Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Republicans Give Up

Charlotte and Mecklenburg County's Local Election was basically decided yesterday.

Despite a never ending cascade of COVID missteps, a flood of homeless and panhandlers on every street corner, surging Black on Black crime, Charloot'e Mayor Vi "Lightfoot" Lyles and her side kick Braxton Winston who their Democratic primary Tuesday.

Winston who received the most votes in the Democratic primary for four at-large City Council seats is a staunch defund the police close the jail advocate.

Dimple Ajmera the notable air head who doesn't even pay her property taxes on time was second, followed by LaWana Slack-Mayfield and James “Smuggie” Mitchell. 

And they all advance to the general election.

District 1 Council member Larken Egleston and former Mayor Patrick Cannon were fifth and sixth which makes them losers and are were eliminated.

Patrick Cannon was mayor in 2013 and then served time in prison for accepting bribes while in office. This was his first and hopefully last attempt to return to public office. 

Garry McFadden and Spencer Merriweather also basically won re-election yesterday. The trifucka of City, County and Judicial monopoly by the Democrats means Charloot's clown circus of violent crime and endless WOKENESS continues.

Pat McCrory - Disingenuous is the word that defines voter perception of the former Charlotte Mayor and his attempt at National Political Office.

Sadly his campaign continuously struck a sour note with voters and kept playing the same song despite clear indications the message wasn’t working.

Let's face it the GOP has given up on Mecklenburg county. Clearly we’ve reached the point of capitulation Larken was often the sole voice of reason within Council Chambers.

As with CMS the only answer at this point is secession of South Charlotte from the habitual democrat run clown show as we know it.

And then there's one and done Madison Cawthorn who made a ton of JV mistakes as a freshman congressman, his fratboy image and subsequent defeat should serve as fair warning to many that all glory is fleeting!


Anonymous said...

I am stunned and shocked that Cannon did not pass through. His war chest must not be large enough to pay the walking money needed to get those votes out.

And McCrory is not now, nor has he ever been, popular enough to win with enthusiasm. He is the last Red Gov NC will see for a while. The reverse of Jim Hodges in SC. Just fade away Pat, and let someone else take on the airwaves.

No amount of money can overcome the Blue lock in Meck County. Hold on to your wallet, because the property tax increases have to be coming soon.

Anonymous said...

Why is no one talking and/or concerned about the vote in Geneva to turn our national health care decision making over to the WHO. This happens next week. Amendments were made and this bypasses the senate, so it will probably go through. Also, the baby formula plant shut down by the FDA causing a formula shortage at the perfect time for Bill Gates bio Milq startup in NC.

Anonymous said...

Lol, soooooooooooooooo freaking happy I left that shit hole. I enjoy watching that city and country burn every day. The idiot voters in that country deserve what you have. What’s the old saying…”you reap what you sow”

Anonymous said...

Pledge fund?

Anonymous said...

I’m gloating. I love being right. Everything Biden has touched has turned to 💩💩
All my Democrat friends said it would be better now that the orange bad man was out of the
White House…. Yeah, how’s that Biden vote working out for you?? Don’t want to hear no complaining when gas hits $6 a gallon
You all voted for it

Anonymous said...

We had a win in Meck yesterday. Cheryl Russo is a fighter and will be a conservative winner against Leftist Rachel Hunt in NC District 42.
Democrats have ruined Charlotte, so all thinking people need to get behind one of our only hopes for the future!

Anonymous said...

If you live in Mecklenburg County then you are an idiot. Take advantage of the property values while you can and sell. I did years ago and don't regret it. It's going to shit quick and based on the primaries it's going to get progressively worse...

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Jan6 crowd is out and in full effect. I know for certain that ALL of Charlotte can unite behind Jeff Jackson to bring representation to Washington, including protecting a woman's right to decide her own choices for her/his own body, full support of college debt forgiveness, a rework of the Police/Prison complex that runs this nation, and an honorable fix to our outdated immigration system. He will also fight our most pressing issue- Climate Change. As you all sweat it outside this summer, just know that all of these AC's running are speeding up the demise of our planet. Arizona and Las Vegas will be completely dry in just months. Mass migration will upend society. We need to get behind his push to raise the minimum MPG to 60MPG. Who isn't behind saving some money from the fat cat oil companies who want Trump back in office?

Go Jeff Go

Anonymous said...

