Sunday, September 11, 2022

September 11, 2001 One Man's Story

There are things that tie this nation together, Pearl Harbor, Challenger, and 9/11 as it has come to be known. But now 21 years on, many people not directly affected by the great loss of life or living in New York at the time may have forgotten the hours immediately after the first plane roared into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

Certainly anyone over the age of 30 understands what happened that day, but still only a small number of Americans know what New York was like during the attack and in the first hours after.

CP was thankfully not in New York on September 11th having left the city two days prior. I watched the second plane impact the South Tower live on television. The rest of the day is a distant memory, except for the silence in the air that afternoon. Unknown to me one of my colleagues a fellow investment professional was at ground zero.

His story arrived 2 days later via fax at my office. The following images are of that fax that I've kept in my top desk drawer for the last 21 years. Today I'm sharing one man's story unedited (note you will have to click on each image to enlarge):

Cedar's Take: I'm still stunned at what happened that crystal clear Carolina morning in September and while I lost no friends or family in the attack the pain is just as if I had. 

My grandfather a Navy vet never hated the Germans but he despised the "Japs". I never understood why until 9/11. It takes a pretty horrific event to make an entire group of people the most hated and despised of the world's population. Muslims have unfortunately accomplished just that. 


Anonymous said...

Pledge Fund???

Anonymous said...

One thing that struck me after 9/11 was how much nicer people were to each other for quite a while afterward. It was the only good thing that came out of such a horrifying tragedy. I wonder how other countries view us now after the way we left Afghanistan just before the 20th anniversary last year.

Anonymous said...

And yet, here we stand less than 2 years after a domestic terrorism event targeting an overthrow of our own democratic traditions, and we seem perfectly fine pretending this never happened.

It's as if all these people who cling to their strict interpretation of the Constitution suddenly forgot about the 14th amendment.

We need to jail people, including all the leaders who encouraged this insurrection. We need to ban people from further holding office, and we need to take the right of vote away from anyone who thinks that Jan6 was just a protest until they have been adequately reeducated. Ted Budd is going to get his comeuppance, but it should not take a campaign form a superior opponent to make that happen. His cheering was no different than the Confederate leaders leading a rebellion against the US.

Anonymous said...

What is going on with the Duke racial slur incident?

Anonymous said...

I was showing a friend around Charlotte this weekend. We saw a drug deal in front of the central office and a beggar with a sign in front of Metro. That might be why the bikes are being shut down and sent back to patrol. Just sayin cousin..

Anonymous said...

1:45pm. You are an idiot. You want to "reeducate" people because they do not believe that January 6th was an insurrection. Wow. You must love dictators.

The vast majority of people walked in, looked around, took pictures, and then left. Not like any insurrection I have ever read about. Insurrections are armed.

Should those who destroyed property or assault officers be pubished? Absolutely. But those who just walked in nope. Not when you had UCCP opening doors for them or just standing by watching. Stop drinking the Democrat kool-aid and use that brain of yours to think for yourself.

Anonymous said...

^^ totally agree.. where are the same people calling Jan 6 an insurrection when BLM was burning our cities down? Speaking of BLM…@4:15 which Duke racist comment are you referring to? Lemme ask you a question… why are black people so sensitive? For as “hard” as brothers wanna act.. someone uses a racial slur around them they automatically turn into punk ass bitches? I’m an Irishman from NY. You know how many slurs I heard.. directed at me.. by supervisors?! Same with the Italian and Jewish officers we worked with. No other ethic group burns shit down cause of some words… most of the time said in a joke. Someone answer that for me please. I used to think it was a southern thing but YOU PEOPLE have all turned into punk asses

Anonymous said...

6:44 calm down. It was the volleyball game with BYU. It appears to be a hoax but now the Gamecocks basketball cancelled their games with BYU for this year and next. Just wondering how they are justifying all that and what's going on now because no media coverage now. after the Duke Lacrosse issue you would think this would get more coverage. Maybe CP can get the real details.

Anonymous said...

6:44, People don't "burn shit down" because of some words. They burn shit down because they want to burn shit down and will use any excuse. They get some kind of thrill from it.

Anonymous said...

