Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Concord Mills Shooting

According to the local paper:

Concord Mills mall in Concord is closed after a shooting involving police on Wednesday afternoon 

“The scene is secure at this time and there is no danger to the public,” Concord Police said on Twitter at 1:15 p.m. 

“With the assistance of the NC SBI, we are currently investigating an officer involved shooting at Concord Mills Mall,” police said. “More details will follow.”

At 1 p.m., police said on Twitter that the mall was closed and urged everyone “to please clear the area.”

Several people reported hearing five or six gunshots.

There were also reports of some teens running, yelling and going out the emergency exit, triggering an alarm. 

Shoppers reported hearing rumors that there was a shooter in the mall. 

At about 1:15 p.m., Police could be seen walking the halls of the mall as well as outside, while a helicopter flew overhead. 

At around 2:55 WSOC "ACE" Report Joe Burno tweeted this photo adding that he was waiting on a press briefing to being shortly:

The most recent shooting at the mall was reported in June 2021. A fight between two men escalated to gunfire in the mall parking lot, police said.

Last summer, Concord Mills started a teen curfew requiring anyone younger than 18 to be accompanied by an adult after 3 p.m, on Fridays and Saturdays. The mall had closed early twice over a few months because of problems with juveniles: in January 2021 due to juveniles fighting and in November 2020 because of disorderly youths. Concord Mills mall, off Exit 49 in Concord, opened in 1999. 


Anonymous said...

That’s nuts. I go there all the time.

Anonymous said...

Just like most malls that have already shuttered or are close to doing so. They have turned into ghetto day cares. No place for families to shop anymore.

Anonymous said...

I did notice a difference with the people last time I was there. It’s the new Northlake.

Anonymous said...

And the categories are:

Reasons for malls shut down
Ethnicities that commit crimes
Guess the race of the perp
Juveniles with no daddy at home
13% of the population, 90% of crime

I’ll take reasons for malls shut down for 800 Alex

Anonymous said...

I walk in The Mills 5 mornings a week, and I think it is very safe. I want to see camera footage of what happened. I have never seen the mall security there with weapons. If this was a police incident, why are they baiting suspects over stolen credit cards? I read the officers were under 2 years on the job, and in training. This seems really suspicious to me.

What the media is trying to do, is to make another mall a boogeyman. They did it with NorthLake, which was a way better walking track for me and Gladys before her arthritis got to bad to bear. These malls are the lifeblood of our retail economy, especially where we are from, when the brutal winters start. Keeping them safe means keeping them full of people, not shooting people over a few stolen credit cards.

Anonymous said...

7:21…… You are either a sarcastic genius….or… are straight up stupid…. The cops didn’t shoot him over stolen credit cards….They shot him because he shot at the cops

Anonymous said...

Do you not understand how serious this is? They might shut down bass Pro Shop!

Anonymous said...

We all know what happened - Cops cornered the brother in an alley. Tossed a stolen gun on the pavement and kicked the gun towards the guy while he was pleading for his life while holding up a dozen stolen credits cards. He twitched and they smoked his ass!

Anonymous said...

Is Concord ghetto now?

Anonymous said...

Purdy much. Just an extension of Charloot.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Just saw the 2 mugshots of the perps they caught. I was shocked. I thought surely they had to have been Asian, Indian, White or even those damn Europeans…. Nope not at all. Could you believe they were African American?! What are the odds?!

Anonymous said...

What? No way! Those juvenile shenanigans were supposed to stop when school started right? I mean, are you serious. I don’t believe it, I just don’t believe it.

Anonymous said...

They just trying to get some ass around the mall is all.

Anonymous said...

This would not happen in Charlotte/Meck, with the decent guidance coverage we have to support our school's at-risk youth. In Cabarrus, they do not fund these resources to the level of need. We all need more at-risk counselors and far fewer cops in training shooting people for stolen credit cards.

Anonymous said...

8:06, “support at risk youth?” The two arrestees are each 21. Your bleeding heart liberalism fails to connect once again.

Anonymous said...

