Thursday, April 28, 2022

Pro-Bike Nut Birds Have Well???A Nutty

I get it Charlotte tried to be "green" and created bike lanes that are the equivalent of wearing a face mask will walking alone uptown. Total virtue signaling. 

Krissy Oechslin on Twitter:

"Morning: nice new flex posts on the 4th St bike lane. Afternoon: just kidding! Truck driver: “where do you want me to park? In the parking deck?” Um, yes, actually. 

@CharlotteDOT can we do better than this? There is a never-enforced no parking/no stopping sign"

I know Krissy is upset that some guy in an 18-Wheeler parked on top of the new flex posts. But no that rig won't fit in the parking deck.

Let's try to be nice to big rig drivers. Krissy might not know this but there's a shortage of drivers and we kind of need them.

But Krissy's plight wasn't lost on Rick Winiker

Rick Winiker:

"I actually dread trying to navigate around the area on bike. With no bike lane enforcement, it's almost more dangerous (But it's also where you might have a chance encounter with 
@bikeMSSNGR  - so almost worth it...)"

Did you notice something about these photos? (Besides Rick getting bonus points for using landscape mode for his photo unlike Krissy who is in perpetual selfie mode.) 

You have to look hard but there's no traffic Uptown. Its as dead as a road toad on a summer night.

While not as dead as during the height of the COVID pandemic but dead just the same.

Let's face it Uptown was not designed for bike lanes. It was a good experiment but it is a total failure. 

This is what is known as commerce and while we don't have a lot of it Uptown right now, if we ever get back to normal we need to be able to off load street side.

We could have trucks stop in the drive lane but that impedes traffic and means they have to mind the bikes. It maybe adopt a street side delivery window time frame and hefty fines for missing the window. I'm thinking 5am-7am and maybe 3pm - 5pm or something like that.

One thing is for sure some cyclists and I know many need to lose the attitude. 


Anonymous said...

how about this... For the bikers seriously complaining about the truckers, we will clear the trucks just for you, but you may never ever have or use any supplies that are delivered from a trucker. Also, no limited delivery hours. Just NO. Good lord, has anyone noticed that supplies are getting harder and harder to come by. Take them when we get them and be thankful! Krissy, Shut your face and thank a trucker!

Anonymous said...

Bike lanes uptown are for commuters. That's dense city crap, and Charlotte may be getting there, but who has seen, worked with, or heard about someone riding in from outside uptown? If you are in Noda or Southend, you can take the train (just step over the junkie and don't sit in the pissed in seat).

Has anyone worked with someone who brings a bike into the office? Because no matter where you put that thing outside, something's getting stolen. There's already scooters for the hip kids too lazy to put in actual steps. We don't need bike lanes, and any actual biker is staying as far away from uptown as possible.

So many problems, so few solutions. Went to Knights game, and felt safe inside, but good Lord Rearden park is in bad shape. Junkies using the bathroom as a shooting gallery. How do all the wheelchair folks get moved from wherever they sleep to wherever they lounge all day? Is Cats dropping them off and picking them up?
And why would a company like Honeywell see this and decide Charlotte is a great place to drop our HQ? I know they came from a worse place, but was Ballentyne not an option? Or anywhere for that matter?

Thanks Dems for turning Charlotte into one big burning dumpster fire

Presley Franburg said...

My 2 cents..

The CFD, CMS, and CMPD have been covering up a long history of poor management and wasteful spending. Its to a point where you cannot trust anything that is being communicated by the administration in media releases. Stella Patterson wasn't even a functioning cop at CMPD, and she was hand picked to run Raleigh PD? That is the definition of government corruption via misinformation and false evaluations. The CMS Superintendent was just fired under multiple investigations. He worked under 3 Superintendents that were also fired with investigations. Is it a system issue, or just the wrong people sitting in the boat for their chance to drive? CFD is under fire for their diversity promotions and appointments(just blacks?). They can't hire a landscaper to be a firefighter in Charlotte, anymore.

It also looks like CMPD finally got the hidey hole guy. He has been MIA for months, now. I am still waiting to see that porno video of the female cop, too.

Additional thoughts of views? How can we fix these problems?

Anonymous said...

2 cents,

Be careful talking about misinformation on here. The new DHS ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ might come after you. They know the truth so make sure you stay in line. We all know Stella was an accomplished law enforcement professional for many years at CMPD who received many accolades and high praises from her peers.

Anonymous said...

Pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

What happened to the hidey hole guy?

Anonymous said...

He’s in his hidey hole probably

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

So former CMPD here. Glad I jumped ship long time ago. What’s the status on your homicides? How many you all up to this year so far? How many officers you all short?

Anonymous said...

6:49...I'm right here hidin' and making the same whether I do anything or not!

Anonymous said...

6:42...D' homeys still killin' each other!

Anonymous said...

1:13PM Keep it up Hidey! Glad you're safe!