9:34. So your saying the majority of the blacks who get offended, are not actually offended? Like they’re faking it to get some sort of benefits from minority status?! Say it isn’t so!!! So next time someone calls me a drunken Irish pasty white cracker with a small penis, could I loot the shoe store for some Jordan’s? Ok, satire aside… It is really sad that black people have become faux victims to receive free stuff. I don’t know about you but I’m too proud to be anyones victim. Call me what you will… I’ll probably tell you to go fuck yourself and move on.

Anonymous said...

Of Course Jan6th was an insurrection. If it is, then anyone who attended and participated can be charged and never hold public office again. When everything swings right again we should call the DNC an insurrection and do the same thing to them.

Anonymous said...

1819: Walk in, take pictures, overturn election results. However you wish to view it, it is an insurrection. People died, officers were assaulted, and your party leaders were at the helm of encouraging this act of rebellion. Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says that they cannot hold office in a Federal or State capacity, except by overturn of 2/3 of both houses of Congress.

Yes, we need reeducation, because apparently wherever you learned civics the first time around did not do a great job.

Anonymous said...

There were no CMPD units at the Panthers game this week. It was a bunch of MCSO deputies holding the line. Brave and Strong, glory to the Sheriff and his riders.

Anonymous said...

Blake Page is already being missed! No response from CMPD about shootings and stabbings..

Anonymous said...

BREAKING: CMPD is now releasing it’s press statements via recoded YouTube videos and podcasts.

Who is running this clown show? The same guy directing traffic in tennis shoes and a backwards traffic vest? Oh, no need to say anymore.

Lenny and Karl said...

When you hire people based on diversity this shit happens on the regular.

Anonymous said...

424, cmpd uses YouTube to scan the people that are watching their videos. It’s very tactical.

Anonymous said...


So wut ur fixin to say is we have given up around here? Thers crime in frunt of our dang offices! Why ar we allowing this to happen?

Anonymous said...

Cuz that's what the Dumbocrats want for their city! I'm guessing the $1 Million more being spent on "Violence Interuptors" will be able to hump CFS that are stacked up for hours while crime victims blame us for not responding more quickly. I always want to ask them how they voted. Sometimes you get what you ask for!

Anonymous said...

Remember when horse face mayor Roberts paid $24 million on the rail car that goes 1 mile…. Great money spent 👍

Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "scan the people?"

cmpd uses YouTube to scan the people that are watching their videos. It’s very tactical.

Anonymous said...

They can see who is viewing the videos since you have an account. It’s like monitoring their viewers.

Anonymous said...

Sept 12 — 1:45. You are 100 % correct in your comments. Maga needs to be criminalized the same way Germany has criminalized Naziism.

Anonymous said...

1453: Spot on. There are some thoughts and actions that are so reprehensible that a civilized society cannot allow them to be prevalent. Those folks who think it is OK to storm the center of democracy in order to uproot a Constitutional process, or to intimidate the gears of democracy into cowing down to their demands are no different than the ones who tried to take power in the Beer Hall Putsch. We must learn from history and erase this movement while we can.

Anonymous said...

I, for one, am happy that our city is showing proper fiscal restraint. This great city is growing by leaps and bounds, yet violent crime is only up 2%. Should there be a decrease? Of course, but per capita, this is a massive net decrease. On a budget basis, since the CMPD and MCSO are "understaffed", this is saving the taxpayers an massive amount of money.

In 6 years, with a full Biden term in office able to put his policies into full action with a blue house and senate, our city will experience an uplift from the middle class forward. We will se a violent crime rate that is far below anything we have seen before. I applaud Mayor Vi for standing up to speak the hard truth, but understand Honorable Mayor, that we recognize the fantastic job you and council have done for this great world-class city.

Anonymous said...

4:40, I hope you’re joking, but if you aren’t, do everyone a favor and continue to suck off the teat of Meck County. Live and vote among your fellow Libcrats. Keep your toxins from polluting the surrounding counties.

Anonymous said...

440, have you been to uptown lately???

It’s full of bums and no business/tourists at all. All the business remained closed.

Anonymous said...

I heard a certain sergeant is transitioning or going to transition to female once he retires. Can anyone confirm?

Anonymous said...

Don't know...I've heard Fey and now Carey...