I went to bed a normal guy working hard to provide for my family and teach them good morals and family values, taking a stand against those who are mutilating the genitals of children, stripping in front of children, teaching children about sodomy, masking children, injecting children with experimental vaccines like lab rats, and teaching White children that they are evil for the color of their skin. I woke up as an “extremist threat” to democracy. Crazy times.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am going out for my lap at The Mills. This heat is way too oppressive for my taste down here. It's September, doesn't the weather know it is fall now? I guess you folks down here haven't heard that those coal plants are driving the temperatures up unnaturally.

I will make sure I have my Go-Pro on in case someone threatens me for stolen credit cards.

Anonymous said...

Any reason why all the Metro bike guys just got sent back to patrol? “Major” Bryley, what are you doing? Is this your promotion stunt?

Anonymous said...

8:33 am. Today it's 91 degrees in Charlotte. It was 99 degrees on this day in 1932. So its actually cooler than it was 90 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Bryley was always weird. She was a school cop and targets Caucasian men. Some of the bike guys are worthless though. That’s probably why?

Anonymous said...

$100 to anyone who can name 10 Lesbo officers off the bat…. And go!!

Anonymous said...


Bryley, Foggie, Murray, Wince, McKinney, Ballard, Coughlan, Tysinger, Dzendiel, Davis, Tellier-Mitchell, Pearsall, should I continue?

Anonymous said...

Please no “smart ass” answers or race baiting but —-How do you fix Concord Mills? It seems to be on a fast path to the fate of Eastland and North Lake so what is teh solution—-real solutions that work?

Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with the Pledge Fund Ponzi Scheme, or Chicken Sandwiches or use of the N-word and so on. But this is a site primarily of Police Officers so what can really be done? If it doesn’t happen soon Concord Mills will be a literal dead mall.

Anonymous said...

Oh please 8:05, such sarcasm! I applaud your level of gamesmanship on display here.

Anonymous said...


Not sure what you mean, it is a legitimate question, What cam be done, if we don’t find a solution soon the mall dies so how can it be fixed. What are real solutions that can be put into place.

Guess you have none so hopefully others can offer solutions that could actually be put in place.

Anonymous said...

Legitimate solution? Stop the bus route from Charloot going there!
Problem solved.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, they ruin me everything they touch. You have to shut down the mall or close the apartments around them.

Anonymous said...

$100 to anyone who can name 10 gay officers off the bat…. And go!!

Anonymous said...

The Metro Bike Unit has a history of lazyiness that dates back to 2007. It’s no wonder it got shut down. We need help answering calls. Look at the people that were on it!

Anonymous said...


Sadly, I guess the first post was not sarcasm. You clearly are not paying attention to what goes on at the mall. You clearly are an eyes closed and ears plugged type of individual because the solution you seek is pretty evident and right in front of you. Who wants to go to the mall when you allow juveniles who are violent and lawless to run free. You have fights, shootings, robberies….sounds like a place to bring the fam!

Anonymous said...

I know that Tariq Bacari defends the cops, but he is a fucking scum bag. He tries to make money off the city with his business.

Anonymous said...


Instead of being an ignorant but arrogant a-hole, try a solution thought, ok? Now that I am on your level let me help you with this. You are great at restating the problem. We know there is a problem, no need to restate that, we got it. No one is debating that, ok? The question is what are solutions. Maybe it was you that said eliminate the public bus service there—-so the mall is in Cabarrus County with a bus service governed in Mecklenburg County, please explain how that works? BTW, the accounts of issues I am aware of, the criminals drove themselves. Kind of hare to do a criminal hit ad then go out the the bus stop and wait for a Charlotte bus that may or may not show up. (10:20–maybe do some research on the CharMeck bus system and its issues.). I guess your latest post implies that you ban anyone who is not white so please tell me how you enforce that? Even if you could, there would still be issues as the problem doesn’t fit neatly into a box. So stop being so arrogantly ignorant and see if you can find a solution, ok.

