure this out?

As a White female who was actually mistaken for another White female by the Myrtle Beach Police I understand the anger. I was maybe 22 and was pulled over as a suspected pump and dash gas thief. The cashier gave my car's description and the basic white girl blond hair 20-25 to the cops who pulled me over. I paid at the pump and thankfully had my receipt. I was still handcuffed while an officer went to the BP Express Mart down the road and showed the cashier my picture on his cell phone. The cashier a black women admitted that she had made a mistake.

Apparently all white people lot the same.

I was scared and cops where very apologetic and that was it.

I didn't file a complaint or sue anyone.

This is total bullshit and Ms. Horne is just wanting a big payday.

And it makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

yup, as expected, in the CMPD training manual we all look the same.
Being Black in Charlotte is not safe enough, with the complete lack of patrol on our side of town, now we have to face being targeted by the men in sheets. I mean blue. pulling us over.

Answer me this, how did the LPR go off for a false person? Sounds like the basis for pulling anyone over they want to, to me. Used to be busted out lights or failure to signal. Or my favorite, leaving a known drug house. That one was actually my aunts, and she kept some of my kids, so I got pulled over a lot back then.

lets face it, this dont happen in southpark or ballentine. Eastway? Steele Creek? the Ford? yup, all day, everyday.
At least we have the CRb looking out for our interests.

Anonymous said...

@ 1:29pm
Well obviously it's gonna happen at the Ford Numbnuts, it's predominantly black people.

Ballantine is predominantly white people.

Hickory Grove predominantly Hispanic people.

Maybe if your rachety ass stopped hanging out with ratchet people you'd stopped being pulled over?

You think police targets you? What about black on black crimes? No? Nothing? Crickets?

Anonymous said...

@0129pm, you’re an idiot

Anonymous said...

All black people look alike

Anonymous said...

She was guilty of something!

Anonymous said...

She's black and wants money for it!

Anonymous said...

She needs money to get her nappy ass weave fixed!

Anonymous said...

You a joke if you think police aren't showing discrimination towards black and brown people. I bet even black and brown cops ain't pulling their own kind anymore

Anonymous said...

Listen, yall can hate all yal want, but I know CMPD is racist. The only crackheads I see every day are all the ones begging with signs at intersections, and they are 99% white. I aint seen one of them harassed by the 5-0 in ages. Charlotte has whole camps of homeless crackheads in the woods all over. If you white, you can get away with anything. if you Black or brown, you gonna get stopped and searched. Facts.

I still don't know why the LPR showed up as one woman driving, and another, completely different woman was in it. Maybe yall need to go take some classes at CP to learn how to run yalls stuff. I see 2 beautiful Black proud women---yall see someone to lock up. Go get them fake vets off the corner all up and down Tyvola and South Blvd. Leave us alone, cus yall shure aint keeping crime down in our part of town. only your own.

CRB needs oversight at the Academy to make sure tomorrows officers get brought up right, and treet people fair.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... ain't dat beautiful! I bet day smoke day weed! Looks like you need to take spelling classes, "and TREET people fair".

Anonymous said...

They treat ordinary people fair. It's the ones who are guilty that have problems with it!

Anonymous said...

1:29 You let your aunt keep your kids at a known drug house?

Anonymous said...

8:28 doing the black and brown people lol - as if you can't say we are being treated wrong as a group you've got to try and build your case by adding "brown" people to your claim.

So guess what hommie? Them "brown people" don't want any part of your mess. They want to be as far away from you as possible.

Anonymous said...

Noogies are a violent crowd. Some of my best cops are African Americans and they take the job more seriously than many white officers. Anyone saying CMPD is racist should try some of this shit we deal with here in Memphis or B-ham.

Anonymous said...

Amen 6:16

To everyone else the man speaks the truth. In the last two years I've witnessed over and over again "good" cops let thugs drive off knowing they had a dozen warrants just because they were "sort of polite".

I know one guy in South whose personal goal is to not have one court day in 2022.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, I'm leaving this area. They have destroyed the confidence so much that the folks in place to protect us are aiming for zero court days??? I don't blame them one bit, but that is telling.

Not that putting them in for processing would do one thing except add to their record. Out in less than 12 hours.

Anonymous said...

Y'all think I'm kidding?

Go to inmate inquiry

Anderson Davag

Armed Robbery in at 1:02 out at 5:39 4 1/2 hours. That's Nuts!

Anonymous said...

Meck Sheriff is the fastest gov service in NC. You can't get anything else processed that fast.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect when you got a chief who is still butt hurt about his officers poking fun when he was wearing his safety vest backwards? His one major concern is having black stripes on the uniform pants! Remember...Black stripes matter!

Anonymous said...

Just a freaking money grab by some worthless Black Ho.

Anonymous said...

Racist Charlotte showing its head again. Firing a Black man who inherited problems at CMS. What happened to letting him have his chance at fixing the problems?

I bet we get someone who wants new schools in south Charlotte, and ignores East/West/North/Steele Creek. We need a strong Black woman, like Vi or Ella, to lead CMS into the future.

Orlando Jones said...

Officer Ruff for CMS Student Body President!

Officer Friday for Student Body Vice President!

Officer Mobley for Student Body Treasurer!


Anonymous said...

7:44 He was fired because he was black? So now some white guy is in charge "acting superintendent" and he will clean up the mess so we can hire another black guy. OK makes sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

Noogies don't care they love Charlotte just like it is crime murder guns gangs drugs homeless Snap Benefits EBT Cards housing assistance free stuff looting hoes rap and saying Fuck CMPD. What a life!

Anonymous said...

When did the pet detective gerson get reassigned to the airport police? Is he chasing dogs and cats on the runway?

Anonymous said...

looks like another long, not summer for Charloot, and the temps haven't even heated up yet. If only we had Da Babby's loot, and could move somewhere safe out in the burbs.

Anonymous said...

9:36... That's "Commander" Gerson to you! He now knows everything about being an Airport Police Officer.

Anonymous said...

Just the facts; Police are not perfect, and mistakes will be made. Holding officers to an impossible standard makes it impossible for the police to do their jobs. Make a mistake, and the officer could be tried, convicted, and go to jail. Perhaps that's why there is a nationwide shortage of people who want to be police officers. This effort by the City of Charlotte CRB is NOT good for the city of Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

Has she got her "nappy" head weave fixed yet?