Jeff Jackson is a totally on the Biden Bus - and Jackson's values of defund the police and release violent felons from prison and kill babies doesn't represent conservatives in Charlotte and he damn sure won't represent Gaston County.

Jeff Jackson will mindlessly continue on the path to more inflation, more illegal immigrants, higher taxes, higher fuel prices, higher insurance costs, lower performing schools, CRT, more mask mandates, a sinking stock market and a full blown recession that Clueless Joe set this county.

A vote for Joe Jackson is a vote for STUPID.

Haven't you had enough of Joe YET?

Anonymous said...

This video gives a pretty good explanation of the WHO issue.

Anonymous said...

7:38...clearly a white man said this, "..Police/Prison complex that runs this nation..." You must not read. The streets are running red with the black man's blood, and it must be because that is exactly what the white left wants. Look here and sadly, look a Philly.

Anonymous said...

When I moved to Charlotte in the mid 70’s Charlotte was beginning to change. The West side of town had been conceded to crime and the North Sharon Amity/Ablemarle Rd/Milton road was just starting to take its turn. Today, most of Charlotte has turned from Tax Payers to Tax Consumers. So many who respect the law, want good schools, serve as parents and role models in their children’s lives have moved to surrounding counties and to SC. Charlotte and much of Mecklenburg has become an urban center, or stated another way, ward of the tax payer. It will not change for decades as the demographics just don’t allow it. When you have council member who hate the police, a sheriff who is an dangerous/arrogant fool and a DA who wants to release everyone you get mass chases. It is not going to change, some have figured out, they do not need laws or legislation to get what they want, they just need to put themselves in power and then they enforce only what they believe —- McFadden and Merryweather for example. It will get much worse before it gets better and there is nothing we can do about it. When a gathering of a couple of thousand people erupts into gunfire with several getting killed and no one sees anything or when a child’s birthday party leaves attendees dead or a funeral wake has people killed and no one know anything about it then that should tell you all you need to know. Best advice, MOVE!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I cant believe it’s Monkeypox season already. I still have my Ukraine decorations up.

Anonymous said...

There is no easy cure for the poverty you see across Charlotte, but Jeff Jackson has a plan. It starts with racial equity and criminal reform. Why defund a parent from their needed SNAP benefits because of past mistakes? Why so many needless interactions with the 'law'? Why the continual defunding of the education system? From Pre-k to HBCU's, there needs to be an increase in funding. There needs to be a working wage act that promises that Meck residents can afford the basics of life. There needs to be healthcare to cover those among us who do not have, nor cannot afford coverage. Let us not forget all of the Green jobs that will be created by enacting a real Climate plan that covers all 100 counties. You saw the houses tumbling into the sea this month. NC is a frequent target for tropical systems, and they will get worse if we do not increase our renewable generation capacity in the state. And let us not forget how strong an advocate Jeff is on woman's rights, including reproductive rights.

We need change, and we need strong leadership for ALL of us in NC14.

Anonymous said...

Cedar Please spell it out for the dim bulb 2:26

Anonymous said...

12:55. Re. BMX! They don’t seem to matter to the thousands who wittensed other BLACK LIVES being taken—-thousands and no one saw anything. How about the funerals walk, or the birthday party—-silence from those who were there, never saw a thing. So who do those lives matter to—-let me take a shot at an answer for you. BLM is a corporate money grab by poverty pimps like you and your buddy Jeff Jackson who makes a really good living using the slogan but not doing shit for any of those Black Lives. When I help the “throw away”children of these communities the only time I see people like you is when the cameras roll in and then you come in with your Sunday finest on and gleaming to the cameras—-of course withe African colors to sho how real you are. BLM and poverty Pimp Jeff Jackson are part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the spelling but I get angry with Poverty Pimps like BLM and Jeff Jackson and their posts…..

Anonymous said...

If yo black din day got yo back, but if'n yo white din it ain't right!

Anonymous said...

9:16 is spot on with the Jeff Jackson comments. Just another white leftist who is the black mans best friend during the campaign. Once elected? Can't find them, and certainly forget black issues. Never ever trust a white leftist.

Anonymous said...

You mean he ain't woked?

Anonymous said...

Democrats are just lost soles. They want to desperately right the world. But never understand that the world is not right or socially correct. Everything has a cause and effect you can't order people to wear masks and you can't shut down the oil and gas companies unless you are willing crush the economy. Democrats like JJ aren't smart enough to see that their policies are ruining lives of the very people they claim to support.