Here is the only solution I can think of: Set up legal (enforceable) rules which are very strict on loitering, unchaperoned youth, , and just eliminating “hanging out.” Then hire as many off-duty police officers as possible, to police inside and outside of the mall. Make their presence know, before people go to the mall and while they are there. The Mall works with the DA in Cabarrus County (this would never work in Mecklenburg County) to ask for them to become strict on crime at the mall. Work with the media the get the word out that you will not allow the continued violence there—-hold a press conference with all the law enforcement and mall officials you can get to make sure the word get communicated. Then do what you said you will do. I am sure these more and better ideas but it has to start somewhere.

Now to the 10:20 idiot, you can go back to working on getting your pledge fund money back while you eat your t Chicken sandwich.

Anonymous said...

647, motherfucker..the black people will still go in there and go shopping. The shooting was spontaneous and the black guy was doing what he know to do. You can’t police that without metal detectors and stopping blacks from entering.

They can’t do that so we live a life of fear.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it’s hard not to be a liberal mess isn’t it? Sadly, you not only show the ignorance you have but also the clear implicit bias you have. I was not the post about the bus but wow….you think only blacks commit crimes? My post said “juveniles”…can’t white juveniles also commit crimes. Shame on you. You should take a long look in the mirror and do some serious soul searching regarding your apparent racism. Pledge fund and chicken sammich…you are pretty original there skippy.

Anonymous said...

Man, 6:47 went on a tangent there. It will be ok, just keep coming back to a blog dedicated to entertainment but wanting a serious solution to a dying mall. It’s dying, no stopping it. It is quite comical to see whomever get spun up so easily. Bravo

Anonymous said...

I have a possible solution. Raise your kids to be respectful, law abiding, hardworking adults who values human life - no matter what the color of their skin is.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The way to fix it. First identify the problem. We have developed a society that thinks pleasure pleasure pleasure is all that matters all the time. Forget family values, morals, work ethics, and the joy of spending time with family and loved ones or doing a good deed for a neighbor. Democrats have promoted this idea that society owes you something to get votes and you don't need to be accountable if you are a minority because you are oppressed and your decisions are someone else's fault. They literally tell certain minorities that they are not smart enough to do better. That is absurd. And now this Bank of America mortgage funding for minorities with no money down, no closing costs, not based on credit score, only timely rent payments seems great (I will be interested to see interest rate) but I will bet there is some fine print in there that drives up payments or the payments will be too hard to maintain. Either way, they will foreclose on most eventually and Blackrock is going to come in and own everything. Time will tell but nothing in life is free. To anyone applying for one of these, please, please read the fine print and make sure you understand everything!

Stop focusing on skin color, etc. and focus on treating everyone the same regardless of punishment, reward or promotions. China is laughing at us with what we have done to education and they love it.

Anonymous said...

So here is proof that liberals don't care about minorities only power over minorities.

Anonymous said...

Beards are gonna look stupid…seriously what’s the update on the pledge fund…I need gas money

Anonymous said...

Most cops at CMPD would look dumb as fuk with a beard. It’s just like cops that have arm sleeves but never went to Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Forget about beards, can we get people that show up to work and actually do their jobs? People just stay home for days.

Anonymous said...

Pineville has beards….and the guys look like a bunch of homeless bums…wearing guns…. Ain’t nobody going to put the time in to keep them trimmed, or neat.

Anonymous said...

I can’t believe cops can be so stupid. Most of you can see how IA did some white officers over the past couple decades. Why in the world would you contribute to a fund where you get your share at the end of 30 years when the odds are you’d never make it the full 30 years?! Are you that stupid?!! So glad I left, but if any of you are still there feeding at JJ’s teet… you’ve got yourself to blame

Anonymous said...

You all are completely missing the big picture in Concord. If we were to provide a universal and free 4 year college to all of the underprivileged youth in America, these 3 young men would not be in the position they were in. This is a minimum reparation we can give for the centuries of dominance at the loss of opportunity for BIPOC communities.

Anonymous said...

Rest easy folks…. Braxton fittintabe mayor! He got this

Anonymous said...

Take my word for it. Yall need to flee CMPD. Life is better elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

1014, what you fail to comprehend is that anyone with a brain already fled. The place died 10 years ago. The only people that stayed were the HSD people and the community coordinators.

Smathers said...

Some officers have a flawed mindset and think they can become detectives at the LEC and then go work federal or fraud. That might have worked for the lesbians, but not for most of these people. How the fuck did Ramsey get promoted?

Anonymous said...

7:08, Your thinking is so flawed I don't have enough time to begin to unravel all of the problems with your statement. The biggest and most obvious issue is that you fail to consider how the people from the mall incident did in primary school when school was free to them. Did they graduate? what were their grades? could they get in to college and would they show up and do the schoolwork if everyone could get in? People with these types of behavior problems did not start being a problem after they graduated high school or because they couldn't afford college. Your plan creates additional financial hardship for the poorest portions of society and you don't seem to care. Anyone that has done the work necessary to get into college and really wants to go, can get in somewhere with student loans and/or grants and scholarships. They need skin in the game otherwise many will enroll without any incentive to show up or do the work creating expenses that will be passed on to the tax payer. Your way of thinking creates problems for people like the ones in the incident above because they walk around with a chip on their shoulder thinking everyone owes them whatever they want because that is what you are telling them. The best way to solve this problem is stop justifying and reinforcing bad behavior.

Anonymous said...

CMPD told their officers to stop being proactive a while back. The staffing is too low.

Anonymous said...

Free college to BIPOC should be a basic human right in America. Show me a nation that provide no cost higher ed, and I will show you a nation that has neither a rampant gun problem, nor groups of disaffected and disenfranchised youth who feel the need to steal to put food on their family's table.

Once we tackle this issue for BIPOC, then you will see how powerful this is to evening the scales of economic justice. Hopefully one day higher ed will be no cost to all.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Wayne’s Grocery, I remember watching a Officer UOF video in IA of a cop punching a black woman right in her face for not leaving the PVA. It was Dunham!!

Anonymous said...

OK lets talk about Brazil. GO.

Anonymous said...

^^ let’s talk about California.. these geniuses want to eliminate gas cars by 2035 at the same time their state has
Blackouts and ask residents to conserve power. The stupidity is so thick you can cut it with a knife. If your still voting Democrat and think your smart, guess what? You’re not!

Anonymous said...

832, I completely agree. This country is going crazy in certain places. NYC is horrible right now.

Anonymous said...

Do you all not think that they can get the grid fully sustainable in 13 years?!?!?!? With the incentives and deadline looming, this is what a real public/private partnership can accomplish. California will be green, the air will be clean, the water will be preserved, and hopefully the temperature rise will be held in check.

But I have news for you, as California goes, so goes the nation in vehicle standards. If you think Detroit will continue to make ICE vehicles when they cannot be sold in the largest vehicle market in the nation, you have not been paying attention. So NC is going after sonic flight manufacturing, there is also a massive business to be had in E-bike manufacturing. NC needs to step up and bring the entire E-bike business to the state, from design to raw materials to sales and distribution. Tens of thousands of clean jobs for our future to be had.

Anonymous said...

The Brazil comment was for 2:48, the free college genius. Brazil offers free college but has the 9th highest crime rate and had very strict gun laws which they are currently loosening to help reduce the homicides and violent crime. Germany offers fee college and has lower crime but 25% more police offers than the US to combat their crime. Their economy is also in trouble and they have major power issues which will make it worse. They were told this power issue was coming if they did not become more independent and they laughed.

8:32. thanks for bringing up California. California is hilarious. All cars purchased by 2030 must be electric but they are requesting that you do not charge them right now or run your appliances after 4pm because they don't have the power capability to handle it. Brilliant! Unless they are trying to limit travel on purpose, these policies are nuts.

8:01 Stop blowing sunshine and look at the facts. No I don't think the grid will be fully sustainable in 13 years. I'm not sure that the people pushing this care about what happens in 13 years. Facts matter. They are digging for rare earth minerals to make the batteries and then there is the issue of disposal. Batteries are catching on fire all over the place and look at what happened to that shipment of battery operated cars in the ocean a few months back. That incident must have been great for the environment. Funny they had to abandon the ship because the entire thing was ablaze. No idea how they cleaned up the mess or if they did. That only touches the surface of the problem with these cars. I would love to have one charging in my garage so it can burn down my house while I sleep. Sounds fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Is this real?

Anonymous said...

And this is who runs our department of energy. How do other countries take us seriously? What are we doing?

So France didn't approve of the representatives we sent to them on Bastille Day?

Anonymous said...

Oh my! This is what is going on in Germany? and after free college? Where does the craziness end? Poor dogs!

Anonymous said...

The DOE is the most non-political cabinet department, along with Education, Justice, HHS, and the EPA. Keep in mind, if not for the DOE, nuclear energy would still be in the hands of the defense department. We would likely no longer be here to gripe about batteries burning.

I will happily taker my ebike on the balcony of my apartment. I can easily reach almost any corner of Charlotte without transit, and easily reach the whole county on CATS. If we had microturbines for wind and solar panels at The Silos, we could easily generate enough power to heat the pools and power the common areas. You can keep your $1,000 a month Yukon payment and huge gasoline bill. I will not live in fear of a garage fire while you stand by with the world's oceans boiling.

Anonymous said...

303, you have no idea how stupid you sound about ebikes. We can barely staff our fire and police departments. We are running with 4 people per shift.


Anonymous said...

How much does it cost to charge electric vehicles currently? How much will the energy bill increase for someone that solely uses an electric car? Does anyone know and can you project to include energy cost increases once everyone is charging at the same time?

3:03 The high today is 82 degrees. The record for this day in history is 101 degrees in 1925. That is 19 degrees hotter 97 years ago. But lets not ruin a perfectly good lie with facts. Do you ever actually check for facts on the nonsense you are spewing? Also, If your ebike is a lithium battery, please keep a few fire extinguishers close by. As nutty as you are, I do want you to be safe.

Also be careful with the wind turbines and solar panels. If you are relying on windmills, we all now know they will freeze in addition to killing the birds. That Texas situation last year was sad. Also Solar Panels catching on fire.

joshuapowell61 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Its amazing, why don't the windmills in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe freeze?

Anonymous said...

It is wildly obvious that Charlotte needs a 1% income tax and increased property taxes in order to fund their PD and FD adequately, along with the schools, public transit, and providing meaningful rebates for green initiatives.

Four officers is a joke per shift. With enough funding, Charlotte should expand their peace force wildly, with representation as diverse as the community at large. There is no way I can rationalize a police officer in today's realm starting above a typical teacher though. Both need a vast increase, and more funds are needed.

Township income taxes worked back home, and property taxes that reflect accurate values are needed to swell the coffers for City and County Councils to make their best judgement to community needs.

And we need leadership like Jeff Jackson in Washington representing your interests.

Anonymous said...

How is it possible to argue that Texas is now getting cold enough to make it cost effective to add very expensive ice prevention features like they have in the Netherlands to wind turbines and argue that global warming is a problem at the same time?

Too old for this shit said...

1. Respond to 911 call.
2. Risk life and injury.
3. Take report.
4. Sign warrant in ewarrant system.
5. Complete Papering Packet.
6. Visit DA Office.
7. Compile additional evidence.
8. Visit DA Office.
9. Case Dismissed in 2 months.
10. Repeat process.

Anonymous said...

^^ that’s why you need that hidey hole. Let Antwan and Jamal shoot it out. Code 1??? Hahaha I’ll get there in enough time to take the report. Eating me some free hot dogs at the 7-11. The bodies will still be warm when I get there. #BLM.

Anonymous said...

Hidey Hole = Berry Hole

2216 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC

Hides Hole Guy = ???????

Anonymous said...

Braxton just won Mayor Pro Tem despite not getting the popular vote. Things are getting more and more out of control. When he becomes mayor in the next 5-10 years, he will absolutely destroy the department.

Realistically, if he manages to cut our funding and have officers without guns do you guys believe we will watch a massive exodus? How much power does the mayor really have?


Anonymous said...

jeff jackson = democrat
democrat = defund the police
jeff jackson = that'll be a NO for me dawg!!

Anonymous said...

323, be careful because we have a new Dunham at CMPD. It’s a black guy.